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The Tattooed Bad Boy

Page 13

by Shiewanie Kristo

  "Because Blaze, Hunter!" I shouted. "You promised her..." a tear slipped down my cheek.

  Hunter looked at me as his arm lowered. "Yeah, I promised to never kill anyone anymore, but I didn't promise her not to hurt anyone." he said and shot Tony right in the leg, making me jump.

  Dylan started laughing. "Dude, I hope someone puts this in a movie for real."

  "Shut up." Hunter looked at Dylan, but a smirk was plastered on his face.

  Even I felt like laughing, but I didn't. I just looked at Tony as he shouted in pain. Hunter walked closer to him and pointed the gun at him once again. "That's how she must have yelled. Every damn time you hurt her, she yelled ten times louder. Still she saves your life." Hunter shot Tony's hand, making him yell even louder now. "Run, Tony. Run. Run before I change my mind." Hunter said and backed off.

  Tony wasted no time and made his way out of the house, wincing in pain. I just stared as the front door closed. I was still shocked after everything that happened. Now I was sure. I was sure that Tony was going to be back.

  Tony was not going to let this go easily.


  "Damn, I swear you're not human. I bet you don't even have a stomach." Dylan laughed along with Hunter as I ate my burger.

  I pointed my index finger at Dylan and waited until I was done chewing. This obviously made him and Hunter laugh even more. I frowned and swallowed my food. "You should shut up." I said and took another bite.

  "You are seriously a pig." Hunter shook his head.

  "It's not my fault you chose to date a pig. Seems like you're into them." I said with a mouth full of food.

  "Oh shit." Dylan laughed.

  Hunter didn't day anything, he just shook his head. It had been a few hours since the incident with Tony had passed and the air got so depressing, that Dylan decided to get some food. I still couldn't believe what happened. I seriously thought that he was going to kill me. I want to kill him, but I turn into the biggest coward when he appears in front of me. I don't know if letting him live was the right decision. Probably not, but this is for the sake of Hunter's promise. I can't risk Blaze being angry with Hunter. That would be a total disaster.

  "We should go home now." Hunter said. "It's getting late."

  "But I'm not done with my food yet." I pouted.

  "Dude, your food isn't running away." Dylan rolled his eyes at me.

  "Fuck you, Dylan. Fuck you." I rolled my eyes back at him.

  "Shut up." Hunter glared at Dylan and I, making both of us laugh.

  Hunter rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys, standing up and waiting for us to follow him. We walked out of the building and got into the car. Dylan was going to spend the night with us, and to be honest, I couldn't be more happy. Dylan actually makes me happy, just like Alyssa did. I just hope that he doesn't hurt me like she did. I don't hate Alyssa, but I don't like her either.

  To be honest, I think that I have forgiven her for everything she did. There is no point at staying mad at her for this. It's the past and that doesn't really matter right now. However, I don't think that I'd be able to be with her the way we were before. I really saw her as my sister and there was nothing that could separate us... At least that's what I thought; but I guess I was wrong. I shouldn't have trusted her the way I did. I always thought that she deserved better friends than me, but to be honest, now I don't know if I think the same.

  We got into the car and Hunter started driving us home. It was silent for a few minutes, until Dylan opened his mouth.

  "You know, you two idiots took a lot of time to finally be together." he gave me a look.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "Literally everyone at school thought that Hunter was using you for personal satisfaction. I even had to swear the shit out of a few people." he narrowed his eyes back at me. "Shit I do for you two's stupid asses." he rolled his eyes.

  "Shut up." Hunter shot him a glare before looking at the road again.

  "Hunter..." Dylan trailed off. "How did you get stabbed?"

  That got my attention and I looked at Hunter. He was silent for a few seconds. "I punched Brandon." he clenched his jaw.

  "Why?" Dylan his eyes grew wide.

  "Because I can't stand bullies." he said and everything went silent.

  I didn't even know what to say. Dylan and I looked at each other before looking back at Hunter. Even though I know him for a while already, he was still unpredictable. Hunter was sweet, but there was still a dark part in him. A dark part that he's not willing to let me know. I don't think that he ever noticed that I know about him hiding stuff, and to be honest, I can wait. All I want is Hunter to trust me and that's all that matters.


  "We almost died today." I removed my gaze from the ceiling and looked at Hunter.

  Hunter looked at me, wrapping his arm around my waist. We were lying on the couch, cuddled up together. We were watching 22 Jump Street, but of course, eventually I just dazed off. I kept thinking about what happened with Tony earlier. I didn't think that would happen and to be honest, it actually did surprise me. I thought that Tony would be the one who stabbed Hunter, but it was Brandon. Why would Brandon stab Hunter? I do get that Hunter went to tell him to stop bothering Dylan, but that didn't explain the stab, unless they got into a fight. But then again, Hunter didn't have any other bruises on his body.

  "I know. But it's over for now." Hunter kissed my cheek.

  "I know, Hunter, but you do know that he'll be back, right? And God only knows what he'll do next." I sighed.

  "Hey, listen." He rested his cheek on mine. "I know you're scared of his next move, but I'm here for you and as long as I'm here, he can't do anything. Okay?" he kissed my cheek again.

  "Okay." I breathed out.

  I know that Hunter was going to keep me safe, but who was going to keep Hunter safe?

  As we watched the movie, Hunter his phone started ringing. Hunter took his phone from under my belly, making me giggle. He smiled at me and picked up.

  "Hello?" he answered. It took just a few minutes for his eyes to widen and for him to sit up. "Yes, I'll be right there! Don't worry! I'm coming. Okay!?" he got up from the couch and hung up. He looked at me with a terrified look on his face. "Blaze's life is in danger."

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  "What happened, Hunter?" I asked for the hundredth time.

  Hunter just got a call telling him that Blaze's life is in danger. We just got out of the house and got in the car. I've been asking him since then and he isn't answering. I was worried sick right now. I had no idea what was going on and Hunter remaining silent wasn't helping me either.

  "I have no idea. I just got the phone call and I heard her screaming the words 'save me, Hunter.'" he licked his lips anxiously.

  My heart started beating faster now. What the fuck? Was she kidnapped or something? That is a stupid question. Of course she was kidnapped. She was fucking screaming! I felt myself getting angry. I had a feeling that it was either Tony, or Brandon behind all of this. I will fucking skin them alive. I'm fucking done being a coward. I am fucking done with all of this.

  "Do you know where she is?" I asked and Hunter nodded.

  "I do. He messaged me the address. That motherfucker is going to die." Hunter took out a gun from under his seat.

  My eyes grew wide. I knew I wasn't going to be able to do anything about this. Hunter his anger was unable to be held back now. I could just see it on his face. Not even Blaze and I would be able to stop him from killing people. He will just do it. I just know he will; and he won't listen to anyone. Hunter is seeing red now. That is just all.

  I didn't say anything and just looked ahead of us as I uneasily played with my fingers. I am not afraid to admit that at this moment, Hunter was scaring the fuck out of me. The look on his face just confirmed that he can kill anyone right now. Even me. To be honest, I understand Hunter. I would probably kill people too if they kept messing with my boyfriend or sister who means the world to me. It's just logical... In Hunt
er his eyes, that is.

  The ride was silent. Neither Hunter, nor I spoke. The atmosphere was so tense. Everyone was tense. I was getting so worried about Blaze. I know that Hunter won't let anything happen to her, but deep down I was so scared about what was going to happen. I was so scared of what was ahead of us.

  "We're here." Hunter pulled over.

  My heart started beating even faster now. Hunter parked the car and we stepped out. I expected everything to be isolated, but it wasn't. Instead, it was just in a regular house. Hunter walked over to me, holding the gun, ready to fire whenever it's needed.

  "Don't get surprised. I've been here before. It may seem regular, but it has the tightest security ever. Two guards outside. Five inside. There are surveillance cameras everywhere, and no one from the outside can ever know what is going on inside. Anyone unwanted that enters, breathes for the last time." Hunter looked at me.

  "You're not fucking helping here, Hunter!" I whisper yelled, making him smile a bit.

  He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, baby. As long as I am here, no one can lay a fucking finger on you."

  I didn't say anything. I just shot him a faint smile. He nodded at me and we walked towards the house. The guards nodded at each other and opened the gate. We walked inside to see this huge white mansion. This is not Tony, neither is this Brandon. None of them are this rich.

  "Hunter... Where are we?" I looked at him and he looked back at me.

  "At Zachariah's house." he breathed out.

  My eyes grew wide. The freaking mafia kidnapped Hunter's sister. But why? Oh yeah, because they want Hunter back. Zachariah wants Hunter back. He was the best he had after all. Now I was getting more scared. Anything could happen in there. Literally anything. I nearly scoffed when I realized that Zachariah was just acting like a stupid teenager girl, crying to have her oh so precious crush.

  "Well, I see you're here." we heard a voice and looked in front of us, where a man around fifty was standing, wearing a black suit and his hand stuffed in his pockets.

  "Where is my sister, Zachariah?" Hunter lowered his hand with the gun.

  So, this is Zachariah.

  "Ah, I see you've brought the lady," Zachariah shot me a smile. I just stared at him. He blinked and looked at Hunter again. "I assure you that your sister is as safe as possible... Come on, my boy, we have some chatting to do." Zachariah grinned at Hunter.

  Hunter and I looked at each other and followed Zachariah into the house. Zachariah was behind all of this. I thought it would be Tony or Brandon. Oh, how I wish I could kill Brandon for everything he did. He almost killed my boyfriend for God's sake!

  We followed Zachariah into this room painted black. There was a king-sized bed with Blaze soundly asleep. Blaze will be Blaze. After all that's happening, this girl is still sleeping. I didn't think twice before running to her. I sat on the bed and placed my hand on her cheek. Just then I realized how worried I was. Hunter soon appeared too. I looked at him and saw a tear slipping down his cheek. Obviously a brother would be happy to see that his little sister is perfectly fine.

  "I told you that she was perfectly fine." We heard Zachariah say. I looked at him and he smiled. "Now, Hunter, we need to talk."


  "Zoe?" I heard a hoarse voice, and immediately looked in Blaze's direction.

  She was frowning at me, holding onto her head. I ran towards her and sat down next to her. She was still kind of surprised to see me. She looked around the room before setting her gaze onto me again. She rubbed her temple and groaned, throwing herself backwards again.

  "Where am I?" she groaned.

  "You're at Zachariah's." I said and she shot up, her eyes the size of tennis balls.

  "What!?" she screeched.

  I pursed my lips and placed my hand on her shoulder. "You were kidnapped from the hospital. Do you really not remember anything?" I frowned at her, because I can clearly remember Hunter saying that Blaze was screaming for Hunter to save her life.

  She frowned even deeper now. "No, Zoe. I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember was me falling asleep at the hospital." she gave me a look.

  I didn't say anything. I just wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. I have no idea what would have happened to Hunter and I if something happened to Blaze. She had no idea how thankful I was that she was still alive.

  "Zachariah kidnapped you from the hospital. Someone called Hunter and Hunter heard you screaming for help." as soon as those words flew out of my mind, Blaze's eyes grew wide once again.

  "I was screaming?" she frowned and I nodded. "No wonder my throat hurts."

  I chuckled. "You're hopeless." I said, making her chuckle too.

  "I know." she playfully rolled her eyes. "So, what does this Zachariah bitch want?" she raised her eyebrow at me.

  "If you know everything, the reason should be obvious." I sighed.

  "True. I just hope that Hunter doesn't give in. I don't want him killing people again." She gulped.

  I placed my hand on hers. "I know, Blaze. I have seen him fight people. Even though it was self-defense, it was still terrifying. The look on his face when he wants to kill people is just..." I ran out of words.

  "I have never seen Hunter kill, but I can imagine it. It does seem terrifying, and I'm sorry you had to see all of that." She smiled weakly at me.

  "Hey, don't apologize. I mean, I have seen worse." I smiled back at her.

  Blaze was going to hug me, but then the door burst open and we saw none other than Hunter standing there. He was sweating and breathing heavily. He looked around before looking at us again.

  "Come on! Quick! We have to get out of here!" As soon as he said that, Blaze and I stood up.

  Since Blaze was recently operated, I had to help her walk, or even run. I gripped her by her upper arm and and we started running out of the room. Hunter held her by her shoulder with one hand while holding his gun with the other. Suddenly I heard footsteps and we wasted no more time, and started running for our lives. We reached the front door where two men were standing. Without hesitation, Hunter raised his hand with the gun and shot both of them right through their skull. I wanted to let out a scream, but nothing came out. We just continued running.

  We ran out of the gate and two men were shot dead once again by Hunter. Screaming was obviously going to be useless. We just ran to the car as bullets suddenly flew in our direction. We placed Blaze in the backseat and went to our sides of the car. Hunter quickly started the car and we were soon on the road. There were still gunshots to be heard, but no one was injured. After a while the gunshots just stopped and we were finally save. My heart was beating uncontrollably in my chest and I was breathing heavily.

  "Hunter, what just the fuck happened!?" Blaze shouted.

  "I shot Zachariah in his leg." He mumbled.

  "What!?" Blaze and I screeched at the same time.

  "What the fuck was I supposed to do!? I couldn't just join his fucking gang again. I can't just join the mafia again!" Hunter shouted.

  "Hunter, we all know Zachariah is going to kill you now!" Blaze breathed out.

  "I know, Blaze... I know..." he breathed out.

  Suddenly everything just became tensed. I felt as if I was going to suffocate because of the awkward atmosphere. I wanted to cry. It might seem stupid, but if something happens to Hunter, I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself. Without Hunter I have nothing to live for. Hunter saved my life. Hunter gave me a reason to live for. And now... Now Zachariah is planning on taking my life away from me.

  "We're home." Hunter said after a while.

  We didn't say anything. We just silently got out of the car and helped Blaze out. I thought we would bring her to the hospital, but Hunter said we'd do that tomorrow. She just had seen a bit too much for today. We walked to the front door and as Hunter took the key out of his pocket, a gunshot was heard out of nowhere and Blaze fell onto the ground with blood coming out of her back.

  Chapter Twenty-Four<
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  "Blaze!" Hunter screamed as his sister fell onto the ground.

  As for me, I just stood there with a dropped jaw, taking in what just happened. Hunter picked her up and carried her to the car. I could hear him shouting my name, but it all seemed like background noise. Blaze was just shot in front of me.

  "Dammit, Zoe!" Hunter yelled once again, and somehow that did the trick to snap me out of my shocked state.


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