Fake: A Fake Fiance Romance

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Fake: A Fake Fiance Romance Page 14

by Rush, Olivia

  I couldn’t take it any longer.

  “Actually,” I said. “There is something else you can do for me.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  I leaned in and narrowed my eyes.

  “Come back to my office, take off all your clothes, and bend over my desk.”

  Her eyes went as wide as they could.

  “Are you serious?” she asked. “I thought we weren’t doing that anymore.”

  “We can make an exception,” I said. “After all, we’ve both got so much going on that we might as well find ways to blow off steam however we can.”

  Chelsea gazed at me hungrily, nibbling on her lower lip in a way that somehow managed to make my cock harder than it already was.

  But then her eyes flicked away, and her mouth went flat.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “It’s tempting, and it’s not like I didn’t have fun before when we gave in. But right now I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by everything that’s going on. And sex might mellow you out, but for me it’s one more complication.”

  Disappointment ran through me like a blast of buckshot. I’d gotten so caught up in the idea of having my cock buried in Chelsea that I’d just assumed she’d be as down as I was.

  But here she was, keeping me on my toes again. That was fine with me, though. More than anything, I was surprised that someone else had to do the cool thinking for the both of us. Thinking dispassionately was usually my forte.

  “Right now all I can think about is how freaking hungry I am,” she said, picking up the menu and eyeing it eagerly.

  After a few seconds of scanning, she placed the menu back on the table and gave a confident nod.

  “Screw it,” she said. “I’m doing the burger.”

  Right at that moment the server returned.

  “Two burgers,” I said, my eyes on Chelsea, a smile on my lips.

  “Can’t handle a salad right now,” she said. “I need some real food.”

  “We’re on the same page,” I said, topping off both our glasses of wine.

  We sipped our wines in silence for a time, simply enjoying one another’s company. Thoughts of fucking the hell out of Chelsea still played in the back of my mind, but I did my best not to get too distracted by them. But with her sitting across from me looking as sexy as she did, it was hard.

  “How’s the rest of the department getting used to the acquisition?” I asked, trying to put my horniness aside with a topic that wasn’t sexy in the slightest.

  “I think they’re getting used to it,” she said. “At least, that’s what I hope. No major complaints.”

  “Good,” I said, swirling my wine in my glass before taking a sip. “You’re going to be in a difficult position, so I hope you’re ready for it.”

  She regarded me curiously. “What kind of a difficult position?” she asked.

  “While you’re still going to be on the same level as the rest of the founders, this role you have as the executive liaison is going to have the rest of the staff looking to you whenever they had questions or concerns about anything.”

  “And you’re thinking that if the Walsh and Becca start seeing people come to me like I’m the one in charge they might get jealous.”

  I nodded, pleased to see she was picking up on what I was saying right away.

  “I’m doing this for a reason—you can’t have three heads to a department like that. Eventually, one of them will start taking charge. I’m actually surprised to see that your three-way system worked for as long as it did.”

  “It didn’t,” she said. “Only instead of going around my back and taking charge, they went around my back and sold the company.”

  “Good point,” I said. “But keep in mind that while I think you’ve got what it takes to move up, I’m not going to hand advancement to you on a silver platter. You’re going to have to earn it. Not to mention it’ll look bad if you have to keep going to your fiancé boss to fight your battles for you.”

  “I get it,” she said. “And thanks again for the opportunity.”

  “As I said, I wouldn’t be putting you in the position if I didn’t think you could handle it.”

  The burgers came, steam rising from the gorgeously greasy patties. Chelsea didn’t waste any time before slapping the bun on her burger and taking a massive bite, her lips smeared with grease and a few dabs of sauce around her mouth.

  “What?” she asked, covering her full mouth with her free hand.

  “Nothing,” I said. “Just watching. You eat like you mean it.”

  She smiled as she sucked the tips of her fingers one by one. Chelsea might not have been trying to turn me on, but I’d be damned if she wasn’t doing it.

  The two of us worked our way through our burgers and finished the wine. By the time I paid the check, I was full and just buzzed enough.

  “Ready to finish the rest of the day?” she asked, wrapping her arm around me as we left the restaurant.

  “I’d rather take a nap, but you gotta do what you gotta do.”

  Back at Carver HQ, we took the elevator up to her floor. Before the doors opened she regarded me with a strange expression before quickly positioning herself in front of me. Then she stood up on her tiptoes and planted a hard kiss on my lips. My cock stiffened instantly.

  “What was that about distractions?” I asked as she took her lips away.

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun here and there,” she said with a teasing smile.

  The doors opened, and she stepped out, leaving me with the image of a playful grin on her face as she waved her fingers.

  Then the door shut, and I was alone, just me and an erection that could cut diamonds. I mashed the button for the executive floor, the elevator rising and the doors opening almost instantly. Once I’d arrived, I positioned my briefcase in front of my cock like I was a kid getting called up to solve a math problem.

  I hurried back to my office, shutting the doors behind me and locking them. I frantically undid my belt buckle and pulled down my pants enough for my cock to leap out. It was stone-solid and dripping at the end.

  I wrapped my hand around it, feeling it pulse even harder. Leaning back against the office door, I began to stroke my prick, thoughts of Chelsea appearing in my fantasy.

  The round curve of her ass, the firm suppleness of her tits, the way her face twisted with gorgeous agony as I made her come—all of it flashed through my thoughts as I rubbed the head of my cock, bringing myself closer and closer to orgasm with each stroke.

  It didn’t take long for the orgasm to explode through me. I grunted hard, keeping in my mind’s eye the image of Chelsea bent over in front of me, her ass bouncing on the end of my cock like I’d wanted. I shot out a thick rope of cum, letting loose on the glossy wood of my office floor.

  Once I was done, I caught my breath, my now-softening prick in my hand.

  And although I’d gotten the orgasm I’d been craving, it didn’t satisfy my desire for Chelsea.

  Nothing but she could do that.

  Chapter 22


  The next week flew by so quickly I could hardly believe it. Between my work in the tech department and my duties working with the executives, it was like I blinked and it was Friday.

  Other than a few check-ins here and there, along with our rides home, I didn’t even see that much of Bryce. He seemed just as busy as I’d been, and he was apparently respecting my decision to try to keep things somewhat professional.

  At least, as professional as a fake engagement could be.

  I strode into the office feeling confident. After saying my hellos to the staff, I entered my office and took a seat at my desk. My office was in an elevated position, next to Walsh’s and Becca’s. From where I sat, I had a full view of the entire tech department.

  Dozens of employees were busy at work, typing up code and answering phones and having meetings. As I sat and watched, I wondered if I was really the girl for the job, if I’d really be able
to run this entire department all by myself.

  Baby steps, I repeated in my mind. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Chelsea—that’s the easiest way to stumble.

  I turned to my computer and prepared to get started on the morning’s emails. Since becoming the liaison to the executives, more and more tech department employees had been coming to me for questions and concerns.

  It had occurred to me that this wasn’t an accident—I figured if Bryce wanted to see if I were CTO material, he’d start me off by having me be the go-to employee for the department. So far I was keeping my head above water. But it was hard work, and it was different than the software development I was used to.

  Just as I pressed the power button, however, a knock sounded from my office door. A quick glance revealed that it was Bess. She waved through the glass, as if I wouldn’t be able to see her. I gestured for her to come in.

  “Hey!” she said in her usual extremely energetic voice. “Morning!”

  Bess plopped into the chair across from me.

  “Go ahead,” I said with a smile. “Get comfortable.”

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, sitting back.

  A few beats of silence passed as she regarded me with an extremely expectant expression.

  “What?” I asked.

  “What do you mean ‘what’? I want to know how things are going with you and the man upstairs. And I don’t mean in the religious sense.”

  My eyes went wide. “Are you crazy?” I said, bouncing up from my seat and rushing over to the office door and locking it. “You’re seriously talking about that at the office?”

  “Don’t be so paranoid,” said Bess. “These offices are sound tight. You could murder someone in here, and no one would notice.”

  “That’s…morbid,” I said with a smirk. “But seriously, that’s not really the kind of secret I want getting out. I probably shouldn’t have even told you.”

  “Why wouldn’t you tell your best friend that you’re getting fake-married?” she said. “You honestly think that you could keep something this exciting to yourself?”

  She was right. If I hadn’t told her, I probably would’ve exploded.

  “So, how are things going with Bryce?”

  “They’re fine, I think. I told him we need to keep things professional if we’re going to make sure this all goes off without a hitch. And he’s doing it.”

  “You don’t sound too thrilled about the whole thing.”

  “I don’t know if ‘thrilled’ would be the right word,” I said. “I’m glad he’s giving me my space to focus on work, and we’re doing a good job at maintaining the ruse, but…”

  She leaned forward and raised her eyebrows.

  “…but things were way, way more exciting when we were, you know.”

  “When you were fucking,” she said.

  “Very delicately put, as always,” I responded.

  “That’s what I do best,” she said. “Wait, are you telling me you’re actually falling for this guy?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Something’s happening, and now that I think about it, I’m sure that my motivation to tell him to let things cool off was about me needing some space to deal with my feelings. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I feel kind of crazy for this guy.”

  “Well, he’s an insanely handsome billionaire, so it’s not like it’s that weird.”

  She was right about that. Bryce was so freaking hot it was hard to look at him sometimes.

  “It’s like, ever since I saw him in the elevator I can’t get him out of my mind. It’s all so damn confusing.”

  “Well, if you want something to take your mind off it, I have a proposal for a new app from one of the new teams.”

  “What’s the pitch?”

  “An app that lets you know wherever the nearest free bathroom is. You know, like when you’re walking around the city and need to go. You load up the app and then bam, happy peeing.”

  “You know, this is the sort of glamorous work I had in mind when I got into the tech business,” I said with a smirk.

  “Not exactly glamorous, but not a bad idea,” she said.

  “No, totally,” I said. “Have them shoot me an email, and we’ll get the presentation set up.”

  “I have to say,” she said, “you’ve been really kicking butt this last week. I was worried that the whole shift from small business to this was going to hit you harder, but it looks like you’ve really found your footing.”

  “Just trying to keep my head above water,” I said.

  “But just between you and me,” said Bess. “I don’t how the other two heads of this little Cerberus are handling you being the darling of the boss’s eye.”

  I glanced over her shoulder and nearly jumped out of my chair at what I saw—Walsh and Becca, both standing outside of my office, both with the same harsh scowl on their face.

  Bess glanced back and had the same reaction I did.

  “Shit,” she said. “Looks like the party’s over.”

  “What do you think they want?” I asked.

  “Beats me,” she said, standing up. “Sorry, but dealing with those two is above my pay grade.”

  “Let ’em in, I guess.”

  “Morning, bosses,” said Bess, opening the door and slipping past the two other founders, both of them regarding her with the same icy glare. Bess gave me a wave and headed back to the downstairs level. Walsh and Becca entered and both sat down.

  “Morning,” I said. “What’s up?”

  “Just a quick question for you,” said Walsh as he crossed his legs and folded his hands on his knee. “When we founded Illimitable, how many of us were there?”

  I was confused.

  “Huh? There was you and me and Be—”

  Right then I realized where this was going.

  “We’ve been hearing through the grapevine about several promising projects that a few of the teams have been starting on,” said Becca, her already wrinkly forehead even more wrinkled as she furrowed her brow.

  “That’s good news,” I said. “Especially considering some of the teams are made up of our staff and some of the staff of other firms that Carver bought up. Means they’re working together already.”

  “That’s all well and good,” said Walsh, “but you well know that the issue isn’t the work, it’s the fact that we had to hear about this through other employees—employees below us on the ladder.”

  “We’re both founders of Illimitable,” said Becca, “and when we sold the company to Mr. Carver, we were promised positions of authority. And now we’re finding out that all of the employees are deferring to you. It’s simply unacceptable.”

  “Not a good feeling to have things happen out of your control like this, huh?” I asked.

  I knew I shouldn’t have said it, but I couldn’t resist.

  “Excuse you?” asked Walsh.

  “Nothing, nothing,” I said.

  “Listen, Chelsea,” said Becca. “It’s clear as day what’s going on here.”

  I raised an eyebrow, suddenly feeling very, very paranoid.

  “And what’s that?” I asked.

  “Well, that,” said Becca, pointing to the ring on my finger. “This whole marriage thing. I don’t know how you pulled it off, but you’ve got the ear of the CEO.”

  “The ear and something else,” muttered Walsh.

  I shot him a dirty look, but he was unfazed.

  “Listen,” said Becca. “I can see that you’re still feeling put out about us selling the company. And now, through happenstance or good luck or whatever else, you’re getting married to the CEO. Congratulations and all that, but neither Walsh or I is going to sit idly by while you use this new, ahem, position of yours to move up in the company.”

  I raised my hand, not wanting to hear another word.

  “Am I hearing this right?” I asked. “Because it really sounds like you’re suggesting that I got engaged to Bryce as some sort of career move.”

Something’s going on,” said Walsh. “I’m going to be honest—this whole thing stinks. You don’t even know the man, and now you’re engaged and working directly with him. I wouldn’t have suspected you’d be the type to play this kind of game, but I suppose people always have the capacity to surprise you.”

  “You can both leave right now,” I said. “I’m not going to sit here while you two accuse me of being some kind of whore.”

  “‘Some kind’ indeed,” said Becca as the two of them got up. “You’re pulling something here, Chelsea, and we’re going to find out what it is.”

  With that, the two of them left.

  And I was alone, with no company but my fears and doubts.

  Chapter 23


  I hated that Becca and Walsh’s words had gotten to me, but they did. I buried myself in work for the rest of the day, and by the time six rolled around, I was ready to get out of the office and start the weekend. After checking in with a few of my employees, I headed up to the executive floor and met Bryce in his office.

  “Good day?” he asked. “I didn’t hear from you.”

  “Busy day,” I said, itching to go.

  I must not have been doing a good job at hiding my emotions, because Bryce’s disposition turned serious right away.

  “OK,” he said. “Tell me what’s up.”

  I didn’t want to get into it, but I knew there was no way Bryce was going to let me out of there without sharing what was bothering me. Whether I was in a good mood or bad, Bryce always wanted to know—it was just one of the traits I was starting to really love about him.

  “I had a bad meeting with the other founders, if you can even call it that. Walsh all but accused me of being a freaking prostitute.”

  Bryce’s expression hardened.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he growled. “That little piece of shit.”

  Shock took hold of my face. Hearing Bryce lose his cool like that wasn’t something I was used to. He was always a man in control of his feelings, but not now.

  I watched as Bryce’s jaw worked under his face as he tried to collect himself.


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