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Stranded with a SEAL

Page 11

by Makenna Jameison

  Noah wrapped his arm around Bailey’s shoulders, and they headed over to the ambulance together. Thirty minutes later, she was nestled beside him in the back of the convertible as they headed to the condo.

  “Do you want me to change our flight?” Mason asked, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. “I don’t know if anything is going out tonight. We were worried we’d have to push our flight back from tomorrow if we couldn’t find you.”

  “We can fly home tomorrow,” Bailey said. “I just want to sleep in a bed with a roof over my head tonight.”

  Noah chuckled beside her. “It wasn’t that bad, sunshine. You had me to keep you safe.”

  Taylor turned around from the front passenger seat. “I was so scared. Mason kept telling me Noah would save you, Bailey, but that storm was awful. Even if he got to you, I wasn’t sure how you’d both survive when we couldn’t find you in the water.”

  “It was bad,” Noah agreed. “Bailey did everything right though. And finding my backpack was a real stroke of luck. I had some supplies, food, even an inflatable life vest.”

  “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Noah,” Bailey said.

  She yawned beside him, and he ducked down, brushing his lips against her hair. “Close your eyes, sunshine. You’re safe now.”

  Chapter 16

  Noah took a pull of his beer later that night, glancing across the table at Mason. “You gave us a scare, Viper,” Mason said., scrubbing a hand through his cropped blond hair. “When we couldn’t find you in that horrible storm, I was worried as hell.”

  “I have the same training you do,” Noah said with a low chuckle.

  “Taylor was practically hysterical when we couldn’t find you and Bailey. If the rain hadn’t been so damn bad, we could’ve searched for you. All we could do was hunker down and ride it out.”

  “You did what you could,” Noah assured him. “And you had to keep Taylor safe. I wouldn’t have wanted you risking her life and doing something stupid just to find me.”

  Mason blew out a sigh, stretching his arms above his head. “Hell of a fishing trip,” he said, taking a swig of his own beer. “I doubt I’ll be able to convince Taylor to go on one again with me—ever.”

  “Me either,” Noah said, crossing his arms as he leaned back in the chair. “I think Bailey’s had enough fishing for a few lifetimes.”

  “You and Bailey looked pretty cozy earlier,” Mason commented, raising his eyebrows.

  “Affirmative,” Noah said. He glanced toward her closed bedroom door. She’d been in the bath for over an hour and had told him she just wanted a little alone time. He’d give her that—for now. But he fully planned to hold her in his arms all night long.

  “Did you get that text from Hunter earlier?” Mason asked, eyeing his friend.

  “Yep. And he only sent me a brief text before it saying he was glad that I’d been found,” Noah said with a smirk.

  “He’s one to cut right to the chase,” Mason said. “It was a touch cryptic, but I’m assuming we’re going wheels up within a few days of getting back home.”

  “Sure sounds that way,” Noah said with a frown. His team was used to deploying on a moment’s notice, but he hadn’t thought far enough ahead to the real world to consider what life would be like back in Virginia Beach with Bailey. He knew he wanted her, bad, and wasn’t about to let her slip through his fingers just because she was frightened.

  They hadn’t had much alone time since getting back to the condo, and he’d let her have her quiet time to bathe and relax. But in a few minutes?

  He’d be going into her room, joining her in the bathtub if he had to. Anything just to hold her close and make sure she was all right.

  He took the last pull of his beer and rose, nodding at his buddy. “I’m going to go check on Bailey,” he said.

  Mason nodded, his lips quirking in a smile. “You two are good for each other.”

  Noah paused, glancing at his teammate. “Is that why you wanted us both to come down here on this fishing trip? To set us up?”

  Mason chuckled. “Would I do something like that?”

  Noah shook his head, grinning as he tossed his beer bottle into the recycling bin.

  “Don’t forget that you’re the one who wanted to tag along with Taylor and me,” Mason said. “I had to keep you occupied, Viper.”

  “Hell. I got a little more than I bargained for. Wouldn’t change it for the world though.”

  He couldn’t fault his buddy for bringing him and Bailey together—not when he knew he couldn’t live without her in his life. He knocked lightly on her bedroom door, and not hearing an answer, quietly opened it, walking over to the attached bathroom. The door was slightly ajar, but he paused, calling out to her in a low voice.

  “I’m done,” she said, pulling the drain on the tub. Noah peered in, grabbing her fluffy towel off the counter, and then she stood, nude and dripping wet.

  She was beautiful, her long, blonde hair damp and hanging down her back. Water droplets ran down her body, dripping over her gorgeous, full breasts. She had a flat stomach, which gave way to the sweetest spot of all—those beautiful pussy lips he loved to taste and touch.

  She was pure female perfection—but it was the look in her eyes that slayed him.

  “You’re beautiful, sunshine,” he said, holding out a hand to help her step out of the tub. He wrapped her in the soft towel, pulling her close.

  “I’m getting you all wet,” she protested.

  “Then I’ll strip off my clothes,” he quipped. “Hold you naked in my arms all night.”

  She pulled away slightly, wringing out her damp hair. She grabbed another towel from the counter and dried it a bit, then dropped her towel right in front of him.

  “Take me to bed,” she said, gazing up at him.

  “You’re kind of a bossy little thing, aren’t you?” he teased. He stalked toward her, loving the heat rising in her eyes. Before she could utter a word, he lifted her into his arms, holding her close.

  “How sore are you, sunshine?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “Not too sore to prevent you from making love to me all night,” she said.

  “Thank God,” he muttered.

  He carried her into the bedroom and lay her down on the bed, stripping off his tee shirt. Her eyes raked over his muscular chest, and he felt about ten feet tall with the way that Bailey looked at him. His cock was already hard, straining against the confines of his boxers and shorts. He undid his belt, and then he was stepping out of his shorts, shoving his boxers down afterward.

  His erection sprang free, and Bailey’s eyes lit up at the sight. “I want to taste you,” she said.

  “Later,” he said gruffly. “I haven’t gotten my fill of you yet.”

  He ran his hands down her body, caressing her breasts and skimming over her sides and flat stomach. She whimpered beneath him, but he didn’t kiss her yet, just teased her with gentle touches.

  A moment later he was kissing his way up her inner thigh. Bailey smelled of sweet flowers and coconuts from her bath and shampoo, but it was the scent of her arousal that did him in. He spread her creamy thighs and ducked lower, kissing the soft petals of her bare sex.

  She whimpered at his touch, and he slid one finger up her slit, feeling her silken arousal. Bending her legs and gripping each one in a muscular arm, he spread her wide for him, a feast he couldn’t wait to devour. Bailey gasped as he held her legs open, and then he was licking and tasting her. Savoring each moan and gasp from her lips.

  He trailed his tongue through all her delicate folds, and then thrust it directly inside her core. She cried out in surprise as he lightly moved his tongue in and out, and then he licked her, hard, from her core up to her clit.

  “Noah, oh God!” she whimpered quietly, either mindful of their friends in the same condo or too exhausted to scream.

  He pressed even closer to her and sucked her clit between his lips, feeling her hips rise and fall on the bed as she bucked up toward
him. He didn’t let up, just sucked even harder, flicking his tongue against her swollen bud.

  Bailey cried out in surrender, her body quaking beneath him as he pushed her over the edge. Without waiting for her orgasm to end, he flipped her over on the bed, pulling her hips toward him. He entered her in one long stroke from behind, filling her with his thick length.

  Her inner walls pulsed around him, her orgasm still continuing, and he watched as her fists clutched the sheets as she hung on. Taking her from behind was exhilarating—she was so small and perfect for him, he could easily curl his larger body around hers.

  He thrust in so deeply in this position, he nearly came just from the tightness of her pussy.

  “Noah, oh, I’m going to come again,” she panted, finally regaining some of her composure and thrusting back against him.

  “That’s it, sunshine. I want you to come again. Take my cock and come on me. Let me have your pleasure.”

  He hardened impossibly more, and as his thick length penetrated her again and again, he felt her walls spasm around him as she cried out, muffling her voice with the pillow. She collapsed on the bed, and he pulled her hips toward him, taking her from behind as he chased his own release.

  He felt his balls tightening, and then he was releasing inside her molten core, coating her with his seed.

  As he finally pulled free, he realized he still hadn’t used a condom. Now that he’d had her bare, it was impossible to imagine ever having any sort of barrier between them.

  Noah gently rolled her over, ducking down for a kiss.

  “Holy hell, cupcake,” she teased, and he burst into laughter.

  “Sunshine, when the sex between us is that spectacular, you can call me whatever the hell you want.”

  She laughed, her breasts rising and falling, and he rose and went to the bathroom, returning with a damp towel to wipe her off. A moment later he was back again, pulling her close after he’d climbed into bed.

  “We might have to leave on a mission soon,” he said, his voice deep.

  “Soon—like tonight?” she asked in surprise.

  “No,” he soothed. “After we get back. Mason and I are on R&R for a couple of days. If there’s an emergency, the Alpha team would be called up.”

  “Oh,” she said, frowning.

  “Don’t worry about me, sunshine. This is my job. It’s what we’re trained to do. Sometimes we don’t get much notice when we’re sent out, so I don’t want you to worry if I’m gone later in the week.”

  “You wouldn’t tell me you’re leaving?”

  “Of course I’ll tell you. I’m just giving you a head’s up.”

  “And I’ll give you the most amazing welcome home party ever when you return,” she said, smiling slyly at him.

  “Hell, sunshine,” he muttered. “You’re going to be the death of me. How can I concentrate on an op when I know I’ve got you waiting at home?”

  She shrugged, her breasts moving slightly as she lifted a shoulder. “I have to entice you to come back, right?” she asked innocently.

  “No enticement needed,” he said with a low chuckle. “I can’t imagine life without you.”

  Chapter 17

  The next afternoon, their plane landed at the small, regional airport in Virginia Beach. Trees flew by the window as they touched down on the runway, and they raced along, eventually coming to a stop.

  “Is that your SEAL team?” Bailey asked, glancing out the small window.

  Noah looked out, grinning as he saw some of the guys. “I guess they missed us,” he quipped. “They can’t do anything without Mason and me.” He grabbed Bailey’s hand, and they walked down the small steps of the plane and onto the tarmac. Bailey’s sundress blew slightly in the breeze, and he gripped her hand tighter, thrilled that she was his.

  “Viper!” Jacob shouted with a whoop, coming over to see them. “I heard we almost lost your sorry ass. What the fuck, man?”

  Noah laughed good-naturedly, elbowing him in the side. “You would’ve missed me.”

  “I would’ve missed our nights out at Anchors, that’s for damn sure. Good to have you back!”

  Hunter walked over to greet them, giving Noah and Mason each a handshake. “Hell, you guys gave Emma a scare. Don’t go getting lost at sea again. She’s beginning to think you’re bad luck, Mason.”

  “Me?” he asked with a chuckle, wrapping his arm around Taylor and pulling her close. “Where the hell would she get an idea like that?”

  “London,” Hunter said dryly. “Bogota. Shit happens when you’re around.”

  “How the hell were either of those my fault?” he asked with a smirk, walking over to grab his and Taylor’s bags as they unloaded them off the small plane. “And you were both places, too. I guess I’ll have to remind her of that little detail.”

  “Mason rescued Taylor when she was kidnapped,” Bailey said, her eyes darting toward Hunter. “I mean, that was good luck right there, no?”

  “That was skill, sunshine,” Noah said, pulling her close. “It had nothing to do with luck.”

  Hunter looked between the two of them, smirking. “It looks like we’re down another man. First me, then C-4,” he said, referring to Colton “C-4” Ferguson. “Then Riptide, and now you, Viper?”

  “He’s taken,” Bailey confirmed, and Noah grinned, ducking down to brush a brief kiss over her lips.

  “She’s all mine,” Noah agreed.

  “Well, hell,” Hunter said. “This calls for a celebration. The Alpha team is having a bonfire on the beach soon—”

  “No bonfires,” Bailey said.

  “No beaches,” Noah added. “Not for a hell of a long time.

  “We’ll think of something else, then,” Hunter said. “Jacob and Ryker will just have to bring dates along or something since they’re the only single guys left.”

  “You ladies must have some single friends, right?” Jacob asked with a grin.

  Hunter shook his head, smirking. “It’s good to have you both back.”

  “I don’t think I’ll leave for a long, long time,” Bailey said. “And I’m definitely never fishing again.”

  Hunter eyed Noah as Bailey went over to say goodbye to Taylor and Mason. “Are you fit to report back to duty tomorrow? The CO wants to brief us on a pending op. Since you weren’t in the hospital down in Florida, you shouldn’t need medical clearance to report in to base.”

  “I’m ready,” Noah said, nodding. “It was a hell of a swim in the ocean, but nothing we’re not used to with training. It was Bailey I was worried about,” he said, his eyes drifting over to her. “She held up damn well though. She didn’t get scared and fought hard to swim to the island with me.”

  Hunter nodded. “She’ll have to be strong to deal with our line of work. She’s got Taylor though. And the other women all stick together when we’re gone.”

  “It’s good they have each other. I’ll see you at oh-six-hundred then,” Noah said, nodding at his team leader. “I’ve got to get Bailey home.”

  “And I’ve got to get back to Emma. She hasn’t been feeling well the past few days.”

  Noah raised his eyebrows. “Is she okay?”

  Hunter nodded. “She’s pregnant,” he said in a low voice. “It came as a shock to both of us, but we’re ready. Now I just have to figure out how to handle her morning sickness and take care of a baby.”

  Noah let out a low whistle. “And so it begins. The Alpha team is full of kids,” he said with a low chuckle. “Maybe those guys can give you some advice. Hell, you’ve got nine months to get ready.”

  “Don’t knock it—you could be next,” Hunter quipped.

  Noah chuckled. “Not for a damn long time.”

  Bailey walked back toward him, smiling. “What’s wrong?” she asked, glancing between the two men.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Hunter assured her. “I just have to get back home to Emma. Take care of Noah,” he said with a wink.

  “Will do,” she assured him.

  They s
aid goodbye to the others, and then Noah took her hand, and they went off to gather their luggage.

  NOAH PULLED UP TO BAILEY’S apartment building thirty minutes later, grabbing both of their bags from the back of his Jeep. She eyed him, a smile tugging on her lips as he set both suitcases down in the parking lot and slammed the back hatch shut.

  “Are you staying here tonight?” she asked.

  “Hell yeah, sunshine. As long as you don’t mind my being up bright and early. I’ve got to be on base at the crack of dawn. But I’m yours until then.”

  “I suppose I could tolerate it,” she teased.

  “Oh yeah?” he asked, sauntering up beside her. “Tolerate me or my getting up early? Should I try to persuade you?” he asked, ducking down for a searing kiss.

  “What’d you have in mind?” she asked, her eyes heating.

  “First we’re going to order some food, and then maybe we’ll take one of those long, hot baths you seem to love. Then we’re going to bed. I’m going to kiss every square inch of you and then make love to you for hours. Probably again in the morning before I have to go to base.”

  “I’m in,” she said, flashing him a grin. “But I get to sleep on the left side of the bed.”

  Noah chuckled, grabbing their luggage and following behind her. “Who said anything about getting any sleep?”

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR reading Noah and Bailey’s story! If you enjoyed this book, you’ll love reading about Jacob “Joker” Olson. His book will be available for pre-order soon!

  And don’t miss Mason and Taylor’s story in RESCUED BY A SEAL. He’ll stand up to her ex and steal her heart...

  Discover the Sinful Marines series in ONE NIGHT WITH A MARINE. This Marine’s on a mission, and he won’t rest until she’s begging for more.

  Books by Makenna Jameison


  SEAL the Deal

  SEALED with a Kiss

  A SEAL’s Surrender

  A SEAL’s Seduction


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