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Eden One, Episode One

Page 8

by Raven K. Asher

  “Because I asked you to, that’s why.” I answer sternly.

  Locked in a silent battle we stare into each other’s eyes. He had changed, I could see it now, but I could still see the man I fell in love with in there.

  “You’ve changed, Love.” He whispers the same words I had just thought about him.

  “So have you.” I agree.

  “Not as much as you think, Love.” He answers leaning in to whisper into my ear. “I still want to make you moan like I did the night before I left.”

  Stepping back he walks away without another word.

  I shiver thinking back to that moment, we had been young, and love controlled every one of our moves back then.

  Chapter 10

  “So, what are we going to do for the rest of the night?” Max questions as we walk in a group down the hall towards our rooms.

  “I’m going to go get a hot shower.” I answer absently.

  “I’m up for a good shower.” Max grunts.

  “Alone, Max. I’d like a chance to get a shower alone.” I ground out and he puts his hands into the air in surrender.

  “Alright, Mac, I get it.” He turns to everyone else. “How about you guys, do you want to go down to the bar and have a few drinks?”

  Everyone quickly agrees, except for Killian. “Are you going to be alright on your own, Kenzie?”

  “I’ll be fine, Killian.” I answer honestly. “But I might need some help later to re-bandage my wounds if you’re up for it.” I smile sweetly and he nods.

  “I can do that.”He leans in brushing his lips against mine briefly.

  “I’ll call you later then.”I reply before watching them walk back the way we had come.

  As they disappear around the corner I let my shoulders drop with exhaustion.

  There was just too much to think about, I couldn’t believe that Cash was back.

  And I didn’t know what to do about my growing feelings for Killian.

  Walking to my room I blindly grab my things and then head down to the shower room that was thankfully empty.

  I didn’t think I could handle dealing with anyone else at the moment.

  Time alone was just what I needed in order to get my thoughts and feelings into order.

  Placing my things on the bench I walk over to the mirrors stripping my jacket off as I go, then my tank top, I discard them to the floor as I begin the task of un-wrapping my bandages.

  Strong hands suddenly wrap around me stopping my progress before taking the bandages from my hands to continue.

  By the soft touch and overpowering presence I knew that it was Cash and I found myself not caring that he was with me.

  I watch in the mirror as Cash silently takes me in with heated eyes as more and more of my body becomes exposed.

  Discarding the first bandage to the floor he then proceeds to gently tear off the tape holding the second one on my back.

  I wince as he gently pulls away the parts dried with blood, careful not to damage or tear the stitches any more than they had been already.

  Once it hits the floor he curses softly as he takes in the amount of damage that Killian had done. His fingers trail between each wound as if he could fix them with just a simple touch.

  It did make me feel better but only because I knew he felt for every single wound.

  He could feel my pain, I was sure of it.

  “How badly does it hurt, Love?” He questions tenderly.

  “It doesn’t hurt right now, but when it does it brings me to tears.” I answer honestly knowing that he would understand my words.

  Turning me to face him his hands glide down my sides to rest on my hips before slipping his fingers just under my pants to slide them off.

  “Shower with me?” He questions leading me over to the shower side of the room.

  I nod even though I knew I didn’t have to, I would have done anything he asked, anything to feel his hands on me, like he had done so long ago.

  Turning the water on, he holds me close as the water falls all around us. I lay my head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

  The steady beat calms me, and I relax into him as I allow the water to work its magic on the rest of my body.

  “Do you still love me, Mackenzie?” He questions softly after a few moments.

  “Always and forever, Cash.” I answer looking up into his red eyes.

  It was the very words we had used so long ago before he was forced to leave me behind.

  “What about Killian, do you love him as well?” He questions next.

  “I don’t really know. Part of me wanted to hate him for killing my mother, but part of me wants to love him as well. He told me that he wasn’t really the one who signed his name to my mother’s death papers anyway.” I sigh. “I honestly don’t know how to feel about him, but I can’t dismiss the feelings I seem to be growing for him.”

  Leaning back Cash looks at me with surprise and anger. “He has been lying to you, Kenzie. He signed those papers. I was there when he did. I was trying to fight for her. I knew she could have been saved.”

  “If that’s true then you better win tomorrow.” I answer placing my hands against his hard chest.

  Cash wouldn’t lie to me, so I knew he had to be telling the truth.

  It made me angry with Killian but I couldn’t find the strength to want to fight at the moment, not with Cash so close and with his hands warming my skin.

  “I wasn’t planning on having it any other way, Love.” He chuckles brushing his lips against my own as his hands pull me tightly against his body.

  Tangling his tongue with mine I let out a little moan.

  Pulling back slightly he smiles against my lips. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Taking the kiss deeper his hands gently caress my back.

  “I can’t wait until you are actually mine so I can finally have you the way I really want to enjoy you, Love.” Cash growls in a sexy voice as he continues to caress my body in ways I had only imagined and longed for from his hands again.

  “She’s not yours yet, Cash, and she never will if I have anything to do about it.” Killian’s voice rings through the shower room. “Take your hands off of her, now.”

  “No.” Cash growls as he places me behind him.

  “Are you seriously going to say no to an Alpha?” Killian spits out with a menacing grin.

  Cash was falling right into his hands and I wasn’t about to have it. I wasn’t about to allow Killian to win like this and I wasn’t about to let him lock Cash back up just because he wanted me.

  I move quickly getting in between them.

  “Stop, both of you.” I turn to Killian. “I’m not about to watch you throw around your status as an Alpha.” I warn moving closer to him.

  His smile falters.

  “I won’t allow you to do to him what you did to me.” I growl backing him against the wall.

  In one swift move he turns us so I’m the one against the wall.

  “You will be mine, Kenzie. I’m not about to lose you to the likes of him.” His lips turn into a smug grin once more.

  “It’s not your choice, Killian. If you really want me that badly you’re going to have to fight for me. And you’re going to have to prove that you actually care more about me than just winning some competition. I won’t allow you to win by cheating.” I growl shoving him away from me.

  He sways on his feet a little and I groan.

  “You’re drunk, aren’t you?” I question and he bows his head.

  “Go to bed and in the morning you can apologize to both me and Cash. You better hope I’m in a better mood by then to forgive you for all of this.” I order and watch as he stumbles away.

  Cash wraps his arms around me, pulling me close against him once more.

  “You really have changed, Love, you would have never have challenged an Alpha, let alone order around an Alpha like that before.” He whispers into my hair.

  Leaning my head up I brush my lips against hi
s, I wasn’t in the mood to talk any longer, and we had lots of lost time to make up for.

  “Take me to my room, Cash.” I order pulling away.

  He nods with a smile as he wraps a towel around me, being careful to place it gently around my back.

  Hand-in-hand he guides me back to my room where I quickly swipe my hand under the red light.

  Looking in both directions of the hall as the door opens I pull Cash in with me.

  With wide eyes he looks between the now shut door and me before watching me toss off my towel and lay back gently against my bed.

  His deep red eyes heat suddenly, just the way I wanted.

  “Come, sleep with me.” I coax with a wave of my hand.

  “I’m beginning to like this newer version of you, Love.” Cash laughs as he drops his own towel and our other things before climbing into bed with me.

  “I want you, no one else but you.” I whisper as I hold him close.

  “Are you sure?” He searches my eyes.

  “You can’t go back if we do this.” He warns and I answer him with a deep kiss and a soft moan.

  “That’s what I was hopping you’d say.” He laughs lightly as he climbs on top of me.

  He kisses me deeply, passionately, before pulling back ever so slightly to search my heated eyes once more to be certain that I wasn’t going to change my mind.

  I wanted him and I hoped that my eyes showed it.

  “I love you, Cash.” I whisper against his lips giving him the words I longed to repeat over and over for the rest of my life.

  “I love you too, Mackenzie, my love.” He replies with a kiss.

  Chapter 11

  “Mackenzie, I know you’re in there. Wake up and open the door.” My father yells through the door as I struggle to wake up.

  “Enter.” I groan as I rub my eyes and roll into Cash’s body.

  I suddenly bolt upright as my father enters, covering myself quickly as he curses and turns to look the other direction. “Who are you with, Kenzie? Please, tell me it’s not Killian.”

  “No, Sir, I am definitely not Killian.” Cash grunts out a laugh beside me.

  My father turns as his jaw drops in shock. “Cash, is that really you? I heard rumors this morning but I didn’t believe them that you were really released from lockup.”

  “Well, I am. I’m also in the running to win your daughter, Sir. I hope you don’t mind.” Cash answers sitting up behind me.

  “It looks like you’ve already claimed her.” My father grunts as he motions towards our state of undress.

  I bow my head as I smile and blush.

  “And by the look on her face, you don’t have to answer that.” My father laughs out. “Just make sure you win the match against Killian. I don’t want him anywhere near her.”

  “I had no plans on letting him win, Sir.” Cash answers with a cocky grin.

  My father nods. “Alright, well anyway I was here to tell you that you needed to get ready for the fights, Kenzie. They are about to begin.”

  “And since I’m here I might as well tell you to get up and get ready for the fights too, Cash.”He adds with another laugh and an awkward glance in our direction.

  A few moments go by of silence.

  “Anything else you needed to say, Dad?” I question and he shakes his head giving us one last smile before leaving.

  “I think your dad likes me.” Cash grins against my shoulder as he kisses it.

  “I think he does, too.” I smile.

  “Are you ready for this fight?” Cash questions me and I shake my head as I turn towards him.

  “No, I’m not. I’m actually scared.” I admit.

  “Why are you scared, Love?” He asks turning my face towards him.

  “I just have a really bad feeling that I might lose someone today.” Looking up to him I continue. “Please, be easy with Max, and I know I shouldn’t even be saying this but be careful with Killian too.”

  “I will make the fights as quick as I can.” He promises with a kiss.

  “I love you, Cash.” I whisper softly.

  “I love you too, Love.” He answers with another kiss.

  “We need to get ready.” I state as he continues to kiss down my neck.

  “I’d rather stay here.” He breathes against my skin.

  “Me too, but you need to win these fights otherwise we won’t be able to continue this.” I argue.

  With a nod and a grunt Cash quickly moves off of me to stand next to the bed. I watch as his muscles ripple as he places his shirt over his head.

  My eyes heat once more as I watch this fine specimen of a man, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him, only pure muscled flesh.

  My fingers itched to touch him.

  “I can feel you watching me, and it’s not helping me want to stay out of bed.” He warns glancing back at me over his shoulder.

  I stand to my feet and slip on my undies and pants before groaning as I take in the state of my back in my mirror.

  It looked absolutely horrible, the jagged stitches made it appear as if from a horror film.

  I needed to place another bandage onto it.

  Without a word Cash slips on his fighting short before moving around my small space, retrieving just what I needed before motioning for me to turn my back to him. “This is looking pretty bad, Love, you need to take it easier so it can heal.”

  “I know, I’ve been trying but things haven’t exactly gone my way. I’m sure last night didn’t help things either.” I smile as he places one bandage over the wounds with care before wrapping my entire upper body with another bandage.

  When I feel a pinch in my side I turn abruptly to see him placing an empty syringe into the waste basket.

  “I gave you something to numb your back. I assume that’s what you’ve been doing, right?” He questions grabbing one of my tank tops from a drawer.

  “Yeah, Killian and Maddox have both given me shots to numb everything.” I answer as he slips my shirt over my head before grabbing my jacket and holding it for me to slip on.

  Absently, I grab my knives and strap them on before filling my jacket with my normal array of weapons and then strapping on my swords and gun belt.

  “Are you preparing for battle?” Cash questions abruptly with a raised brow.

  I shrug. “I just feel like something is off today.”

  “Yeah, I felt that too when we woke up.” He answers looking to the door absently.

  Moving towards the door with his bag he glances back to me. “I’ll see you soon, Love.”

  “See you soon, Cash.” I reply as he walks out of my room.

  I look around once more before another odd feeling comes across me and I quickly find myself filling up my bag with clothes, food packs, and extra weapons.

  Something just wasn’t right today, and I wasn’t about to shrug the feeling off.

  As a fighter we were taught never to ignore our instincts, most times they would warn us of danger before we were faced with it.

  Listening to them could mean the difference between life and death.

  “Call, Max, Dash, and Grey.” I command my intercom.

  “What’s up commander?” All three voices ring out.

  “I want you to be in full dress today, weapons and all. I also want you to pack a bag.” I command.

  “You felt that too?” Max questions.

  “Yeah, I did, and it’s best to be too careful than not.” I answer.

  “Maddox is already gone, but I’ll pack his bag for him.” Max replies.

  “Thanks Max. Grey, Dash, I want you to add any extra weapons you have and plenty of food, okay.” I order.

  “Yes, ma’am, we’re already on it.” Both respond and I hear them all shuffling around their rooms.

  “End call, Grey, Dash.” I order the intercom leaving just me and Max on the line. “Max, can you do me one last favor?”

  “Of course, Mac, what is it?” He replies.

  “Can you pack an extra bag, just in case?
” I ask.

  I knew he would get my meaning, that I wanted the extra bag for Killian.

  “Of course I can.” He answers with a pause. “This feels like it’s going to be really bad.”

  “Yeah, it does.” I state sadly.

  “End call, Max.” I sigh as I go back to my weapons drawer and empty the rest of my knives into my coat and a two more holsters of throwing knives around my thighs.

  I really looked like I was ready for a war, but it wasn’t much more than most normally saw me in.

  With one last look back into my room I had the thought of never seeing it again before turning to walk away.

  With my bag in hand I walk down the halls towards Cash’s room.

  I approach just as he’s exiting his room.

  “Can we put our bags in your room?” I question as Max and the rest of my team walk up behind me.

  “Of course, I was just going to say something to you. My room is the closest to the escape ships.” Cash answers, opening his door for us all to throw our bags in quickly.

  We didn’t want to draw unwanted attention to our bags either, carrying them around would definitely draw attention.

  Not everyone had the instincts like my team had and it would be useless to have everyone worried just because we felt something off.

  I didn’t need to be questioned.

  I just knew it was better to be prepared for the worst.

  At least then if nothing happened we could laugh it all off later.

  “Hey, Cash, can I talk to you for a minute?” Max quickly questions before both him and Cash motion the rest of us on.

  “We’ll catch up with you guys in the fight room.” Max replies to my raised brow.

  Nodding I turn to walk away with Grey, and Dash following closely behind.

  Walking into the fight room we all move to where Maddox and Killian are standing.

  “Hey, guys.” I greet.

  “Hey, Mac, what’s up?” Maddox questions quickly picking up on my unease.

  His eyes scan me from head to toe before he grabs hold of my arm leading me off a few feet from the others.

  “Why are you in full battle gear?” He questions sternly but quietly.

  “Don’t you feel that things are off?” I question and he nods looking around at the room absently.


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