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Marked By The Alpha (Blood Moon Book 1)

Page 7

by Natalie Aejaz

  When Angie ordered the food before, you’d think she’d been forced to choose between a selection of poisons, but now she eyed the fare as if she couldn’t decide what to go for first. She took a bowl of fried rice and chopsticks and then wolfed down a few mouthfuls. She paused, staring at him. “I’m so sorry. You—”

  He picked up a plate of barbecued meat. He would have been happy to watch her eat, but when he bit into a chunk of chicken, it tasted so good…damn, he was hungry. She was famished, too, and did not speak another word as she chowed down the rice. After finishing it, she leaned over to take a piece of meat from his plate but stopped. “It’s all right, Angie.” He pushed the plate toward her. She was now hesitant, and that was not how he wanted her. He desired more of the woman who had just fucked him with abandon. He pierced some boneless chicken with his fork, but when she held her hand out, he took it to her mouth instead, wanting to feed her himself for some inexplicable reason. She nibbled at the chicken and there was something so satisfying about feeding her and knowing he sated her hunger, that his wolf growled with comfort.

  There were vegetable assortments and noodles in the selection before them, but her gaze landed on a tray of desserts. He discarded the fork and picked up a miniature chocolate éclair. Her small smile told him he’d made a good choice. He brought it to her lips and now she took her time, as if relishing the taste. When cream spread across her mouth, he moved in to lick it away, but when she murmured and tried to press her lips against his, he pressed her shoulder to shift her back in place. He would be inside her again tonight, but before that, he wanted to enjoy this: the brightness of her gaze as she anticipated taking another bite of the concoction, the flick of her little tongue as she licked chocolate from the side of her mouth…he was disappointed when the dessert disappeared, until she held his hand and licked the remnants from his finger, slow. Fuck, her tongue against his skin made his insides throb. And then she took his thumb inside her mouth, sucking it as she made soft sounds…the same sounds she made when she had her lips around his cock that first night.

  He pulled her leg so she lay across the sofa and then he was on top of her, his body between her legs. He twisted a lock of her hair around his fingers. “I meant what I said, Angie. I’d like to keep seeing you.” When she nodded, “But I don’t want you to see me out of gratitude. Whether we meet again, I’ll give you the time to organize that loan. I want you to know that.” He didn’t even consider why he was willing to throw himself into a shit situation and give up such a great business opportunity without expecting something in return.

  Her eyes shone, her smile easing some confusion. “Thank you.”

  “And you need to understand that I don’t do relationships.” Best to make that clear now, because the last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

  “I know.” Her hands came up, winding through his hair. “I’ve never done something like this before…I’ve always been serious when it comes to relationships…and shit, you’re a shifter as well”—she shrugged—“But I also want you. So let’s go for it.”

  When relief spread through him, he figured he’d been pretty intense about her answer. As he kissed her, he did not understand what this need for her meant, but he would make the most of it for as long as it lasted.


  * * *

  JACK AND THE REST OF the guys sat before Shaun in his office, the one he used for the less than legit deals. Tattoos, bulky frames and expressions sulky as if the entire world had shat on them. If it wasn’t for those expensive two-pieces, the thugs would look as if they should be guarding some shitty bar that couldn’t afford better. But they were among the best in the business. Strong, capable and intelligent. And able to follow orders.

  After seeing them, Shaun had another meeting set up with the broker Will and then he could get out of here. Despite being part of a smaller building, it didn’t mean this office was any less impressive than his other. Lined with a thick carpet, its walls were painted brown and crème, with dark oak customized furniture arranged to maintain the space. The coffee machine was top of the range as were the other gadgets. And as with the other office, there was an attached bathroom plus a small room with gym equipment and a wide-screen. He didn’t usually mind being here, often losing track of time as he explored new opportunities on the market. But recently, being in the office did not do it for him, especially when getting out of here meant he could see Angie again…

  “Let me get this straight, boss.” Jack folded his arms, emphasizing their sinewy strength. “You want us to guard that property? Against James’ guys?”

  “That’s right.” It was getting closer to the time that construction would start, and until Shaun cleared this with Drake and James, he needed to make sure that nobody touched the place. “I need you on the site during daytime hours. If there’s any activity on Drake’s side, don’t mess with anyone—just call me.”

  The other man must have had a million questions to ask, but instead, he nodded. “As you want, boss.”

  Good man.

  Jack stood and a slight shift of his chin was all that it required for his men to follow him out of the office. Guys like him didn’t have to demand respect. It was theirs by right.

  After that gang left, the room returned to a normal size. Those thugs could take over a bloody hall with their presence. Shaun went back to his laptop and pulled up details of new properties on the market, sent by other brokers. Nothing came anywhere near the deal he had struck for the antique shop. Was he being an idiot, throwing it away? When backing out was likely to get him into James’ bad books?

  The receptionist called on his mobile. “Will is here.”

  “Send him through.” When the door opened, Shaun braced himself to meet the weasel. Brokers weren’t his idea of a good time, and Will was one of the sneakiest of the bunch, but the guy had his fingers in every deal worth doing and that made him indispensable. The broker gave him a wide smile, which as usual had no warmth in it. With his frail body, silver hair and hands that trembled as they clutched his briefcase, you’d be forgiven for thinking he had walked into this office by accident. But those sharp eyes gave away his true calling. The man was as ruthless as they came.

  “Thanks for coming,” said Shaun. “Fancy coffee?”

  Will’s eyes narrowed as he took a seat and placed that extension of himself, the briefcase, on the carpeted floor. “Let’s get to the reason you’ve called me here for.”

  A good plan. “It’s about the antique shop.”

  “The last I heard, Drake is preparing to start construction soon. By the time he’s finished, that property won’t be recognizable.”

  “That’s what I need to talk to you about. I want to arrange a new deal.”

  Will’s lips stretched back. “The deal’s already agreed. Verbal, but in our business, that’s as good as any signed contract.”

  “I know. Which is why, instead of pulling out, I plan to negotiate.”

  That sneaky smile dropped for a second, but Will recovered it fast, masking the anxiety that had flashed across his face. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m happy to pay more money, whatever it takes, but I intend to buy the loan with no caveats.”

  “That wasn’t the deal they offered. It wasn’t what you agreed to.”

  “That’s the deal I now want. I don’t care how much it costs—I need the documents for the shop.”

  Will didn’t hide his discomfort. “That makes little sense. The shop was only worth buying because of the arrangement with James. If you purchase the loan at a higher rate than you’d agreed…yes, it might be worth something in the future, but it will take a lot longer to recover the investment.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  “You’ll only end up losing money. Plus, you’d piss off important people while you were at it. I’d advise you to reconsider.”

  “I’ve considered the options. This is what I want.”

  “I’ve known you for years, Shaun.
You’ve never done a deal that’s lost you money.” The broker was right. Doubt clouded Shaun’s mind. Angie was affecting his business—the business he’d put his sweat and blood into. Will shook his head as he picked up his briefcase. “Seeing as it’s an idea that’s…let’s just say not all that clever and one that you usually wouldn’t consider, how about I give you a day or so to think?”

  And with that, he stood and left the office without even waiting for a damn answer.

  Shaun leaned forward on the table, his head in his hands. What the fuck was he doing, getting so involved with Angie that he was messing up his professional relationships and jeopardizing his business? He should stop seeing her before she affected him more than she already did, but the last week with her had given him a glimpse of something that both exhilarated and terrified him. Since that time in the restaurant, they had met regularly, and he was always left wanting more. He picked up his phone, hovering his finger over her number. After the day he’d had, he needed to see her. He had a suite at Eclipse booked out for the month, and the key was in his jacket pocket. They could go straight there and spend the night together. Just the thought of it eased the tension as he hit the dial button.

  “Hello, Shaun.”

  As soon as he heard her voice, those doubts were gone, his worries about the deal dissipating. “Fancy meeting tonight?” he asked. Only she could make him feel better about this shitty situation. And by now, he knew that even if he spent the whole night with her, he wouldn’t have had enough of her by the morning.

  “I’d love to, but I’m with Shaz and we’re on our way out.”

  “Where are you going?”

  She chuckled. “Some place called Eclipse.”

  His beast was instantly on alert. “Eclipse?” Why was she going there? An unfamiliar sensation rushed through him. Jealousy? “Why the hell would you go there?”

  “I’m just going with Shaz to keep her company.” She paused. “But why don’t you sound happy?”

  “I’m fine. You can go where you like.” But still, he’d be damned if he let anyone else come near her. “This is casual, remember?”

  “Of course I remember. You remind me every time we see each other.”

  He swallowed. “I’m heading to Eclipse, too”—even though he’d had no plans to—“So maybe I’ll see you there.”

  “It depends on which zone Shaz has chosen but yes, maybe see you tonight.”

  After ending that call, he contacted Blade. The demon answered after a few rings. “Hey, Shaun. How are things?”

  “Great. I was after a favor.”

  “Go on.”

  “There’s a guest on her way to your club. I need to find out which zone she’s booked in for.”

  There was a pause. “Let me guess. Angie Parker?”


  He could swear the demon chuckled on the other side. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I’ll speak to my staff and get them to send you the details.”

  A few minutes later, a message came through. Haven. That was a relief. It meant her friend was after a low key night for once. It wasn’t an area where customers serious about hooking up went, but even so, he’d feel a million times better if he was there to keep an eye out for Angie. He picked up his jacket and then headed to the car park.

  The traffic wasn’t as crazy as usual, so it took less than half an hour to reach Haven. It was his first time in this place, and it was a pleasant surprise. The walls of the spacious lounge were painted jade, and LED lighting installed to give the impression that the whole place was lit by the candles that were placed on tables or lined the walls in sconces. Artwork was arranged around the place, intricate designs cut from wood, and candle light fell on them to create patterned shadows. Sofas were organized in sections of four, each area separated by a stenciled wood screen. The zone was a bloody piece of art.

  His wolf’s instinct came into full play, and led by it, he walked further into the lounge. There she was, sat with her red-haired friend—and damn, she was hot in that black mini skirt and tight lilac top. What a transformation from the woman he met a few weeks ago. Now, it was as if an animal aura emanated from her. She looked up and their eyes locked. The delight on her face was obvious, pleasing both him and the wolf. Shaz followed her gaze to him, and she also smiled as she waved at him as if he was an old friend. She beckoned for him to come over, but he shook his head before moving to the other side of the lounge. He wanted nothing more than to be closer to Angie, but the last thing he wanted to do was cramp her style. Now he knew she was all right, he chose a quiet area and relaxed into the sofa. When a waiter in black pants and jade shirt came over, he ordered a drink, finally settling down after that shitty day. And as for his wolf, he was sated by knowing she was nearby.

  “Thought I’d find you here, Shaun.”

  He glanced up and smiled as Blade took the seat opposite him. The demon was going to get eyeballed no end tonight, dressed in those dark jeans and a black shirt. His dark hair fell to his shoulders and he’d just shaven, although knowing him, he wasn’t out on the pull. But tonight, there was a red ring around the black iris of his eyes, hinting at tension.

  “Not busy?” he asked Blade.

  “Always busy but thought I’d stop to say hi.” He glanced across the lounge at Angie. “I’m surprised you’re not with your lady friend.”

  “No need.”

  “Interesting that you went to this effort just to watch over a woman.” The demon’s brow furrowed. “That’s not like you. What’s going on?”

  Shaun got the feeling Blade didn’t come by only to say hi. “Come out with it, demon.”

  “Nobody wants to interfere in your personal life—”

  “What the fuck’s up?”

  “Will called me.” Damn that sniveling idiot. He hadn’t learned to keep his mouth shut. “He told me you want to amend the deal you had with Drake. Not just amend it, you plan to back out of it.”

  “I’m not backing out. I still intend to purchase the loan.”

  “At a bloody loss.” The demon leaned back in the sofa, taking over the whole of it. “We’ve been friends for years, so I hope I’m not speaking out of turn. But you’ve done a bloody good job of getting ahead in this industry. You know that if you do this, it’ll affect your business?”

  “I’ll manage it.”

  “Why would you purchase the shop at that rate when there are much better investments in the market? You know how it is in our line of work.”

  Shaun knew, better than anyone. And his reputation as a canny businessman, one who wouldn’t stop at anything to go after a deal he wanted, was one he had spent years building. He’d never compromised it. Until now.

  “I don’t expect you to understand, Blade.” How could he, when he didn’t get this himself?

  “And what the hell do you intend to do about James?”

  “I’ll speak to him. I’m sure it won’t be a big issue.” His voice was more confident than he felt.

  “Our kind has an uneasy alliance with humans. Damn, if it was up to them, they’d blast us off this planet.” Shaun didn’t need telling. When supernaturals were first discovered among mortals, testing took place on a mass scale to weed them out and confine them to isolated facilities. And when it became apparent that supernaturals formed a large part of Earth’s population, humans had no choice but to adjust to living with them: but it was a fragile truce that required ongoing international negotiations. As it was, every time a supernatural committed a minor crime, it was splashed across the human media, whereas crimes against their kind were rarely reported, if ever. “We’ve got a great setup in Manhattan, Shaun, and we don’t need to be fighting it out with the mob.”

  “I’m not intending to get into a fight with the mob.”

  “Fuck whoever you like, but don’t let a woman get in the way of business, because when it goes wrong, it might not only be you who bears the consequences.”

  “How about this? I’ll negotiate with Jame
s and reach a settlement that suits us both.”

  “He’s not the easiest person to negotiate with, but if you can manage it without pissing him off, good for you. And good for the rest of us, too.”

  Blade was right. He couldn’t allow this infatuation with Angie to drag down everything he had worked so hard for. But damn it, he couldn’t go back on his word to her, either.

  WHEN ANGIE SNORTED, HER DRINK nearly burst through her nostrils. Shaz could always get that reaction out of her.

  “Hey. You don’t have to hang out with me all night.” Her bestie winked at her. “You can go off with your shifter. You know that, don’t you?”

  Angie gave her friend a playful slap. “As if I’d do that. Tonight is about us.”

  She glanced at Shaun, but he sat talking to another guy. She hadn’t planned to see the shifter tonight, but she couldn’t help the anticipation when he told her he might be here. And since arriving, she’d had her eyes on the entrance, waiting for him even though she didn’t know if he’d come. And then he’d walked in, and just the fact that he was in the same venue sent happiness bubbling inside her.

  She forced her attention away from him and to Shaz. Her friend had made an effort, as always. In her tight leather pants and a backless glittery top, she caught the attention of humans and supernaturals as soon as they stepped into the zone. But the adulation didn’t seem to give her the usual buzz. What was wrong? And what was it with Shaz bringing her to this section? She’d told her once that Haven was more an area for beginners at the club, and once you graduated from it, you never looked back. Usually, Shaz would mention if there was a problem, but she wasn’t forthcoming tonight. Angie took a sip of her drink and then decided to ask. After all, they were good friends, and if Shaz would not tell her about whatever bothered her, who would she?

  “What’s up, Shaz?”


  “Your mood’s off.”

  When Shaz smiled, it highlighted that adorable little gap between her front teeth, but it was forced. “Nothing’s wrong.”


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