36.Teke Wiggin, “New Orleans No Longer Most Blighted U.S. City: Detroit and Flint, Mich., Come Out on Top,” AOL Real Estate, August 24, 2012, realestate.aol.com/blog/2012/08/23/new-orleans-no-longer-most-blighted-u-s-city-detroit-and-flint.
37.“2012 Code for America Fellows,” Code For America, codeforamerica.org/2012-fellows.
38.“Providing Up-to-Date Information on Vacant Properties So That Communities Can Find Ways to Make Tangible Improvements to Local Spaces,” Knight Foundation, August 21, 2013, knightfoundation.org/grants/20102537.
39.Supplemental information on the Presidential Innovation Fellows was derived from the following sources: Jennifer Pahlka and Dan Tangherlini, “New Round of Innovators Joins US Government to Tackle Big Challenges,” WhiteHouse.gov, June 24, 2013, whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/06/24/new-round-innovators-joins-us-government-tackle-big-challenges; “The Presidential Innovation Fellows,” WhiteHouse.gov, whitehouse.gov/innovationfellows.
40.“Bob McDonnell quotes Thomas Jefferson in his response about Barack Obama’s State of the Union,” Hark.com, hark.com/clips/prdwkjvcsn-bob-mcdonnell-quotes-thomas-jefferson.
8.IDIQ Contract Awardees (sixteen): Northrop Grumman, CGI Federal, EDS, CSC, IBM, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, ViPS, Buccaneer Computer Systems, IDL Solutions, Quality Software Services, Maricom Systems, 2020 LLC, iFed LLC, Alta Systems, DCCA. See also blog.dobt.co/post/63655420372/how-healthcare-gov-went-wrong.
10.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/11/04/remarks-president-ofa-event; whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/11/19/remarks-president-wall-street-journal-ceo-council
All page numbers refer to the print edition of Innovative State. Please use the search feature on your reader to locate the text that corresponds to the index entries below.
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), 34
Advisory Board Company, 37–40, 183, 184, 247
Advisory Board Ventures, 39
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, 130
Aetna, 25, 103, 104
Affordable Care Act, 85, 147, 149, 181, 235–37
Aggarwal, Reggie, 39
Agriculture, Department of, 93
Air Commerce Act of 1926, 130
Alcoa, 200–201
Amazon.com, 78–80
America COMPETES Act, 135, 171, 176, 182
America Invents Act, 69
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), 60, 65, 98, 140
Apple, 80, 94, 104
application programming interface (API), 22, 81
Apps Against Abuse, 192
Apps Against Abuse Challenge, 193–94
Apps for America contest, 216
Apps for Energy contest, 145
Apps for Healthy Kids, 190, 191
Army, U.S., 2. See also military-industrial complex
manufacturing, 2
Arnold, George, 139
“arsenal system,” 2
Articles of Confederation, 25
associative state, Herbert Hoover’s vision of an, 129
asthma, 108–10
Asthmapolis, 110
Augustine, Dave, 111, 113
Augustine, Norm, 166
Austin, Karen, 141–46
Auto Blue Button Initiative, 159
Avatar Capital, 39–40
aviation, 128–30, 168–70
Baden, Tom, 186–87
balanced-budget amendment, 9
Barbis, Dante, 177
Beckers, Fabien, 213–14
Berwick, Don, 101
Betamax vs. VHS, 124
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 35, 36
Beth Israel Hospital, 35
Bezos, Jeff, 78, 79
Biden, Joseph, 192
Big Data, 70, 71
births, preterm, 54–55, 148
Blacksburg, Virginia, 81–82
Blair House meeting, 67–70
BlightStatus, 224–30
Blue Button, 24, 140, 152–53, 158–59, 183–85
Blue Button Mash Up Challenge, 184–85
Board of Medical Assistance Services, 40
Bon Jovi, Jon, 104–5
Bradley, Bill, 32
Bradley, David, 39
Bridging the Gap, 52
Brown, Bruce, 74, 76
Burbach, Bob, 111–13
bureaucracy, 13–14
problems with centralized, 12–13
Bush, George H. W., 11
Bush, George W., 22
Business One Stop, 43, 44
C-DOT (Centre for Development of Telematics), 30
California Proposition 13, 9
California Public Utilities Commission, 141–42
Cantor, Eric, 233–34
CareWeb, 35–36
Carpenter, Andrew, 111, 113
Center for American Progress, 149
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, 149
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 54, 104, 107–9
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 99, 147, 149, 187, 238
Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), 30
Challenge.gov, 23, 196
challenges and prizes, xii, 88, 168–91, 196, 197, 238
Chesbrough, Henry
Aneesh Chopra and, 72
on force multiplier element, 80
on government’s role in economy, 86–87
music industry and, 83, 84
Chiglinsky, Brian, 52
Chopra, Ram, 27
Chu, Steven, 136–37, 172
Circle of 6, 193–95
Cisco, 68
Civic Insight, 230. See also BlightStatus
civic participation, initiative to stimulate, 63–64
Civil War, viii, 2, 163–65, 195
CleanWeb Hackathon, 144
Clinton, Bill, 16, 17, 107
Clorox, 75
Code Enforcement Housing Data, 230
Code for America, 219, 220, 222–25, 227, 230–31
collaborative product development, 75–77. See also open innovation
Commerce Department, 91, 127, 131, 132
Competitiveness, Council on, 131, 132
computer software. See software
computers for students, 52–53
computing, high performance, 131–32
Congressional Future Caucus, 243
Connect + Develop program, 77
Connect My Data, 145
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 206–8
Consumer Protection and Safety Commission, 63
corporate culture, change in, 74
Corr, Bill, 98
Critical Juncture, 114, 115
crowdsourcing, 63
Darman, Richard, 12
data. See Big Data; government data; open data
Data.gov, 62–64, 112, 118, 119, 216
Datapalooza. See Health Datapalooza
dating violence prevention, 192–95
decoupling, 141
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 172–73
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 168–69, 178, 179, 196–97
Defense Department, 133–34, 152, 161, 176–78, 200
Defense Navigation Satellite System (DNSS), 106–7
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), 15–16
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). See Homeland Security, Department of
Development Innovation Ventures, 204
Dialogue on Open Government, 115–16
Diamandis, Peter, 169–73
Dickson, Christie, 23
digital economy. See Internet economy
digital industrial commons, 134
Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation (DMDI), 134
Diplomas Now (DN), 204
Direct Project, 154–58
disc storage formats, 124–25
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 206, 207
Drake, Chuck, 52–53
Drucker, Peter, 14
DVDs, 124–25
e-commerce, 80, 141, 204, 237, 238
e-governance, 117
e-government, 22. See also Government 2.0
e-government fund, 22
Eastman Kodak, 46–47
Edison, Thomas A., 136
education, 48–53
Education Data Initiative, 121
electrification and standardization, 126–27, 136–37
electronic health records, 153, 154. See also Blue Button; health information technology
financial savings from, 148
George W. Bush and, 150, 153, 180
health Internet and, 85
HITECH Act and, 98, 147, 181
hospitals and, 35–36, 152, 180–81
John Halamka and, 35–36, 38–39, 43, 150
Mitch Kapor and, 84
Obama and, 147
Electronic Health Records Task Force, 40
Ely Lilly, 68
Emblidge, Mark, 48–51
employment for veterans, 159–62
empowerment, 12
phases of, 118
end-stage renal disease (ESRD), 210–11
Energy, Department of, 136, 139
energy consumption and efficiency, 135–46
Energy Data Initiative, 120–21
Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), 136
Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR), 209, 211–12, 214
Entrepreneurship Pathways web portal, 212–13
Equal Pay Act of 1963, 189
equal pay for equal work, 188–89
Expo on Democracy and Open Government, 116
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, 165
Facebook, 80–82
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Obama-Coburn), 59, 60
Federal Health Information Technology Strategic Plan, 185
Federal Register, 112–14
Federal Register Act of 1935, 112
Feld, Brad, 211–13
Fogarty, Thomas, 210
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 99, 209–11, 214
force multipliers, 80, 81, 86, 87
Founding Fathers of the United States, 3, 25
Framers of the Constitution, 3
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 97
Fridsma, Doug, 153–54
Fusion Tables, 102
Gandhi, Rajiv, 31
Garcia, Victor, 178–80
Garfield, James
assassination of, 5
GED On Demand, 49–50
GED programs, 49–51
Genachowski, Julius, 57–58
gender pay gap, 188–89
Ghaffar, Aamer, 183
Glad, 75
Global Positioning System (GPS), 106, 107, 109–10, 194
Goel, Anita, 172
Gore, Al, 16–22
data collection, 96–106
innovation in, 26. See also specific topics
role of, 7, 86–87
use of technology in, 237
Government 2.0 (Gov 2.0), 155, 220
“government as a platform,” 240
government data. See also Data.gov; specific topics
publication of, 62–64. See also open government
“government of clerks,” 6
government organizations, 6–7. See also specific organizations
Grace, J. Peter, 10
Grace Commission, 10
Grand Challenges, 196–97
Great Baltimore Fire, 123, 124, 127
Great Recession. See recession, late-2000s
Green Button, 140–46
Green Button Connect My Data, 145
green field opportunity, 209
guns, 2
Halamka, John, 36, 38, 43, 151, 158
CareWeb and, 35–36
electronic health records and, 35–36, 39, 43, 150
Health IT Standards Committee and, 150–51
Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel and, 150
HITECH Act and, 150
New England Healthcare EDI Network and, 38–39
overview, 35
Hamburg, Peggy, 210
Harrison, John, 167
Hart-Celler Act (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965), 27
Hawkins, William, 210
Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of, 61, 98, 119, 150, 236–38, 240. See also Health IT
health data provided by, 98–99, 101, 102, 119, 183
Health Datapalooza and, 101–6
Health Guide Challenge and, 183
Healthcare.gov and, 241
Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) and, 180, 182, 183
One in a Million Hearts Challenge and, 182–83
Todd Park and, 86, 98–100, 235. See also Park, Todd
Health 2.0 Blue Button Developer Challenge, 184
health care, 24, 32, 235–41
Productivity Investment Fund (PIF) and, 53–56
health care costs, 109
health care reform, 84, 85, 147
health data collection, 98–110. See also electronic health records
Health Data Initiative, 86, 100–101
Health Datapalooza, 101–6
health information technology (IT), 84, 148–49, 157–59, 185. See also Blue Button; electronic health records; Health IT
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act), 98, 147, 150, 151, 181
Health Information Technology Platform symposium, 84
health insurance, 24–25, 103, 104, 152–53
Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 153
health Internet, 85–86, 151
health IT. See health information technology
Health IT, Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for, 153, 180–83
Health IT Standards Committee (HITSC), 150–51, 153
Health 2.0 LLC, 182
health plans, 39, 237
health records. See electronic health records
Healthagen, 103–4, 106
Healthcare.gov, 235–37, 240–41
Henry, Joseph, 90
HeroJobs.org, 162
high performance computing (HPC), 131–32
High Performance Computing initiative, 132
Hirschman, Albert, 47
HITECH Act, 98, 147, 150, 151, 181
Hollerith, Herman, 96
Homeland Security, Department of, 22–23, 176–77
Hoover, Herbert C., 129–31
Horton, Willie, 11
electronic health records and, 35–36, 152, 180–81
mergers, 35, 36
Huang, Eugene, 206, 207
Hudson Valley Community College, 65–66
Humetrix, 184–85
iBlueButton, 184–85
IBM (International Business Machines), 96–97
immigration. See Hart-Celler Act (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965); United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
impatient convening (open innovation tool), 88
incentive auctions, 70
India, 27–31, 115–19, 204
infrastructure investment and, 116–17
industrialization, 2–4
Information Diet, The (Johnson), 216–17
information infarction, 13–14
information technology (IT) revolution, 21. See also health information technology
initial public offerings (IPOs), 69
InnoCentive, 173, 177
innovation, 69–70. See also specific topics
as fourth phase of empowerment, 118
innovation economy, 66
Institute of Medicine, 100
interchangeable parts, 2
interest groups, 13
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 21
Internet, 21, 41, 73, 84–85. See also specific topics
and citizen-government relations, 41
health Internet, 85–86
origins, 34
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 85
Internet economy, 39, 66, 69, 81, 82, 84
Interstate Commerce Commission, 5
Investing in Innovation, 204
Innovative State Page 30