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Legal Seduction

Page 7

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “I’m not afraid. It’s’s just...”

  “What? It’s just what?”

  “You can go out with any woman you want, why me?”

  Nash released her hand and sat back in his seat. That’s what this was about? He didn’t know what he had expected her to say, but that wasn’t it. He studied her and was surprised to see that she was serious.

  “Iris, I’m extremely attracted to you.” He shrugged. “And I want to know you better. It’s that simple.”

  She considered him for the longest time before releasing a breath and dropping her shoulders. “Okay.”

  Nash raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. “Okay? That’s it? You’ll go out with me?”

  “One date.” She emphasized, raising her forefinger. “And then you back off.”


  “I’ll go out with you once. That’s all I’m offering. I decide when and where. Take it or leave it,” she said with finality.

  Nash laughed and leaned forward. “I guess I’ll take it, but I doubt once will be enough for you.”

  Chapter 6

  Iris stood just inside the double doors of Mercy Youth Community Center, waiting for Nash’s arrival. A working date was probably not what Nash had in mind when he asked her out, but she had to give him credit for going along with the idea.

  Iris volunteered twice a week at the center, helping younger children with their homework and high schoolers with college applications, and often providing free legal advice to their parents. Since it was Sunday and the center was closed, she thought it would be a good time to show Nash around and get him to help her assemble bookshelves she’d purchased for the library a couple of weeks ago.

  Iris gazed out the glass doors and her pulse quickened when Nash pulled into the parking lot and exited his Tahoe truck. Could the man get any finer? She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he strolled toward the building, his gait as confident as the man himself. Dark shades shielded his eyes and the long-sleeved T-shirt fit his upper body like a well-worn glove. She licked her bottom lip, admiring how ruggedly handsome he looked in loose-fitting jeans that did nothing to hide his well-built body. I talked a good game about only going out with him once, but he might’ve been right. Once might not be enough. Everything about him had her conjuring up lustful thoughts and over-the-top fantasies that she’d like for him to star in.

  “No man should be that sexy,” she mumbled.

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Iris swung around startled to find the center’s director, Stacey Watkins, standing behind her. Besides Stacey, there were only a handful of people on-site and Iris hadn’t heard the director’s approach. She and Stacey tolerated each other at best. Great at raising money, Stacey was a gossiping, man-hungry busybody with the personality of a gnat.

  “So who is this gorgeous specimen that you’re out here drooling over?” Stacey asked and leaned closer to the glass door. “Wait a minute. Don’t tell me that’s... Oh, my God, it is! That’s Nash Dupree!”

  “Hey there,” Nash said, flashing his legendary smile when he stepped into the center and saw Iris. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, his hand on the small of her back sending a wicked wave of desire up her spine. “Sorry I’m late.”

  Iris thought she would melt and puddle to the floor. The heavenly scent of his aftershave and the feel of his hand against her body stoked a gently growing fire within her. It didn’t help that he greeted her as though they were longtime lovers and this was just another ordinary day. Iris couldn’t remember the last date she’d gone on, but she could honestly say that she had never gone out with a man who made her want to throw caution to the wind the way Nash did.

  Stacey cleared her throat. “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Iris?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, of course.” She swallowed hard and cleared her throat, barely able to think straight with Nash standing so close. “Nash, this is Stacey Watkins, the director of the community center. Stacey, Nash Dupree.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said, her tone a little too cutesy for Iris’s taste.

  “Same here.” Nash shook her hand and brought his attention back to Iris. His appreciative gaze roamed over her, and a sexy smile lit his handsome face. “It’s good to see you.”

  Iris couldn’t help but smile back, suddenly feeling comforted by his presence. “You, too.”

  “Seems like a nice place you have here,” he said to Stacey. He eased away from Iris and glanced around the colorful entrance, stopping near a glass display case. “How long has the center been open?”

  Stacey ambled up to him and began rattling off information regarding the history of the center, touching Nash’s back or his arm periodically and tossing out fake giggles. It amazed Iris how some women could casually hold a conversation with a man and not be intimidated. Too bad she wasn’t one of them. When talking about legal matters, she was fine, but talking to them on a social level was another story. Occasionally, she could string two sentences together without stumbling over her words.

  Iris watched as Nash studied the awards and photos on the wall above the glass case while Stacey studied him.

  “That’s a photo of what the facility looked like when we first opened.” Stacey reached across Nash to point to the large photo of the mayor cutting the red ribbon. “As you can see, we’ve come a long way.”

  Nash nodded, not seeming to notice Stacey’s body rubbed up against his or how her breasts were thrust in his face.

  “I have to say, Nash...” Stacey paused and placed her hand on his arm. “May I call you Nash?”

  He shrugged. “Sure.”

  “I saw your profile in the ‘Most Eligible Bachelors’ feature of Essence a few months ago. You’re more handsome in person than you were in the magazine.” She flipped her long red hair over her shoulder and stuck out her chest, her low-cut shirt accentuating her assets.


  Nash’s disinterested glance didn’t deter Stacey. “Since you’re here, what do you think of having your photo taken for our celebrity wall?”

  Appearing bored, Nash glanced over Stacey’s shoulder at Iris. Suddenly, his hazel eyes sparkled with merriment and his easy smile sent a jolt of awareness to her gut. He stepped around Stacey and moved back to where Iris stood, snaking his arm around her waist possessively and hugging her close.

  “Actually, Stacey, maybe some other time.” He gave Iris a little squeeze and she gazed up at him, not missing his reassuring smile. “I have a hot date with a beautiful woman and I’ve kept her waiting long enough.”

  Stacey looked from Nash to Iris and then back at Nash. “So why are you here with Iris?” she cracked, and laughed at her own joke before waving it off. “I’m just kidding,” she said drily. “But before you run off, Nash, maybe I can show you around and tell you more about our program.”

  Iris had never fought over a man, but at the moment she wanted to yank this woman’s hair out. If she didn’t put Stacey in her place now, there was no telling what else the woman would offer Nash.

  “Thanks, Stacey, but I’ve got this,” Iris said and found Nash’s hand. She didn’t miss the mischievous grin that spread across his face when she interlocked her fingers with his. “You ready?” she asked him.

  “Ready when you are, sweetheart.”

  Iris felt a mixture of elation and nervousness as she walked off with Nash. She knew pretending that she and Nash were an item was a bit high-school-ish, but damn if it didn’t feel good to leave Stacey standing there with her mouth hanging open.

  Nash walked alongside Iris as she showed him the computer and art rooms, giving him information about the various programs the center offered. She told him about their process for recruiting volunteers, as well as the goal to raise $1.5 million in the next three years.

“In here is the gymnasium,” Iris said and pointed to the double doors, each of which had had a small rectangular glass installed in it. Nash opened the door, allowing her to enter first. “This recreation space was awful when I first started volunteering, but it went through a much-needed renovation this past winter, thanks to several grants. The floor and ceiling were redone, bleachers installed, and all new lighting was added.”

  Nash nodded. “Very nicely done.” He jogged over to a rack of basketballs and started dribbling one. “Does the center have any sports programs?”

  She watched him make a few baskets. Her heart rate kicked up a notch as his bicep muscles bulged with every move he made.

  “Uh, yep, it does,” she stammered. It was hard to focus when his muscular arms had her full attention. Shoot, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah...

  “Yep, it does. Soccer, football, baseball and basketball. But not only that, a few pro athletes from each of those sports come in each summer and host sport camps.”

  “That’s cool. Tania used to attend a basketball camp when we lived in L.A., but outside of playing basketball for her school, she hasn’t shown an interest in attending any camps in Atlanta.” Nash dribbled the ball. “Do you play?” he asked, holding up the basketball.

  “I used to.”

  “How about a little one-on-one?” He shot the ball from the three-point line and made it. He then followed that with an easy layup.

  Iris had played basketball in high school and received an athletic scholarship to attend Spelman College, but hadn’t played ball much since then. She knew she could hold her own against Nash, but basketball was a contact sport, and too much of that with him probably wouldn’t be a good idea. As it was, she could barely breathe whenever he was close, and the way he made a simple touch feel like a sensual caress sent brazen thoughts straight to her brain.

  “So, what do you say?” Nash continued shooting around, making one basket after another.

  “About what?”

  “About playing. How about a game?”

  “I don’t know, Nash. You clearly play often and I don’t want to embarrass myself.”

  “I play, but not often. I’m sure you’ll do fine. Besides, it’s just me and we’ll just be playing around for fun.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and thought about it for a few seconds. “Oh, what the heck, why not?”

  Iris sat her bag on the bottom bleacher. She removed her sweater and tossed it next to the bag, leaving her with a white T-shirt and jeans on.

  Nash threw her the ball. “Let’s play to eleven, counting by ones.” He tugged his shirt out of his pants and lifted it over his head.

  Iris was sure her heart stopped at that moment. She breathed in, trying to get oxygen to her lungs, but it wasn’t working. Her head spun at the sight of his smooth, chiseled chest sprinkled with a light sheen of perspiration, his muscles contracting with every move. She tried not to stare, but she couldn’t help it. His well-defined pecs were perfectly sculpted. She had always assumed he had an amazing body, but his flawless physique was way beyond her imagination.

  “Uh, you can’t play like that,” she stuttered and the basketball slipped out of her hands and rolled a few feet away. She licked her lips and swallowed hard when Nash turned and faced her, giving her a better view of his enticing body.

  “Play like what?” He frowned.

  “Like...” She gestured at his body with a wave. “Like that. Put your shirt back on.”

  As realization of the problem dawned on Nash, he grinned and moved closer to Iris. Her heartbeat pounded in her ear and her stomach dropped when he made his pecs dance.

  “Does my being half-naked bother you?”

  Hell, yeah, it bothers me, she thought, but said nothing. She only continued to stare at the smoothness of his skin, appreciating how his broad shoulders tapered down to flat abs and a narrow waist.

  “You know―” Nash yanked on one of her belt loops and pulled her closer, his mouth so close she could smell his fresh breath “―you could take off your shirt, too, if you feel that you’re at a disadvantage. I won’t mind.”

  Snapping out of her daze, Iris tilted her head and met his gaze. “Yeah, I bet you wouldn’t.” She pushed against his hard chest and regretted it when she felt his smooth and muscular body beneath her palms. There was no way she could play basketball with him and not be distracted by him.

  Nash shrugged. “Oh, well, since you’re not going to remove your T-shirt, let’s get this game started.” He swatted her behind before picking up the basketball.

  “Hey! Keep your hands to yourself,” she fussed, no real threat behind her words.

  A friendly slap on the behind wasn’t uncommon on the court, but when it was Nash doing the swatting, it felt a little too good for comfort.

  “Make it take it,” he said and threw her the ball, letting her know that if she made the basket, she would get to take the ball out of bounds.

  Iris caught the ball and dribbled, using her body to protect the basketball from Nash. She turned and faked as if she was going to go up the court with the ball. When she did so, her body lunged in Nash’s face, but instead she ducked and went under his arm, charging to the basket.

  “Nice shot.”

  Iris took the basketball out of bounds and Nash tossed it back to her. “You know, if you decide to give up because I’m too much for you, I won’t hold it against you.”

  Nash laughed. “Sweetheart, you’re welcome to hold anything against me, especially this fine ass.” He grabbed her butt with two hands and squeezed.

  “Foul!” she screamed and lost the ball. She watched him charge to the basket and dunk, totally ignoring her protest.

  “I never would have guessed you to be a trash talker, Counselor. I’m impressed, girl. You’ve got skills. Too bad I’m going to spank you out here.”

  “We’ll see,” Iris mumbled and hustled for the ball when it slipped out of his hands. Dribbling, she hunched over and backed him down the court. His arms and hands worked feverishly to steal the ball, his powerful body hovering over her, wreaking havoc on her senses. His hot breath against the damp skin of her neck sent scandalous prickles of desire up and down her spine. If he wanted to play dirty with no shirt, rubbing his body against her and screwing with her concentration, then two could play that game.

  She put a little more booty into her dribble, bumping and wiggling against the front of his body, feeling his shaft swell against her butt. A small smile touched her lips when he groaned and cursed under his breath when she nudged him and went up for another shot. Mmm, this might be fun after all.

  * * *

  Nash didn’t know how much more he could take. Her ass bumping against the front of his body was doing wicked things to his concentration. They’d been playing for the past fifteen minutes and, though he was winning, seven to five, he was impressed by her skills. The only problem was her luscious body thumping and rubbing against his. Each time she tried to steal the ball, her soft hands made contact with his chest or his stomach. At one point, she even brushed up against his package, and his body responded immediately. Hell, if he didn’t know any better, he would think she was trying to entice him with her seductive dribbling and the full body contact that she considered guarding.

  He went up for a layup and missed. He never did that, but playing against her today, he was missing shots he had once made with ease back when he was eight years old.

  “Are you getting tired?” she taunted. “That’s the third layup you’ve missed. I hope you’re not trying to let me win. I can beat you on my own.”

  Funny how all of a sudden the shy, introverted defense attorney he wanted to know better was now threatening to beat him in basketball. Again, she dribbled the ball, her back to him and her ass bouncing against the front of his body.

e on, Mr. Hotshot. Show me what you’ve got.”

  “That’s it!” he said in a low growl and slapped the ball from her hands. He pushed her up against the wall, careful not to hurt her.

  “What...” she gasped, her breath coming in short spurts and her breasts heaving, which turned him on more.

  Before she could breathe another word, he locked her arms above her head, silencing her protest when he lowered his mouth to hers, hungrily exploring the softness of her lips and the deliciousness of her taste. The full length of his body pressed into her and she moaned against his mouth. Nash had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted the one who was now molded against his body.

  He released her arms from above her head and gripped her hips, grinding his erection against her. The sweet, intoxicating scent of her flowery fragrance assailed his nostrils. He couldn’t get close enough with the barrier of their clothes currently restricting him from feeling all of her.

  His tongue stroked the inner recesses of her mouth and she shivered against him, groaning and gripping his arms. She slowly slid her hands up his sweaty biceps and looped her arms around his neck, increasing the pressure of their kiss with a fervor that matched his. Desire vibrated through his veins and straight to his groin when her large breasts crushed against his bare chest.

  “Do you feel what you do to me whenever I’m within a foot of you?” he mumbled against her lips, then pressed his erection against her body and moaned when she gripped his neck tighter.

  His lips left hers and nibbled at her earlobe, then he worked his way down her scented neck. Everything within him wanted—no, needed—to be closer to her. She squirmed against him, only intensifying the flames that were roaring within his body. He recaptured her lips, more demandingly this time, and she moaned against his mouth when his hand cupped her breast, stroking and teasing. His blood sizzled and he marveled at how perfectly she fit into his hand. He tweaked a taut nipple through her thin T-shirt and she moved against his body uncontrollably, sending his need for her into overdrive.

  He moved a hand back to her round butt and rubbed his pelvis against her over and over again, needing to feel more of her. Iris’s whimper only fueled his craving to be inside her, but a voice in the back of his brain warned it was too soon. He’d surely scare her away if he did all he wanted to do to her at that moment. But still he couldn’t stop his hips from rotating against her, the friction between them sparking a passion that was threatening to be released. Nash couldn’t ever remember being so turned on by a woman, and almost to the point of no return, while still mostly clothed.


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