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From Ashes and Embers (Ceasefire Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Claire Marta

  Her screams rise as she wilts under the weightless fire. It eats greedily at her flesh, clothes, fiery red locks. A mighty groan tears through the sound. Shuddering, quaking, the tree seems to cry out in anguish, its thick branches shaking.

  Dense grey smoke billows into the sky joining the rising mist.

  Jane stands frozen. Golden eyes round, breaths ragged and harsh, as she trembles her brightly colored hair rumpled around her face. Her whole focus is fixated on the death pyre.

  “It’s over.” She sounds dazed, traumatized. As if she can’t quite believe we won. Free.

  The forces within me quieten, receding to a whisper that buzzes through my chest. Rising slowly to my feet, I move to stand beside her. Lacing my fingers with hers, we watch it all burn. Neither of us speak. The intense heat of the blaze washes over us, but still we remain mesmerized.

  Eventually reality sets in. We can’t stay here. It’s time to get moving to somewhere safe. There’s no way I’m returning to the fortress. Lucifer tried to kill my woman once, and I wouldn’t put it past the son of a bitch to try again. He views Jane as a threat. She’s not safe. I refuse to put her in anymore danger.

  Weighing my options, there’s only one choice.

  We’ll run.

  Hooking my arm around her shoulders, I draw her protectively into my side. “Come on, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  “How did you do that?” Jane’s stares at me as if she’s never seen me before.

  Skin still tingling from the portal we’ve just stepped through, I give her a frown. “Do what?”

  The cold air makes me shiver. Sky washed with grey light illuminates thin patches of ground in the bleakness. Flurries of white flutter down from above in no hurry to reach the snow-covered landscape.

  We’re back in the Devil’s domain. For whatever reason, the gateway wouldn’t transport us to earth. With everything sealed, my power to teleport is screwed. Uneasiness has me jittery. It’s not often they get locked down. Usually by the orders of Lucifer himself. Being trapped in Hell is not where we want to be.

  “Survive being fried by my powers?” she elaborates, her cute freckled nose scrunched up.

  Shrugging, I scan our surrounding. “I don’t know.”

  The snow sparkles and crunches under our feet as we walk out of the standing stones. Mind in chaos, I try to formulate a plan. We need to get the fuck out of here. Not many exits exist, but I know of my share. Maybe we can find one still open. The longer we remain here, the more likely we’ll be discovered. I’ve no intention of confronting Lucifer. With Badden’s double cross selling me out to the Witches, I have no idea how deeply the Devil’s involvement in that goes. Was it under his orders? He abandoned me either way. Once the bedrock of my life, he threw me out like unwanted trash. Jane needs to be out of his clutches as quickly as possible. Cease Fire is the first place he’ll search, so I know we can’t go there.


  The Greek God might be senile and bat shit crazy, but he’s Jane’s blood. Would he take her in? If what her captors told us was true, he has no idea she’s alive. How much does he care for his descendants? Enough to protect them? She might not be a full Goddess, but she’s still his family.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “Believe me, Tink, it was doing a good job of deep-frying me from the inside out,” I reply, not wanting to admit that Lucifer’s indifference to my fate hurts like fuck. “Then it changed…like something awoke in the ashes...”

  A chilling howl breaks the quiet. Long, high, and somber more fill the air entwining with the first.

  The sound stops me in my tracks. “Oh shit.”

  Head whipping in the direction of the noise, Jane stops moving. “What is it?”

  “Hell hounds.” Reaching for the sheath on her skirt, I slip the knife she carries free.

  Gigantic black shapes race over the slope to our right. Loping effortlessly through the snow, they flow closer like silent running water. Jaws hanging open, their tongues loll out. Each panting breath they take releases white wisps in the frozen air. Hairless, red veins streaking through their rubbery looking skin. It’s deceptive. Resilient, their flesh is tough enough to resist the burn of Hell’s flames. Bred for hunting, there’s little chance of out running their endurance and stamina. We’ll tire long before they do.

  A figure appears behind them. Tall thin and dressed in black, his dreadlocks undulate around his shoulders as he moves through the snow. The jagged scar on his cheek is pronounced when he flashes me a grin. “It took you long enough. I was starting to think those bitches had gutted you.”


  Snapping and snarling, the Hell hounds stalk closer, circling us. Two of them shift onto their hind legs. Crouching in their humanoid form, the shifters watch us with black soulless eyes. They’re ready to tear us apart. All they need is the command to attack.

  “You’re a wanted man, my friend,” the reaper tells me, reaching for his sword. “There’s another hefty price on your head I’m not about to pass over.”

  Hooking an arm around Jane’s waist, I push her protectively behind me. “Tink, you ready to fight?”

  “Yes.” She doesn’t hesitate.

  Retreating a few steps, I don’t take my attention from our foes. I miss the freedom of my wings. If they were fully healed, I could have flown her out of danger. Given this fucker the middle finger and headed for safety.

  “These things are impervious to Hellfire so I’m not sure how well your power will affect them. You might just piss them off,” I warn. My pulse quickens to a bolder beat, with a feeling of edgy anticipation before a fight. Gaze sweeping the creatures, I pick out my first objective. Larger, meaner than the rest, it looks like the pack leader. Take it down, and I know the others eagerness will waver.

  I hear Jane’s sharp cry of pain. In horror, I turn watching her stumble and fall. Confusion rushes through me until I see the dart embedded in her neck.

  Gaze jerking to Badden, the blow pipe is at his lips. I’m going to ram it down his cowardly throat. Making him swallow that piece of wood until he’s shitting his arrows for weeks to come.

  Growling, two of the hounds’ prowl toward Jane’s fallen body in the snow, her rainbow hair bright in the white.

  “No!” Bellow of rage reverberating, I dash to reach her. I won’t let them savage her. I’ll rip every fucker to pieces before they get a chance.

  A sting jabs my neck, even before I reach for it, I know it’s a dart.

  Giddiness captures me quickly. Ploughing forward, my legs lose traction, my knees hitting the snow hard sending pain vibrating up my legs. Nothingness rushes in, and I lose all sense of the world.

  Weightless, I float in the blackness that’s invaded my dreams for months. Cold, shivering, there’s something about the brittle silence that sends primitive fear flooding through my brain. This place is disconcerting. Somewhere for certain I know I shouldn’t be. As if I’ve slipped through a crack not meant for me. My skin tingles with an odd anticipation. There’s something different this time. A restlessness converging in the particles. As if finally, whatever has drawn me here over and over is about to reveal itself.

  Out of nowhere, shimmering, sparkling, a billion pinpricks of light burst into existence around me. Stars? Lives? Dreams? I can’t be sure. Weaving, glistening, they paint a picture of something cosmic and divine. Mesmerized, I watch them grow, stretching out into the vastness.

  It’s then I feel it.

  A disturbance.

  Sinister. Omnipotent. A great invisible leviathan that stirs quietly but with rising strength. Its malevolence coils around me, toxic and probing. As if it can sense my presence…

  Reality once more shifts into consciousness. The lick of warmth over my bare chest is the first thing I’m aware of as alertness returns. It chases the haunting tendrils of the dream from my mind. Next, the sound of crackling. Eyelashes fluttering up, I focus
on a marble floor. Hands chained in front of me, I’ve been positioned on my knees in a gesture of submission my t-shirt stripped from my body.


  The familiar smooth voice winds around me, forcing my head up. I find the Devil lounging on his twisted throne of gleaming white human bones. Dressed in a grey Armani suit, appearance suave and polished, it looks like he could have just stepped from a boardroom. Green eyes gleaming, there’s a smirk on his cruel lips.

  Jane is huddled on the floor at his feet. Wrists tied, her petite frame vibrates with fear. Golden gaze darting to mine, her eyes are orbs of terror.

  Wiry, slim, Badden stands just behind her. Dreadlocks messy around his pale face, his gaze is aloof and remote, a blade at her throat.

  If they hurt her, I’ll kill them. It doesn’t matter that I’m bound to the Devil, if he’s touched my woman in anyway, I’ll end him.

  “Leave us,” Lucifer commands, gesturing at the door.

  Badden bows low at our master’s command before removing himself from the grand hall.

  The only sound is the popping and snapping of the fire, the flames leaping and dancing in the massive hearth to our right.

  “Your behavior displeases me, and that is a very dangerous thing.” Lucifer’s tone is soft but loaded with menace. His expression, though, gives no hint of his emotion. “We have always been in sync. You have never once rebelled against my wishes. Yet I’ve had to have you hunted down and chained to be brought to my court. What do you have to say for yourself, Raziel?”

  “Let Jane go.”

  Angling his dark head, Lucifer observes me with a sharp intensity that seems to pierce to my very soul. “Hmm, I don’t think so.”

  Shifting, I test the strength of my bonds. Forged from unholy metal, I know from experience they sap an angel’s strength. The fact I’ve been subjugated into wearing them stings. I’ve gone from his most trusted to a prisoner. “If you hurt her, I swear I’ll use every last depraved, sick, and fucked up thing you’ve taught me to bring you down.”

  “You love her.” It’s a statement not a question.

  Fear grips me. The last time I’d felt a glimmer of this emotion, he’d had me kill the woman I’d felt it for. His whore who’d taken my virginity. Whatever he orders, I will not condemn Jane to the same fate. Raising my head fully, I let him see, the truth the long hair I’d once been proud of shorn off by the stygian witches. “I do, and I’ve sworn to protect her. It’s a vow I won’t break even for you.”

  “Centuries old and yet still so young. Everything you are boy belongs to me. There’s no room for anything else. You’d give up your position at my side for this barren, mix breed whore?” He gestures at Jane with a faint expression of disgust.

  The action has my fury building. She won’t be treated like nothing again. I don’t care who the fuck he is. Jane deserves the respect she’s lived without for so long.

  “We’re done.” Somehow, I manage to keep my words calm and even. “All I want is my freedom and Jane.”

  “Oh, we’ll never be finished. Your soul is mine. Hell has always been your home, and that will never change. Besides, where do you plan to go? You’d be hunted down because of who and what you are. Death would follow in your wake. Is that what you want, Raziel? A life always looking over your shoulder? Waiting for the blade in your back at your first mistake?”

  Jane’s gaze collides with mine. I see the glimmer of hope she’s clinging to. That tiny optimism that he’ll set us free, yet I know he’s right. My reputation precedes me. Too many know my name and face. Trouble would only trail me. We’d never have peace. Heart twisting in two, I know then what I have to do.

  “What I want is my woman. Guarantee her safety. Give her safe passage to Gabriel in Cease Fire, and I’ll remain as your loyal solider. I’ll never step out of line again. Will remain faithful and obedient.” It’s the only thing that can stop the fear twisting in my stomach. Fear I can’t keep her safe. Fear that he’s already written her a death sentence.

  “Raz, no.” Jane’s protest is soft.

  Adjusting the cuffs of his suit, Lucifer flicks a speck of dirt from the pristine material. “Nothing is ever certain in life.”

  Nothing is ever simple with him. If he sees something to exploit, he’ll use it. Why did I think he’d be any different with me? He’s a born manipulator. A sociopath.

  “This is not a negotiation you will win, Lucifer,” I warn, shifting my weight on my knees, the coldness of the marble beneath me seeping through my jeans. “If you kill her, you might as well go ahead and end us both.”

  “Do you think I don’t know who and what she is boy? She will bend the knee and swear allegiance to me forsaking all other ties whether they be by blood, out of a sense of duty or loyalty. She will remain in my domain. I will not allow her to be delivered into the hands of those Angels.”

  “You tried to kill me! Cursed my womb.” Tink’s voice is shaky, but the anger is strong and cutting. “Why would I want to remain here? I should kill you for it. I won’t be controlled by anyone anymore.”

  “If I sense even one tiny hint of your power my dear, I will not hesitate in snapping your neck,” Lucifer cautions, his smile lacking compassion or empathy. “You were worthless when you were weak. Now you’ve embraced your powers that’s another story. You wear the stench of death like a perfume. Besides, I’m used to taking in strays.” With a click of his fingers, our manacles are unlocked thudding to the floor.

  “Lift your curse and let us leave.”

  “I can’t reverse the damage done. Even if you sold your soul, it would be impossible. I made certain of that,” he tells her with an uninterested dismissive look. “Be happy that I’m allowing Raziel to keep you as his pet.”

  Jane’s eyes glaze over in pain at his words. I’ve never considered having kids but the thought of never seeing her belly swollen with my child brings pain to my soul. Even if she can never love me in return, I want to give her everything she’s wished for. If there’s some way to fix this, I vow silently to do it. Gabriel can heal. If it’s in his power, I’ll make a deal with the Archangel to set right what was done. I’ve been deluding myself; I have to let her go for her own sake.

  My attention remains locked on my colorful fairy, seeking her answer. “I won’t force her to stay if she doesn’t want to. Jane is finally free to choose the path of her life.”

  Lucifer raises his eyebrows in bemusement. “What is this belief of freedom you have? Liberty doesn’t exist. We’re all slaves to something. Power. Money. Greed. Life. Duty. It is an illusion told by soft hearted fools. A fairy tale for humans. Would you rather be wrapped in a serene blanket of ignorance under the rule of Gabriel or be here together, knowing the truth of the situation, no matter how upsetting and distasteful you find it? You have lived under my sovereignty since I first plucked you from death’s hands, Raziel. You know better than anyone I do everything for a reason.”

  Getting to my feet and rubbing my wrists, I stare up at the Devil in puzzlement. “You’re approving of our match? I thought you saw her as a threat?”

  “Emotions have blinded you. You know not to believe half of what you see or hear. The strength of one Knight on the board has the solitary power to bring down the game before it even starts. As soon as Jane stepped into our world, I knew of her origins and the stygian witches. It was just a matter of piecing together their self-serving plans and exploiting them for myself.”

  Jane pushes herself up from the floor. Running toward me, she throws herself into my waiting arms. Her breath warms a spot near the base of my neck. Clinging on tightly, I savor every inch of her. I take it as her answer to stay, and I can’t deny my relief. Dipping my head, I press a kiss to the silky crown of her hair.

  “This was one of your schemes?” I question, still not certain if what I’m hearing is true.

  “Yes,” Lucifer confirms, observing us with sardonic amusement.

  I’ve been caught up in one of his plans. He’s used me as
a tool. The solider I’ve always been. His ulterior motives have been behind this the whole time. A grand manipulation. Every step orchestrated. Detailed and plotted.

  “You wanted me interested in Jane?”

  “I recognized potential in the instant reaction you had for each other. Keeping you from her only intensified what I could see. Raziel, you have been closer to me than anyone else. Nothing has made me prouder. You may not be my blood, but you have always been mine. You will wear every scar you’ve borne with honor. You’re already a legend in my ranks. Is it not fitting that your female be borne of ancient Gods? A creature of such power that no one in their right mind would attempt to take her from you. Is this not an apt gift I grant you for all your loyalty?”

  “So, this was some fucked up dating scheme?” Skepticism laces my tone.

  The Devil shrugs nonchalantly. “If it works for mortals, I didn’t see why it wouldn’t work for you. You forge a bond that’s long lasting, and that’s all that matters now.”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  Rocking the little body in my arms, the soft tune I’ve been humming comes to an end. Gentle, even breathing fans my collar bone, and I know Juliana is finally asleep. There’s a constant ache in my heart I’ll never have my own. Returning to my duties as nanny the last three weeks has been difficult, but I draw some solace that I can be with her. She may not be mine, but I love her. I’ve missed her baby smell. The cute gurgling laughs.

  Raziel comforts me when I wake sobbing in desolation at night. Although we can’t have our own, he’s mentioned adopting. Bringing children into our life a different way. He’s stitching what was broken inside me slowly back together, yet I still haven’t told him I love him. There’s still a tiny part of me frightened to open myself completely. Patient, loving, he’s never once pushed me to say the words. It’s almost frightening how quickly we’ve settled back into life. All the pain, misery, and anguish we went through has built the foundation of our relationship. Sharing each other’s childhoods has also brought us closer.


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