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2-Armies of Light & Dark

Page 20

by Peter David

  “Okay, Chief.”

  Garibaldi rolled his eyes, and then he refocused himself. “Okay,” he said gamely. “Basically, you received a promotion to personal guard for President Clark … but then you resigned from EarthForce back during the … unpleasantness. Since then you’ve been serving as a private security consultant for a number of small firms. In addition, you’ve gotten yourself quite a reputation as a tracker. People call you `The Ghost.’ You have a knack for not being seen when you don’t want to.”

  “I blend in well,” said Welch. “It’s the hair.”

  “I’m sure it is,” said Garibaldi. “You don’t know it, but you’ve actually worked for Edgars/Garibaldi a couple of times. Some of our smaller holdings.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “Actually, you probably did.”

  “Well, yeah, I did,” Welch admitted. He leaned forward, curious. “So what’s up, Chief? You didn’t bring me here just to catch up on what I’ve been doing.”

  “Take a look at this,” Garibaldi said. He cued up an image on the computer screen behind him, and some aerial views of what appeared to be a construction site of some sort appeared . “What do you see?”

  Welch frowned as he studied it. While he did so, Garibaldi ‘s intercom beeped at him. He tapped it, and said, “Yeah?”

  His secretary’s crisp voice came over. “Your eleven o’clock appointment called. He’s running a little late, but he’ll be here as soon as he can. He apologizes profusely for any inconvenience.”

  “Not a problem. Let my wife know that we’ll probably have to push lunch back half an hour, will you?”

  “Yes, Sir.,,

  “Your wife.” Welch shook his head in wonderment. “Still hard to believe those words are coming off your mouth. Funny … I thought for a while you had a thing for that Psi Corps woman… what was her name?”

  “Talia,” Garibaldi said, tonelessly.

  “Yeah. Do you ever hear from her? Whatever happened with her, anyway?”

  Garibaldi appeared to consider for a time before replying. “She had a change of mind. So …” and he gestured toward the images on the screen.

  Welch immediately knew that he had unwittingly stepped in some sort of delicate territory, and promptly decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea to press the matter. Instead he said, “Well … seems to be some sort of munitions factory. Where is it?”

  “Xonos. A sparsely populated continent on Centauri Prime. Shots were taken by an Alliance probe, about a week ago. Centauri claim that it’s actually tools being developed for agriculture. Stuff to clear land.”

  “You could clear land with it,” Welch said slowly. “Of course, if anyone were living on the land, they’d be cleared, too.” He drummed his fingers on the table.

  “What are you thinking, Lou?” Garibaldi asked.

  “I’m thinking that it looks like a munitions factory. That if they wanted it to look like a tool development site, they could have done so. I’m thinking that it looks exactly like what they want it to look like. Did they know that they’re being watched?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Okay. So I’m thinking decoy.”

  Garibaldi nodded. “Exactly. They erect a site that our probes can’t help but spot so that we can all argue about it, and distract us from what they’re really up to.”

  “And that would be…”

  “We don’t know,” admitted Garibaldi. “And that is what President Sheridan would like us to find out.”


  “He wants this small, Lou, at least for the time being. The Interstellar Alliance is busy haggling with Centauri Prime over this site. Let ‘em. If this is all there is to it, then we don’t have to get anyone worried. If, on the other hand, there’s more to it, then the president wants to be the first to know about it and-with any luck-shut it down before things get out of hand.”

  “Sounds to me like he’s out to treat the Centauri with kid gloves. Any particular reason?”

  “I don’t know that I’d characterize it as kid gloves. I know he’d like to avoid an all-out war. And I think, in a way-for old time’s sake-he’d like to see Londo manage to turn things around for Centauri Prime.”

  “You mean turn things around so that, instead of feeling beaten and suppressed, they feel ready to launch a war again?”

  “Not that much around,” Garibaldi said. “At any rate, he wants to dispatch a team to Centauri Prime that would be equal parts diplomatic and equal parts-“


  “Exactly. What the president wants is a small group of people who know Londo from the old days, and hopefully can appeal to sentiment to make sure that this doesn’t spiral out of hand. At the same time, he wants some folks who are cynical and suspicious enough to be able to take a hard look at things, find out what’s going on, and do what needs to be done. He wants me in on it. And I’m figuring that having you to cover my back and check around wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. So … are you up for it, Ghost?”

  “The job pay or am I doing this out of the goodness of my heart?”

  “Goodness of your heart.”

  “Then I’m in.”

  Garibaldi laughed. “Lou, I was kidding. Of course the job pays. You’re being hired.”

  “Terrific. Then I’m even more in than I was before. Sounds exciting, Chief. The two of us against Centauri Prime. They don’t stand a chance.”

  “Well, now, I figured maybe we’d even the odds just a bit. It’s going to be three of us.”

  The intercom beeped at them again. “Your eleven o’clock is here, sir.”

  “Should I wait outside?” asked Welch.

  “No, no, not at all. Actually, this is the third member of our little group. Send him in,” he said to the intercom.

  “This third guy someone who’ll fit in on Centauri Prime?”

  “Oh, yeah,” said Garibaldi. “He’ll blend perfectly. Hardly anyone’ll even notice him. He can walk around on Centauri Prime and not get a second look.

  The door slid open, and Welch turned and rose from his seat. Then he blinked in surprise. The newcomer took several brisk steps, stopped, and then half bowed with his fists to his chest.

  “Greetings, Mr. Garibaldi. And Mr. Welch, is it not?”

  Welch was so surprised that he didn’t even bother to hide his incredulity. He turned to Garibaldi, and said, “He’s going to fit right in on Centauri Prime? Him?”

  “Trust me,” said Citizen G’Kar of Narn, with an amused glimmer in one eye. “You won’t even know I’m there.”

  - CHAPTER 12 -

  It was rare that Londo actually allowed himself to display genuine emotion in front of Durla, but this was one of those very rare times. He rose from the throne even as he gaped in astonishment. “Are you sure? Positive?”

  Durla nodded firmly. “There is no question, Highness. Positive identification was made when they came through customs.”

  “That he sent Mr. Garibaldi does not surprise me,” Londo said slowly, beginning to pace the throne room. “And Welch, I vaguely remember him. He is obviously there as backup for Garibaldi. But G’ Kar? Here?”

  “He was a most impressive individual,” Durla said. “I was there when he broke free of his restraints in defiance of Cartagia. It was … the most remarkable thing I have ever seen.”

  “It may well be the most remarkable thing that ever was,” replied Londo. “I am not entirely sure whether Sheridan is brilliant, or a fool, or both.”

  “What shall we do, Highness?”

  Londo looked bemused. “You are asking me what to do? Minister, I am stunned. Shocked and appalled. Customarily, you tell me how things will be, and that is that. To what do I owe this honor?”

  “You diminish your contribution, Highness,” said Durla.

  “I know precisely what my contribution is, Durla. Do not seek to fool me. It ill becomes you. Or has Mariel schooled you better in the ways of deceit?”

  Durla stiffened when Londo said th
at. “I do not see the need to insult the lady Mariel, Highness.”

  “Believe me,” Londo said firmly, “no one could insult the lady Mariel.” He waved it off dismissively. “Very well. Simply put, they will be extended every courtesy. They are here to speak. Let them speak. Obviously, Sheridan has handpicked this particular group of individuals because he hopes to play upon old loyalties.”

  “And … has he succeeded?” asked Durla.

  Londo snorted derisively. “My loyalty, Durla, first, last, and always, remains to Centauri Prime. As you well know.”

  Durla bowed and said, “As you say, Highness.”

  “Yes,” Londo said faintly, and with less conviction than he would have liked, “as I say.”

  As they approached the front steps of the palace, G’Kar slowed a bit. Garibaldi noticed it and hung back, causing the guards who were escorting them to stop. He put a hand on G’Kar’s arm, and said, “Is everything all right?”

  “Just … some unpleasant memories,” G’Kar said slowly. “Odd. I had thought that they would not pose a problem. Interesting how there are always new things to learn about oneself , isn’t it.”

  “Very interesting,” Garibaldi agreed. But from the look on his face, he wasn’t sure what they were talking about. “Do you want to wait out here for-“

  But G’Kar shook his head firmly. “I will be fine. Do not worry about it. After all I have been through, I think I can handle a bit of unpleasant nostalgia and a flight of stairs.” He took a deep breath and, moments later, they were entering the palace.

  Several ministers were waiting there to greet them. None of them were familiar faces to G’Kar … save for one. He stared at him for a moment, and then said, “Have we met, sir?”

  “Not really, no. I am Minister Durla,” answered the Centauri . He introduced the others who were with him, and the one who caught G’Kar’s attention the most squarely was the one known as Vallko, minister of spirituality. “The emperor is most anxious to meet with you,” Durla told them. “Right this way.”

  They followed their escort down a long hallway, and G’Kar couldn’t help but notice the guards who watched them warily. No … him. They were watching him. G’Kar was beginning to wonder if his presence there wasn’t meant to serve primarily as decoy. Everyone would be so busy watching him, that they wouldn’t pay nearly as much attention to Garibaldi and Welch.

  The silence was broken only by the sounds of their footsteps until Vallko finally said, “My understanding is that you are something of a religious figure on your Homeworld.”

  “So I have been designated,” G’Kar admitted. “It is not a status that suits me, truth to tell. Fortunately enough, I have managed to convince my people to accept me in a manner that is more appropriate.”

  “And that would be?”

  “As an advisor. A proponent of restraint and … dare I say it … wisdom. But I do not wish to be considered a god, or even a leader. I am more than content to let others lead, and I will simply stand on the sidelines and applaud or do what I may to guide their efforts.”

  “Restraint.” It was the minister introduced as Lione who now spoke, as if G’Kar had said nothing beyond that word. “What an odd word to hear from a Narn. You are generally considered a rather warlike race, with restraint being a term that has little-to-no meaning for you.”

  “Yes, I have heard that, too. Then again, I have also heard that the Centauri are a vomitous pack of lying, rapacious bastards .” There were audible gasps of anger from the ministers, and Garibaldi fired G’Kar a look that the Narn ignored. He was speaking so pleasantly that it was hard to believe that he was attempting to give offense. “Now, of course, whenever such calumnies are uttered, I step right in and say `No, no! One must not believe what one hears!’ Oh, certainly, the Centauri imprisoned me several times, and gouged out my eye, and covered my back with so many whip scars that to this day I still cannot sleep properly. But is that any reason to condemn an entire race? Of course not! Broad and unfair characterizations are anathema to civilized society, don’t you agree, Minister?”

  The towering Lione looked as if he were ready to assault G’Kar with his bare hands, but Durla merely smiled in what seemed polite amusement. “Wholeheartedly , Mr. Ambassador.”

  “Please, please … ambassador no longer. `Citizen’ G’Kar will suffice.”

  “Citizen G’Kar it is. This way, please.”

  They walked down another hallway, and G’Kar noticed that Lou Welch seemed to be frowning at something. He tried to see what had caught Welch’s curiosity, and it quickly became evident: it was the black-suited young people who seemed to be all over the palace. Black, with some sort of red sash over them like a badge of honor. “Who are they?” G’Kar abruptly asked, indicating one of the passing young men, who fired him a glance.

  “The Prime Candidates. Our youth group,” said Minister Lione.

  “Ah. Hitler Youth,” Lou Welch said.

  Lione looked at him in confusion. “What?”

  “Nothing,” Welch said promptly, apparently happy to let the matter drop. Lione shook his head in a manner that indicated he found all Humans to be extremely puzzling.

  They were ushered into the throne room, which was empty. Londo always did prefer to make an entrance, thought G’Kar, and his instinct was quite correct. Moments later Londo walked in with such enthusiasm that he seemed like a white-clad tornado. “Mr. Garibaldi!” he called out as if Garibaldi were on the opposite side of the city. “Citizen G’Kar! Mr. Walsh!”

  “Welch,” Lou corrected him.

  “Ach. Who cares? You’re here, whatever your name is. Sit, sit.” He gestured toward the Centauri who had accompanied them. “You may all leave us.”

  G’Kar was pleased to see that the ministers looked decidedly disconcerted. “Highness,” Durla said slowly, “if you are going to discuss matters pertaining to Centauri Prime, should we not be here to represent the people’s interests?”

  “I am the people,” Londo replied. “One of the many burdens that I happily bear. When old friends chat it is merely a get-together, Durla. Bring in ministers, and suddenly it becomes a council. There is no need for that at this time. But rest assured, if I feel that someone is needed to escalate matters to the breaking point and beyond, I will send for all of you instantly. Now you may go.”

  “But Highness,” Durla began.

  Something in Londo’s demeanor shifted quite subtly.

  “Do not confuse my use of the word `may’ with the notion that you actually have a choice in the matter.”

  Durla mustered his dignity, then gestured to the other ministers . They followed him out and the doors shut behind them, leaving only a handful of security guards behind.

  The fact that the guards were there, though, was enough to convince G’Kar immediately that Londo wasn’t going to say anything that he wasn’t comfortable with having repeated to Durla. It was his suspicion, based not only upon Londo’s passing comments, but also his abundant knowledge of just how Centauri politics worked, that Londo was under careful watch at all times.

  “So-” Londo rubbed his hands together “-how long will you be here, eh? If you wish, I can provide a tour of Centauri Prime. You can see all that we have accomplished.”

  “That … is actually what we’ve come to talk about,” Garibaldi said, shifting in his chair. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. “As you know, we were sent by the president…”

  “Yes, yes, Sheridan informed us of your visit. I cannot tell you the rejoicing there was, knowing that the Alliance is so concerned about our welfare, that they feel the need to check on us constantly. It is very uplifting to the spirit, yes, to know that we are so beloved.”

  Garibaldi ignored the sarcasm. “The factory on Xonos. . .”

  G’Kar watched Londo very carefully. Mollari certainly had the ability to keep his cards close to his vest, but G’Kar fancied that, by this point, he could tell when Londo was out-and-out lying. Londo, however, looked at Garibaldi
with what could only be considered wide-eyed innocence. “The agricultural site, you mean. I had this discussion with President Sheridan. We have, as your people say, beaten our swords into plowshares, Mr. Garibaldi. Would you now take issue with how we plow?”

  “There’s just concern that things may not be the way that they’re being presented to us.”

  “In other words, you think we are lying.”

  “Not in other words,” G’Kar spoke up. “Those are exactly the right words.”

  Londo, to G’Kar’s surprise, laughed slightly at that. “Now I see why he is here,” he said, indicating G’Kar. “He says all the things that will anger me, leaving you free to be as charming as possible. Or at least, as charming as is possible for you.”

  “Look, don’t get the wrong idea…”

  Londo rose from his seat. “I cannot do more than be open with you, Mr. Garibaldi. I can do nothing more than hide nothing. You are free to look wherever you wish upon Centauri Prime, at whatever you wish to examine. Inspect the facility on Xonos … I shall arrange transportation for you there tomorrow.”

  “Why not tonight?” Garibaldi said quickly.

  “Tonight if you wish,” Londo shrugged. “I had thought you would be tired, and desire some time to recover from your trip. But if tonight is what you desire,” and he turned to his guards to arrange it.

  “No, no, that’s all right,” said Garibaldi. “Tomorrow would be fine. No need to put anyone out. You’re right, we could use some time to rest up.”

  “Very well,” Londo said, equally agreeably. “Your guest chambers are already arranged, and tomorrow … tomorrow we shall take a trip to Xonos. Now, if you’ll excuse me … affairs of state that must be attended to, and all that.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness,” Garibaldi said formally.

  ” `Your Highness?’ ” Londo looked both surprised and amused. “Please, please, Mr. Garibaldi. We go too far back, you and I. You, and your associates, can feel free to address me as,” and he paused dramatically, “ `Your Majesty.’ ”


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