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WHITE OUT (24690)

Page 4

by Dark,A. A.

  “Mistress? Mistress Harper?”

  I heard Eleven, but I saw nothing but the guard’s blank expression. Even though he was dead, I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. I wanted to penetrate my rage and evil so deep into his mind that he’d never forget this moment. He had to see who I was deep inside. He needed to see who his life now belonged to. No one knew the real me. And no one ever would until it was their time.

  I am the macabre

  Master of illusions.

  Bram’s poem echoed in my head. He wasn’t the only one. His words were now my own. His death led to a rebirth of an Everleigh that no one could save. One, she might not be able to save, herself.

  “Mistress, tell me what to do? Are you alright?”

  “I’m about to be,” I whispered.

  I turned the guard’s head back and forth, taking in his bone structure. He wasn’t handsome or even relatively attractive, but that didn’t matter. His nose was rather large and his eyes appeared as small slits in his face. I bit my bottom lip, stabbing down just outside of the hairline and dragging the tip of the knife toward his ear. A hiss blew out behind me, but I continued, watching the skin split and peel back as I worked my way down to his jawline.

  “Is she cutting off his face? Jesus. Eleven, tell me she’s not taking off his fucking face, man?”

  A soft laugh sounded and I bit my bottom lip, concentrating as I applied more force. The knife wasn’t very big. It was barely sharp enough to break through the layers of skin I was having to almost saw through.

  “Here.” Eleven crouched beside me, meeting my eyes. In that moment, I could have kissed him or slit his throat. It was his offer that kept me grounded. “Try this one. I think it’ll give you the enjoyment you’re looking for.”

  I took the larger knife, licking my lips as I turned back to the bloody guard. The tip eased just under his chin like butter. The pleasure that washed through me was almost immediate. I moved the slice around the curve of his jaw, feeling the blade meet bone as I pushed a little too hard. I rotated my wrist, easing up by his ear and around his forehead to join where I had started. When I flattened the tip just under the skin and began to flick my wrist in small, quick movements, someone took a deep inhale, clearing their throat.

  There was no sickness to my stomach like there had been with Julie. There was no shock or unease for the meat and bone that began to show underneath. I was oddly in heaven with my craft. What that said about me, I wasn’t sure. I really didn’t care as I worked the skin down, cutting higher onto his nose so mine would fit.

  “Husband, wait until you see this. You’re going to love it.”

  I sliced down faster, half tearing his cheek, half cutting the skin as I got to his lips and chin. In one hard jerk, I ripped the last little bit free. Immediately, I went to his open pants. I grabbed his cock, fisting it as I sawed through the muscle. A smile came to my face and I kept it there as I gazed into the camera, dangling the limp flesh back and forth in front of it so he could see what came to those who raped me.

  “Now I feel better. How do you feel? Want to come pay me a visit? I beg you to. You just wait and see what happens when I see you again.” I tossed the guard’s cock to the side, raising the face up so I could look out of the empty holes where the eyes used to be. “This is going to be you. I’m going to wear you just … like … this.” My teeth clenched as I fitted the skin over my face and breathed in the scent of blood. For seconds I stared hard into the camera. Only when my pulse slowed, did I remove it. Wet warmth covered my forehead and cheeks and I let my hate shine through for only a moment before I grinned. I knew I had to stay in playing ground of all sides. This was far from over.

  White lights began to flicker back and forth with the red. I lowered even more, slightly pouting. “It looks like play time is over. Pity. I’ll see you soon.”

  I pushed to stand, turning to take in the three men who stared at me like I was every bit the madwoman I portrayed. They eased from the room in slow steps. All of them but Eleven. He walked forward, staring down at the guard for only a moment before he began to beat at the camera with the baton. The guard’s body jerked with the blows and more blood seeped free of his face and neck.

  “I have to go before they get here. Talk to me. We have so much to discuss.”

  I didn’t care to speak as I watched him leave. Within seconds, a man I knew all too well stormed through. Abbot was panting and was being followed by two guards. His gaze went from the mutilated man on the floor to my bare breasts, down to what I still held in my hand. When he saw the severed cock off to the side, he couldn’t hide the cringe.

  “Jesus. Fuck. Did he …? Is that …?”

  “Did he, what? Rape me? Beat me? What do you think?” I lifted the man’s face, putting it back on mine. “How do I look? Do you want to rape me too? Maybe you should try.” I brought down the skin mask, lowering to grab the knife as my eyes cut up to watch his every move.

  “You were not to be raped. The Main Master didn’t want that. It’s why I’m here.” He got quiet, worry shadowing his face as he ran his fingers through his hair. “How long has that camera been broken?”

  “Not long enough for the lies you’re brewing. My husband saw. He saw everything.”

  “Fuck!” His hand moved down to run over his features and he threw me a hateful look, stomping to the dead body. In one hard pull, he disconnected the camera, throwing it at the wall. Pieces broke off, sliding across the floor. I was so amped up that I wasn’t sure whether to jump at the action or attack him. “Clean up this mess and get her a new fucking gown. Dammit!” His anger increased as one of the men ran off and the other drug the body out. Only when we were alone, did he turn his glare to me. “After what you did, he should have had us kill you. I should kill you. All I’d have to say was that it happened before I arrived. No one would ever know.”

  My hand rose and I pointed the knife at him, but it was Eleven’s voice that spoke. “I’ll know. We’ll all know.”

  “Shut up! You think anyone would believe to you!” The side of Abbot’s fist slammed against the wall. “No one will listen to any of you crazy fucks. You,” he said, spinning to me, “are more trouble to me than you’re worth. Every hour, every day, it’s something new. I didn’t want this fucking job. Now, I have to deal with you. Some psychotic fucking nut-job who has an affinity for flesh and blood. Sick fucking bitch. God, I hope someone does kill you. I hope they bash in your skull and put both of us out of our misery.”

  A smile came regardless that his words lashed my slave. God, was that innocent, cowardly, little girl still there? Even after all this? She was wounded at his words. How was any of this my fault? It wasn’t … and that enraged the woman I’d become.

  “Why wait? I’m right here. No one will know,” I said, taunting him. “What’s one woman with a small knife going to do to a big, strapping man like you? Why don’t you come put me in my place, High Leader? I dare you.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not stupid. Besides, I won’t have to do anything. Once the slaves find out you’re the cause of all the red lights, they’ll take care of you just fine. They’re going to eat you alive and I’m going to have the guards let them.”

  Abbot glanced over his shoulder as one of the men approached. He held out a gown and the High Leader jerked it from his grasp, throwing it at me.

  “Just so you know, your Main Master will be up and about in roughly two weeks. My guess is way before that. You didn’t do as much damage with those scissors as you probably hoped. Regardless, when he’s better, he’s going to be coming for you. I hope you’re ready. If they don’t kill you, he just may. I hope he does. I want to see him tear you apart.”

  “West won’t kill me. He loves me. If he wanted me dead, I would be. Think about that. We’ve let each other live. There’s a reason for that. Get in either of our ways, you’ll be the one who ends up dead.”

  “Oh no.” He laughed. “It won’t be me. It’ll be you. He’s a greedy son of a bitch. He won�
��t let us kill you because he wants to do it himself. And I think he will. I think he’s going to cut you into ribbons. He may have a soft spot for you now, but when he sees his reflection, those scars are going to take their toll. Just wait. Watch. His hate will grow, and with it, will come his wrath. I’m not sure what I want to see more, the slaves getting their revenge or your fucking crazy ass husband making you pay. Either one will be one hell of a show. Regardless, you’re already dead. You’re just going through the motions of a woman destined for death.”

  I swallowed hard as Abbot turned and slammed the door closed behind him. The knife fell from my fingers and my legs grew weak. The sob that tore from me came from nowhere. I hated it. No matter how I tried to harden myself, my emotions seemed to break through my walls. I had to be stronger. I couldn’t afford to be weak. Especially in the White Room.

  “Mistress?” Hesitation. “Are you okay?”

  I sniffled, angrily wiping away the tears at Eleven’s voice. The spark of heat that ignited inside left me reaching up and tugging at my hair. I wanted to scream. To hide and be alone.

  “Don’t cry,” he continued. “Read your book. Maybe Master Whitlock is alive. Have hope. Nothing is for certain in this place.”

  My body jolted and I could hear Lyle. Have hope. Have hope. Fuck his hope. My stare shot to the wall that separated us and fury only built. “Bram is alive! How is that for hope? Hope isn’t real. It doesn’t come and help you. It lets you get raped and beaten while it sits back and watches.”

  “What makes you think that? Maybe it’s out of his control.”

  I paused, but I couldn’t think anymore. I was on autopilot. “Nothing is beyond Bram. He is allowing this. Look around, Eleven. What just happened? Does this situation look hopeful to you? The simple fact that I’m here says everything. There is no hope when you’ve been cast this far into hell.”

  “You’re wrong. I see it. I see you.”

  “I’m nothing.”

  “Not yet, but you will be.”

  I frowned as we got silent. What was Bram really up to? I needed to see him. To confront him, myself.

  I took the time, removing my gown. I used what was unsoiled to try to wipe the blood free of my hands and face. When I was sure I got what I could, I put on the new one.

  “Do you love him? Master Whitlock, that is? Or, maybe you love your monster of a husband? I heard stories of what he made you do. Doesn’t mean you don’t love him, though. Sounds as though you may.”

  My eyes closed and I refused to even acknowledge his question. “How do you hear anything within these walls? I think you’re just as crazy as I am.”

  “You’re not crazy and neither am I. We may act it at times, but we have motives. I’m interested to hear yours, Mistress. We may have more in common than you think.”

  Chapter 5


  Had I moved? Had I even blinked since the screen blacked out? I wasn’t sure. I saw nothing but the guard’s face covering my wife’s. Her crazy smile and laugh danced around in my head, tormenting me as her words still came through the speaker. That could have been my face. That could have been me lying on the floor dick-less while she thrived in my mutilation.

  But the rape.

  The bastard deserved it. Her shutdown was one that had me fighting to get out of bed. I would have killed the motherfucker myself had nurses and guards not wrestled me back down. It was one thing for me to hurt Everleigh that way. Entirely another for some piece-of-shit guard to be inside of what was mine.

  “Main Master.”

  Abbot’s breathless voice had me blinking away the horrific sights that wouldn’t leave. I was so conflicted that I was drowning in my thoughts. Even if I couldn’t see her now, Everleigh’s voice was still filling the room. It brought me back to their conversation causing my anger to resurface. He wanted my wife dead. My wife—the pentacle of my life.

  “You never answered my question, Mistress.”

  “Are you still talking?” She paused, sighing. “Which one?”

  “Do you love Master Whitlock or your husband?”

  “That camera was destroyed. You can still hear her?” Abbot walked closer and the anxiety filling his expression grew as he neared.

  “Obviously, you fool.” My hand came up to stop him from talking as I stared at the black screen.

  “Why do you care who I love?”

  “It’s just a question.”

  “What is love within Whitlock? Monsters reside here, or haven’t you noticed?”

  Silence lasted for only a second before the male voice came back through. “You’re avoiding the question. Do you love Master Whitlock?”

  “I once thought I loved him. He lives … and he leaves me to suffer. What does that tell you about this thing called love?”

  More silence.

  “What about the Main Master? Do you love your husband?”

  “He hurts me!” she exploded. “The things he has done is unimaginable. It’s disgusting.” Her voice cracked and I swallowed hard, not able to control the way my heart ached through the tinge of guilt. “I hate him more than I love him. I hate what he has done to me. What he’s made me do.”

  “But you love him, if not a little?”

  “What I would love is for you to leave me alone. Thank you for saving me from the guards, but this is my business. If you were smart, you’d leave me be before they come after you, too. Or worse, I come after you. Should I wear your face next?”

  “You’d be all the rage if you did. Such a handsome face, don’t you think?”

  There was hesitation before light laughter filled the speaker. I couldn’t stop the scowl as my lip pulled back with jealousy.

  “You’re in a lot of trouble, Mistress. You can try to be tough all you want, but we both know things are not going to play out well for you if you don’t stick by my side. You need me. We both know it.

  She sniffled. “You’re wrong. I need no one.”

  “Main Master.”

  Abbot stepped forward and my lids shot down angrily as I pegged him with every ounce of my hate for him. When he jerked to a stop, I went back to looking at the black screen.

  “Keep telling yourself that, but you know you do. You should get some rest. They’ll be coming for you again, soon. I don’t think I’ve prayed since I’ve been here, but I’ll pray for you. I’ll pray for both of us. We’re going to need it.”

  At the room becoming quiet, I turned my attention back to Abbot. “Announce your resignation and never let me see you again.”

  “But, Main M—”

  “No! Not another word from you. Not one. Get out. If you so much as go within one hundred feet of the White Room or my wife, so help me, I’ll fucking gut you in City Center and let the vultures eat what’s left. If there’s anything left. God, if I wasn’t in this fucking bed, you’d already be drowning on your own blood. You still may before it’s over with.”

  Abbot’s jaw flexed repeatedly as he stared me down. At my face tilting, challengingly, he spun, heading for the door. A deep breath left me the moment it closed and I let my head drop to the pillow. My eyes were so damn heavy, but I couldn’t sleep. Not yet. My mind was spinning with insight into my wife. She wanted to hate me just as much as I wanted to hate her. But could I? Could I hate Everleigh even after all she’d done? Fuck, I couldn’t when I knew what I did to her. We were loose cannons in our rage—in our needs. And I wasn’t stupid. Cutting people up was becoming her need. It gave her power and control, even if she didn’t like doing it.

  My lips pressed together and I could hardly suppress the smile. My love for her mingled with the sadist, inside. I knew what I’d eventually do. It would break her more, but she’d be alive. And, she’d get her fix. It would be good payback when I should have been taking her life. The excuse would let me see her without having her too close to me. I fucking wasn’t ready for that. I wasn’t even sure I could face her. If I did, how would I react? Would my anger win? Would I end up killing her? I couldn’t
deny I wanted revenge, but there were other ways to get it.

  Darkness overcame me and visions flashed of the torture I planned to put her through. It helped eased the fear she caused. A fear that was greater than I wanted to admit. What could have been minutes or hours went by while I dozed off and on. Nurses came and went, but ultimately left me alone. The sound of the door opening once again had me sleepily turning toward the man who entered. With as familiar as his face was, it took me a moment to recognize it.

  “Ah, temporary High Leader. You’ll have to excuse me, I forget your name.”

  “Jarrett, Main Master.”

  “Jarrett. Of course. You’ve been under the radar since I’ve returned. You must be Abbot’s replacement.”

  “If my Main Master will have me.”

  Suspicions blossomed, as did cautiousness. “You took care of Everleigh. You kept her away from me.”

  He nodded, but his attention on me didn’t waver. “I did. It was what my previous Main Master had ordered. When you rightfully took his place, did I not do everything you asked? If you recall, I was very adamant to Mistress Harper on how she should respect your position. A lot has happened since then. Had I been your High Leader, this would have never of happened.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. Tell me what you know about my wife.”

  His hands went behind his back as he stood taller. “She’s in the White Room. There have been orders that she’s to go through the red lights, but she’s not to be killed or raped. Everything else is acceptable. She’s there due to attacking you after you … raped her. Or so, her accusation goes.”

  A smile pulled at the corner of my lips. “Smart man. No, I raped her, as is my right.”

  “As is her right as well.”

  My smile slowly melted. “No. That’s not the way it goes. I’m not just her husband, I’m her Main Master. She can’t attack me.”

  “Actually, because you are her husband it cancels out your status. With her being a Mistress and not just a slave, it actually puts you in the position of the wrong-doing, therefore not only canceling out her crime but leaving you at risk for facing charges should she bring them forward. Of course, the punishment will be in the hands of the board.”


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