Book Read Free


Page 11

by Denise Irwin

  “I’ll pick you up around 5:00 in the evening.”

  “We will be ready.”

  “Lee, I just invited Ian’s parents to dinner tomorrow night, is that okay?”

  “Of course it is.”

  “I now need to call Phil.”

  He dialed Phil’s number and when he answered it, “Phil, Macgill’s parents arrived today, they want to watch the proceedings and then they’ll make arrangements to get their son home.”

  “That’s not a problem because I would really like to meet them.”

  The Marksman family spent the rest of the afternoon, playing in the yard.


  Ivan and Bonnie Macgill took a walk around the harbor. “Ivan, this is amazing to see is it not?”

  “Yes it is. It is very different from Stonehaven. I see the National Aquarium just ahead of us, would you like to take a look?”

  “Yes, I think that I would. Our son went in and told me that it was delightful.” They walked through the Aquarium in awe of the magnitude of what they saw. Ivan said, “I think that the entire town to Stonehaven can fit in this building.”

  “Well that might be a bit of an overstatement, but it certainly is a large structure.”

  They wandered around the Aquarium for several hours until Ivan announced that he was hungry.

  Bonnie asked, “What do you suppose we should eat?”

  As they wandered through the food pavilion, Ivan said, “I do not know. What did Ian say about what he ate?”

  “He told me that he ate mostly hamburgers and fries. I would prefer something different.”

  “Yes, I would as well. Do you want to try the steamed blue crabs that Baltimore is famous for?”

  “Yes, so let us ask someone where we can get them.”

  Ivan stopped someone on the sidewalk to ask where he could eat steamed blue crabs. The young lady told him, “Bo-Brooks has the best crabs that I know of. It’s a far walk, so I’d suggest that if you have a car, drive to it. It’s on the water side of Boston Street. Get ready for a messy meal, but I think that you’ll love it.”

  They walked back to the hotel and retrieved their car. Just to make sure he knew where he was going, Ivan asked the parking attendant where Bo-Brooks was. He grabbed a restaurant guide with directions and then he said, “You’re gonna love the crabs.”

  Bonnie was the navigator while her husband drove. She finally pointed as she said, “Ivan it is just over there.”

  As they entered the restaurant, Ivan asked his wife, “How do we order these steamed blue crabs?”

  She chuckled, “I do not know, but I am sure that someone will help us.”

  A very young lady came to their table, “Hello, my name is Becky and I’ll be your server today. Are you here to eat crabs?”

  “Yes, but we have never eaten steamed blue crabs, can you give us help?”

  “I’d be delighted to. First, since it’s just the two of you why don’t you order four crabs and that’ll be two crabs apiece. Next, in Baltimore we drink beer with our grabs. Let me get you some beer and when the order for your crabs is ready, I’ll show you how to eat them.”

  Becky returned with two beer mugs of cold beer along with plastic bibs. After she left Bonnie said, “I think that this is going to be a messy meal if she brought us bibs.”

  “Bonnie, the beer is really cold and in my opinion tastes a bit weak.”

  “Then ask her to bring you a stouter beer.”

  When the server returned to their table to check on them, Ivan asked, “Do you have Guinness available?”

  She laughed and then said, “We do, and I’ll just take this one back and bring you a Guinness. This tastes like piss water doesn’t it?”

  He looked at his wife and asked, “Did you hear what she just said?”

  “Yes I did, but here comes your new beer.”

  “Here’s your beer. Your crabs are ready so I’ll go pick them up and show you how to eat them.”

  She returned with a tray holding five crabs that were not blue. Ivan said, “We ordered steamed blue crabs. What you brought us is not blue.”

  Becky told them, “They were blue before they went into the steamer. They are layered with Old Bay seasoning which is spicy and they turn reddish orange while they are steamed.” She let that sink in and then picked up a crab. “Now pick up a crab.”

  She showed them how to get the shell off and find the meat inside. Bonnie said, “This is really messy, but it is good.”

  “It sure is.”

  Becky came to the table to check on them and Ivan ordered four more steamed crabs along with two beers.”

  For two hours, they were able to set aside why they were here.

  While driving back to the hotel, Bonnie said, “I am really tired. It has been a long day.”

  “It sure has. I wonder what dinner will be like tomorrow evening.”

  “I do not know, but it was awfully kind to invite us into their home.”


  Thompson was given the privilege to shower. Two jail guards escorted him to the shower and watched as he washed himself. They gave him a tooth brush and tooth paste. They also provided him with a Baltimore City Jail jumpsuit along with underwear.


  Sam and Leona met in the kitchen for a nightcap. Leona spoke first, “I wonder what they’re like and if they’ll feel comfortable in our home?”

  “Lee, they are alone in a strange country. Their son was murdered here. They will really appreciate some kind folks to have dinner with.”

  “Sam, I did a little research, the gents in Scotland prefer stout beer. Can you pick up some Guinness tomorrow?”

  “Yes ma’am, I sure can.”


  On Monday morning Sam had put the coffee on and walked the dog. He found his wife in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. “Since its Veteran’s day, the kids aren’t up yet, so I figured that I’d just sit here for a moment to enjoy my coffee. Once I finish my coffee, I’ll put a dry rub on the steaks and put them in the fridge.”

  “Let me go now to get the beer. The kids are gonna want to play in the yard. Is there anything else I can pick up while I’m out?”

  “I don’t think so, but you’re right about the kids wanting to play in the yard.”

  Sam was back home in time to have breakfast with his family. Jack asked if they could play in the yard. Sam said, “Yes, we’ll come in for lunch.”

  During lunch Leona told Molly and Jack, “We’re have dinner guests this evening. They are from Scotland and may not be familiar with how we do things. Go upstairs and search for Stonehaven, Scotland on my computer because that’s where they’re from.”

  Sam showered and dressed when it was time to pick up their dinner guests.

  He pulled into the front of the hotel and saw a couple that looked a bit uncomfortable. He got out of the car to introduce himself. “I’m Sam Marksman.”

  “It is nice to meet you. We are Ivan and Bonnie Macgill.”

  Sam helped Bonnie get into the back seat and then opened the door for Ivan to get into the front seat. “Is everyone seat belted in?”

  They looked confused so Sam explained, “Here in the States, its illegal not to wear a seat belt.” He heard two quick clicks and pulled away from the hotel.

  Ivan told him, “We did not know that, but it makes good sense.”

  It was a fairly quiet drive home. The Macgill’s watched out the window appearing to be fascinated with the changing landscape. He pulled into the driveway and heard Mrs. Macgill say a low, “Oh my.”

  He opened the front door to find that Molly, Jack and the dog were posted in the foyer as the greeters. Jack went first, “My name is Jack and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Macgill.”

  The Macgill’s returned the greeting and moved on to the little girl.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Macgill, my name is Molly and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  They returned the greeting and then Mrs. Macgill asked, “Is this your dog?”

  Jack told her, “Yes ma’am he is and his name is Vinny.”

  Vinny put his paw up to shake her hand. “That’s amazing. Did you teach him that?”

  “Yes Ma’am, my sister and I taught him that.”

  The children led the way into the kitchen to meet their Mom. Jack said, “Mom, this is Mr. and Mrs. Macgill. This is my Mom.”

  Leona stepped forward, “Mom’s name is Leona, please come in and sit at the table. What can I offer you to drink? Mr. Macgill, I have Guinness if you’d prefer that?”

  “Yes, that would be very nice.”

  Sam pulled out a large beer glass and poured the beer into it. Leona asked, “Mrs. Macgill what can I offer you?”

  “I prefer red wine if you have it.”

  Once everyone had a beverage, Leona asked, “How was your flight?”

  Ivan said, “It was quite smooth.”

  Leona felt as though it was like pulling teeth out of a chicken to get these two to converse. “I know that you just arrived yesterday and that your hotel is near our Harbor Place, but did you get a chance to get out and walk?”

  Ivan said, “Yes we did Mrs. Marksman, we went to the Aquarium and then we went to a place call Bo Brooks to eat steamed blue crabs.”

  “Please call me Leona and my husband is Sam. What did you think about the steamed crabs?”

  Ivan told them, “The waitress was a delightful young lady who taught us how to eat them and the crabs were very good.”

  Dinner went well, Ivan went out to the patio with Sam to grill the steaks while Leona and Bonnie put the salad together. Bonnie asked, “Did you meet my son?”

  “No I did not, but I heard that everyone who knew him liked him.”

  Bonnie did not ask about her son again.

  Leona found the silence unbearable. “Bonnie, please tell me about Stonehaven.”

  “It is a very small town. Everyone knows everyone, so there are no secrets kept secret. The town paid for our son’s education here in your country in preparation of when Doc Balderston stops practicing medicine.”

  “Bonnie that’s incredible.”

  “Not when you only have one doctor.”

  On the patio, Ivan asked, “Sam, how did you get into the investigative business?”

  “I went to school to be a lawyer and after I passed the bar, I joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I left them and went out on my own. What about you?”

  “Bonnie and I own a Bed and Breakfast in the center of town. I inherited it from my father and we’ve done quite well with it. There has been a large growth of vacationers and tourism in Stonehaven, but in our hearts we are still a small community.”

  Sam nodded his head. “So that’s why your son wanted to be a doctor and practice in Stonehaven.”

  “Only in part. Our current doctor is growing old, so we need a new younger doctor to take over.”

  “I think that Bob may have mentioned that, but if he did, it was great to hear it from you. Let’s get the steaks into the house.”

  When they came through the kitchen door, Leona said, “Perfect timing. The potatoes are done along with the salad. While I’m up, let me refresh drinks.”

  Bonnie said, “I have never seen potatoes baked this way, how did you do it.”

  “After the potato was baked, I gutted it and mashed the insides and mixed in some sour cream and shredded cheese.”

  “Ivan, this might work very well at out B & B.”

  “Yes it just might. It could be a great change from boiled or plain baked potatoes.”

  Bonnie asked Molly and Jack, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

  Jack said, “I really like history, so I’d like to teach it or do research.”

  Molly said, “I’m not sure yet.”

  Bonnie, “You do not need to be because you have plenty of time to think about it.”

  After dessert, Ivan asked Sam to drive them back to the hotel. When he dropped them off, Ivan asked what time should they be ready in the morning? Sam said that he would pick them up at 8:15.

  Leona was waiting for him in the kitchen with a glass of wine. He pulled a beer from the fridge and sat across from her. “Sam, now that you’ve met them, what do you think?”

  “I think that they’re doing the best that they can in the situation. I also think that it was a good idea to have them to dinner because they were able to relax before we go to court. I believe that they enjoyed themselves as they became comfortable with us.”

  “I think that you’re right, but it just breaks my heart to know why they are here.”

  Chapter Seven

  Thompson was pissed when he was told that he had to wear the jumpsuit to court. It didn’t make him any happier that his breakfast was sitting on the door shelf.


  Leona was making breakfast when Sam came into the kitchen after walking the dog. She asked, “Good morning, what time are you picking up the Macgill’s?”

  “I told them that I would pick them up at 8:15.”

  “That means that you’ll miss breakfast with us this morning.”

  “Unfortunately that’s correct. I need to shower and dress and then I’ll drive downtown to pick them up.”

  The Macgill’s were waiting for him in front of the hotel. Sam put the car in park and waited until Ivan helped his wife into the back seat and he then climbed into the front seat with Sam. Sam smiled when he heard the seat belts click into place. Ivan asked, “Sam, how long should this take.”

  “Typically not long at all. We’ll go in and the Judge will ask for the defendant’s plea and a bail will be set. Are you concerned about something?”

  “No, not at all. I just wanted to get familiar with the American legal system.”

  Since this was not a high profile case, Sam was able to get a parking space without any difficulty. Sam led the Macgill’s through the courthouse security check point and then, took the elevator up to the second floor. When the elevator doors opened and they stepped out to find Gregory’s team milling around in the hall waiting for the bailiff to unlock the doors. They stepped forward as Sam did the introductions. “This is Bonnie and Ivan Macgill.” He then went on to introduce the team. “This is Brian Gregory. He’s an Assistant State’s Attorney and he will prosecute the case.”

  Gregory stepped forward, “I am so sorry for your loss, but it’s a pleasure to meet his parents. I never had the chance to meet him, but I’ve heard that he was a great man.”

  Mr. Macgill uttered a low “Thank you.”

  “I’d like you to meet Amanda Buttons. She is the Forensic Analyst who analyzes the evidence collected.”

  Amanda stepped forward, “I’m sure that this is a difficult time for you, but I’m happy to meet you.”

  Bonnie said, “Thank you.”

  Phil stepped forward, “My name is Phil Mason, and I’m the Medical Examiner for Baltimore City. No parent should ever go through what you’re going through. I am sorry for your loss.”

  The bailiff unlocked the doors and let them into the courtroom. Gregory said, “Come and sit in the first row behind me.”

  They watched as Thompson was led to the defense table by two jail guards in his orange jumpsuit. Sam leaned forward, “Brian he doesn’t appear to have counsel with him.”

  The bailiff entered the courtroom through the side door to call out, “Hear-ye, Hear-ye, all rise as The Honorable Aaden Kavanagh enters the courtroom for the arraignment of Mark Thompson, charged with Premeditated Murder under Title 2, Section 2-201. Case Number 13-641.”

  Everyone stood as the Judge sat on the bench. He waved his hands as he said, “Please sit.”

  He looked at the defense table to see that only Thompson was seated there. “Mr. Thompson do you have representation by an attorney?”

  Thompson knew the system well so he stated, “No Your Honor I do not. I will defend myself.”

  “Not in my courtroom. I will reschedule this arraignment for tomorrow at 9:00 and you need to make sure that you
have legal representation. Guards, please return this defendant to the Baltimore City Jail.”

  As Gregory passed by Sam, he said, “Wish me luck, I’m gonna go and try to sweet talk Delven into taking this case.”

  “You don’t need luck because she loves you.”

  “I’ll give you a call after I meet with her.”


  The jail guards put on his leg locks along with his hand cuffs to transport him to the jail. During the drive, the thought of pleading insanity was starting to appeal to him.

  He had missed lunch and would now have to wait until dinner time before he had anything to eat.


  When everyone left the courtroom, Ivan asked Sam, “We haven’t identified our son yet, can you take us to the morgue?”

  “Sure, let me call Phil and tell him that we’ll meet him there.”

  When he disconnected the call, he told them, “Phil will meet us there.”

  Sam parked the car and walked with them into the morgue. He heard Ivan ask his wife, “Do you want to wait with Sam in the hall?”

  “No I do not Ivan. He was my son too.”

  Sam stood near the door while Phil walked with the Macgill’s. Phil discreetly pulled back the sheet to show his face. Bonnie started to cry, so Sam stepped in to wrap his arm around her and led her out of the room. He held onto her and let her cry. Her body shook against his.

  Ivan came out of the room and took his wife from Sam. They clung together and wept until there were no more tears left to cry.

  Ivan said, “Sam, thank you for bringing us here. Would it be an imposition if you could take us to see his apartment and the campus and where he would have gone to school and where he worked?”

  “Mr. Macgill, it would not be an imposition.”

  Sam was driving them to their son’s apartment and Ivan asked, “Sam, did you tell us that Mr. Gregory is the prosecutor?”

  “Yes that’s right.”

  “Sam, was it not Mr. Gregory who went to find an attorney for Thompson?”

  Sam quickly understood the confusion. “Yes that’s right, but the attorney that he was going to talk to is a public defender. She’s paid by the state to defend persons convicted of crimes who can’t afford an attorney. Delven will kick Gregory’s butt to defend a client, even if she thinks that the defendant is guilty.”


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