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Something About You (Something Borrowed Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Louisa George

  Jenna reached out to her daughter but missed as Evie darted forward. Then she watched, literally feeling her lips do a one-eighty-degree turn down as, in what felt like impossibly slow motion, Evie ran all the way to Nick, her hand moving from her stomach to her throat, to her mouth. And then, in even slower motion, her lips parted and her little body heaved.


  There was a weird sort of shocked collective intake of breath, followed by an endless silence. Jenna felt the heavy gaze of every pair of eyes in the shop and viscerally felt the weight of a thousand mortifications travel through her own tummy.

  He’d jerked back, making a small noise that was part revulsion and part despair.

  He wouldn’t think she was incompetent; he’d know she was, because who the hell allowed a little girl to twirl around after two ice creams and a tummy ache?

  She would not look at him.

  Could not look at him.

  But she had to. Because she was a grown-up now. She had her own business, her own life, her own daughter. This little barely-out-of-babyhood girl who was ill and needed a mamma hug regardless of anything else. Jenna bent to pick her up and held her tight. ‘It’s okay, baby. Mamma’s here.’

  But, slowly, Jenna’s eyes travelled along the floor to his feet. Ugh.

  He looked down at his shoes. Lovely black shiny shoes. Police shoes that took hours of polishing. That would now need more hours—days—of cleaning. His gaze travelled back to her, and he smiled—a little tight smile that said it’s okay, it’s not okay. ‘And this is…?’


  ‘Evie. This is Evie, my daughter. She’s not feeling great. I’m so sorry. So very sorry.’ Jenna rubbed Evie’s tummy and held her lovely still baby-soft curls back from her little clammy face. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘Hey, I saw a lot worse in the army. And I’d make a pretty rubbish cop if this bothered me. It’s fine. It’s fine.’ It wasn’t. Not at all. Nick’s beautiful mouth had stretched into a thin, taut line, and he was standing utterly and completely still—as if the… mess was sticking him to the floor. It probably was. He was trying to be totally cool about it, but he couldn’t hide that flash of panic and dismay no matter how much he tried to.

  With a huge tsk, her mum came forward, brandishing handfuls of kitchen roll, which she stuffed into his hand. ‘You’ll be needing this. And some water. There’s a sink out back, and a toilet.’ Then in her loudest voice. ‘Which is where Evie should have been in the first place.’

  Jenna felt her muscles tense harder. Her eyes locked with her mum’s. A parenting standoff. Thankfully, Nick was heading towards the toilet, dropping pieces of kitchen roll on the floor in front of him to tread on, so as not to get the yuck onto the new boards. She hissed back at her mum, ‘Or maybe she shouldn’t have been given two ice creams?’

  ‘Maybe she shouldn’t have dropped one?’

  ‘Mamma.’ Evie tugged at Jenna’s sleeve, her little face starting to crumple.

  ‘Oh, honey. Feel better now?’ Jenna felt her daughter’s head. Still not hot. No bug, then, definitely just too much sugar and cream.

  Evie nodded. ‘You said not to be sick on our floor, so I did it on da man’s feet.’ Evie’s little face started to crumple. ‘You cross, Mamma?’

  ‘No. It’s… it’s okay.’ It would have to be, because she couldn’t reprimand her daughter for doing what she’d thought was the right thing. ‘But next time, tell Mamma you feel poorly and we’ll try make it to the bathroom.’

  So, there it was… the infamous new beginning. Turned out to be more like a comedy of errors. She couldn’t look at the floor or at her mother, and had no idea at all how to restart a conversation with Nick.

  Chapter 3

  Luckily, Vaughn was standing in the doorway, breathing heavily but smiling and the spotlight swung away from her and the vomit and the shoes and the cupcake cream.

  Thank God.

  The boy was standing next to him, smudges of cake across his chest too. Karma. Good. ‘Got him. Tyler has something he wants to say to you, Jenna.’

  Tyler still had the necklace in his fist. He held it out to her. ‘I’m sorry. Here’s the necklace back.’ His vowels were short and hard, not from London, that was for sure. He looked up at Vaughn with something akin to hero worship. ‘Them cakes were sick.’

  ‘Oh.’ Jenna looked at the messy floor then back at the boy and realised he was smiling. Clearly she wasn’t up with youth-speak and ‘sick’ didn’t mean what she thought it meant. ‘Yes, Vaughn can work wonders with food. Thank you for giving me the necklace back. I expect you won’t do it again. If you do, I’ve had a very close look at you and will be able to give the police a good description. In fact, Marnie’s got some photos too.’

  ‘I won’t do it again. I promise.’

  Chloe had disappeared into the back office with Faith, but Bridget reappeared with more cloths. As did Nick. His shoes were wet and not at all shiny anymore. He’d also missed a bit, but she kept that intel to herself. Bridget nudged him and pointed to Tyler. ‘Him. He’s the one that was stealing. You’re the po-lice, Nicholas.’ The woman had been living in London for almost thirty years, but her Irish accent was as strong as ever. ‘You sort him out. Take him to the station and book him.’

  Nick looked up, a little shocked. Poor guy had only popped in for a quiet drink. ‘Er… Jenna? What do you want me to do? Your call. I can take him down to the station if you like.’

  Which, judging by the look on his face, was the exact opposite of what he wanted to do. Granted, he probably just wanted to go home and shower in bleach to rid himself of the vomity-smell. ‘His name is Tyler, and no, I don’t want to press charges, not on my first day.’

  Next to her, Bridget bristled. She’d always been one for honesty. Well, almost always. ‘How will he learn if he isn’t punished?’

  ‘There are a few ways to deal with this.’ Nick’s hand was on the boy’s shoulder. Vaughn was at his other side. The poor lad was sandwiched between a good deal of muscle and a lot of brawn. She hadn’t imagined she’d need bouncers at the opening afternoon of her flower shop, but she was glad they were here. ‘Listen, Tyler, I’m off duty here, but that doesn’t mean I can’t call one of my colleagues to come down to sort all this out. But Jenna’s said she doesn’t want any trouble. It’s her first day, her brand-new shop and she was feeling pretty damned good about it. She’s worked hard to get this far. You ever done something like that? Worked hard and then had someone ruin it all for you?’

  The boy nodded then looked at his feet. ‘Sorry.’

  ‘That’s a good start.’ Nick’s shoulders relaxed, but his tone was still assertive. ‘Do I need to walk you round the stall holders and shops for you to give a load of stuff back and say that word over and over?’

  ‘No. My mate dared me to do it. This was the first time.’

  ‘And the last. Okay? Sleeping rough?’

  Tyler nodded again.

  ‘How long for?’ Nick’s manner was assertive and no nonsense, but also gentle enough to inspire a response, a confidence. Jenna had to admit, she was impressed. This wasn’t something he’d learnt through training; this was his natural inclination. Kind.

  Uh-huh. Why couldn’t he be horrible? Mean?

  The boy mumbled, ‘Couple of months.’


  Tyler shrugged, eyes suddenly wary. Whatever had happened, he wasn’t about to give them details. But judging by his expression, it wasn’t a happy family story.

  Nick’s hand was back on the boy’s shoulder, and he looked him directly in the eyes. ‘Okay. You don’t have to tell me. You want me to take you down to St Catherine’s? They have a centre there, can give you a hot dinner and maybe a bed for the night?’

  ‘They’re full.’ Tyler rubbed a fist over his scruffy hair. ‘They’re always full.’

  ‘Well, I happen to know of a couple of lads who won’t be back there tonight, so there may be a bed or two. You want me to find out?’
  Tyler nodded.

  ‘How old are you?’ Nick’s eyes narrowed a little, as if he was trying to work it out for himself.


  ‘How old are you really?’

  ‘None of your business.’

  ‘It is if you’re a minor. I need to inform the right people. There must be people looking for you. Worried? Your mum? She must want to know you’re safe.’

  Another shrug. ‘I’m old enough.’

  Nick didn’t push it. ‘Actually, I’ve got some spare clothes I was going to throw out, but they might fit you. You want me to have a look?’

  That was a lie. Jenna knew that for certain. She’d helped him move a few weeks ago and had commented on how little he owned. He was also a good head taller than Tyler and a lot broader. But what did she know? Other than that, the guy was extending a hand to someone who needed him.

  But the kid shook his head and took a step back, a flight risk if ever she’d seen one. ‘Nah. I don’t need anything from you.’

  ‘Fair enough. But I can’t just let you walk away.’ Nick shrugged and reached for his top pocket. Everyone knew that was where the police kept their little black notebook.

  Tyler was two steps back now. ‘You’ll take me straight to the cop shop. You’re just lying.’

  ‘I’m not.’ Instead of taking the pad out, Nick just swiped his hand over the pocket and then placed his hands palm up towards the boy. Trust me.

  The boy had backed right into Vaughn, who said, ‘Hey, I’ll come with you, make sure he doesn’t do anything dodgy.’

  Tyler frowned. ‘I won’t.’

  Vaughn laughed. ‘I was talking about Nick.’

  ‘Cheers, mate. I won’t either. I promise.’ Nick laughed and the tension in the room dissolved. Even Tyler managed a rueful smile.

  Vaughn nodded towards Chloe for agreement, which she gave, making Jenna feel 100 per cent better. Even though Nick had been in the army and was bigger in every way than the boy, there was safety in numbers.

  Before he left, Nick motioned for her to walk to a quiet corner of the shop. ‘Are you okay, Jenna?’

  She bit her lip, debating to say anything or butt out? Say. The man was helping her after all. ‘Well, if I’m honest, I’m not very happy about you going anywhere with him.’

  Nick’s face was a mix of frown and surprise. ‘Why ever not? He’s half my size and about half my age too.’

  ‘He could be tricky.’

  His shoulders relaxed. ‘Jenna, I was in Iraq. I know all the tricks.’

  ‘Okay. I suppose. And thanks.’ She couldn’t help it; it was just who she was, looking after people, nurturing them. Keeping them safe. But she knew full well she couldn’t keep everyone safe, no matter how hard she tried.

  Nick dipped his head to capture her gaze in his. He had such amazing dark brown eyes. Kind. ‘Hey, stop worrying.’

  Easy for anyone to say when their husband didn’t go out to work one day and never came home. ‘Okay. Sorry. Overprotective, I know.’

  ‘I’ll take him down to St Catherine’s Shelter. Are you okay with that?’

  ‘Yes. Thanks. I don’t imagine he’ll be stealing again any time soon. In fact, I’d go as far as to say you’re probably the first kind person he’s ever met.’

  ‘That makes two of us then. You could have pressed charges, many would.’

  Jenna remembered the look on Tyler’s face at the mention of his parents and imagined how it must feel to have no support at all in your life. The only reason she was standing here today was because of her own support network, even if they did annoy her from time to time. They were family and that was what was important.

  ‘And that would have achieved what? A load of hassle for me, and a record or a caution for him. Look, I’ve been desperate before. I mean, not hand-to-mouth desperate, but I know what it feels like when you’re at the end of your rope and you’re scared. And lonely. And with an uncertain future.’

  Being a pregnant widow had made her question a lot of things; in those early stages of grief, it had been her sanity. Later, after giving birth, it was her ability to cope. And ever since, her ability to love, to give her heart and herself completely, because she didn’t think she could cope with losing so much again. Mostly, she was scared of losing herself when she’d worked so hard at finding who she was, who she could be.

  Nick’s kind eyes were on her again. ‘I remember your emails. Word for word. I’m sorry you were in that place, and that I was too far away to help.’

  You helped, just having someone to talk to helped. Her heart contracted at the thought of him caring all those miles away, in a different world. ‘It’s okay. None of it was your fault. And look how far I’ve come with help.’ She gesticulated at her lovely, slightly sticky-floored shop and was grateful they’d kept the door open and a cool autumn breeze was now floating through and mixing with the floral scent.

  Nick didn’t follow her gaze. ‘Amazing. Well, it’s definitely been a lot more than just a shop opening.’

  ‘Welcome to my life where nothing ever goes to plan. Of course I’d have a shoplifter on my opening day, that’s just my kind of luck, along with wearing Vaughn’s delicious cupcakes in my nostrils. And I have a child who does child things, like inappropriate vomiting. You’re lucky she didn’t give you a hug and share nits too.’ Jenna laughed and instinctively started to scratch her head. ‘That’s happened.’

  Nick did the same, running a hand over his short hair, which made her want to run her fingers over it too. Short and buzzy and soft, she imagined and then told herself off.

  He grinned. ‘Never a dull moment, that’s what the reporter said?’

  ‘Welcome to Crazyville.’ Such a shame he’d left the army to chase a quieter life. That’s what he’d told her when she helped him move into his new flat. He was over fighting, over the chop and change and lack of control over where he lived and what he did. Over the ex-girlfriend who’d left him for another soldier in his platoon. He wanted certainty, reliability, honesty—not crazy. Her heart tripped a little, as it did whenever she saw him. Poor guy would probably take this chance to head right out of Portobello Road and never look back. ‘See you later?’

  ‘This could take a while.’ He squeezed her arm gently. She wasn’t imagining it when she felt tingles along her skin. But she ignored them. She had no business having tingles, not with him. Not with anyone.

  Ollie could be watching her. God, she’d consoled herself for years that Ollie would be watching over them, protecting them. Now she hoped he’d been distracted by something amazing up in Heaven and was missing this particular bit. He’d want her to be happy, she knew. She’d only ever loved him, and he’d gone and broken her heart—she certainly wasn’t open to it happening again. This was just a bit of lust, her hormones playing up after a long hibernation. Hell, a woman could window-shop.

  Vaughn was waiting outside, chatting to Tyler. Jenna pointed to them. ‘You don’t have to take him to the centre, you know. Vaughn could drop him off.’

  ‘I know. It’s okay. I want to. The kid seems a bit lost.’

  ‘You can’t get involved with them all, or you’ll have no clothes left. You don’t have that many to start with.’ The thought of him half-naked nudged its way into her head and she felt her cheeks redden. All those muscles. All that skin. Wow, well her imagination was in super-overdrive today.

  He laughed. ‘I’ll find him something. I have enough. Too much, really. You learn to live with very little when you have to carry everything in your pack on your back.’

  ‘I’m so sorry about the shoes.’

  ‘Worse has happened, Jenna. A whole lot worse.’ He gave her a soft smile. God, he was gorgeous. But she also saw pain there too, just a flash that he immediately hid. ‘I’ll see you—’

  ‘—Around. Yes.’ Time to be the grown-up. They needed some distance. Nothing more than casual friendship—not wanted, necessarily, but definitely needed.

  He didn’t need this m
ess in his life.

  ‘Well, very nice. I’m sure that telling-off will put the fear of God into the boy.’ Jenna’s mum rolled her eyes in a very Bridget way. ‘Or not at all. He’s a thief, not a charity case.’

  Jenna watched the men disappear along the street, her tummy contracting a little at the thought of Nick’s kind eyes, the touch of his hand on her skin and the fact that, even if he ever gave her the remotest come-on, she’d never act on it. ‘Nick’s just being compassionate. We could all do with a bit more of that in our lives. And personally, I think he’s very admirable.’

  Chloe started to stack dirty glasses onto a tray, but she was grinning and had a mischievous look in her eye. ‘Judging by the look on your face, the glow in your cheeks and the twinkle in your eyes, my lovely Jenna, admirable is really not the word you’re thinking of.’



  Well, this wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind.

  He’d envisaged a quick cup of tea, a brief hello and the chance to let his heart settle a little, satisfied that Jenna was happy and safe and moving on in her life.

  Instead, Nick was walking down Portobello Road, the right flank to Tyler. Vaughn was on the other side. Between them, they were wrangling the kid into law-abiding ways like some goddamned London-based Batman and Robin. What was the saying? Not all heroes wear capes. Not all heroes were gullible sooks like he was either, always too quick to fall for a sob story.

  But he just couldn’t help it. His first intentions hadn’t been to help the boy at all, but to help Jenna, to smooth over her momentous shop opening by removing the offending youth and letting her get on with her celebrations. The fact he’d been too eager to make her smile spooked him.

  Escaping the suffocating living quarters of army life, Nick had come back to live in a big anonymous city, hoping to finally breathe freely and live on his own without connections or complications—to lick his wounds and rebuild his life. Yet here he was, first chance he got, helping a woman more than he should and making promises to a boy that reminded him too much of the squaddies he’d lost.


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