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Brie’s Russian Treat

Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  The tension in the room began to rise and angry murmurings began as the shock of what had just happened began to sink in. Rytsar faced them, his eyes flashing as he shouted something in Russian to the crowd.

  He turned to Brie, watching with satisfaction as his guards carted the man’s prostrate body away. “I refuse to condone human trafficking by standing idly by.” He glanced at the cowering girl, still spreading herself out for the men.

  “Kneel,” he commanded as he walked up to her. The girl hesitantly got up from her display position and knelt at his feet, visibly shaking. He placed his hand on top of her head. “I am your protector. You are safe now.”

  She let out a tiny gasp as tears fell down her cheeks, but she dared not look up at him.

  No one moved or spoke as the minutes passed, the gravity of the situation hanging over them like a dark cloud. When the two guards returned, the severity of their faces confirmed that the man was dead. Brie noticed that Titov held the man’s notebook in his hand. She shivered, unsettled that Rytsar wielded that kind of power.

  It made him far more dangerous.

  He told Titov, “Look through the book. If you can’t find what you need, call our contact in Kazan to find out who she is. I want her family contacted and their flight arranged. Also, ready my surgeon. Those stiches are to be removed when you reach Moscow.” He looked the men in the eye, instructing them, “Both of you go. Don’t leave this one unattended—not for a second. They are fragile at this point.”

  “Understood,” Titov answered gravely, picking up the whimpering girl from the ground and cradling her in his arms. Rytsar escorted them out, touching the young girl’s forehead before they left and whispering something to her. The girl turned back to stare at him as she was carried out the door, a look of blind adoration.

  Rytsar called Brie to him. Her heart raced as she approached the Dom, her eyes riveted to the ground. He grasped the back of her neck with the same bloodied hand that had just killed a man, sending spine-tingling chills through her.

  “We are done here,” he announced grimly.

  The Dominants gathered around Rytsar and pounded their chests three times in unison. He nodded solemnly to them. Brie took it to mean what had happened would remain between them.

  Once outside, Rytsar took a deep breath as he gazed up at the stars. Brie wondered what he was thinking, but was too shaken to speak. The remaining guard helped Brie with her coat and asked Rytsar, “Should I call for another vehicle?”

  “No, we will walk,” Rytsar replied, starting forward.

  Brie knew the cabin was a fair distance away, and the night air below freezing, but she did not offer any complaints as she attempted to match his stride. His guard followed them at a distance.

  Walking silently on the dark country roads of Russia with Rytsar beside her was surreal. Brie had just witnessed a side of the Dom she’d never seen—never known existed—and although she felt completely safe beside him, there was now an element of danger that frightened her.

  When she finally found courage, she asked, “Do you think the girl will be okay?”

  Rytsar acted as if he hadn’t heard her. The crisp sound of their footsteps breaking through the icy snow filled the night air.

  Eventually, however, he did speak. “It is a long, treacherous road. Some do not survive.”

  “Why not?”

  He spat on the ground, growling harshly under his breath. “They take their own lives, radost moya.”

  His tone stopped any further conversation. Brie had never seen Rytsar’s dark and brooding side, and found it impenetrable. They walked the remainder of the trip in silence. She wondered about his past and how he knew of such things.

  To keep from irritating him with questions, Brie concentrated on the moon-bathed countryside, finding solace in the serene landscape. But when the warm light from the cabin cut through the trees, she squealed and started walking faster.

  “Come, Rytsar,” she encouraged, breaking into a run. She jogged the last hundred yards, arriving at the cabin coughing out the frigid night air burning her lungs.

  “That was foolish,” Rytsar scolded as he walked up to her, helping Brie out of her coat and boots once they were inside. “Bathe to warm yourself,” he ordered, smacking her hard on the ass as penance for her rashness.

  She was grateful to see a glimmer of her old friend when she looked back at him. She escaped into the bathroom and spent a long time soaking in the tub as she tried to come to terms with what had happened. A man had been killed and a young girl rescued right in front of her very eyes…

  After she toweled off and redressed, she went to find Rytsar, but stopped abruptly in the hallway.

  He was seated in the main room, hunched over a single pillar candle as he lit it. His low voice drifted through the hallway as he whispered something in Russian and then stared at the flame, lost in thought.

  Brie understood it was a private ritual and chose not to disturb him. Instead she tip-toed to the bedroom and took refuge under the heavy blankets, still unsettled by the evening’s events. Falling asleep proved impossible for her, but partway through the night Rytsar joined her.

  He pulled Brie to him with his strong, muscular arms and held her tightly against him. His thoughts remained a million miles away, so Brie concentrated on slowing her breathing to help him relax. It took a while, but eventually his breath synced in time with hers and soon after he was snoring quietly in her ear.

  It brought tears to Brie’s eyes when she heard it.

  Whatever dark secrets Rytsar held, she would keep them safe. It was what Sir would want, and what her heart desired.

  This Will Hurt

  Brie woke up alone the next morning.

  Rytsar’s guard directed her outside when she asked where he was. She found Rytsar beside the cabin chopping wood. He was silent, not addressing her even when she called out to him.

  Taking the hint, Brie headed back inside, unsure what to do. She was tempted to call Sir to ask for his advice, but it proved unnecessary when the Russian Dom returned, noisily kicking the mud from his boots.

  “Come here,” he demanded in a gruff voice.

  Brie quickly made her way over and automatically bowed at his feet due to the forceful tone of his command.

  “Last night we were to scene together. That was taken from me. We will do it—now.”

  Brie looked up, a warm flush on her cheeks, remembering Sir’s requirement of remaining true to herself. “You told me that you would make me enjoy the pain, but that frightens me, Rytsar.”

  For the first time since the incident, Rytsar broke into a smile. “Your fear is like sweet ambrosia.”

  Again Brie was struck by the unsettling fact that her fear acted as an aphrodisiac to him.

  “This will hurt, radost moya.”

  He said it so causally, as if it were a romantic invitation.

  “I’m scared.”

  “But willing?”

  Her heart raced when she answered, “Yes.”

  “Then undress and lie on the bed. I will get my tools.”

  Brie felt lightheaded as she slowly walked to the bedroom. It seemed unreal that she was about to scene with the Russian Dom.

  She quickly stripped off her clothes and laid them in a neat pile on top of the nightstand before crawling onto the bed. Brie lay there, suddenly feeling naked and vulnerable. Goose bumps rose on her skin and she hugged her arms around herself, trying to keep her courage as she waited.

  Rytsar did not hurry, purposely dragging out her anticipation.

  She whimpered when he finally entered the room and she noticed that he was holding his hands behind his back so she could not see what he held. The fact he was hiding it meant he was not going to use a cane as he was the night before. Oh hell, what did that mean for her?

  “There are several things I expect from you during this session,” he informed Brie. “First, you will be brave. Second, you will be honest. Third, you will trust me.”

; Brie took a deep breath, sifting through her misgivings before she replied with heartfelt conviction, “Yes, Rytsar.”

  He then surprised her by asking, “What would you ask of me?”

  She had to think for several moments before she came up with her answer. “I understand it will hurt, but I don’t want to be permanently damaged physically or psychologically.” She added with a hesitant smile, “I want to still like you when we’re done.”

  “Hah! You will like me even more when we are finished, radost moya,” he stated brazenly.

  Rytsar laid his instruments on the dresser on the other side of the room, still keeping the items a mystery to her—all but one. He held up his Hitachi and raised an eyebrow. “This will open you up to enjoy my unique attention.”

  She licked her lips nervously and blurted the first thing that came to mind as he approached. “I remember that you told me once that my body was like a child learning to walk, needing your guidance.”

  He nodded his head slowly, a pleased expression on his face. “I’m impressed you remembered that. It is true. I can help change your body’s response when it comes to the pain I inflict.”

  When he leaned against the bed, it suddenly became real to her, and she asked another question, stalling for time. “Before we start, can I ask why you enjoy hurting people?”

  He paused, tilting his head charmingly. “For me it is the highest form of submission—relinquishing one’s own instincts of self-preservation and self-gratification to satisfy the cravings of another. It is the ultimate power exchange, but means nothing unless it is given willingly. A sacred part of the person, a part they never share, is handed over to me in the exchange.” He smiled lustfully at her. “I find it my drug of choice.”

  His words had a hypnotic effect on her. She longed to know the intimacy of that exchange and to share it with the man before her.

  Rytsar turned on the Magic Wand and the familiar buzzing filled the room. “First, I reward your willingness.” Rytsar placed the vibrator against her clit. She turned away, embarrassed by how quickly her pussy responded to the vibration.

  “Eyes on me the entire session,” he commanded.

  She turned back towards him and lost herself in the intensity of his gaze. Her first orgasm followed a short time later. He pulled the wand away, telling her, “That is a good start.”

  To her surprise, he placed it back on her clit. “This time you will come harder.”

  Brie often found it difficult to come consecutively, but forced her body to relax so that the sensation of the vibrator could take over and carry her on to another orgasm.

  Rytsar was very talented with the tool, watching her intently and pulling the wand back whenever her pussy started to pulsate with need. He was determined to build the second climax, and was highly skilled at the process, so in tune with her responses that it was as if she were guiding the wand and not he.

  Brie moaned when he pulled it away again, desperate to enjoy the aching release he’d produced with his toy.

  “We are close,” he assured her.

  She nodded, relaxing her muscles and willing her thighs to stop shaking. When he placed it back on her clit, however, they started trembling again. Brie knew it was going to be a powerful orgasm.

  “Come for me.”

  Her eyes rolled back in her head as she let go and allowed her body to embrace the orgasm it had been fighting. Brie’s hips lifted as her body came hard against the toy.

  Rytsar murmured passionate words in his native tongue as she orgasmed for him, enhancing the experience and turning her on even more. Afterwards she lay there like a ragdoll, already spent, and they hadn’t even begun yet.

  “Now that we have your body primed, I will introduce you to the process.”

  Rytsar left her side and returned with a beautiful set of clover nipple clamps on a chain. She was familiar with them because she had seen them used at clubs, but Brie had never used them before herself, because the clamps were famous for being extremely painful.

  Brie looked at Rytsar fearfully.

  “You know the bite of this clamp?” he asked.

  “Only by reputation. I’ve never wanted to play with them.”

  “It will demand all your attention.”

  Brie looked at the clamps warily, whispering to herself, “I hope I can handle this…”

  Rytsar grabbed her chin and stated in no uncertain terms, “You will be brave.”

  She looked into his intense, pale blue eyes and nodded.

  Rytsar released his hold, laying the clamps on her stomach. She jumped and then giggled nervously, surprised by the chilliness of the metal.

  He pulled a length of rope from his back pocket and bound her wrists together, securing them above her to the headboard. Then he began caressing her breasts with both of his large hands. “Your body is already flowing with endorphins. It’s hungry.”

  She stiffened when he began pinching her left nipple, making it hard and erect. Brie knew he was readying it for the clamp, and starting breathing rapidly.

  “Yes, I want you to anticipate the pain.”

  Brie realized that Rytsar was the opposite of Tono Nosaka in a scene. Whereas Tono knew how to bring peace to her soul as he carried her along, Rytsar enjoyed the thrill of her fear and encouraged it. Polar opposites with the same end goal.

  She cried out when he picked up the clamp—before he even brought it anywhere near her nipple.

  Rytsar’s chuckle was low and charming as he grasped her breast with one hand, squeezing it so her nipple protruded while he opened the clamp and placed it on either side of her innocent nipple. She stared at it in dread.

  “Look at me.”

  Brie looked up as he slowly released his hold on the clamp and it closed around her tender nipple. Her eyes widened as the pain of the clamp registered, and she whimpered. She had promised Rytsar she would be brave, so she kept silent, even when tears formed in her eyes as she dealt with the throbbing ache.

  “I know your low tolerance for pain, radost moya,” he murmured as he kissed her on the lips and then left a trail of fiery kisses down her throat to her other breast. “I appreciate the sacrifice of your will as you struggle to obey.”

  All Brie felt was the sharp pain of that clamp. It took over every thought but one as he pulled and pinched her other nipple.

  Oh God, he’s going to do it again…

  Brie felt the same wild terror she’d witnessed when filming his sub, as he picked up the attached clamp and dragged the chain across her skin, bringing it to her nipple. She fought the urge to look and kept her gaze locked on him.

  Rytsar’s eyes shone with unbridled lust. She’d never seen him look at her that way before and it moved the submissive inside her. She longed to please him—to be fully pleasing to him.

  Knowing he valued her willingness, Brie forced herself to lift her right shoulder, offering her nipple to him even though everything inside her was screaming to push away.

  The smile he bestowed on her was worth the sacrifice.

  He lowered the clamp and released. Shooting pain erupted from the tender spot and she closed her eyes, trying to prevent the tears that now streamed down her face.


  She forced her eyes open, letting out soft mewing sounds as she fought with the unbearable pain. “It hurts.”

  “I know.”

  The lustful confidence in his voice stirred her loins, and she felt a tickle of wetness. She looked up at the ceiling, doubting she could stand the pain for long.

  “I want you to listen to my voice as you come, radost moya.”

  Brie was unsure if climax was even possible with such extreme pain. However, Rytsar had commanded her to trust him, so she nodded.

  The pleasant buzzing of the Hitachi started up. She opened her legs wider when he placed his hand on her thigh. “Concentrate on the vibration and my voice.”

  Brie’s clit was sensitive after coming two times already, but she didn’t fight the toy as it p
ressed against her. Rytsar began murmuring to her in Russian, words she did not understand but the tone of which was sensual and intimate.

  She had been down this path before when she’d tasted Master Anderson’s bullwhip. She’d been able to transform the pain into pleasure, but it had been for a brief moment, not with sustained stimulus like this.

  Brie laid her head back on the pillow and focused on the vibration of the Hitachi, letting Rytsar’s voice carry her as she gave in to the demanding toy. The tone of his voice changed as he sensed her impending orgasm. Instead of pulling the wand away, he pressed harder against her, coaxing a greater climax.

  For a brief moment she forgot about the nipple clamps as the rush of her climax crashed over her. Brie let out a long, satisfied moan, basking in the heated release.

  “Very good,” Rytsar complimented as he turned off the wand and laid it to the side.

  She was still floating on the aftereffects of her climax when he reached up and lightly pulled on the chain.

  Brie cried out in surprise as a shockwave of pain coursed through her body, all of her attention suddenly back on the clamps.

  “These are cruel devices, radost moya. When I pull on them, they tighten.” He gave another gentle yank and Brie about jumped out of her skin from the sharp pain it caused to both her nipples.

  “Please don’t, please don’t do that again,” she begged, squirming away from him.

  “But I must.”

  “No, Rytsar,” she pleaded. “I can’t take it!”

  “You are brave,” he assured her. He pulled on the chain with a little more force and all her resolve left.

  “No more, no more,” she cried, desperate for the pain to stop.

  “You will come as I slowly pull them off.”

  “No, I can’t!”

  “But you will,” he answered confidently.

  She started to panic. “Please don’t make me do this, Rytsar!”

  “Trust,” he commanded.

  Brie choked down her protests. She had desired this experience with him, but now that it was real she wanted to run from it. She glanced down at her nipples, dark red from the tight squeeze that the clovers had on them. She was surprised how beautiful her breasts looked bound by the cruel metal as her chest heaved from pain and fear.


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