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The Dragon Finds Forever (Nocturne Falls Book 7)

Page 20

by Kristen Painter

  “Coming,” she called back.

  She walked in a minute later, still carrying the box of truffles and, from the looks of it, doing a pretty good job of making them disappear. “Did you find flights?”

  “Yes. Tonight at eleven. Not the best, maybe, but there was not much to choose from.”

  “It’s okay. We have to get there. The sooner the better for you.”

  “We will have to leave in about an hour. Can you be ready?”

  “I’m ready now.”

  “Good.” He liked that. “I need to make sure I have your full name right for the ticket.”

  “Okay. Monalisa Abigail Devlin.” She leaned against the doorframe of his office and popped another ten-dollar truffle into her mouth. “What’s yours?”

  “Ivan Petrovich Tsvetkov.”

  She smiled like something was very funny.


  She sucked the chocolate off the tip of one finger. It was very distracting. “I thought your middle name was ‘The Hammer.’”

  He watched as her tongue worked on another bit of chocolate at the corner of her mouth. “Those truffles are good?”

  “Very.” She held the box out, wiggling it back and forth, teasing him. “You want one, Hammer?”

  It wasn’t the truffles he wanted. “Bring them over.”

  He spun his desk chair around as she came toward him and pulled her onto his lap so that she was sitting across it.

  She let out a little shriek at the sudden movement, then laughed. “You almost made me drop the truffles.”

  He took the box out of her hands and tossed it onto his desk. “I do not like chocolate anyway.”

  Then he put his hand on her hip and tugged her closer. “You are all the sweetness I need.”

  She smiled and cupped his face in her hands. “I’m okay with that. More chocolate for me.”

  He laughed. “I will set you up with an account at Delaney’s if that is what makes you happy.”

  She shook her head. “You make me happy.”

  He kissed her, tasting the truffles on her tongue. Maybe chocolate wasn’t so bad after all.

  A soft moan of pleasure vibrated out of her throat, sending a thrill through him. He wanted this woman in a way that made him feel desperate and reckless. He knew without a doubt that he was willing to do dangerous things to have her.

  He’d never prepared for a fight with so much on the line. It was daunting. But thinking about not having Monalisa in his life caused the fire in him to rage.

  He would win. And her father would grant her freedom.

  Or some very bad things were going to happen in Vegas.

  As they settled into their first-class seats, Monalisa realized she had no idea what Van had done about a place to stay for them. She put her hand on his arm. “Van?”

  He turned to look at her. “Yes?”

  “Did you book a hotel? I have an apartment at the Shamrock, but I don’t think it’s the best place for us to go.”

  He nodded. “It’s taken care of.”

  “For both of us? Or…”

  “I have a condo in the Skye Towers. It is my home away from Nocturne Falls. We will stay there.”

  “Nice. Okay.” Skye Towers was one of the swankiest addresses in town. It sat a block off the Strip and was home to a lot of the big entertainers who played the Strip, most of whom were supernaturals. And since the building catered to that crowd, it made sense that he’d have a place there.

  “You should try to sleep.” He slipped his hand under hers.

  “I will.” She smiled at him, so happy in the moment despite everything that was going on. “You’re a good man.”

  The side of his mouth came up in a wry smile. “That sounds like a goodbye.”

  “No, not at all. Just wanted you to know.”

  “I appreciate it.” He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it before returning it to the console between them. “Speaking of good men, Nick Hardwin and his girlfriend, Willa Iscove, are coming to the fight. I get ten tickets for each of my fights, and he has been wanting to see one. They will be staying at the condo too. Also, Pandora is coming with them.”

  “That’s great.” She thought about that a moment. “I know those Skye Towers units are big, but just how large is your condo?”

  “Four bedrooms. Plenty of space.”

  “Okay, awesome.”

  Van winked at her, then leaned back and closed his eyes.

  She did the math. No doubt Nick and Willa would be in one bedroom, and Pandora in another, so that meant there was still a bedroom for her without crowding Van out of his. That was good. She didn’t want to interrupt his training in any way.

  She also wasn’t ready to bunk with him. Their relationship was way too young for that. Plus, sleeping with a guy she was about to be separated from might kill her. She knew she was emotionally immature, never having had a real relationship before. It was a big factor in how fast she’d fallen for Van. She was all right with that, but she didn’t want to cause herself so much heartbreak that she’d never recover.

  Although, being intimate with him was an incredible temptation. What would it be like to be the focus of that man’s complete attention?

  Parts of her started to warm, and she fidgeted in her seat. That was enough of that line of thinking. She sighed and shook her head, a little embarrassed by how quickly her mind had gone there.

  Van opened his eyes. “What is wrong?”

  “Nothing, just thinking about…everything. I’m going to try to sleep now.” She closed her eyes, hoping she could drift off.

  She must have, because the next thing she knew, Van was gently shaking her leg.

  “Monalisa, we are landing.”

  “Hmm?” She yawned and blinked. “Are we there?”


  She pushed the button to raise her seat up. “What time is it?”

  “It will be close to one in the morning when we land. That is why I thought we should sleep.”

  “Did you?”

  He nodded. “A little.”

  “I can’t believe I slept as much as I did.”

  “You must have needed it. But you missed the cookies.”

  “What?” She sat up farther. “There were cookies?”

  He laughed. “There was a big snack.” He reached into the seat next to him, pulled out a napkin-wrapped object, and handed it over. “I saved you mine.”

  “You did?” She took it and opened the wrapping to see a fat cookie stuffed with chocolate chunks. “Oh, you are definitely a keeper.”

  He grinned. “I don’t know how you can eat that after all the chocolate you had at the house.”

  “It’s one of my superpowers.” She bit into the cookie. It was delicious. Not as delicious as the remaining chocolates that were packed in her bag, but good. “And I’m really glad I brought all that stuff from Delaney’s, because you’re going to have a house full of people I can share it with.”

  “That is true.”

  The pilot announced the final descent, so they got their seats into position. Van reached over and took her hand. It was a sweet gesture and very much him.

  Once they’d deplaned and gotten their bags, all of which Van insisted on carrying, he sent a quick text before they walked outside. She wasn’t surprised when an SUV pulled to the curb in front of them and a sharply dressed young man, probably about her age, jumped out and came around to take their bags.

  He smiled at Van. “Good flight, sir?”

  “It was.” Van shook the driver’s hand. “Good to see you, Harlan. Everything is all right?”

  “Yes, sir, right as rain. Good to have you back.”

  “Excellent.” Van gestured to Monalisa. “Harlan, this is my girlfriend, Monalisa.”

  He reached out to shake her hand as well. He had amber-colored eyes and sandy brown hair that made his darkly tanned skin seem to glow. His whole look reminded her of a lion. “Nice to meet you, Monalisa.”

  “You too
, Harlan. Do you always pick Van up from the airport?”

  “Whatever he needs,” the young man replied.

  “Harlan is a member of my training team,” Van said to her.

  Harlan grinned as he took the bags. “I make sure the fridge is stocked, his errands are run, and he gets to wherever he needs to be whenever he needs to be there.”

  She looked at Van. “He’s your Las Vegas Norma.”

  Van tipped his head back and forth. “Sort of. Harlan forgot to mention he is also my most frequent sparring partner. I do not think Norma would do that.”

  Monalisa snorted. “No, I don’t think she would.”

  Harlan put the bags in the back while she and Van climbed into the car. Van sat up front in the passenger’s seat.

  Harlan took the driver’s seat a few moments later. “Straight home?”


  Harlan pulled out, and they were on their way. Monalisa sat back to watch the lights go by. She’d flown in and out of this airport many times, but tonight everything looked and felt so different.

  “You got my text last night?” Van asked Harlan.

  “I did. I’ll have the groceries with me when I come over in the morning. Eight a.m. okay?”

  “Fine.” Van twisted around to look at her. “You can sleep in, though. If you want.”

  She shrugged. “I’m more used to this time zone than Nocturne Falls. I’ll probably be up. In fact, I can make breakfast.”

  Harlan glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “Ma’am, I usually do that. But you’re welcome to if you want.”

  She laughed. “You really are Van’s Vegas Norma. No, go right ahead. I’m happy to let you do your thing. Just don’t call me ma’am. I’m pretty sure we’re the same age. Monalisa is just fine.”

  “Very good, Monalisa. I’ll be there at eight to make breakfast, and then Ivan and I can head to the gym.”

  Van leaned over. “She likes vegetables.”

  “They’re on my list,” Harlan answered.

  She smiled. Van took care of her in a very different way than she was used to. Everything that came from her father felt begrudged. With Van, it was a kindness. She couldn’t wait for the day when she was making her own money so she could spoil him back. Although, she might not ever be able to spoil him in the style he was used to.

  She turned to watch the lights again, and Van and Harlan started discussing the training regimen for the next day. She finally had to interrupt. “Harlan, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but if you’re sparring with Van, you must be equipped to handle that kind of punishment. What sort of supernatural are you?” She expected him to say feline shifter.

  He smiled, making quick eye contact in the rearview mirror again. “I’m a ranger-class gargoyle.”

  “Oh, wow, how cool. You’ll have to forgive me. I don’t know much about the classes. Where does that put you?”

  “Right in the middle. Can’t fly, but when I shift, I’m about the size of this vehicle.”

  “And he is fast,” Van added. “The two classes above him can fly, and they’re larger, but they do not move with the same speed.”

  Harlan nodded. “Also, I can take a hit like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Van snorted. “I have had the bleeding knuckles to prove it.”

  She scooted to the middle to see both of them better. “So Harlan, do you fight for the TFL too?”

  “No, ma’am. I mean, Monalisa.” He grinned. “I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

  Van looked at him. “Since when? You have not had a girlfriend since I’ve known you.”

  Harlan shook his head. “What about Sasha? And Laurette? And Monica?”

  “One date does not a girlfriend make.”

  Monalisa liked Harlan. She also liked teasing Van. She poked him in the arm. “One date is all we’ve had.”

  Harlan let out a sharp, “Hah.”

  Van turned to look at her again. “What about the housewarming party?”

  “That didn’t count.”

  “Lunch at Howler’s, then.”

  “Hmm.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “I’ll give you half-a-date credit for that one. But dinner at Café Claude’s last night was really the only official date we’ve had.” She actually didn’t feel that way, but it was fun to give him the business.

  “I see. So I am failing as a boyfriend, then?” His eyes glimmered with happiness, showing her he was in on the joke.

  “Oh yes, miserably.” She laughed even as she said the words, because it was such a fat lie. He was amazing in every way.

  Van nodded like he was taking it all into consideration. “I will strive to do better. Up my game, as the kids say.”

  She leaned up and kissed him, just a quick one so that Harlan didn’t have to endure anything too personal between them. “I can’t wait to see what that looks like.”

  “We’re here,” Harlan said. “And just in time.”

  Monalisa ducked to see through the windshield a little better. “Wow, a drive-through lobby? That’s fancy.”

  Harlan nodded. “This place caters to all kinds of supes, and sometimes, the more privacy the better. Although, I think the drive-through is most helpful to the vamps who live here. The desert is a very sunny place.”

  “Good point.” She sat back and grabbed her purse.

  Van clapped Harlan on the shoulder. “I’ll get the bags. You go home and get some sleep.”

  “You got it, boss.” Harlan looked over his shoulder. “Nice to meet you, Monalisa. See you in the morning.”

  “See you in the morning. Thank you for driving us.” She hopped out as the doorman opened her door.

  “Good evening.” He smiled.

  “Good evening.” She looked around. The Skye Towers lobby was exactly what she’d expected. Vegas chic, which meant smoked glass, steel, and sparkly quartz. A dazzling cobalt blue chandelier washed everything in a mellow light.

  Van retrieved their bags, then closed the SUV hatch and gave it a tap. Harlan waved through the open window and drove off.

  “Help you with those, Mr. Tsvetkov?”

  “No, thank you, Roger.”

  “All right. You have a good night, sir.”

  Van gave him a nod, then they walked to the elevator banks. Van set the bags down to tap in his floor, and one of the doors opened immediately. He picked up the bags, and they got on, riding up in silence. Despite her nap on the plane, she was still a bit tired.

  The elevator stopped, opening onto another smaller lobby. More steel and quartz, this time with cobalt blue accent lighting. There was only one other door.

  She pointed at it. “Is that yours?”

  He nodded. “Punch 9089 into the keypad by the door.”

  She went over and did as he asked. A soft hiss came from the door, followed by a sharp snick.

  “It’s open,” he said.

  She pushed it wide but looked back at him. “You have the whole floor?”

  He nodded. “It’s a good place.”

  She guessed so. Then she walked in, and there was no more guessing.

  Van tapped the lighting panel to bring the space to life. He had owned his condo in the Skye Towers for ten years. This was the first time he’d ever wondered if a woman would like what he’d done with the place.

  He tried to see it through Monalisa’s eyes as she wandered ahead of him.

  Maybe it was too masculine. All the grays and browns mixed with chrome and leather did nothing to add a feminine touch. Or too industrial. The concrete countertops and glass wall panels offered no warmth. It was definitely too modern. Where were the soft edges? And the flourishes?

  He sighed. At least the suede couches were comfortable. And the artwork, all bought from local galleries, offered some color. And the view was remarkable, especially at night like this, when the city was a jewel box of lights.

  But she lived in the Shamrock. She must be used to a level of luxury that made this place look like a sad hotel.

  “Oh, Van.” />
  He braced himself.

  She turned, face beaming. “This place is amazing.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Yes. It’s so sleek and snazzy. I love it.”

  He couldn’t believe it. “Very good. I am glad.”

  She walked to the wall of windows that made up one side of the living room. “And this view is just to die for.”

  Now he was grinning. “It is good. Come. I’ll show you the room you can have.”

  Still carrying the bags, he led her down one of the short halls on the other side of the living room. There were two reasons he wanted her in this room. First, it was the plushest and done with the most color, although only one—blue. But many shades of blue. And secondly, it was the closest to the master bedroom.

  And he wanted her close.

  He turned the lights on and stood back to let her go in.

  “How pretty. This looks like a spa bedroom. If spas had bedrooms.” She sat on the bed, bouncing a little. “This is great.”

  He set her bag down on the chaise in the reading nook and tipped his head to the left side of the bed. “The bathroom’s through that door, other side is the closet. If you need anything, just let me know.”

  She stood and took a few steps toward him. “There is one thing I need.”

  He rolled his shoulders. “Anything. Just name it. If I don’t have it, I’ll have Harlan get it in the morning. Or now. I can call him, or—”

  She put her finger to his lips. “You have it.”

  He raised his brows.

  She nodded and took her finger away. “Yes.”

  “What is it?”


  “You want…time?”

  She smiled and slipped her arms around him. “With you. I’m not ready to go to bed yet. I know I should. I know tomorrow begins a very stressful, busy stretch of time for both of us. But I’m just not ready for all of that yet.”

  “Me either.” He leaned his head against hers. “What do you want to do?”

  “We can sit on the couch and stare out at the lights, for all I care.”

  “Okay.” He thought for a second. “It’s cold outside, but I have a fireplace on the balcony as well as inside. The view from out there is even better, though. You can see the city and the stars.”


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