Fake: A Fake Fiance Romance

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Fake: A Fake Fiance Romance Page 15

by Rush, Olivia

  “And they think something is up with you and me,” I said. “Something not on the level.”

  His eyes snapped up to me.

  “Do they have any proof?” he asked. “Or just their suspicions?”

  “The latter,” I said. “I think they’re just bitter about how quickly I’ve moved up.”

  “Good,” said Bryce.

  Then there was silence.

  “Listen,” I said. “You’re not putting me in this position just to keep up appearances, right?”

  Bryce, without missing a beat, walked out from around his desk and came over to me. He took my hands into his, the warmth of his skin on mine calming me instantly. There was something magical to the man, something about his touch that put me at ease.

  “If I have to tell you this a thousand times, I will,” he said, looking deeply into my eyes. “But you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think you could do this. The fake marriage, the executive position—everything. And I’m about to make it a special project of mine to make you see that. Got it?”

  I felt better as soon as the last word passed his lips.

  “But we’ve still got the matter of Walsh and Becca,” I said. “They’re not just going to sit around and let things happen.”

  “They’ve got nothing,” said Bryce. “I don’t know how things were run at Illimitable, but I’m willing to bet they were more than happy to stick you in a back office and let you do all the heavy lifting. But I gave you a chance to shine, and that’s exactly what you’re doing, and they don’t know how to handle it.”

  “You think they’re all talk?”

  “They’re all talk,” he said. “Just coming up with whatever excuse they can to not have to deal with the fact that you’re outclassing their sorry asses. People will do whatever they can to avoid looking in the mirror.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I said. “And not that you’re getting cocky.”

  “Me, cocky?” he said with that boyish smirk of his. “Never.”

  Bryce let go of my hands, and when he did, I felt better than I had when I came into the office.

  “We need to get going,” he said, stacking some files on top of his laptop and slipping them all into his leather briefcase.

  “Why?” I asked. “You have big plans for tonight?”

  “We’ve got big plans,” he corrected. “You remember Damien? The investor from the party?”

  “You mean the guy who’s the whole reason why we’re doing this charade?”

  “The very same,” said Bryce. “We’re having a little investor meet-and-greet tonight with some of the executives. And he mentioned to me that he was very interested in getting the chance to get to know you better.”

  “Wait a minute,” I said. “An executive meeting means that Hunter is going to be there, right?”

  “Right,” he said.

  “And that means Felicity is probably going to be there too, in that case. Right?”

  He nodded again.

  “I know, I know,” he said. “But you’ve been handling yourself extremely well, considering it’s clear that you and she aren’t exactly cut from the same cloth.”

  “To put it mildly,” I said.

  “It’ll be a big gathering, so you won’t have to be stuck with her all night. Just don’t give her anything to go on, and keep her at arm’s length like you’ve been doing. And just keep in mind what I told you—I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I didn’t think you could handle.”

  “Maybe it’ll even be fun,” I said.

  “That’s the spirit,” he said. “And I hope you don’t mind, but I had a dress sent to the apartment from the same shop as before. Along with some matching shoes.”

  “Is that right?” I asked, pleasantly intrigued.

  “It is. They have your measurements, and you looked so damn good in that last one that I couldn’t resist seeing if they could go two for two.”

  That last dress was like nothing else I’d ever worn, and the idea of getting a second to wear was more than a little enticing.

  “OK,” I said. “You’ve sold me. Let’s do it.”

  Bryce flashed me a very, very sexy grin.

  “Then let’s not wait another minute.”

  Chapter 24


  Cocktail in hand, I leaned against the kitchen counter in my apartment. My eyes were on the city beyond the balcony as the sun slipped down behind the skyline, the lights of San Francisco flickering on one by one.

  I let the whiskey loll in my mouth as I considered the night ahead. The pep talk I’d given Chelsea wasn’t BS, but I also knew that any situation like this was another opportunity for us to get busted. And what she’d said about the founders of her company coming at her with knives out was troubling.

  If I was lucky, they’d be all talk—like I’d said, that they were just bitter about being outshined by someone with more talent who was finally getting the opportunity to reach her full potential.

  But if I wasn’t lucky, they’d start peering into the exact nature of the relationship between Chelsea and me. And who knows if they’d find out the truth.

  That just meant everything needed to fall into place. If I could convince Damien to invest, then that would mean the rest of my plans could go forward. Then I could have my engagement with Chelsea come to a convenient end and put all the lies behind us.

  It’d look bad to Damien that I’d be ending the engagement, but it’s not like he could hold it against me for a relationship going south. And I’d have shown that I’m the type of man who can make the ultimate commitment.

  All seemed perfect on the surface.

  But the idea of breaking everything off with Chelsea gave me pause. When I’d had this all planned out in my mind, I imagined coming to a professional understanding with a lovely young woman, taking her out to a few events, and ending things amicably when the job was done.

  I didn’t count on actually falling for the girl. I didn’t count on her being someone I could actually see myself with.

  “You ready?”

  And I didn’t count on her looking that fucking good in a dress.

  Chelsea stepped into the living room, her impossibly gorgeous figure backlit by the city behind her. The dress was black as India ink, and her body seemed poured into it. She stood on matching heels, and her hair was done up, framing her strikingly beautiful face.

  Her slim hands were wrapped around a gold and black clutch, and as she entered the living room she paused, as if knowing how damn good she looked and giving me a chance to take her in.

  So, to answer her question—no, I wasn’t ready. No man with a pulse could be ready for a woman like her.

  “Just finishing my drink,” I said.

  “You OK?” she asked as she stepped toward me, her heels clicking on the parquet floor.

  When she arrived at my side, the scent of her perfume drifted into my nose, having a drug-like effect on me. It took all the restraint I had not to slip my arm around her waist and pull her in close for a kiss.

  “Being around you dressed like that is a real test of my professionalism,” I said.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Hey, don’t blame me,” she said. “You’re the one who picked out the dress.”

  “You’re right about that. I suppose I only have myself to blame.”

  She flashed me a daring glance before reaching across me and picking up my glass, her cleavage only inches away from my face. Her eyes locked on me as she sipped the drink and set it back down, a red smear of lipstick on the rim.

  “Delicious,” she said.

  “Now you’re just screwing with me,” I said through a grin.

  “Maybe a little,” she said. “Maybe I can’t help but have a little fun making you sweat.”

  I could think of a few ways I wouldn’t mind making her sweat. But I kept them to myself, not wanting to let my cock take over my mouth in addition to my mind.

  “I think you’re getting drunk with power,” I said.

>   “More fun than regular drunk,” she shot right back.

  Couldn’t argue with her there.

  “So,” she said, stepping back and changing the subject. “We ready to do this thing? Or are you just going to sit there and sip your whiskey and ogle me all night?”

  “Maybe I’ll do all of those,” I said. “Being CEO has made me pretty damn good at multitasking.”

  Chelsea let out a snort and waved her hand.

  “Keep the lines to yourself, playboy,” she said lightheartedly. “I’m all business tonight.”

  I killed my drink and stood up from the counter.

  “Is that right?” I asked, stepping over to the large mirror above the fireplace and giving myself one last look-over.

  “You kidding me?” she asked. “With the investors there, not to mention the power couple, I don’t think I can afford to get distracted.”

  “Good attitude,” I said. “If we nail tonight, then that could be all we need to get Damien wrapped up with a neat little bow. He seemed pretty thrilled that I was finally settling down.”

  “Hopefully he takes the news that we’re breaking up just as well.”

  That tinge of…something came back to my gut upon hearing Chelsea talk about ending our arrangement.

  This was bad. But I put it out of my head as we stepped into the elevator.

  “He’ll have seen that I can go the distance,” I said. “I’ll give him some story about how you and I are so busy with work that we got to talking and decided that a marriage was the last thing we had time for, that we’re just going to take a break and see what happens in the future.”

  “Smart,” she said as the elevator doors closed and we began our descent. “Not cheating, no drama, nothing that the tabloids will be able to sink their teeth into.”

  “Damn,” I said. “You’re really learning how to think when you’re in the public eye.”

  “What can I say?” she asked. “I’ve always been a fast learner.”

  “Just remind me never to underestimate you,” I replied.

  “You won’t need any reminders,” she said without missing a beat, flashing me a smile.


  As we went down, I couldn’t help but use the reflective surface of the elevator walls to take in a nice, long look at Chelsea’s ass in that dress. Maybe I should’ve picked something a little less distracting after all. Then again, when a woman looks as good as Chelsea did, I’d have needed to put her in a burlap sack with arm and leg holes cut out to hide that body.

  We strode through the lobby, the two of us catching the eyes of everyone there.

  “What’s the press situation going to be like there?” she asked.

  “Shouldn’t be one—it’s a private event, not like the ball. And god help any paparazzi if they manage to sneak into the place. Why, you starting to like the attention?”

  “Hardly,” she said. “Just getting used to it. It’s still weird to go out for a cup of coffee and watch out of the corner of my eye as someone takes a sly picture with their camera phone.”

  “Or, at least, they think they’re being sly.”

  I opened the door to the limo, letting Chelsea in first.

  “No kidding,” she said as I joined her in the back. “They always think they’re being sneaky, but they all have the same weird way they position their bodies and their phones that makes it totally obvious what they’re doing.”

  I laughed as I made us both a pair of drinks.

  “Then again, some of them must be pretty good at it considering how often my face ends up on the front pages of those damn websites.

  “And now my face,” she said.

  “Don’t worry— you’ll be out of the public eye before too long.”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I was thinking about using all this as my springboard into the glamorous life of a reality TV star or something.”

  She followed up her comment with a wink. Then she crossed her legs, putting her startlingly gorgeous thigh on display.

  Distractions on top of distractions.

  “Then you should definitely get in good with Felicity. She’s the master of getting attention.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure the two of us would make legendary pals. Right up until the moment she kills me in my sleep.”

  I laughed, nearly spitting out my drink. Chelsea’s wry sense of humor was unexpected, but I loved it.

  We made our way through the city, coming to a stop in front of the gorgeous ten-story brick building owned by one of the potential investors. The chauffeur let us out of the car, and I took Chelsea’s arm in mine, holding her close as we made our way up the stairs.

  Feeling her curves against my body pushed me over the edge—I couldn’t help myself any longer. Standing in front of the towering, arched entrance of the building, I stopped, turned Chelsea toward me and planted a kiss on her mildly shocked face.

  Just as happened every time we kissed, our lips melted together. I opened my mouth, letting my tongue slip past her lips, her strawberry taste filling my mouth. She kissed me back as I pressed her body against mine, feeling the softness of her breasts against my solid chest.

  When I finally moved my mouth away, I saw that the expression of mild surprise was still on Chelsea’s face.

  “What was that all about?” she asked.

  “Just getting into character,” I said.

  “I suppose that’s one way to method act,” she said.

  It was. But I could think of a few others.

  Chapter 25


  After a quick walk through a spectacular lobby and up via a gilded elevator, the two of us arrived in an apartment so grand that it made my penthouse bachelor pad look like a cramped shotgun.

  The main room was a massive space with a vaulted ceiling and ornate, gold columns. Tasteful Renaissance-style art complete with marble sculptures comprised the décor, and there was, of course, a sweeping view of the city.

  “Damn,” said Chelsea. “This place would make Jay Gatsby blush.”

  “That’s old California money for you,” I said. “Not all that showy when out in public, but once you get to their homes you see where it all goes.”

  There were only a few dozen guests in attendance, about evenly split between executives and other high-ups in the company and the various investors and their dates and friends. Damien Winter strode out from the middle of the crowd and made his way toward Chelsea and me, a big, congenial smile on his face.

  “There’s the couple I’ve been waiting all night to see,” he said, clapping his hand on my shoulder and giving me a shake.

  “Pleasure as always, Damien,” I said.

  “And you’re looking the picture of beauty,” he said, turning his attention to Chelsea. “Still not sure how Bryce managed to so thoroughly luck out, but I won’t hold it against him for catching a break.”

  He leaned in and gave her a polite kiss on the cheek before flashing me an avuncular smile.

  “So good to see you, Damien,” she said.

  Once we’d made our greetings, he clasped his hands together.

  “Well! I’d like to get you both acquainted with the rest of the guests, if you both don’t mind.”

  “I insist,” I said.

  Damien took us through the room, introducing us to various men and women whose names I’d only thus far seen on investor sheets. And as we got about halfway through our little meet-and-greet, the doors to the apartment opened, revealing Hunter and Felicity.

  The two of them began working the room right away, Felicity flashing that million-dollar smile as she turned on the charm, giving me a knowing look before she and Hunter began making their introductions.

  And as the investors began to realize that one of the most famous women in the world was now in among them, their attention slowly melted away from Chelsea and me.

  “I guess we can’t compete with that,” I said.

  “Fine with me,” said Chelsea. “I was needing a break
from all the cheek-kissing and handshakes. Not to mention it’s only a matter of time before Felicity sees me and does that scream thing.”

  “Care to enjoy the peace while we have it?” I asked, gesturing to the balcony.

  “Sounds good to me,” said Chelsea.

  I fetched us a pair of fresh drinks from the bar before we stepped out onto the balcony. The city was just as majestic as ever, the silver curve of the moon hanging above it all.

  “I know I’ve already said it, but you’re doing a hell of a job with all this,” I said, sweeping my hand toward the crowd inside the apartment.

  “Thanks,” she said. “You know, it’s funny—if you would’ve told me when I started out in tech that I’d be rubbing elbows at a party like this, I would’ve told you that you were crazy. But now that I’m here, I don’t know. It feels like I was missing out on an important part of business by leaving all this sort of stuff up to other people.”

  “Are you thinking about your contract gone awry?” I asked.

  “That’s exactly what I’m thinking about. I was naïve enough to think I could leave all that to Walsh and Becca, and that I could hide out in my office and work on my software. But I guess I had to learn that lesson the hard way.”

  “And now they’re back at it.”

  “Right,” she said. “They think they can strong-arm me again. But I’ve learned from my mistakes. Still…”

  “There’s the matter of what they might find out,” I said.

  She shook her head, as if not even wanting to think about it.

  “They won’t find out. How could they?” I asked. “It’s not like either of us have told anyone about this.”

  A strange expression flashed on Chelsea’s face, one that I couldn’t quite interpret.

  “Right,” she said. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Before either of us could say another word, the door to the balcony opened up. It was Damien.

  “Apologies for interrupting,” he said, “but Bryce—could I see you for a moment?”

  Chelsea nodded, planting a quick peck on my cheek.


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