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The Plague, Pestilence & Apocalypse MEGAPACK™

Page 33

by Robert Reed

insult . Yet Tillizini preserved the same outward show of unconcern

  which Festini had seen so disastrously reproduced in his son .

  “I can only add,” the old man went on, “this one fact—that to

  whatever depths a member of a noble house may sink in assisting

  the State to bring justice to the men who are setting the laws of the

  country at defiance, it is possible, Signor, for a man to sink still,

  lower, and to be one of those whose dreadful acts, and whose cruel

  practices, set the machinery of the law in motion .”

  He spoke in his passionless, even tones, and a red flush crept over

  the Count’s face .

  “You may search as you wish,” he said . “My house is at your

  disposition . Here are my keys .”

  He produced from his pocket a steel ring on which a dozen keys

  hung .

  Tillizini made no attempt to take them .

  “If you will conduct me to your bedroom,” he said, “I shall not

  trouble you with any further search .”

  For a second only Count Festini hesitated . A swift cloud of ap-

  prehension passed across his face . Then with a bow he extended his

  hand to the door .

  He followed them into the hall and led the way up the stairs . His

  room was a large one, facing the road . It was as poorly furnished as

  the remainder of the house . Tillizini closed the door behind him, and

  the officer stood, barring all egress.

  “Here are my keys .”

  Again Count Festini held out the polished bunch .

  “Thank you, I do not want them,” said Tillizini . He stood squarely

  before the man . “I think it is as well, Count,” he said gently, “that I

  should tell you what I know . Four days ago a man was arrested in

  the act of placing a bomb on the railway line between Rome and

  Florence . He was apparently a new recruit, but after he was arrested

  it was discovered that he was a man who stood very high in the

  councils of the Florentine branch of your excellent society .”

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 259

  Festini said nothing . He listened with every interest .

  “In some way,” Tillizini went on, “this man had discovered many

  secrets which I am sure the ‘Red Hand’ had no intention of reveal-

  ing . He may have acted as secretary to one of the heads of your

  Order . At any rate, he knew that documents incriminating yourself

  and a very large number of influential people in Italy were secreted

  in this house .”

  “Indeed!” said Festini, coldly . “You have the keys; you may

  verify for yourself the truth of your informant’s statement .” Again

  Tillizini made no attempt to take the keys from him .

  “He knew more than I have told,” he said slowly . “He indicated

  to me a hiding-place which I gather is known only to you and to the

  leaders of your band .”

  He walked to the end of the room, where four long windows lit

  the apartment . Between the second and the third hung a picture in a

  deep gold frame . He passed his hand gingerly over the scroll-work

  on the left side of the frame .

  Presently he found what he wanted, and pressed .

  The bottom half of the rich carving opened like a narrow drawer .

  Festini watched him, motionless, as he took a bundle of papers

  from the secret recess behind the hinge moulding .

  Tillizini examined them briefly at the window and placed them

  carefully in the inside pocket of his coat . He looked at Festini long

  and earnestly, but before he could speak the door was opened and

  Simone Festini came in quickly .

  He walked to his father .

  “What is it?” he asked, and bent his angry brows upon the old

  professor .

  “It is nothing, my son,” said Count Festini .

  He laid his hand upon the boy’s head and smiled .

  “You must go downstairs until I have finished my business with

  his Excellency .”

  The boy hesitated .

  “Why should I go?” he asked .

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 260

  He scented the danger and was hard to move . He looked round

  from one to the other, alert, suspicious, almost cat-like .

  “If anything should happen to me, Simone,” said Count Festini

  softly, “I beg you to believe that I have provided for you hand-

  somely, and there is a provision which is greater than any I can offer

  you—the protection and the friendship, and as I hope one day, the

  leadership, of comrades who will serve you well . And now you must

  go .”He bent down and kissed the young man on the cheek .

  Simone went out, dry-eyed, but full of understanding . In the hall

  below he came face to face with his brother, who had returned from

  the Piazza .

  “Come this way, Antonio,” said the boy gravely .

  He walked first into the dining-room where an hour ago they had

  been seated together at their meal .

  “Our father is under arrest, I think,” he said, still coolly, as though

  he were surveying a commonplace happening . “I also think I know

  what will happen next . Now, I ask you, which way do you go if I

  take up our father’s work?”

  His eyes were bright with suppressed excitement; he had grown

  suddenly to a man in that brief consciousness of impending respon-

  sibility .

  Antonio looked at him sorrowfully .

  “I go the straight way, Simone,” he said quietly . “Whichever way

  is honest and clean and kindly, I go that way .”

  “Buono!” said the other . “Then we part here unless God sends a

  miracle—you to your destiny and I to mine .”

  He stopped and went deadly white, and looking at him, Antonio

  saw the beads of sweat upon his brow .

  “What is the matter?” he asked, and stepped forward to his side,

  but the boy pushed him back .

  “It is nothing,” he said, “nothing .”

  He held himself stiffly erect, his beautiful face raised, his eyes

  fixed on the discoloured decorations of the ceiling.

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 261

  For he had heard the pistol shot, muffled as it was by intervening

  doors and thick walls, that told the end for Count Festini .

  Tillizini, hurrying down to break the news to him, found him

  fully prepared .

  “I thank your Excellency,” said the boy . “I knew . Your Excel-

  lency will not live to see the result of your work, for you are an

  old man, but if you did, you will behold the revenge which I shall

  extract from the world for this murder, for I am very young, and, by

  God’s favour, I have many years to live .” Tillizini said nothing, but

  he went back to Florence a sad man .

  Three months afterwards he again visited Siena, and in the Via

  Cavour, in broad daylight, he was shot down by two masked men

  who made good their escape; and, in his chair, at the College of

  Anthropology at Florence, there reigned, in good time, Tillizini the

  younger .



  It was absurd to call the affair “the Red Hand Trial,” because the

  “Red Hand” had played no part in t
he case so far as the burglary was

  concerned .

  It was a very commonplace burglary with a well-known, albeit

  humble member of Burboro’s community in the dock . He had been

  found in a house in the early hours of the morning, he had given an

  incoherent explanation to the alert butler who had captured him,

  and, beyond a rigmarole of a story that some mysterious Italian had

  sent him thither, there was no hint of the workings of the extraor-

  dinary association which at the moment agitated the law-abiding

  people of Britain .

  It was equally absurd and grossly unfair to accuse the newspa-

  pers who referred to it as “the Red Hand Case,” of unjustifiable sen-

  sationalism . After all, there was an Italian mentioned in connexion

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 262

  with the charge—quite enough in those days of panic to justify the

  reference .

  The Session House was crowded, for the case had excited more

  than usual interest . All the county was there . Lady Morte-Mannery

  occupied a seat on the Bench, as was her right . Most of the house-

  party from East Mannery had driven over and was seated in privi-

  leged places, to the no small inconvenience of the Bar and the rep-

  resentatives of the Press, the latter of whom bitterly and indignantly

  resented this encroachment upon their already restricted domain .

  But Sir Ralph Morte-Mannery, the Chairman of the Session, had

  a short way with critics and professed, though his practice did not al-

  ways come into line with his theory, that the Press might be ignored

  and impressed with a sense of its own unworthiness .

  The Pressmen in the Session House at Burboro’ were constantly

  undergoing that mysterious process which is known as “being put in

  their place .” They desired, most earnestly, that the principle should

  be applied now, for their places were occupied by the guests of the

  Chairman .

  Hilary George, K .C ., sat with his colleagues, though only as a

  spectator . He was curious to see in operation the workings of justice,

  as Sir Ralph conceived it .

  Sir Ralph’s sentences were notorious, his judgments had before

  now come up for revision . He was, perhaps, the best hated man in

  the country . Mothers frightened their obstreperous children with ref-

  erences to Sir Ralph . He was the bogey man of the poacher, a moral

  scarecrow to tramps, people who slept out at night, and suchlike

  dangerous characters .

  A little man, spare and bony, his clothes, though carefully fitted,

  seemed to hang upon him; his face was long and white, and solemn;

  his lips drooped mournfully at each corner . A pair of gold-mounted

  pince-nez struck an angle on his pendulous nose as to suggest that

  they were so placed in order not to obstruct his line of vision . His

  hair was white and thin; he had two dirty-grey tufts of side-whisker,

  and affected a Gladstonian collar . His voice, when he spoke, was

  querulous and complaining; he gave the impression that he felt a

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 263

  personal resentment toward the unfortunate prisoner in the dock,

  for having dragged him from his comfortable library to this ill-

  ventilated court .

  Sir Ralph was a man hovering about the age of sixty . His wife,

  who was looking supremely lovely in her black velvet cloak and her

  big black hat, which one white feather lightened, was nearly thirty

  years his junior . A beautiful woman by some standards . Junoesque,

  imperial, commanding; her lips in repose were thin and straight, and

  if the truth be told, a little repellent . Some people found them so .

  Hilary George, for one, a daring rider to hounds, and wont to employ

  the phraseology of the field, confessed that he never saw those lips

  tighten but a voice within him uttered the warning, “’Ware! ’ware!”

  She was a beautiful woman, and a disappointed woman . She had

  married Sir Ralph Morte-Mannery, five years before, in the supreme

  faith that she had emerged for ever from that atmosphere of penury

  which had surrounded her girlhood; that she had said “good-bye” to

  the strivings, the scrimpings and the make-believe of shabby gentil-

  ity with which a mother with social aspirations and an income of a

  £150 a year had enclouded her .

  But Vera Forsyth found she had moved from an atmosphere of

  penury enforced by circumstances to an atmosphere of penury prac-

  tised for love of it . Sir Ralph was a mean man, he was little short

  of a miser, and he had the settled conviction that, in taking care of

  the pennies, he was appointed as by divine right, the natural heir to

  hundreds .

  It seemed to her, in her first year of marriage, that she could never

  escape from the eternal account book . He was a man who believed

  in domestic stock-taking . He knew, better than she, the prevalent

  price of potatoes, and he noted with pain any advance in the grocer’s

  bill, and set himself the congenial task of discovering the cause for

  any such swollen expenditure .

  Now she looked along the Bench at her husband curiously; he

  was always a source of interest to her . She needed some such inter-

  est to sustain her in her everyday acquaintance with this man .

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 264

  He was summing up with gross partiality . Though he had had one

  or two bad raps from the Court of Criminal Appeal, he was not to be

  turned from his set purpose, which was to rid the country of those

  who showed a disinclination to distinguish the difference between

  meum and teum .

  All who knew the circumstances realized that the summing up

  was in the veriest bad taste . The young man, white of face, who

  stood by the dock’s edge, his shaking hands clasping and unclasp-

  ing the iron rail before him, was being tried for burglary, and the

  burglary was at Sir Ralph’s own place .

  “He has told you, Gentlemen of the Jury,” went on Sir Ralph in his

  speech, “that a mysterious Italian asked him to break into the house,

  where somebody would be waiting to give him an equally mysteri-

  ous packet . He did not intend to steal, so he tells you; he was merely

  carrying out the instructions of this mythical—perhaps I ought not

  to say ‘mythical,’” said Sir Ralph hastily, with the recollection of a

  Lord Chief Justice’s comments on a judgment of his—“but which

  may to you, Gentlemen of the Jury, appear to be a mythical person .

  “He tells you that he was induced by his poverty to go to Highlawn

  at midnight, to effect an entrance through the kitchen, and there to

  wait until some cloaked, masked individual brought him a packet

  which he was to bring away . He tells you that he had no intention

  whatever of robbing the owner . He was merely being the accom-

  plice of some person in the house .”

  Sir Ralph leant back with a little contemptuous smile .

  “Well, Gentlemen of the Jury,” he said, throwing out his hands,

  with pseudo good-nature, “if you believe that, of course you still

  must convict the
man on the charge of being an accomplice . As you

  know, there is in this house a very valuable collection of Renais-

  sance jewellery; and when the Counsel for the Crown tells you,

  as he has told you, that the inference to be drawn from the man’s

  presence in the kitchen, where the butler discovered him, is that he

  intended to make a raid upon that jewellery, you are, perhaps, as

  justified in believing that suggestion as you are in believing that of

  THE 4TH PLAGUE, by Edgar Wallace (Part 1) | 265

  the prisoner’s Counsel—that he was merely acting as an innocent

  agent in the matter .”

  He said a few more words, summarized such of the evidence as

  had not come under his previous purview, and commended the jury

  to their deliberations with the air of benevolence which invariably

  enwrapped the peroration of his more malignant speeches .

  The jury tramped out, and a buzz of conversation overhung the

  court . The prisoner lingered a little by the rails; he looked down at

  the delicate face of his girl-wife, this woman of seventeen, who had

  sat throughout the trial tense and haggard, listening to the evidence .

  “It can’t be helped, dear,” he said . He was a man of the working

  classes, but his voice showed an unusual culture .

  The girl could only raise her piteous eyes to his; her lips trem-

  bled, she could frame no answer . She knew that her young husband

  spoke the truth . Poverty had ground them down to desperation, but

  to whatever end it might drive them, it would never make her man

  a thief .

  The jury were back in five minutes. They shuffled into the box,

  and answered to their names, keeping their eyes averted from the

  prisoner at the Bar . The Clerk of Assizes put his questions to them .

  “Do you find the prisoner ‘Guilty’ or ‘Not Guilty’ of the crime of


  “Guilty,” said the foreman, in a high, nervous voice .

  Sir Ralph nodded his head approvingly . He turned to the prisoner

  as the Clerk said, “Have you anything to say before the sentence is


  The man in the dock took a swift glance at the drooping figure of

  his wife . She had fainted, and a kindly policeman was lifting her to

  carry her from the court .

  “The story I have told,” he said, speaking clearly and without

  hesitation, “was a true story . I had no idea of burgling your house,

  Sir Ralph . I merely went there because I thought I was acting as the


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