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Fight to the Top

Page 24

by S. L. Gape

  “You really need to stop saying that, it’s doing things to me that are going to result in those problems I was just mentioning. It fell on do come.”

  “I think you have your head in the gutter, again.” She took some more of the wine she was drinking earlier and lay back down on the bed, ensuring she was as close to the edge as she could be without falling off.”

  Georgia moved closer to Erika, laying face to face with Erika she could feel her breath on her face. Her heart quickened, causing her breathing to increase. “I can’t get my head out the gutter when you look like that. You have the world’s shortest shorts on. You have the sexiest legs on the planet. They are so tanned and toned, causing me to try desperately hard not to run my fingers all the way up those long, tanned, bare legs,” she said seductively. “Instead, I’ll be having some wickedly dirty dreams tonight,” she whispered to her, noticing the heavy breaths she was taking.

  “You are so, so bad,” Erika said back, holding her own with the eye contact.

  “You have no idea,” she said. “But, I’m back to losing everything again, so I am going to kiss you now, and then…and dear God this will be the biggest regret I’ll make in my life, but then I think we should call it a night and go to sleep.”

  Erika liked the positive impact Georgia had on her when she spoke to her and maintained eye contact. She made her feel that she really did want to be with her, which in turn made her feel very wanted, which was something she hadn’t experienced in a while. Equally, it meant she could have some fun with her too. “Well, aren’t we the polite one? Forewarning me of the kiss,” she said, smirking. “I must say you are very sensible. I on the other hand, am not so. However, I will respectfully do as told and go and get myself a cold shower,” she said with a lop-sided grin.

  “You had to say that, didn’t you? So, now not only do I have that to contend with this,” she said, pointing at Erika’s bare legs. “Now, I’m faced with visions of you in the shower,” she said, shaking her head defiantly.

  “Gutter head. Well I have a way that will help that, and no, it doesn’t involve me touching you in any way shape or form.”

  “Well, that’s most disappointing,” Georgia smirked. “Okay, okay, my bad. Cool let’s do it?” she said.

  Erika was loving this, and control was the biggest turn on to her. Moving closer to Georgia, her face mere millimetres from her own, looking serious and composed herself. “Simple. I’m going to remove myself from this situation,” she smirked. “I will go next door, get myself undressed, which as you mentioned doesn’t involve a lot due to the lack of clothing I’m currently wearing,” she said, running her long fingers up over her knee, up her thigh, intently watching Georgia’s eyes following her finger. She reached the bottom of her shorts and lifted them slightly, giving Georgia a little more skin visibility at the top of her leg. “Then, that shower I mentioned. A cold one, real cold,” she whispered. “And, well, as you can imagine, you know what the cold does to a woman’s…b…body,” Erika leaned into Georgia’s ear and softened her voice. “Cold water running down my naked body? Ya know, right? Hard…erect… But then, maybe when I’m a little more, hmm…Como posso?” she said seductively. “How do I explain? A little more composed, I’ll adjust the shower to heat, and allow my mind and body to explore. Explore thoughts of had we not stopped.” The whole time she was seductively whispering these words to Georgia, her eyes looked as though they were about to pop out of her head. Erika leaned in again. “What would have happened. How it would have happened, before I allow my, long fingers, to move down below.” She was loving this, and Georgia looked as though she was about to pass out. “My fingers paying particular attention to the part of my body that I’m sure you would have paid much attention to had we not stopped. I’ll be thinking about exactly what we would have done to each other,” she said quietly. Erika smirked a little and leaned in to Georgia, who was apparently speechless and dumbfounded. Erika pushed her lips against Georgia’s and gently bit her lower lip, pulling away and meeting Georgia’s eyes. “Good night, Georgia,” she said and got up, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

  “Fuck, fuck,” Georgia said loudly. This woman was sexy as hell, and was driving her in-fucking-sane.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Erika couldn’t put into words the way she felt at that moment. Wow, it had been a long time since she felt in control, felt sexually attractive, and sheesh, felt sexually aroused. Georgia was sexy as hell, and for some reason, she seemed to be attracted to Erika. Georgia was being considerate to her situation and trying to stop her from getting caught up in a web of deceit, pain and trouble. Yet, Erika was going all out to see how far she could push her in a bid to make her unable to resist. The problem was Erika did want to push her. It was a long time since anyone had paid her any attention, and it was even longer since she felt like this, felt alive again. Alive in her own self. She wanted to push her, she wanted to be with her, find out what it would be like to be with her in a sexual way. More importantly, she just wanted to feel again and feel wanted, to be aware of those sensations that someone was desperately trying to resist her, and they couldn’t. Someone wanted her that much? She was trying to control her breathing, what she had just said to Georgia was new to her. She’d never done anything like that before. Least not to someone she didn’t know. But by God had it turned her on, as she sat on the bed thinking about what would have happened had Dulcie not woken up. Would they still be there, being intimate together right now? Would one of them have pulled away and thought better of it? Her mind was running away with her, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of ecstasy, by the fire it was igniting inside of her.

  Erika felt the bed vibrate, and she picked up her phone to see a message come through from Georgia. She immediately experienced that excitement and nerves in her stomach as she opened it.

  For someone who allegedly suffers from a lack of confidence, you have certainly made me regret being sensible. You are fucking hot and don’t let nobody tell you different. I am the biggest dumbass on the planet, and FYI, if I hear your shower turn on I’m breaking down the door and going to come and pounce on your arse, just saying! Good night, sexy lady, sweet dreams, I know I will be!! ;) xx

  My God you even talk a lot in your texts, dude. I’d love to tell you what I’ll be dreaming bout, but as you’ve text me from a work cell to a work cell, I don’t think that would be so appropriate!! ;) But I’ll assure you I’ll be dreaming sweet xx

  Erika smirked at her response, enjoying fucking with Georgia. The problem was she couldn’t help wishing it was for real. She heard the vibration again and smirked as she grabbed her cell, but was disappointed to see the unknown number instead of Georgia’s name appear. She threw the phone back down on the bed and switched the shower on. As funny as it was winding Georgia up, the fact of the matter was she did feel the need to have a cold shower.


  Erika got out of the shower a short while later, allowing her long hair to lay wet around her shoulders. Putting on the hotel robe, she went back to her room and checked on her daughter. Dulcie was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she was so concerned over what was going to happen between her and Dan. It would tear Dulcie apart, but Taylor had made a valid point, it was probably best it happened now than later down the line. Additionally, it would only cause more damage if they stayed together when it was like this. But Dan didn’t appear to want to do anything to make it better. Jesus, Erika couldn’t even remember the last time they did anything as a family. “Come on, Erika, you were delirious a little while ago,” she whispered. Smiling to herself, she thought of Taylor. She would call her and fill her in, knowing she could trust Taylor implicitly. And by the way she had been speaking about Dan of late, she knew she’d love this new revelation.

  She opened her phone and saw three messages from the unknown number, and opened the messages to read before she sent a text to Tay.

  Seriously, I can hear your shower. You best not be misbehaving in there. xx

  OMG you are not a tease, you are a bloody NIGHTMARE, you can’t do that. You cannot tease the arse off someone and then go silent…payback is a bitch darling!! Xx

  Shit, she didn’t think for a second that the number would be Georgia’s, so she had left them. Here she was, talking like Erika was desirable. Like she was worthy of being a tease. Like she was bothered by Erika being a tease. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this, but for the first time in a long time, she went against her better judgment and decided to put herself first for a change. Erika typed the new number in her cell and updated it to Georgia’s contact, then responded.

  Hey, good looking ;) Sorry, I didn’t recognise the number so I pretty much decided to go and entertain myself. Would I misbehave? And a tease? Really? Me? Xx She pressed send, and within seconds saw the grey dots appear to notify her that a response was being done immediately.

  What ya got cooking? You are bad, and you are going to get taught a lesson next time you wanna ‘make out’ ;) Yes you would misbehave! Yes, you are a tease! And yes…you…really!! Xx

  Huh? Cooking? I’m in a hotel. And we ate already. Did you continue partying without me? ;) Xx

  Nooooo, it’s a saying. “Hey good looking, what you got cooking?” Forget it Nope I didn’t continue partying, but more than happy to do so if you want to now? ;) xx

  You are SO bad. But as much as I’d love to, I think I need to have some “me” time ;) I’ll be sure to think about you lots though haha. Good night, Georgia, sweet dreams xx

  Georgia read the message, exacerbated by the response… “Oh, I’ll kick your beautiful little arse, bitch,” she said, rolling over and screaming with frustration into the pillow before she rolled on to her back and chuckled to herself.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Georgia was up stupidly early, and in reality, she could understand why. Erika had stirred far too many of her senses last night, which had resulted in several very inappropriate dreams. Unfortunately, amongst the interesting ones, there was the very, very uncomfortable one. The one where she set her up. The office and Erika were against her, albeit in a very sexy naughty teacher type dress up. She was leading it, leading them, and it was worse than before. Georgia sighed. This wasn’t good. She was feeling out of her comfort zone and apprehensive all over again. What did it mean? Was it her head telling her to stop? She knew it was the effects of the drink, and the fact that she could feel like she was losing control when it came to this woman. Which was annoying as she didn’t know what it was. But she’d always had a protective streak. Her dad used to tell her she was the most kind-hearted person ever, because if anyone was upset or being unfairly treated she’d always stick up for them, no matter who it was. She would do anything and everything to make sure those people believed again, felt better again, were happy again.

  Sighing heavily, this was all too much. She got into her bikini and made her way downstairs to the sauna and pool. She knew she would enjoy some time there, and it would hopefully get rid of all these thoughts and help her to get back on top of things.


  Erika woke with the knocking at her door, adjusting to her surroundings and recalling the previous night’s events. Suddenly getting nervous at the prospect of soberly seeing Georgia following her actions and behaviour last night, she heard the knock again and the faint calling of Georgia’s name.

  Erika rolled over, “Baby, what are you doing?” she said, facing her daughter and rubbing her eyes. “Dulcie, why are you in your bathing suit?”

  “Hey, Mommy,” she said, quickly walking over to her mom’s bed. “I wanted to swim, and I didn’t want to wake you so I tried to wake Georgia to ask her to take me,” she said seriously.

  Erika felt her stomach tighten, “Baby, come on up here. We need a talk, huh?” Kissing her daughter’s cheek, she smiled. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too, Mommy. I love swimming, too. I didn’t mean to wake Georgia. Am I in trouble?”

  “Nooooo, baby, not at all. But ya know, Georgia and I are going to be working together, real close for a little while okay? Things changed a little, and now Georgia and mommy are both the bosses. That means you may see her some, but you shouldn’t really be here ok? But that’s fine cause I’m pretty sure Georgia likes you, baby, a whole lot. You can’t just go wake her, she doesn’t have kids. She doesn’t have to be up early, and she isn’t used to spending a whole lotta time around kids, ya know? So, we just need to let her be a grown up.” She smiled.

  Erika’s heartstrings pulled as she could see her daughter’s heart breaking. She was too young to understand this, and all she was hearing was that someone didn’t wanna be with her. Otherwise translated to, Georgia didn’t like her. And that was not what Erika intended to do at all. Sighing heavily, “How about I take you swimming?”

  “No, it’s ok. I don’t wanna no more,” she said sadly.

  Erika picked up her phone, quickly Googling, before finding what she was looking for. Reaching over to Dulcie’s favourite stuffed toy, she put it to the side of the little girl, and with her very best cuddly toy voice she danced him up and down. “Hey, Dulcie, Mommy said we could go to Lego world and forest café. You wanna? You wanna? Ohhh I know, I wanna,” she said, jumping the bear up and down on the bed next to Dulcie, watching her silent daughter, seemingly trying to digest the previous words about Georgia.

  “You don’t wanna go, baby? I was kinda hoping you would enjoy it. Then we can go get Nonna and bring her back and we could take her swimming.” She had no idea how the fuck she was going to handle the whole work and Georgia situation, but for now, she had to be focused on her kid.

  “Can we see the g’rillas when they shout?” she said, a little more excited.

  “Sure we can, baby. How about we get showered and dressed?”


  Erika and Dulcie left the room, excitably discussing her favourite place to go. She didn’t know what the attraction was with the place. She didn’t love going to the zoo this much, so it confused the hell out of her where it had ever come from.

  “Hey, you guys,” Georgia said, hair wet from her morning swim. “How’s it going?” she asked, smiling to them both, and focussing more on Dulcie than Erika.

  “Yes, I’m really sorry. I may need to get you to hold the fort today? We have project ‘cheer up’ day, if that’s okay? I will catch up this afternoon, before I go get my mom though, if that’s alright by you?”

  “Project ‘cheer up’”? Georgia said concerned.

  “Yes, we’re good, we’re gonna have some quality time together.”

  “Ah right, I see. Well yeah, I can do the work side. You have a good day. I hope you enjoy your day, Dulcie,” she said, walking away a bit concerned.

  “Yeah, we’re going there because I was sad, cause you couldn’t take me swimming,” Dulcie said.

  Georgia turned around looking confused, noticing Erika’s eyes close and her head shaking, “Dontcha just love kids,” she said sighing. “Baby, we…”

  Georgia was there before Erika had a chance to finish her sentence. “Dulcie, I didn’t know I was supposed to be taking you for a swim. If I did I would have come got you. I’m very, very sorry, I promise I didn’t know,” she said to the little girl.

  “I knocked, but I couldn’t knock too hard as mommy was sleeping, so I wanted for you to take me swimming, but you didn’t answer me,” she said innocently.

  Georgia unfortunately didn’t spend enough time with her family to know the innocence of a child and the pain when they hurt them. “Sweetie, I didn’t not answer you. I wasn’t there. I had a lot of things on my mind, so I got up, well, when it was still dark outside. It was still night-time,” she said exaggeratedly, “but if I knew you wanted to come down with me, I would have waited.”

  “It’s ok, she figured she’d come get you on that magical door you introduced her to,” she said.

  “So, it wasn’t that you didn’t want to take me?” Dulcie asked seriously.

  “No, sweetie. God no, not at all,” Georgia said sadly, feeling her very own heart breaking, and making a mental note to pay more attention and have more involvement with her very own family.

  “Well, you could come the ‘forest’ café today with us, if you wanna?”

  “Erm, I should probably stay…and…um work. But, you have a good day, okay? And I best get a present,” Georgia smiled to Dulcie, avoiding Erika’s glare.

  Erika grabbed her arm. “Come with us? I know it’s not your idea of fun, but why not? We can do a couple of hours tonight working or something, together,” she said apprehensively.

  Georgia suddenly felt a lot more at ease seeing that Erika was okay with her. She did need to talk to this woman and set some ground rules, because this was like Groundhog Day. The pair of them wondering if they were back to ‘week one’. “Well, as much fun as that sounds…” Georgia stopped, looking at Dulcie. “Phenomenal, your mums coming over to spend the night remember? So, how about you pair go and have some fun alone for a change. Don’t be long though.” She winked. “I’ll do some work, then when you guys get back, maybe the three of us can grab some ice cream, go pick up your grandma, come back, go swimming, have a nice dinner out and the grownups can have a nice bottle of Italian wine or two and then, we go back home tomorrow?” Georgia said, smiling.

  Erika was disappointed she wasn’t coming, but she was right. And it was very kind that she was allowing her the opportunity to have some time off while she went gallivanting. “If you’re sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure you can make it up to me for being so kind and considerate,” Georgia said, smirking and glad that the euphemisms were going over Dulcie’s head.


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