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WHITE OUT (24690)

Page 23

by Dark,A. A.

  I couldn’t forgive that. I was teetering within the white. Something about the color triggered me and it only grew worse as the weeks went by. Sometimes I stayed for hours. Even with West as entertainment, the room worked its magic. The moment I stepped inside, now, I was no longer myself. I found myself watching him. Dreaming of the different ways I could make him pay for everything he’d done. Even though I asked him questions, his death was the only thing on my mind.

  “You said you knew something that might help with the Masters. You asked him nothing. What is this?”

  The force of her jerk had my grasp slipping. She threw me a dark look, easing deeper into the room. More toward our enemy. For the briefest moment, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The look she held wasn’t the docile, I’m trying to love you expression she sported in our wing. It wasn’t the loving glances she woke up with in the mornings. I knew this Everleigh with the wild eyes. She was the red-light killer. She wasn’t to be trusted.

  “You hurt me.”

  “I was getting you out of the way. It wasn’t intentional.” Oh but it was, and I couldn’t deny that to myself. I wanted to make her pay for hurting me. She’d given him that fucking title I couldn’t stand to hear. She talked so gently to him. That fucking kiss … I hated it. In that moment, I hated her.

  “This isn’t working. You’re getting worse. We both know it.”

  “We will not talk about this here. Out.”

  “I will not get out! I’m not leaving. I’m going to stay with West. With my husband.”

  “Say it again,” I threatened.

  I took a step toward her trying everything in my power to maintain control. The closer she put herself to him, the more I saw the white—the more my evil ruled me.

  “He’s gone through enough. You said this was my punishment for him. Does he not look like he’s suffered enough? I don’t even know this man anymore. He’s done. I want him released from here.”

  My head cocked to the side as I watched her move more in front of him, protectively. Hadn’t we been here before when I forced myself on her and made her bend to me? She had stood up to me then, just as she was doing now. But this was different. She wasn’t supposed to feel anything for this traitor. She was supposed to be my slave again. She was supposed to love me. One return visit and he had her back in his clutches? God, this was worse than I thought. Maybe even unfixable. She was broken. Truly fucking broken just like I thought she had been when I took her from Master Vicolette’s. I’d been wrong, then, but I didn’t think I was now. There was no helping Everleigh. Not if she was sacrificing herself for West. And that’s what she was doing. She knew I was going to kill him for what he did and I could tell she didn’t want me to. She loved him. Loved him more than she loved me.

  West took three steps to the side to get closer to her and I never felt hate like that before. My obsession for what I wanted knew no bounds. I’d killed men for looking at my slave with bad intentions. But this man, this bastard I had trusted, brainwashed her. He’d broken a piece of her mind and somehow implanted himself inside. I wasn’t sure what I wanted more as I stared between them: to make him pay by beating him to death or to dig into her brain and try to remove him, myself. At least if I fucked her up even more, that was on me.

  “Wife, get behind me. C-come …”

  In one long stride, my fist reared back and I slammed it into his face with everything I had. My heart was racing. Aching. The force of my pulse vibrated my body and I dove to the ground where he’d fallen, not able to calm enough to stop the waves of wrath that sent my hits connecting with even more crushing force. Wife. Wife. I was going to show him what I thought of his wife.

  “Bram! Bram, please!”

  Hands pulled at my arm, but still I swung. Blood poured from West’s nose and mouth and I somehow knew he wasn’t conscious anymore. Still, I hit. Still, I seethed in my jealous rage.

  “Bram! Please!”

  My arm came back and met resistance as I tried to hit him again. Before I could think about what I was doing, I was pushing to my feet and swinging right at Everleigh. The connection—the loud pop from the back of my hand—sent her small body flying and crashing to the ground. And just as so many times I feared, my temper was revealed in her limp frame lying awkwardly on the floor only feet away. Crimson began to pool under her nostrils and a growl so deep and loud left me turning and kicking into West’s stomach. Tears burned my eyes. Tears and fears. They left me unable to go to the one person I should have been trying to help.


  The question left me in a soft whispered. Nausea burned into my throat and I turned, slamming both of my palms against the white wall. The blood under Everleigh’s nose was turning into a small puddle and I couldn’t bear to see anymore. What the fuck was I doing? What was I going to do? Especially about her. My heart was shattered at the truth I’d been trying not to see. The one I didn’t want to believe. I thought we were making ground, but now she was unreadable to me. I couldn’t trust her. And she was right. I had been horrible, but wasn’t my emotion beginning to come back? Wasn’t my love for her returning?

  I took one last look at her, turning to the door. When I pulled it back and saw Jarrett, I almost lunged at him. He was soft toward her. Too soft. He kept helping her when he shouldn’t have. He was true to Whitlock, but he was true to her as well. Maybe it was she who was the better leader for Whitlock and he knew it.

  “Lock the door. Leave them together. No food, no water. I’ll return when I calm down.”

  “Yes, Main Master.”

  I swept down the hall at a fast pace. I was due to meet with the Masters and I was probably already late. I couldn’t think about anything but the shock of what I’d done. I couldn’t blame Everleigh. Not really. This wasn’t her fault. She was just another victim of West. But still. She said she was trying to love me, again. Had she attempted to? Maybe. It wasn’t like I was helping us along. And she didn’t have ill intentions toward me. She wouldn’t have exposed the Masters if that was the case. She would have paired up with them and killed me for good. She could have. She could have rightfully taken my spot if she wanted. Love. It had to still be within her. It had to!

  “Main Master.”

  Derek met me at the adjoining hall, already holding my laptop. I took it, not speaking as we rounded the turn, heading down to the second floor. I was walking so fast that I barely saw the group of guards I nearly bumped into. Fuck I couldn’t think straight. I was thinking too damn much. And feeling … yes. Emotions. There was suddenly so many.

  “I have Everleigh locked in the White Room with West. After we leave here, I want you taking over for Jarrett. You are to watch them at all times.”

  Derek’s head shot to me and I hated that he knew how I felt about her. “Yes, of course, Main Master.”

  “I’ll give it a day or two and see how she acts around him. We’ll go from there.”

  Silence followed us to the meeting room and the guards positioned themselves just inside the door. Master Yahn, Master Kain, Master Leone, and Master Barclane were already seated at the table, waiting. Master Yahn’s face was pale and he had a ring of sweat soaked into his collar. They all stood, only sitting again when I eased into my chair at the head of the table.

  “Before we go into the accusations, give me the news on the children.”

  Master Yahn stood, walking over to the file cabinet on the far side of the room. Two of the guards were by him so fast that he paused before opening it. Slowly, he withdrew a black folder, coming back to the table. When his arm extended, it was trembling.

  “Their names and addresses. They’re in route to being returned to the vicinity of their homes.”

  My head shook while I took in the four men. “Get the Cradle ready. Bring them back. All of them.”

  Multiple pairs of eyes widened and I’d already accepted the verdict I couldn’t escape. Whitlock would be safer this way. And I was done with people underestimating me. They thought I was soft.
Everyone thought they could try to kill or manipulate me. I had to show them—all of them—who I really was. I was Bram Whitlock. This was my fortress and no one was going to take that away.

  “But … Main Master. What about your cousin?”

  “Did you not hear me say all of them, Master Barclane? To return the children now is a risk I won’t take. The Cradle is reopened for these children and these children only. They’ll be auctioned off come the end of next month. Is that it? What other news does my board have for me?”

  Silence only lasted a moment before Master Kain shifted in his chair.

  “The news over Master Kunken’s accident is still in the headlines. Conspiracies over the boating accident are flourishing due to it being an election year, but we’ve made sure all tracks are covered.”

  “Good.” I tapped along the table, letting them squirm as silence once again reigned. “I’ve been considering Master Kunken’s replacement and due to the new circumstances have not yet come to a decision. Until I do, your responsibilities will continue on as they have. Anything else?”

  “Not from me.” Master Leone crossed his arms across his chest, relaxing as he waited. I could tell by the smug look on his face that he wasn’t worried. If anything, he seemed amused by what was about to go down.

  “Alright. Let’s see what we have.”

  I opened my laptop, pulling up my program. Multiple windows were already up and my brow creased as I took them in. Everleigh said she’d marked the tapes for me. I just hadn’t expected her to make everything so easy.

  My fingers clicked the different screens, pulling each one to the front so I could see the scene that rested on the front of them. When I got to the last, it wasn’t footage, but what looked to be a letter at first glance.

  Who is this woman

  she pleads for such peace.

  Who is this killer

  who stays within reach?

  Why does she tempt me?

  So strong she does grow.

  Who will come save me

  when there’s nowhere to go.

  Kiss me, don’t break me

  words whisper within.

  You’re mad, you’ve gone crazy

  His love was my sin.

  The tears won’t stay hidden

  They flee who they know

  I love you, I swear it

  But alas, I must go.


  A rugged breath left me and … warmth. It encircled my heart, nearly bringing me to tears as I began reading the poem again. And, again. And, again. Each phrase was a mystery being unraveled. Each, an insight into the woman I loved.

  “Main Master?”

  My hand shot up through the twisting of my stomach. Through the crippling sensations that came with her heart’s words. She’d written this poem for me. One, that for some reason, tore right through the numbness like it was nothing. I felt sick. I felt … remorse … regret … and monstrous. But, I could feel … And it was more than just the anger that always plagued me. It was love, sadness, heartbreak. It wasn’t pretend. It was so intense and clear. As if the fog had been lifted completely.

  “Shit.” I swallowed hard, noticing my hand trembling as I clicked the window with the view of Master Vicolette’s living room. I turned up the volume all the way and spun the screen toward them. I didn’t want to see. I didn’t want to even be here right now. Why had I left my slave? Why had I struck her? Who the fuck was I? I had thought I knew only seconds ago. And he was me, but then there was this … this Bram who loved his slave. I would have done anything for her. Yet, I hadn’t done shit. I was shit. I was unforgivable in the way I had talked and treated her.

  “It’s right here. And you’re sure there’re artifacts within the tunnels?”

  “Sure, sure,” Master Yahn, replied. “After we kill Master Whitlock, you can have first dibs on whatever you find. We just need the map.”

  I slammed my hands on the table, standing and spinning the computer around. “I guess I really don’t have to hear much more. Guards, take them to the Whitlock Wing and restrain them in my dungeon.”

  “What? No, wait! It’s not like it sounds!” Master Yahn flew from the chair, but I couldn’t waste another second. My slave’s words kept repeating. They echoed in my head. She must go. Go, where? It’s not like she could leave. She was locked away in the White Room, but she had obviously meant to go somewhere. Did she plan on leaving me? As in, giving up on us? Hell, she would now after what I did. She had already predicted this and I had proven her greatest fears right. I had to find a way to fix this. I’d have Dr. Cortez look over her. I’d bring in a fucking shrink to help both of us. Why hadn’t I already done this!

  Sick. Yes. I was going to be sick.

  I pulled the laptop into my chest, spinning for the door as Master Yahn and Master Kain’s yells grew louder from behind me.

  Derek opened the door, joining my side as we headed back down the hall. “I have to go back and get Everleigh. I’m not leaving here there.”

  “Alright. I’ll accompany you.”

  I rounded the corner, slowing. “Where’s the guard that’s meant to be posted here? He didn’t come with us to the meeting room. He stayed. He was supposed to keep watch.”

  Derek jerked at the radio in sync with his hand going to his gun. But I was already prepared. I clutched the handle of my knife looking up and down the long hall seeing nothing. Hearing, nothing.

  “Guard two-four, state your location.”


  “Guard two-four, state your location.”

  I walked forward, hesitantly. I was ready for someone to attack with every door we eased by. Derek was just as cautious with the doors on the other side. At a slow pace, we made our way down. What felt like forever went by before three guards from both sides of the hall came rushing up toward us. Their arrival should have been a relief, but at this point, I trusted no one.

  My knife rose, pointing back and forth between the ones in the front and the back of us. “Keep your distance from me. Escort, but if you come within a two feet, I’m jamming this blade through your throat.”

  Chapter 29


  “Hurry. Faster.”

  Jarrett’s hiss had me trying to keep up, but with the dizziness that kept taking over, it was hard to maintain a decent speed. West was barely able to walk. If it wasn’t for the High Leader practically carrying him through the unguarded halls, I knew we wouldn’t have made it far.

  “What is t-this? Where are we? Did …” West trailed off, groaning as he tried to stay upright. He was barely coming out of unconsciousness when Jarrett had woken me up. The shock of what had happened wasn’t something I had prepared for. I expected Bram would lock me up for turning on him, but I never thought he’d unleash his monster so fast. It hurt, even if it was a relief to the woman who wanted to be proven right.

  “We’re leaving, husband. Remember? You wanted us to be free. Now I’m making it so.”

  What sounded like a laugh left West and he seemed to grow in strength as we darted down the halls. My lungs were on fire from the cold air. I hadn’t dressed for the weather, but I knew better. Bram would have suspected something had I come in a sweater and jeans. I tried to keep things in accordance to how he would expect and so far I had succeeded. I also knew by softening to West, Bram would see my betrayal. I needed him to for Jarrett to set me free. For me to get my wish.

  “Almost there.”

  Jarrett pushed open the door to the underground garage and darkness didn’t envelope us like I thought it would. The place was brightly lit up, just like the halls. A dark, expensive sedan sat along the road and Jarrett opened the back, practically dumping West in. I didn’t bother to go around to the passenger side. I immediately followed, crawling over West while the High Leader jumped in the driver’s seat.

  “We’re going to have to hurry. Bram will put it together quickly. He’s got cameras here now. It won’t take long before they give chase.”

  Even as he said it, he was putting the car in drive and slamming down the gas. I jerked at the power of the engine and it only fed the adrenaline racing through me. Was this really happening? Had I really betrayed the one person I loved? God, I had. I was leaving Whitlock for good and I didn’t regret my decision. It was the only way I’d be free. It was the only way I’d stand any chance at surviving.

  “I knew you could do it. You told me you would.” Hands pulled back against my waist and West crushed me from behind in his arms. The heavy broken up breaths stopped suddenly and he jerked his head back, scanning the interior. “Where’s our son? Where’s little West?”

  “We have no son. You’ve been in the White Room. You hallucinated him. He’s not real.”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Where is he? Did you leave him there?”

  I turned around completely to face him, sliding my hands through his. “West. We have no son.”

  Panic had his movements jerky while he kept looking around. I had to calm him if we were going to make it out of here without him in hysterics.

  “Hey, hey.” I let my voice turn soothing as my hands rose to cup his cheeks. I could barely keep his attention as he kept trying to process what was happening. “You know me. I thought everything through. We’re a family, remember? Don’t you trust me?”

  A sob had him pulling me close, again. “I knew you wouldn’t hurt our family. You love us. You love me.”

  “Of course I do. Just try to calm, okay? Bram did very bad things to you. I need you to come back to me now. I need you, husband. We have a big adventure in front of us. You have to get us there. I can’t do this on my own.” I paused. “Think of little West. You have to come back to me. You have to be strong.”

  Something flickered in his stare and he nodded, wiping away the tears that escaped. “I can be strong. I can be as strong as you need. I can be whatever you want.”


  The beginnings of a smile appeared and I couldn’t stop it fast enough. Bram was right. West might never be the same as he was. Whatever damage was caused by the White Room, I hoped at least recollection would return soon. I didn’t have much time. Not if I was going to disappear before Bram had the chance to find me.


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