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Lunewulf Law

Page 8

by Lorie O'Clare

  “What do you want?” he asked, sitting back down on his couch where it appeared from the indention that he had been sleeping a few moments before.

  “You know of the new law Grandmother Rousseau just passed.” It wasn’t a question. He’d seen Abram at the meeting.

  “What about it?” Abram had his emotions under check.

  That didn’t surprise Nik. Grandmother had put him in a position to show the pack that he backed the law by having him stand with her. He did it for Sophie—for both of them. Telling anyone else in the pack that would be a moot point. They would believe what they wanted, and he really didn’t give a rat’s ass what any of them thought. All that mattered was that this male understood the terms of what would have to happen.

  There was no point in building up the suspense. Better to get this over with and make sure all terms were understood.

  “You are one of the males assigned to mate with my bitch.”

  Jonathan Abram just stared at him for a moment. He didn’t move, and his scent didn’t change. Finally he reached up and pulled out his ponytail holder. Long, stringy blond hair fell over his shoulders, and he quickly gathered it up and redid the holder, attempting to straighten his hair. Then he stood, sizing Nik up with a quick glance.

  “Who is your bitch?”

  “Sophie Rousseau.” He watched for recognition but didn’t see any.

  Abram walked out of the room and a refrigerator opened. He returned with one beer. Pulling the lid off with his teeth, he spit it out onto his floor and then took a long, slow drink, emptying most of the bottle while watching Nik.

  “Can’t say that I know her. How do you know this?”

  “She is one of Grandmother Rousseau’s granddaughters. And I got the information when I agreed to stand up next to Grandmother during the meeting.”

  “One of her granddaughters?” Jonathan grinned for the first time.

  He wasn’t an ugly lunewulf. Nik wished he were, although for Sophie’s sake, at least she would have a good-looking male to fuck when he agreed that she could do him.

  “They’re all fucking hot. Which one is she?” He finished off his beer and put the empty bottle down on his coffee table.

  “The middle bitch—and she is mine.” Nik crossed his arms over his chest—a sign that he didn’t plan on making this an aggressive meeting but he would make his case clear. If Abram didn’t agree with his terms, then he’d attack.

  “If you’re telling me the truth, which it smells like you are, then she must be mine too.” Jonathan walked back into the kitchen, yelling out when he opened his refrigerator again. “Why are you here?”

  “Because I want to arrange a time and place for you to mate with her.” His stomach roared to his throat, but he tightened his insides, fighting to stay calm. This was for Sophie. They would honor this damned law and make it as pleasurable as possible.

  “Oh really?” This time Jonathan returned with two beers and handed one of them to Nik. “Well then, let’s talk.”

  Morning was still a few hours away when he pulled in front of the second den he needed to visit. He’d told Sophie to call him one hour after he left her. He just had a little bit of time left.

  Nik and Lukas Kade had gone to school together. And after finishing his discussion with Jonathan Abram, he’d calmed down a bit. The meeting had gone well and he didn’t anticipate any problems here.

  He banged on Lukas’ door for several minutes before the lunewulf answered. “Where the fuck is the fire?” Lukas grumbled when he pulled open the door and squinted outside.

  Lukas was a big lunewulf. Their breed wasn’t known for their size and Lukas stood over six feet. And he was thick-chested. Overall, not a good-looking male at all. But he was a good lunewulf, and Nik and he had always gotten along.

  “Sorry to wake you up, Lukas. We need to talk.”

  “No problem. Come on in. Trouble?” Lukas backed into his den, leaving the door open for Nik while he scratched his hairy gut and turned toward the kitchen.

  “No trouble, but it couldn’t wait.” Nik followed Lukas into the kitchen and explained to him how he’d found out who Sophie’s mates would be. “Man, I love the bitch. I’d kill for her.”

  “Yeah I thought you had something going on with her.” Lukas prepared coffee and then nodded toward his cluttered kitchen table. “Have a seat. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “I already talked to Jonathan Abram and he’ll go along with what I’ve got planned. After the list is posted tomorrow, Sophie will need some time to get accustomed to the idea of you two fucking her too.”

  “So you’re cool with that?” Lukas flipped his chair around and sat in it backward, scooting a mug of coffee toward Nik and then blowing on his own.

  “Neither one of you is howling after any bitch that I’ve noticed.”

  Lukas grunted and rubbed his blond crew cut with his stubby fingers. “Unfortunately, you’re right.”

  “I’ll let you know what night, then you and Abram will show up over at my den. We’ll all fuck her at the same time.”

  “How often you willing to share her?” Lukas grinned and wagged his thick blond eyebrows. He looked like an excited idiot. He was going to get his dick wet with the hottest bitch in the pack. At least Lukas respected who Sophie belonged to, and for that Nik figured he should be grateful. “You can’t blame me if I’m into the thought of fucking her. I don’t usually get such a lucky break.”

  “No. I don’t blame you. And she is hot as hell. She’ll get into this too if I set it up right.”

  “I got to admit I’m impressed as hell that you’re willing to share her.” Lukas smelled like he needed a shower. More than likely he’d crashed after a hard run and sweat dried on his skin. But there was a tangy smell of admiration on him too. Again he grinned over his coffee. “You’ve sniffed after her pretty closely over the past few years from what I’ve seen.”

  “And I plan on continuing to do that. Believe me. I tried to get my mating with her to stand before this law went through. Grandmother wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “She’s a cranky old bitch,” Lukas muttered.

  “It’s a power trip. And if you ask me, she’s got her nose bent out of shape toward males. The law definitely favors the females in this pack. The old bitch said as much herself.”

  “Probably couldn’t ever get a male to put out for her.” Lukas had a deep laugh that was easily contagious. He put down his coffee cup and rubbed his puffy eyes. “But now your Sophie is a different story. All those little bitches in that den are hot. You know for sure I’m supposed to mate with her?”

  “Positive.” Even though Lukas meant well with his praise about Sophie, Nik had a hard time remaining relaxed listening to him talk that way about her. He took a big gulp of his coffee, feeling it burn all the way down his esophagus. He focused on the pain, using it to keep him sane while pushing the conversation forward. “I need your word though that you’ll respect and honor Sophie as long as this blasted law is in affect.”

  “Of course. You don’t think it will remain a law that long?”

  “You know damned good and well that when Grandmother dies and a new pack leader takes over, the first thing he’s going to do is abolish the law. It sucks for us males.”

  “You’re probably right.” Lukas had never been one to mess with politics. He kept his life simple, made few enemies and did just what he had to do to keep fresh kill in his den. “Well you tell me when, and I’ll help you fuck your bitch. Are we all going to live together?”

  Lukas grinned like an idiot when Nik growled. He did everything he could to hold his position, stay in his chair and remember that Lukas wouldn’t make trouble for him.

  “Hell no,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Lukas wasn’t daunted by Nik’s simmering temper. “Just asking.”

  “We’re going to honor the law. You two will fuck her. Then you’ll return to your dens and life goes on as it always has.”

  “We just fuck h
er once?” Lukas shook his head. “Hell of a mating.”

  “Don’t twist your dick in a knot, lunewulf. Let’s get through this first time. We’ll just have to see what happens after that.” He didn’t even want to think about the part of the law that said Sophie would have to have cubs with all of them. “A lot of this is up to Sophie,” he added, trying to sound reasonable. He had to remind himself that Lukas and Jonathan hadn’t asked for this.

  “Of course it is.” Lukas got serious. “Just don’t attack if I try talking to her. I wouldn’t mind getting to know her a bit.”

  Nik stood, putting his cup on the table. “There’s nothing wrong with talking.” But he would be damned sure he was present any time either of the males spent any time with her.

  Nik left after that, exhaustion hitting him like a ton of bricks. He drove to his den as the sun slowly rose. The only thing that motivated him in getting there was knowing that the hour was about up. Sophie would be calling him soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Sophie walked quietly across her bedroom and pushed her door completely shut. There wasn’t any movement upstairs, but then her littermates would be sound asleep by now. Her eyes burned from exhaustion, but she forced herself to focus on the digital clock on her nightstand. Less than ten minutes and the hour would be up. She turned the lock on her doorknob. It clicked, sounding too loud to her over-sensitized senses. Her heart jumped from the sound.

  Grandmother didn’t come upstairs anymore. When they were all cubs, she ascended upon them after they were in their own bedrooms and made sure lights were out and they were sleeping. Now no one ever came up here. Grandmother didn’t approve of her son or any of the other males who worked for her being on the second floor. Nonetheless, whenever she pulled out her toys, Sophie locked her door. It would be just as humiliating if Gertrude or Elsa snuck up on her while she masturbated.

  Her nerves twisted around each other inside her and filled the air with a salty smell, like sweat. Add to that her excitement about calling Nik and the swelling pressure growing in her pussy and her room filled with such a montage of odors that she would have the entire den rushing in here if she didn’t calm down. They would all want to know what the hell was wrong with her.

  If they smelled sadness or fear, none of them would budge. That was the sad truth of it, she realized. Her grandmother had never put any of their feelings ahead of her own. Sophie didn’t feel she should be more appreciative, even though Grandmother raised them after her parents died and gave them the best of everything. Sophie knew her den had money. That was no big secret. But her sire had invested wisely. He had a knack for it. And it had left all of them very comfortable. Grandmother should be appreciative that she had Sophie and her littermates in her den. More than likely she used Sophie’s sire’s money to continue her tyrannical rule over the pack. Being generous when it counted, keeping the pack secure when otherwise they might have had to go with less, manipulating decisions with bribes—all of that was Grandmother’s nature. And over the years, it had left a foul smell on her.

  No. Sophie didn’t need to be appreciative. Even if her room was cluttered with the smell of anger, Grandmother wouldn’t care. It didn’t bother the old bitch in the least that she ruined her granddaughters’ lives. All that mattered to Grandmother was keeping the harsh choke chain on the pack that she’d held on to tightly for so many years. If only she’d been challenged when she was younger, torn down from her position as pack leader. But there was no use dwelling on what might have been. That didn’t change a damned thing. She knew that much from the many nights she’d howled for her parents to come back, return to their den. But they were gone—dead. And nothing would change that.

  Glancing at her phone lying on her bed pushed all morbid thoughts from her head. Her heart throbbed, matching the pulse between her legs. Sophie crawled onto her bed, kneeling over her phone, and stared at it for a moment.

  The clock showed one hour had passed. Maybe getting naked first, pulling out her dildo and lying on her bed would be good preparation for her phone call. Nik said he had some things to take care of. His mysterious comments had left her perplexed, but asking him over the phone would do no good. She would wait until she saw him next, then learn what he’d been up to. Tonight—well, almost morning—they would focus on one thing.

  Her masturbating.

  For the first time since she had come upstairs to her bedroom, Sophie smiled. Nik wanted to be included in this private part of her life. And she wanted him involved in everything she did. Soon there would be two more lunewulfs who would wish her attention. Did she have what it took to please all three of them? How would Nik react to her fucking the other two?

  Her stomach twisted at the thought—an anxious sensation that mixed with the growing need flooding her insides. At this rate, she needed to masturbate just to chill out.

  Quickly stripping out of her clothes, she tossed her jeans and shirt to the floor and then rolled onto her back, stretching while she pulled off her socks. She unclasped her bra and then slid out of her underwear, straightening her legs above her and staring at her toes. The phone nudged her side—a reminder of the adventure she was about to embark on. She picked it up, staring at it while she wiggled her toes in the air and then finally let her legs crash to her bed while punching the numbers to call Nik.

  “Will you always leave me waiting, little bitch?” he growled into her ear after the phone had rung once.

  “I wanted to be prepared,” she said quietly, grinning while warm pleasure soaked her insides.

  “Oh? And how have you prepared yourself?” he asked, not sounding the least bit upset that she’d made him wait a full five minutes longer than the agreed upon time.

  “I wanted to be naked,” she said, her voice suddenly breathy with excitement.

  Nik growled and she swore the vibration made her tremble. She scooted across her bed and pulled out her dildo from the hiding place where it was safely nestled. Just touching the false skin-like texture of the penis-shaped toy made her pussy swell and drip.

  “And I have my toy in my hand.” She lay on her back and ran her tongue over the smooth, round tip.

  “What are you doing?” he groaned.

  A wave of power helped build the pressure growing inside her. Suddenly the room filled with the sweet smell of her happiness and the musky scent of her lust.

  She hummed. “Licking my dildo. Putting it in my mouth.” She groaned into the phone when she sucked it as far into her mouth as she could.

  Just because she didn’t have a lot of personal experience with this act didn’t mean she was a prude. Other bitches willingly shared what they knew about giving head. Her cousin, Simone, was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge.

  “It’s too big,” she added after pulling it out and running her tongue down the side of it. “I can’t get it all into my mouth.”

  “Shit,” Nik hissed, his voice sounding tight. “That is so fucking hot.”

  She smiled and hummed for his benefit while sucking it again into her mouth as far as she could.

  “I’m getting it wet so I can put it inside me.” She arched her back, feeling how soaked her pussy was when she spread her legs. Her scent made her even hornier. She hardly needed to suck on her toy to put it inside her. The come coating her pussy would be lubrication enough. “But I’m so swollen. I really need it inside me now.”

  “Then put it inside you, little bitch. Let me know when you do.” He sounded strained, his breathing irregular.

  She pushed the phone against her ear, closing her eyes and wishing he lay next to her instead of across town in his own den. “What are you doing?” she asked, needing a visual of some kind.

  “Nothing. Listening to you.”

  “Where are you? What do you have on?”

  His chuckle warmed her blood until it flowed hot through her veins. “I’m lying on my bed, naked. Can you picture me?”

  “Oh yes.” She imagined him stretched out on a large bed. She decided it p
robably wasn’t made, but instead, his long, naked, muscular body would be on top of twisted sheets and a crumpled blanket. Somehow that visual added to the sex appeal of the picture.

  “Your breathing is heavy, little bitch. Slide your toy inside your hot pussy and describe how it feels when you do it.”

  “Okay.” She bent her legs, spreading them, and positioned her dildo so that it pressed against her soaked pussy.

  “Are you wet?” His voice was deeper than usual.

  “Soaked.” She giggled.

  Even though she’d masturbated many times alone, sharing every detail with Nik, as exciting as it was, also made her feel a bit weird. She liked it though. Liked it a lot. As her tummy tightened with nervous anticipation, her pussy swelled, throbbing and pulsing. She sucked in a breath, filling her lungs with so many smells that her muscles hardened around her bones, calling forth her more carnal side.

  “Good bitch. I wish I could smell how rich your lust must be right now.”

  “Me too.”

  “Close your eyes and imagine me there. Picture me leaning over you, watching you while you slide that dildo into that hot pussy of yours. Do it now.” He breathed harder the more he spoke, almost panting by the time he finished.

  Her breath matched his. She pushed on the hard plastic dildo and it slid easily inside her. It stretched her, pressing against her oversensitive muscles. She quivered, her breath catching. Usually she eased it in, taking her time until her body grew accustomed to its size. But tonight, in her excitement, she shoved half of the toy into her pussy, using some effort to make it go deep quickly.

  The sensation she experienced was more intense than she expected. Her legs clenched together, smashing her hand against her toy. The hard plastic dripped with her come and she fought to relax—and almost lost her grip on her phone.

  “Oh shit,” she hissed, forcing her breath to slow and letting the toy glide out of her.

  “Does it feel good?”


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