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God's Shadow

Page 48

by Alan Mikhail

  344 attack the city of Bougie for a second time: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 63.

  344 the head of the Tha‘āliba tribe: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 63.

  344 dispute erupted over who should rule the city: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 63; Encyclopaedia of Islam, s.v. “Khayr al-Dīn (Khiḍir) Pasha” (Galotta).

  345 Selim’s grand colonial ambitions were revealed: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 65–66.

  345 Ferdinand died: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 43–44.

  345 He had defied her final directive: Downey, Isabella, 407–08.

  345 broke a deathbed promise . . . Germaine of Foix: Downey, Isabella, 405, 431.

  346 appointed governor of Algeria . . . and also governor-general: Encyclopaedia of Islam, s.v. “Khayr al-Dīn (Khiḍir) Pasha” (Galotta).

  346 Oruç would die in 1518: Encyclopaedia of Islam, s.v. “Khayr al-Dīn (Khiḍir) Pasha” (Galotta).

  347 technique for attaching sails to wheeled cannons: “Chapters of Turkish History: Barbarossa of Algiers,” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 52 (1842): 192.

  347 explained how Morocco differed . . . and why it would prove enormously difficult to conquer: On Hayreddin’s experiences in Morocco, see Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 65–66.

  347 a series of dynasties . . . had successfully resisted Spanish, Portuguese, and Mamluk penetration: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 50–58.

  348 boosted . . . Ahmad al-A‘raj’s confidence: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 51, 55. Al-A‘raj means “the Lame,” a moniker he received because of a problem with one of his legs.

  348 mocking them as a bunch of fishermen: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 55.

  348 he planned first to secure the interior: On Selim’s plan to invade Morocco, see Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 55–69.

  349 tocsins rang out across Spain: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 64–66.

  349 Hernán Cortés himself eventually returned from Mexico: Hess, Forgotten Frontier, 74.

  349 fleet left Spain for its North African holdings: Sanudo, Diarii, 26:54–55, 93.

  350 turned enemies into allies: For references to some of the numerous requests from North Africa to Spain and France for military support against the Ottomans, see Sanudo, Diarii, 24:683; 26:371.

  350 Selim had ordered sixty thousand Ottoman troops: Sanudo, Diarii, 26:419, 424.

  350 an impressive fleet in the Aegean: Sanudo, Diarii, 27:177–78, 217.

  350 secured the island of Djerba: Sanudo, Diarii, 27:453.

  350 collect troops on the volcanic island of Ischia: Sanudo, Diarii, 28:171.

  351 asking the Venetian bailo in Istanbul: Sanudo, Diarii, 28:310.

  351 settled on eighty thousand as the appropriate number of troops: Sanudo, Diarii, 28:380–81.

  351 Ottoman and Spanish ambassadors traveled back and forth: Sanudo, Diarii, 27:141, 186.

  351 guarantees of safe passage for Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem: Sanudo, Diarii, 27:280.

  352 a new mappamundi: Sanudo, Diarii, 28:630. The dragoman Ali Bey is also mentioned in E. Natalie Rothman, Brokering Empire: Trans-Imperial Subjects between Venice and Istanbul (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012), 168–69.

  353 “As the Ottomans were engaged”: Hamdani, “Ottoman Response,” 329.


  356 “like the prick of a thorn”: Fatih Akçe, Sultan Selim I: The Conqueror of the East (Clifton, NJ: Blue Dome Press, 2016), 241.

  356 a pimple with a whitened tip: For suggestions about what Selim’s ailment might have been, see H. Erdem Çıpa, The Making of Selim: Succession, Legitimacy, and Memory in the Early Modern Ottoman World (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017), 257, n. 1.

  356 instructed a bath attendant to pop the pustule: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 241.

  356–357 rumors started to swirl: Marino Sanudo, I Diarii di Marino Sanuto (MCCCCXCVI-MDXXXIII) Dall’autografo Marciano Ital. Cl. VII Codd. CDXIX-CDLXXVII, ed. Rinaldo Fulin, Federico Stefani, Nicolò Barozzi, Guglielmo Berchet, Marco Allegri, and la R. Deputazione Veneta di Storia Patria, 59 vols. (Venice: F.Visentini, 1879–1903), 26:109, 231, 262–64; 27:149.

  357 his eyes began to yellow: Sanudo, Diarii, 26:109.

  357 speculated that the boil was in fact a plague bubo: For references to the presence of plague in Istanbul in these months, see Sanudo, Diarii, 26:134; 28:232; Nükhet Varlık, Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World: The Ottoman Experience, 1347–1600 (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 164–65.

  357 wheeled on a cart: For Selim’s final illness and death, see Akçe, Sultan Selim, 242–45.

  358 cause of death: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 243; Varlık, Plague and Empire, 164–65; Çıpa, Making of Selim, 1; 257, n. 1.

  358 dispatched a single messenger to Manisa: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 244–45.

  359 to cover his naked penis: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 245.

  359 “tall and slender but tough”: Quoted in Alan Fisher, “The Life and Family of Süleymân I,” in Süleymân the Second and His Time, ed. Halil İnalcık and Cemal Kafadar (Istanbul: Isis Press, 1993), 2.

  359 declaring their allegiance to Suleyman as their sovereign: Leslie Peirce, Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire (New York: Basic Books, 2017), 67.

  360 rejoiced at the prospect that an inexperienced military strategist was now the Ottoman sultan: Peirce, Empress of the East, 66.

  360 “a furious lion”: Quoted in Natalie Zemon Davis, Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds (New York: Hill and Wang, 2006), 74.

  361 seizure of the Ottoman crown an illegitimate act: Çıpa, Making of Selim, 1–2.

  361 threw themselves on the ground in sorrow: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 245.

  361 “the army flowed”: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 245.

  361 assembled at the city’s Edirne gate: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 246; Peirce, Empress of the East, 67.

  361 helped to carry the bier: Akçe, Sultan Selim, 246.

  361 commissioned a mosque complex for his father: Peirce, Empress of the East, 67. For a description and images of the complex, see “Sultan Selim Külliyesi,” Archnet, (accessed February 16, 2019).

  362 Hafsa died: All quotes in this paragraph are from Peirce, Empress of the East, 113.

  363 one of the reasons historians have devoted so much attention to Suleyman: Caroline Finkel, Osman’s Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire, 1300–1923 (New York: Basic Books, 2006), 115–16.

  364 “friendly . . . good judgement”: Quoted in Peirce, Empress of the East, 68.

  364 “He reflects constantly”: Quoted in Peirce, Empress of the East, 68.

  364 “shed more blood”: Quoted in Davis, Trickster Travels, 74.

  365 “Some Ottoman pundits”: Peirce, Empress of the East, 67.


  370 used religion to advance their political and ideological legitimacy: Tijana Krstić, Contested Conversions to Islam: Narratives of Religious Change in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011).

  370 who had almost become a lawyer: Carlos M. N. Eire, Reformations: The Early Modern World, 1450–1650 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016), 133–34.

  371 the evils of the pope always exceeded the evils of the sultan: Egil Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” The Muslim World 64 (1974): 285.

  371 wrote reams about the Ottomans: C. Umhau Wolf, “Luther and Mohammedanism,” The Moslem World 31 (1941): 161–62.

  371 contemplated sponsoring the first German translation of the Qur’an: Wolf, “Luther and Mohammedanism,” 167–68; David D. Grafton, “Martin Luther’s Sources on the Turk and Islam in the Midst of the Fear of Ottoman Imperialism,” The Muslim World 107 (2017): 680. He never carried out the translation.

  371 “the ‘terrible Turk’ ”: Grafton, “Martin Luther’s Sources,” 665.

  371 Leo X called for a new Crusade: Chiara Palazzo, “The Venetian News Network in the Early Sixteenth Centur
y: The Battle of Chaldiran,” in News Networks in Early Modern Europe, ed. Joad Raymond and Noah Moxham (Leiden: Brill, 2016), 849–69.

  371 a small war in Belgrade in 1456: Caroline Finkel, Osman’s Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire, 1300–1923 (New York: Basic Books, 2006), 59.

  372 “The humanists wrote”: James Hankins, “Renaissance Crusaders: Humanist Crusade Literature in the Age of Mehmed II,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 49 (1995): 112.

  372 Vatican spies reported: Natalie Zemon Davis, Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds (New York: Hill and Wang, 2006), 61.

  372 several reports claimed that twenty-seven Ottoman ships had arrived: Kenneth M. Setton, “Pope Leo X and the Turkish Peril,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 113 (1969): 392.

  372 Leo interpreted lightning storms over Rome: Davis, Trickster Travels, 60.

  372 another forty Ottoman ships (almost certainly misidentified): Setton, “Pope Leo and the Turkish Peril,” 397.

  372 In early 1518, Pope Leo . . . wrote again: Finkel, Osman’s Dream, 112–13.

  373 seeking a five-year truce: Davis, Trickster Travels, 60.

  373 “While we waste time”: Quoted in Setton, “Pope Leo and the Turkish Peril,” 410.

  373 “the diabolic Mohammedan rage”: Quoted in Davis, Trickster Travels, 60.

  373 “Instead of fearing the Turks”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 284.

  375 “an undistinguished Dominican”: Eire, Reformations, 146. On Tetzel, see 146–53.

  375 “as soon as the coin”: Quoted in Eire, Reformations, 149.

  375 The idea of indulgences arose in the twelfth century: Ane L. Bysted, The Crusade Indulgence: Spiritual Rewards and the Theology of the Crusades, c. 1095–1216 (Leiden: Brill, 2015).

  376 distributed widely across Germany: Eire, Reformations, 150.

  376 never posted on the door of the church of Wittenberg: Eire, Reformations, 149–50.

  376 focus on warfare betrayed an obsession with flesh: Egil Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part I,” The Muslim World 64 (1974): 186.

  376 The Church had often waged Crusades: Martin Luther, “On War against the Turk,” trans. Charles M. Jacobs, in Luther: Selected Political Writings, ed. J. M. Porter (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1974), 123.

  377 “The ‘big wheels’ of the church”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part I,” 181.

  377 “punished pious people by evil men”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part I,” 184.

  377 “best helpers”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part I,” 185.

  377 “Since the devil is a spirit”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part I,” 185.

  378 “In the East rules the Beast”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 275.

  378 “After the Turks”: Quoted in Wolf, “Luther and Mohammedanism,” 163.

  378 “The Turk is the ‘black devil’ ”: Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 275.

  378 “The pope kills the soul”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 276.

  378 “due to his lust”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 279.

  378 “The coarse and filthy Muḥammad”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 276.

  379 “as faithfully and diligently”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 278.

  380 “If the married women”: Quoted in Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 278.

  380 Luther developed a much more nuanced view of Muslims: Wolf, “Luther and Mohammedanism,” 161–77.

  380 “They reject all images”: Quoted in Wolf, “Luther and Mohammedanism,” 168.

  380 Luther saw a further formal similarity: Wolf, “Luther and Mohammedanism,” 163–64.

  381 Luther saw much to admire in Islam: Grislis, “Luther and the Turks, Part II,” 282–83.

  383 recent and older assertions: Exemplary of this genre is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (New York: HarperCollins, 2015).


  386 not a word about the Americas in his memoirs: Vanita Seth, Europe’s Indians: Producing Racial Difference, 1500–1900 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), 38.

  387 four times more works about the Muslim world: Seth, Europe’s Indians, 38.

  387 Mayflower, had begun its seafaring life trading with Muslims: Nabil Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 98.

  387 John Smith: Karen Ordahl Kupperman, The Jamestown Project (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), 51–60.

  387 “the three Turkes heads,” “Cape Tragabigzanda”: Quoted in Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 97. On Tragabigzanda, see also Kupperman, Jamestown Project, 57.

  387 “The lamentable noise”: Quoted in Karine V. Walther, Sacred Interests: The United States and the Islamic World, 1821–1921 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015), 11.

  387 coat of arms proudly displayed in the bottom right corner: Kupperman, Jamestown Project, 55–57.

  387–388 William Strachey . . . George Sandys: Kupperman, Jamestown Project, 64–71; Jill Lepore, These Truths: A History of the United States (New York: W. W. Norton, 2018), 36.

  388 Native American dancing somehow had roots in Old World Muslim dances: Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 101.

  388 “the fashion of the Turkes”: Quoted in Kupperman, Jamestown Project, 132.

  388 “If any great commander”: Quoted in Kupperman, Jamestown Project, 132.

  388 “If it should please God”: Quoted in Kupperman, Jamestown Project, 14. See also Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 93–94.

  389 when juxtaposed with their ongoing skirmishes: Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 83–107.

  389 Barbary pirates: On Barbary pirates and early America, see Paul Baepler, “The Barbary Captivity Narrative in Early America,” Early American Literature 30 (1995): 95–120; Paul Baepler, “The Barbary Captivity Narrative in American Culture,” Early American Literature 39 (2004): 217–46.

  389 North Africa remained the primary locale of England’s overseas operations: Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 43–82.

  389 more enslaved Englishmen in North Africa than free ones in North America: Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 92, 96.

  389 “Conquerors in Virginia”: Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen, 15–16.

  389 “God hath given up”: Quoted in Walther, Sacred Interests, 14.

  389 no qualms about . . . the American and English enslavement of African Muslims and non-Muslims: Walther, Sacred Interests, 12.

  390 Muslims might have constituted up to a tenth: Michael A. Gomez, “Muslims in Early America,” Journal of Southern History 60 (1994): 682.

  390 the question of whether or not a Muslim could be president of the United States: Denise A. Spellberg, “Could a Muslim Be President? An Eighteenth-Century Constitutional Debate,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 39 (2006): 485–506.

  390 “eternal enemy without”: Spellberg, “Could a Muslim Be President?,” 485–86.

  390 a theoretical, though reluctant, yes: Spellberg, “Could a Muslim Be President?,” 487.

  391 Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd, discussed a trip: All quotes in this paragraph are from Hilton Obenzinger, American Palestine: Melville, Twain, and the Holy Land Mania (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999), 161.

  391 “dusky men . . . whole tribe”: Quoted in Obenzinger, American Palestine, 190.

  391 “These people about us”: Quoted in Obenzinger, American Palestine, 194.

  392 “Three Indian mounds”: Quoted in Obenzinger, American Palestine, 97.

  392 “Well do ye come”: Quoted in Obenzinger, American Palestine, 109.

  392 Washington Irving: Zubeda Jalalzai, ed., Washington Irving and Islam: Critical Essays (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2018).

  392 “Catholic
Arabs?”: Quoted in Obenzinger, American Palestine, 109.

  392 “was a person . . . before”: Quoted in Obenzinger, American Palestine, 258.

  393 projected these stereotypes on screen: Jack G. Shaheen, Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2009).

  393 The Beatnik writers: Brian T. Edwards, Morocco Bound: Disorienting America’s Maghreb, from Casablanca to the Marrakech Express (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005).

  394 white nationalists . . . have accounted for more terrorist attacks: Janet Reitman, “U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It,” New York Times Magazine, November 3, 2018, (accessed February 17, 2019).

  394 regular targets of both discriminatory legislation and hate crime: Tanvi Misra, “United States of Anti-Muslim Hate,” CityLab, March 9, 2018, (accessed February 17, 2019).

  394 forty-three states introduced 201 bills: Swathi Shanmugasundaram, “Anti-Sharia Law Bills in the United States,” Southern Poverty Law Center: Hatewatch, February 5, 2018, (accessed February 17, 2019); Michael Broyde, “Sharia in America,” Washington Post, June 30, 2017, (accessed February 17, 2019).

  395 “I would not advocate”: Quoted in Nick Gass, “Ben Carson: America’s President Can’t be Muslim,” Politico, September 20, 2015, (accessed February 17, 2019).

  395 President Donald Trump tweeted an endorsement: Aaron Rupar, “Trump’s Unfounded Tweet Stoking Fears about Muslim ‘Prayer Rugs,’ Explained,” Vox, January 18, 2019, (accessed February 17, 2019).


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