Double Threats Forever (Double Threat Series)

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Double Threats Forever (Double Threat Series) Page 9

by Prestsater, Julie

  Mrs. Flores is so right. It’s about time.

  Fourth period has already started when I arrive seething mad like a rabid dog. My classmates are sitting around chatting and doing work for other classes. We’ll have a few weeks of relaxation before we begin the next big event. I scan the room looking for my friends, but don’t see them.

  “Hey, where’s Mr. Mitchell?” I ask the first person I see.

  “He’s in the office doing some paperwork.”

  “Do you know where Eric is?”

  “I don’t know. The rest of the class is either in the cafeteria or they left for lunch.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I take off to find the dickhead.

  When I push through the swinging doors to the cafeteria, I see all my friends kicking back, some sitting on the lunch tables and some in chairs. There are other pods of students scattered around, but I step closer to my group. My hands are balled into fists and I can feel the sting of my nails digging into my palms.

  Tears flood my eyes as I get closer. I have no idea what I’m going to say. Or do. But I know I can’t let it go. That asshole is sitting there like nothing has happened. Like he didn’t lie about having sex with me. Like he didn’t allow his girlfriend to have an abortion all by herself. Like he didn’t even acknowledge that he was the father. All so his reputation would stay intact. Good luck with that now. His ass will never be welcome again. Not anywhere with me anyway.

  Travis notices me first, and stands right away. “Meggie, what’s wrong?” He puts his hands out to rest on my shoulders.

  I push past him, swiping his hands away and take the last few steps needed to stand in front Eric. Before I can think anymore, my right fist connects with the left side of his jaw. Immediate pain streaks from my hand to my wrist to my forearm. Then, I begin smacking him like a girl, hands flying and tears falling like splashes of water plunging over a fall.

  Eric holds his hands up while I feel arms wrap around my waist.

  Josh gets in Eric’s face. “What the hell did you do to her?”

  I break free of Travis’s hold long enough to punch Eric one more time … in the balls. His hands clinch his crotch as he looks up at me. “What the hell are you thinking? Why are you hitting me?”

  “You know why, you asshole. Don’t you ever come near me again. And you sure as hell better not tell anyone else that you had sex with me. As if!” Then I get real close to him and whisper in his ear, “and that’s not the only thing I know about you. You make me sick.”

  “Hey, what the hell is going on here?” I hear Mr. Mitchell’s voice loud and clear as he closes in on us.

  We all stand up a little straighter and face him.

  “Nothing,” Travis says. “We’re just messing around. Got a little loud. Sorry.”

  He looks at Eric who has a red blotch on the side of his face and is trying not to hunch over. “What’s up with you?”

  “Nothing. I’m good.”

  Our teacher gives us the knowing eye. “Just keep it down,” he murmurs and walks away.

  “Meggie, I’m sorry.” Eric reaches out to me.

  I flinch, not wanting even his fingertips to graze my skin. “There’s not a damn thing you can say and you know it.” My gaze reaches each one of my friends’ eyes. “I’m sorry, guys. I’m going home.”

  Chapter 13

  I hear footsteps trotting beside me as I leave the cafeteria.

  “Meg,” Travis calls out to me. “Hey, I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

  Looking down, I try hiding the tears in my eyes. “Thanks, but I’m just going to walk home. I don’t really feel like talking.”

  “I’ll drive you. Come on,” he hangs an arm over my shoulder, “I’ll feel better if I know you got home okay. And you don’t have to say a thing.”

  I lift my arm, curl it around his waist, and lean into his chest. “Thanks.”

  Travis and I arrive at my house just five minutes later, and I slip out of his car with a quick goodbye. He was true to his word. He didn’t ask any questions. He didn’t make a peep, which is perfect because I don’t plan on saying anything, to him or any of the rest of the crew. This is Amy’s story to tell. Not mine. I told her she could trust me and I meant it. Letting my friends believe this is all about Eric spreading rumors about me is good enough. It’ll have to be.

  Once inside my house and in my room, I close my door, sit on my bed, and pull my computer onto my lap. I need to talk to someone. I need to talk to Alex.

  Time creeps by at a snail’s pace as I wait for my laptop to start up. On the way to my house, I sent Alex a text to see if he could chat. Fortunately, he’s at home for the afternoon or I’d go crazy waiting to speak to him. Even more so than I am right now.

  Finally, my computer powers on and the internet connects so I can push a video chat through to my guy. It doesn’t take long for his face to appear on my screen.

  “Hey, babe,” he smiles, “Tired of school already? Let the ditching begin. I should’ve gone to college closer to home so I could’ve kidnapped you and spent the day with you whenever we wanted.”

  The thought makes me smile. “I wish. I could’ve used one of those days today. God, I wish you were here,” I groan.

  The skin between his brows furrows. “Megan, what’s wrong? What happened?” The questions spill out with concern.

  I get weepy again. And I’m not sure why.

  “I had a chat with Amy today.”

  He grumbles, scrubbing his hands over his face. The image on my screen looks like a blur. “What now?”

  I don’t know where to start. “Well, I think we’re okay now. We’re over the past.” I pause, considering it. “I guess I’m over it. But I’m not sure Amy ever will be. She’s been through a lot.”

  “Okay.” He looks confused. I bet he is. I know I would be.

  “What I’m about to tell you, no one else knows about. Only me, Amy, and Mrs. Flores. Promise me you’ll keep it to yourself.”

  “Of course, Megan. I promise. Tell me whatever you feel comfortable with. You know I’m here for you.” The sincerity in his voice and eyes warms my heart.

  I go on to tell him the whole story. From last year, when I went with Amy to the clinic, to today when she confessed about Eric being the father and about their secret relationship.

  I don’t mean to spill my guts, but I just can’t hold it in any longer. My mind is full of sympathy, confusion, anger and it’s hard to make sense of it all. I’ve been dying to talk to someone about it.

  “Wow, I can’t believe you’ve been holding this in for months. I know going with her had to make you feel … I don’t know. Weird? Sad? Something?”

  “Exactly. Something. I don’t know what exactly. At the time, I just felt really bad for her. I know I wouldn’t want to be in that situation. At least, I’d have my mom to talk to. I always thought maybe she could talk to the baby daddy, but now I know that didn’t happen.”

  “Kinda makes me want to knock his ass out.”

  “Don’t worry, I already did.” I smile, thinking about punching Eric. I really shouldn’t feel happy about being violent toward another person, but that dickhead deserved it. I give Alex the run down on the events in the cafeteria.

  “I wish I could’ve been there to see that. You think someone recorded it?” Alex chuckles.

  “Wouldn’t surprise me. We should check YouTube.”

  We both let out another quick laugh. As we quiet down, Alex smiles at me and I start to feel better.

  “Hey, babe. I don’t know what to say. I want to be here for you, but I’m not sure what to do other than listen. How can I help?”

  “You already have. Listening is perfect. Now that I’ve told you, and just seeing your face and knowing you’re here for me makes me feel better.”


  “Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you something.” I can’t wait to see his reaction to this. “Eric told Amy I had sex with him.”

  Alex sits up straight, blinking at
me in confusion. “What? When?”

  “What do you mean? When? I didn’t have sex with him. Are you crazy?”

  He shakes his head and sighs. “I know. I know. It just threw me for a minute there.” He coughs. “I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.”

  “Calm down. Chill. My flower is still intact.”

  There’s silence for a second as we both acknowledge what I just said. And then we both bust up laughing.

  “Your flower? Nice one, Meggie.”

  “Thanks.” I chuckle. “Anyway,” I drag out the word. “He told her we slept together at Josh’s. All of our friend’s think that’s why I’m pissed at him.”

  “Sounds like a reason to be pissed. I might have to have a little chat with him when I come home.”

  “Don’t bother.”

  “I’m sure no one believed it anyway. If you wouldn’t do it when you two were together, why would you now? I bet whoever he told thought he was just talking out of his ass. People know you better than that.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Oh, I am.” He winks.

  “I knew there was a reason I called you. You’re the best.”

  “You can say that again.” An exaggerated wink marks his face.

  “I love you,” I say with a grin and a slow shake of my head.

  “You can say that again too. Any time you want.” His smiles reaches his eyes, and sends sparks throughout my body. “Preferably, all the time.”

  “Count on it.”

  I never thought I’d say this but … TGISS. Thank god it’s soccer season. I can definitely use the distraction from my friends, both those near and far. The girls seem to buy my story about Eric spreading rumors and how I’m so sick of his dumbass-ness that I don’t want him around anymore. But I still feel bad about lying. Or not really lying, but just not telling the entire truth.

  Then there’s Ben. He’s coming home soon for a ten-day leave. Ten days. That’s it. Alex will be home too so it will be nice to all be together again. If I can make it till then. I’ve never been known for my patience. More like my lack thereof.

  Until then, I’ll settle for soccer. Coach has been working us nonstop for days and seems to be impressed with my improved skill. Running with Keesh and Andi over the summer, and since school started, has really helped my stamina. I can remember freshman year when I thought my lungs were catching fire after running up and down the field for five minutes. At least now, I can last till half time before I need an oxygen tank. My legs are stronger too. My kicks aren’t pathetic little put-puts anymore. I can make the ball fly across the air or skim the grass at record speed. Okay, so maybe I’m giving myself too much credit. I may not be ready for the Olympic soccer team or anything, but I’m good enough to make varsity again.

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s not like I’m Hope Solo or something. I’ve only been playing for a year. But, dude, I really want to make Varsity.”

  “Andi, just chill. You did great through all the drills. You were consistent. That’s what coach is looking for.” Keesh sheds her long sweaty socks while she gives our friend a pep talk.

  “Dude, I just really want to play with you guys, even if I just ride the bench. Shoot, I can even be the water girl.” Now, she’s pulling off her socks and picking the lint out from between her toes.

  “Nice, girlfriend. You should save that for Travis. He could put it in his pants and mix it up with his ball lint.” I laugh at my own joke, kind of disgusted I just said that aloud.

  “Eww. You’re gross.” Keesh smacks me with her shin guard. “Besides, what do you know about sac jam?”

  “You’re calling Meggie gross, you just said sac jam.” Andi crunches up her nose in disgust.

  “What’s sac jam?” Josh says as he pulls up some grass next to us.

  Travis sits next to Andi. “Should I be worried? These two filling your head with trash again?”

  “Us?” I feign innocence. “Your girl is the one who’s pickin’ her toe jam right in front of us. I had to look away or I was gonna vomit.”

  Andi tosses one of her cleats at me. “Dude, really?”

  I toss it back. “Sorry, girl, but little miss innocent, you’re not.”

  “You got that right,” Trav says, nuzzling his face in Andi’s neck. “Ooo, babe, you’re nice and sweaty.”

  “Stanky is more like it,” Josh says. “You girls reek more than my team does after a game.” He waves his hand in front of his face.

  “Stinky, huh?” I tell him. “C’mere. Want some of this?” I tackle him and put my arm pit in his face. He’s like a rollie-pollie on his back, wiggling back and forth, trying to get up.

  Keesh joins me, sitting on his chest. “How about some sweaty ass all over you?”

  “Been there, done that,” he says, slapping her on the backside.

  She whips her head around to stare him down. He pauses for a second waiting for more from her, but then he starts cracking up.

  “Oh, you’re gonna get it now,” I tell him.

  “Ladies,” our coach yells. “The teams are posted.”

  We all jump to our feet and head to the gym. Girls are already walking away as we get there, some looking thrilled, some not. There were more girls trying out than spots this year, so by the slouch of their shoulders and droopiness of their eyes, I’m guessing some of these girls didn’t make it. It would totally suck ass if I went over there, looked for my name, and it wasn’t there.

  Suddenly, I don’t want to look. Maybe I didn’t make the team. Wouldn’t that just suck!

  Chapter 14

  “Mom, do you know where my Berkeley hoodie is?” I yell from my room, knowing she’s somewhere in the house and hoping she can hear me. Even better, I hope she knows where my prized possession is because, shockingly, I can’t find it.

  I continue to gather a few things, shoving them in my soccer duffle. I had to spray the thing with a can of Febreze after today’s game so it wouldn’t stink up my clean clothes. Who knew that after only a week’s of practices and games, my life would come to killer calculus and smelly soccer gear? Someone should really come up with scented shin guards. Or maybe, I shouldn’t put the things to my nose for a disgusting whiff. Andi’s reek the worst. How her teeny body puts off the most rancid odor is unbelievable.

  My mom comes through the door with armfuls of laundry. “It’s probably in this load that you so nicely left in the dryer.” She drops it on my bed.

  I pick through the pile and hold up my navy sweatshirt. “Here it is.” I bring it up to my lips for a goofy kiss.

  “You’re silly.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “You guys have been playing really well. I hated missing your game today. How was it?”

  “Good.” So good, my thighs hurt like hell and so do my ribs. This chick I was covering kept digging her elbow into my side. She stopped when I told her I was going to punch her in the cooch if she didn’t knock it off. “We won. Keesh scored every goal. Like always. I stopped a few.”

  “How about Andi?”

  “She looked cute.” Which is my way of saying she sat on the bench. She made varsity but she isn’t getting much playing time. “She put her hair up in pig tails.”

  “Only she could pull that off,” she says as she plops herself down at my desk, swiveling the chair from side to side. “You almost done packing?”

  “Getting there.” I sift through my laundry wondering what else I missed. “I’m so excited I’ll probably forget something.”

  “You excited about seeing colleges, or seeing Alex?”


  “I bet. You know, I think it’s time we had a serious talk.” Her tone has changed and I can tell she means business. However, I’m not interested in the talk I think she’s suggesting. I’ve had enough sex talk with everything that happened with Amy and Eric to last me a lifetime. I know how it all works. More importantly, I know what happens when you don’t take precautions.

  “Do we
have to?”

  “Yes. Sit.” She gestures to my butterfly-winged chair in the corner of my room. “I’ve waited long enough and you’re not going to spend five days with Alex without me saying what I need to. And if you can’t talk about it, then you shouldn’t be doing it.”

  With a sigh, I drop into my purple chair. “Shoot.”

  “I’m not so naive that I don’t think you know about the birds and the bees so I won’t get into the details. I just want to make sure you know enough to keep yourself safe.” She pauses, true concern in her eyes.

  “Mom, you don’t have to be worried about me.”

  “I’m not. For some reason, I don’t think you’ve actually had sex yet. It’s just a feeling. But, for some other reason, I have a feeling the time is getting close, and I just want to be sure you understand that having sex changes so much in your life.”

  I know what she’s getting at. I’m tempted to tell her I’ve had lots of wild and crazy sex just to torture her, but I’ll put her at ease. What a good daughter I am. “You’re right. I’m just as much a virgin today as I was the day I was born.”

  She raises her hand, pressing it over her heart. “Whew,” she sighs again. “I’m good, huh.” We both chuckle a bit. “Okay, back to the point. You’re getting older, and I’m sure every time you see Alex, things are getting a little more intense. He’s older too, and while I don’t think he’d ever pressure you to do anything you don’t want to do, I also know that young man of yours makes you melt like a stick of butter every time he looks at you.”

  “Mom!” Is she trying to kill me?

  “Relax, Meg. I was young once and your dad was even sexier than Alex was in his day. That man could make me do anything with the rise of his brow.” She fans herself with a sly grin.

  “Thanks for the visual.” I don’t know if I should walk out or throw up. Both sound pretty good right about now.

  “Okay, Saint Megan. Just in case, I put a box of condoms under your bed. Take them with you on your trip. Just in case. I’m not saying I want you to do it. I’d be more than thrilled if you waited till you guys were married for at least five years before you went there. But I’m not stupid either. I just don’t want you to get yourself into a situation where you have to make some really tough choices because you weren’t prepared.”


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