Iora Health, 241
Jackson, Michael, 184
Jaquith, Waldo, 111
Jeco Plastics, 133
Jefferson, Thomas, 88–90
job creation, middle-class, 121
JOBS Act of 2012, 69
jobs for veterans, 159–62
Johnson, Clay, 216–17, 219
Johnson, Lyndon B., 97
Joint Committee of Technology and Science (JCOTS), 42
Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012, 69
Kaine, Tim, 41–43, 47, 50, 57
Kalil, Tom, 167–69, 196–97
Kamarck, Elaine C., 12, 17–19, 21, 22
Kamen, Dean, 209, 210
Kapor, Mitch, 84–85, 151
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, 34, 38
Kenny, David, 93–96
kidney disease. See end-stage renal disease
Koch, Rachel, 189
Kodak, 46–47
Korean Air Lines Flight 007, 107
Krieger, Mike, 120
Kundra, Vivek, 60, 62–64, 118
Kuttner, Oliver, 191, 192
Lafley, A. G., 74–75
Latka, Nathan, 82
Lawson, Jeff, 161
Leafully, 145
Lean Startup, The (Ries), 206
Lean Startup Conference, 234
lean (government) startups, 205, 217
Alex Pandel and, 229
Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) program and, 209
Eric Ries and, 205–11, 214, 215, 221, 234, 235 and, 235–36
Jen Pahlka and, 219, 221, 231
Todd Park and, 214, 216
White House Fellows program and, 214
Lebanon, Virginia, 50
Levin, Peter, 151, 152
Levine, Deb, 193
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 90
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 189
Lincoln, Abraham, 163–65
Lindbergh, Charles, 169–70
LinkedIn, 162
Local Motors, 179–80
Longitude, Board of, 167–68
Longitude Act of 1714, 167
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 76–77
mail delivery, 1
Malec, Arien, 153–57
management, 46
Managing Information as an Asset, 121
manufacturing, 132–34. See also industrialization; specific topics
Martell-DeMarchant, Laquitta, 189, 190
McDonnell, Bob, 51, 53, 55
measurement standards, 125, 126
mechanization, 2
Medicaid, 55, 56, 99, 147, 149, 187, 238
Medical Assistance Services, Board of, 40
medical records system. See electronic health records
Medicare, 99, 147, 149, 187, 238
Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act (MCCA), 32
Medicare Part B National Summary data file, 99, 145
Mere Gao Power, 204
meteorology. See weather data collection and forecasting
military-industrial complex, 2, 7, 166, 176–77, 198–201. See also Civil War
Molko, Joseph, 33
Morgan Stanley, 33–34
Morris, Tom, 52
Moss, John, 97
Mostashari, Farzad, 180–82, 184, 185
Mullen, Ed, 236
music industry, 83–84
Najmi, Sheba, 223
Nation at Risk, A, 8
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 164
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 128–30
National Building Museum (Pension Building), 2Pension Building
National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 127, 130, 135
National Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Consortium (NDEMC), 132–34
National Economic Council, 65
National Fire Protection Association, 127
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 126, 127, 135, 136, 139, 140
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 91–92, 94
National Partnership for Reinventing Government. See reinventing government
National Performance Review
goal, 20
principles guiding, 18–19
National Weather Service (NWS), 91–92, 94
National Weather Service Organic Act of 1890, 91
National Wireless Initiative, 70
navigation systems, 106–7, 167–68. See also Global Positioning System
Navy, U.S., 163
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), 54–55
Netscape Corporation, 34
Network of South Asian Professionals, 37
Nevada Health Co-Op, 241
Nevada Health Link, 241
New Covenant, 16. See also reinventing government
New Deal, 5–6, 10, 12–13
New Democrats, 15–16
New England Deaconess Hospital, 35
New England Healthcare EDI Network (NEHEN), 38–39
New Orleans, 224–30
New Paradigm Society, 12, 15, 17
9/11 terrorist attacks, 22
Noveck, Beth, 63
Obama, Barack, xi, 23, 66, 87, 152, 188, 208. See also Strategy for American Innovation
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and, 60
Aneesh Chopra and, 76
Bruce Brown and, 76
campaigns and elections, 57–58, 203
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and, 206
Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation (DMDI) Institute and, 134
and employment for veterans, 159–61
energy consumption and, 137
on equal pay for equal work, 188–89
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act and, 59
on federal government, 67, 203
India and, 116
Middle Class Jobs & Opportunity Tour, 121
open government and, 61, 65, 84, 121, 233
Race to the Top proposal, 146
Recovery Act and, 60, 140 and, 59–60
on smart grid, 146
speeches, 57, 59, 67, 115, 146, 164, 195, 196, 203
Todd Park and, 214
Veterans Job Bank and, 160
Victor Garcia and, 179
Obama-Coburn Transparency Act. See Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
Office of Management and Budget, 61, 171
Office of Standard Weights and Measures, 125
Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT, 153, 157, 180–83
oligarchism, 13
Olsonism, 13
on-demand manufacturing tools, 77
on-demand software, 44
One Economy, 204
One in a Million Hearts Challenge, 182–83
open data, 87–88, 96, 105, 111, 119. See also specific topics
Bob Burbach on, 115
Clay Johnson and, 219
David Kenny and, 93, 94
Obama and, 121
outside American boundaries, 115–16
purpose, 121
research on, 242–43
Todd Park and, 103, 122, 214
Open Data initiatives, 242
open data policy, 93, 121
open government, 116, 117, 227, 241–42
Aneesh Chopra’s contributions to the advancement of, 233�
Clay Johnson and, 219
GPS and, 106
jobs and, 121
Mike Krieger and, 120
nature of, 242
Obama and, 61, 65, 84, 121, 233
open government approach utilized for health IT standards, 157
Open Government Dialogue, 63. See also U.S.-India Open Government Dialogue
Open Government Directive, 61, 64, 99
open government initiatives, 62–64. See also specific initiatives
open government innovation movement, 245
open government innovators, 246–47
Open Government Partnership (OGP), 119, 242
Open Government partnership, U.S.-India, 118
open government web page, 99
open innovation, 98, 120, 180, 188, 230, 231, 243, 247
contrasted with earlier management innovations, 83
Henry Chesbrough and, 72–74, 77, 80, 83, 84, 86–87
as “mother of all services,” 86
origin, 73
origins of private sector’s use of, 72–88
Open Innovator’s Toolkit, 87–88
Open Services Innovation (Chesbrough), 83
O’Reilly, Tim, 61, 100–101
organizational culture, change in, 74
Orteig, Raymond, 169–70
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), 141, 145
Pahlka, Jen, 219–26, 229–31
Pandel, Alex, 225, 227–30
Park, Todd, 101–4, 106, 121–22, 151
Department of Health and Human Services, 86, 98–100, 235
Green Button Connect My Data and, 145
Lean Startup Conference and, 234
lean startups and, 214, 216
Obama and, 214
open data and, 103, 122, 214
Veterans Affairs and, 152
Parkinson’s law, 13
patent reform, 68–69
Patient Engagement Blue Button Challenge, 183–84
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 85, 147, 149, 181, 235–37
Patton, George S., 198–99
Paycheck Fairness Act, 189
Pension Building (National Building Museum), 2
pension program for veterans, 2
Peter Principle/Peterism, 13
Pinkerton, Jim, 11–17
Pitroda, Sam, 28–31, 36–38, 43, 116–20
PluggedInVA (PIVA), 48–49, 51–52
Postal Service, U.S., 1–2
Powers, James, 97
Powers Tabulating Machine Company, 97
Presidential Innovation Fellows program, 214, 217, 219, 231, 234
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), 70
President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, 80
President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, The, 10
President’s Strategy for American Innovation, 171
preterm births, 54–55, 148
private and public sectors, 18, 72, 165–67, 199, 238
prizes. See challenges and prizes
Proctor & Gamble (P&G), 74–77
Productivity Investment Fund (PIF), 48–49, 51–56
Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE competition, 190
progressive movement of late-19th and early-20th centuries, 5–6
Proposition 13, 9
Putting People First (Clinton and Gore), 17
Race to the GED, 49
Reagan, Ronald, 10, 12
Reavis-Bey, Amir, 225, 228–29
recession, late-2000s, 59, 66
recession of 1982, 15
Recovery Act, 60, 65, 98, 140. See also HITECH Act, 59–60, 217
reinventing government, 16
Reinventing Government (REGO), 19, 21, 22, 58
RelayHealth, 153, 156–57
Remington Rand, 97
request for proposal (RFP) process, 214, 217. See also RFP-EZ
research and development (R&D), 2, 57, 70
RFP-EZ, 214, 217–19
Rheuban, Karen, 53–55
Richmond Sunlight, 111
Ries, Eric, 205–11, 214, 215, 221, 234, 235
Right to Information Act (India), 116
Riley, Jason, 143
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 6, 199
Safety Data Initiative, 121
San Diego Gas & Electric, 141, 142, 144
Sandberg, Sheryl, 80–81
Sapiro, Miriam, 135
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 69
Satellite Transmission and Receiving System (STARS), 93
SAVE Award, 23
Sawhney, Roger, 40, 160, 161
Schmidt, Wendy, 172
Schwartzman, Nancy, 192–95
Scilly naval disaster, 167
search engines and government websites, 41–42
Secretary of Technology, 41
Securing Americans Value and Efficiency (SAVE) Award, 23
September 11, 2001 attacks, 22
sexual assault prevention, 192–95
Sherman Antitrust Act, 5
Shriver, Sargent, 202
Simple Energy, 144
smart grid, 137–40
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, 139–40
smart meters, 139
smarter government movement, 43
Sobel, Dava, 167
social programs, 9. See also New Deal
software, 22, 50, 73
software as a service, 44
Solis, Hilda, 188–89
South Carolina model, 43, 44
Southern Technology Council, 40
SOW Composer, 218
spacecrafts, 168–70
SpaceShipOne (SS1), 170
spending transparency, 60
Spradlin, Dwayne, 173–78
SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device), 177
Standards, Bureau of. See National Bureau of Standards
standards development and application, 125–34
startup companies, 69. See also lean (government) startups
defined, 205
startup visa, 211
statement of work (SOW), 218
stimulus package, 59
Strategy for American Innovation, 65, 197
Stumble Safely, 62
Sunlight Foundation, 114, 115
Sunlight Labs, 111, 216
Sunstein, Cass, 135
supercomputer. See high performance computing
superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), 177
supply-chain management, 73
Symcat, 104
systems analysis, 73
Tabulating Machine Company, 96–97
talent, attracting, 88
taxation, 9, 10, 21
Technology, Innovation and Government Reform (TIGR), 58, 60
Technology and Science, Joint Committee of, 42
technology gap between private and public sectors, closing the, 238
TechPad, 82
Tejeda, Eddie, 225–27, 229–30
telegraph, 2
telemedicine, 53–54
TopCoder, 187
Toyota, 79
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), 209, 211–14
University of Virginia Health System, 54–55
UnPlugStuff, 145–46
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). See Agriculture, Department of
U.S.-India Open Government Dialogue, 115–16
U.S.-India Open Government partnership, 118
utilities, 137–46
VA Medical Appointment Scheduling Contest, 23–24
VA Medical Scheduling Contest, 23–24, 186
Van Sickle, David, 107–10
Vehicle Stopper challenge, 177
Vehicle Technologies Program, 190
VELObill, 145
veterans, employment for, 159–62
Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of, 23–24, 152, 161, 185, 186
Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VISTA) system, 24
Veterans Job Bank, 160–61
VetNet, 162
videoconferencing in health care, 53–54
videotape format war, 124
Virginia, 41–47
as Best Managed State, 41, 44–45
Blacksburg, 81–82
education in, 48–53
health care in, 53–56
Virginia Model, 57, 58. See also Virginia
Virginia Performs, 47–49
Wales, Serena, 225
Warren, Elizabeth, 206, 207
Washington, George, 25
weapons, 2, 165, 198–99. See also Civil War
Weather Bureau, U.S., 91–92
Weather Channel, The, 92–95
weather data collection and forecasting, 89–96, 93–94
WebMD, 104
Webster, Tony, 161–62
Welsh, Brian, 31
Western Expansion, 3
White House, 64
White House Forum for Modernizing Government, 67
White House Strategy for a 21st Century Grid, 138
World War I, 198, 200
World War II, 6, 198–201
World Wide Web, 21
Wright brothers, 128
X PRIZE, 170, 171, 190
X PRIZE Foundation, 171, 172, 196
Zeiger, Roni, 102
Innovative State Page 31