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Moon Claimed: Supernatural Battle (Werewolf Dens Book 2)

Page 24

by Kelly St Clare

  She threw me a smile. “It was more for me, believe me. I really need this.”

  I inhaled her worry and sorrow again.

  I wish she’d tell me what was up, I whispered to my wolf.

  She might in time.

  I gave over control of my senses, following the others down a steep trail while clutching my massive tube.

  No one is around, my wolf said after a beat.

  My shoulders eased some. I’d clarify claimed territory next time I saw Sascha. He’d be so worried.

  “Here’s a dry bag for your phone,” Cameron said.

  No reception here either. I tucked the phone in and clipped the bag to my waterproof backpack.

  Don’t get us too wet, my wolf glowered.

  Yeah, yeah. I settled my pack on my front, kicking out until I entered the rapids ahead of Cameron. Better that we go first to search for danger.

  “So tense, wench,” Wade called. “Relax. It’s only water. We’ve done this dozens of times and a school group came through yesterday afternoon.”

  That did make me feel better.

  “I thought we were drinking after tubing, King Wade.” I eyed the beer tin in his grip.

  He took a sip, righting his cardboard crown with one hand. “I did hear you say that. I thought it was a hilarious joke.”

  Cameron had a cider.

  “Can we entice you to join?” she said.

  I smiled. “Fine.”

  I’d pour it out on the way. Sometimes, I couldn’t understand people my age. I wished relaxing and letting loose came easy, but the consequences of drinking in the water wouldn’t leave me alone.

  Coast still clear? I checked in with her.

  All clear. Sascha is on the move west, but not fast. Just into the human building bubble.

  You mean town? I grinned.

  “Something you’d like to share with the team?” Wade asked.

  Nope. “What’s happening in your love life?”

  He scowled. “Not enough.”

  Conversation paused as we clung on through a series of rapids. I wiped water from my face after, shaking my much lighter cider tin. This would be easier than I thought.

  “No one catching your eye?” Cam said to him.

  “Everyone but Andie catches my eye.”

  They laughed as I splashed him.

  Wade overtook me so he led our queue. “I just find everyone here so limited. You know? I wonder sometimes if this is the right place for me to really thrive. But then, the game, I could never leave.”

  My smile faded. “If the game didn’t exist, where would you go?”

  He looked at the sky. “Bluff City. Maybe overseas. I’ve saved a good amount of money.”

  It was easy to get caught up in my own woes. Other people were making sacrifices too.

  I relaxed more, confident my wolf was on the job. “What about you, Cam? If the game didn’t exist, where would you be?”

  “Right here.”

  Huh. Surprising.

  “I always thought you’d be the first to go.” Wade beat me to the punch.

  “Things change.” She swished her hand in the water.

  Wade changed the topic after a leaden silence, and I counted the number of drinks they’d consumed, unable to resist laughing as their antics and comments took on a wild edge.

  “Another cider, Andie?” Cameron asked.

  I took another, handing back my empty which she shoved in her pack. She squealed, encountering the waterproof speaker in her bag, and soon the music was pumping.

  “Your taste in music is so much better than Wade’s,” I moaned, half my mind on Sascha’s location. We weren’t so far away from him now, and assuming he was at The Dens, the tube ride would end well before Wade and Cameron drowned secondary to intoxication.

  Wade scoffed. “You were born in the wrong decade, baby girl. Your taste in music is old as shit.”

  “Music is music,” I disagreed.

  “You know what King Wade wants?” He cut me off. “You to serenade me on the saxophone. Dressed as Lisa Simpson.”

  Not happening. I wouldn’t play ever again.

  I shut my eyes. A calm lulled me as we floated downstream.

  Maybe I could get used to this.

  Water pounded, and I sat up, peering ahead.

  “You might want to put your pack on properly.” Wade swung his behind and tightened the waist strap.

  The pounding increased. “Why?”

  Cameron was doing the same, tucking the radio and tins away.

  My mouth dried as I hurried to do the same. “Where are we in relation to the start of town?”

  “Just at the top of the cascade,” Wade chirped.

  “We go down those?” I shrieked, searching for the closest land.

  We were moving fast, and more importantly, the others seemed set on going over.

  “You guys are crazy!”

  Cameron tossed her hair back. “Bet neither of you stay on for all three drops. Amateurs.”

  Oh my god.

  We flew through the water, and I kicked faster to surge ahead of Wade. “You two are unbelievable.”

  They roared with laughter, and my stomach lurched as my tube shot out into thin air.

  I screamed, struggling to keep the tube right side up as I plummeted down.

  Water exploded as I landed and lost the battle to hang on. The tube shot from under me, disappearing, and there was only a second to see that Wade and Cameron had landed safely before the water forced me over the second drop.

  A second scream and this time, I plunged underwater at the bottom.

  You said we wouldn’t get wet. My wolf panicked, kicking our legs senselessly as air escaped us.

  Calm down.

  I don’t like it!

  I seized control as Wade and Cameron landed behind me. I swam upward, lungs bursting.

  The water dragged me over the third cascade, and I went, unable to scream because I needed air so badly.

  I plummeted through the water and lost no time kicking for the surface. Coughing, I swam for the closest bank where we’d attracted a small crowd of tourists.

  When I neared, hands heaved me from the water. The good juju gave him away. I panted on the rock, coughing.

  “Claws, little bird,” Sascha said, unclipping my pack.


  I tucked my claws away and checked in with my frightened wolf. Are you okay?

  She whined in response.

  We’re okay, I told her.

  Sascha helped me stand.

  I shoved my sopping hair back. “Thanks.”

  I located Wade and Cameron down at the bridge. They looked back and I waved.

  No idea where my tube was.

  “What was that?” Sascha said, holding my pack.

  Not Sascha. Greyson.

  I looked up into black eyes. His grip on my arm was iron-clad as he hoisted me over the barricade. Fully suited, he jumped over the railing like an Olympic athlete and guided me down the street.

  I craned to see back, but my friends were out of sight.

  “I heard you scream,” Greyson seethed. “I felt you moving away from Deception Valley.”

  “Where are you taking me?” I peered around, sincerely hoping a steward wasn’t watching this exchange.

  I shouldn’t have asked.

  We entered The Dens, and I grimaced at Hairy who, after one look at the Luther beside me, backed the fuck up.

  Greyson marched me between tables of gaping patrons to the staff quarters. I yanked free when we reached his office.

  “What’s your problem?” I hissed. “There was no need for that.”

  “There’s a need,” he disagreed in a savage tone, dropping my pack.

  I was crushed against his hard chest, eyes wide as his arms wrapped around me, palms splaying across my back.

  Warmth pulsed between us, easing my tension. Chin on my head, Greyson sighed, stroking my hair and back in turn. That apparently wasn’t enough to reassure h
im. Scooping me up, he took us to the green, leather couch lining the far wall, and sat us down.

  “I’m soaking.” But my grip on his suit jacket tightened.

  Why did it have to feel so right?

  And unlike anything I’d ever experienced.



  Doomed to fail.

  “My friends will search for me.” I pulled back, averting my attention.

  Greyson captured my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. “I thought you were leaving the valley.”

  That’s why they were so upset? “I can’t leave the valley.”

  He glanced away. “I know. And even knowing that, we feared.”

  My reply was soft. “I see.”

  “I want to bite you, Andie,” he growled. “I want to chase your wolf and claim her with my fangs.”

  I shivered, genuinely afraid at the thought. His fangs were fucking massive.

  His nostrils flared, and his eyes blazed brighter still.

  “You like my fear.” I glared, crossing my arms.

  Greyson didn’t deny it. “The scent drives me wild. Wild to protect you. Wild for you. But I am of the understanding that biting you without permission could make you very upset.”

  Sascha had been at work. I almost smiled. “Yes, I would be upset. It’s my body, and I get to decide when things like that happen.”

  Greyson kissed my forehead. “I will wait as long as I can, but I recognise neither human nor wolf custom, only instinct. What is offensive to a human is rarely offensive to a wolf.”

  I had a living, breathing predator within me now. She certainly didn’t share my boundaries, likes, and dislikes. Especially pertaining to buttholes and who saw them. “Thanks for telling me, I guess.”

  His eyes darkened once more, and honey returned.

  “Andie.” Sascha’s smooth tone curled my toes.

  Our scents swirled, dancing and touching and merging. The combination made my head swim.

  His lips were inches from me.

  So painfully close.

  Should I kiss him?

  Would he let me?

  I’d felt his mouth on my body, and judging by both our scents, we both wanted a repeat of what happened that night.

  Thinking about it made it hard to breathe.

  “Are you thinking of my head between your thighs?” Sascha whispered, pressing a kiss in the crook of my neck.

  Straddling him, my legs trembled. “I could be. You?”

  “I had a different point of view,” he answered. “A delicious point of view. But yes, I’m thinking of everything you laid bare for me.”

  I had a dirty talker. My favourite.

  I brought my lips to his ear. “You know, that was the wettest I’ve ever been. I was so ready for you.”

  His breath hitched, and his want threatened to consume me.

  It was the perfect suspense. He’d agonise over me for days.

  Pushing back, I left him on the couch. His gaze scorched me from head to toe in my one-piece swimsuit and drenched sarong.

  “I have to find my friends.” I walked to the door.

  His arm around my waist stopped me short.

  “I’ve got a different idea,” he growled.

  Sascha swept a hand up my side, and I gasped a moan as his thumb brushed my nipple. He swept back down, spinning me to face him.

  The Luther watched me closely as he cupped between my legs.

  My breath stalled as he hooked a finger in the crotch of my swimsuit, drawing it to one side.

  “My idea is… we do a repeat of that night.” He looked at me.

  My body almost took matters into its own hands. His fingers were so close to something that had wanted him bad since I first shifted.

  God, it wouldn’t take long.

  “Tempting,” I whispered. “How about another time? Wade and Cameron will be looking for me.”

  Sascha’s brows climbed. “Really?”

  His surprise was a reality check. What did I say?

  Oh, shit.

  I’d just told him I was available for future orgasms and not just accidental ones.

  “I…” I glanced away. “I don’t know.”

  “And it’s me you want to do that with,” Sascha said, somehow more intent than he’d been seconds before. “Not just anyone?”

  I tried to step back but stopped abruptly at a tearing sound.

  We stared at the crotch of my swimsuit.

  What used to be a crotch.

  “Sascha,” I groaned, grabbing the two ends of my suit. “I have nothing else to wear.”

  He choked. “Take my jacket.”

  “It’s not funny.” I scowled up at him, “I’m just supposed to wear your jacket? And how did my suit break?”

  He grinned. “You’re very creative.”

  I pushed him. “It’s not funny!”

  Sascha tugged me around his desk and drew a stapler out of the top drawer.

  “You’re fucking kidding me.”

  His honey eyes danced with mischief. “It’s a solution.”

  Laughter trembled on my lips. “You’re such a... Do it.”

  I propped my bare foot up on his thigh, and he stilled, staring at my torn suit—or, more likely, what the tear revealed.

  “What did I do to deserve this torture?” he asked the room.

  Clearing my throat, I focused everywhere but him as he held the ends of my suit together.

  Click. Click. Click.

  I gave up and started to laugh. Sascha’s rich chuckle was quick to follow, and by the time he’d finished, I was wiping tears from my eyes.

  I walked experimentally. “Okay. Not totally comfortable, but that will hold for a bit.”

  “Do you want to take the stapler with you?” His shoulders shook.

  Biting my lip, I snatched the stapler. “Actually, yes.”

  Swiping up my soaking pack, I marched out of his office, heart skipping a beat as his deep laughter echoed down the hallway after me.


  “Got everything?” Wade asked.

  Change of clothes, food, water—and a toothbrush after Sascha’s critter comment the other day. “Pretty sure.”

  We hiked through the thickening forest to our sentry point. We’d selected the farthest position with only one camera to avoid.

  “Are you nervous?”


  You shouldn’t be. My wolf sniffed.

  Well, I was. Mostly that we’d hurt someone—and that I’d wake with rat organs in my teeth.

  The sun was quickly sinking, and I clenched my teeth against the wild urges cloying my thoughts. They wanted me to shift, to run, and to hunt.

  “You’re looking pretty wolfy, Andie.” Wade glanced at me.

  Reaching up, I felt the tips of my fangs peeking out from beneath my upper lip. “Oops.”

  “They’re cute. Is that the biggest they get?”

  We were both insulted this time. “No,” I spat. “They’re massive.”

  He held up his hands. “Wrong question to ask. My bad.”

  I sighed. “I’m antsy. Sorry.”

  “No surprise after the crotch-stapler incident.”

  Yeah, Cameron wasn’t bothered by my disappearing act, but Wade didn’t swallow the I went to buy a towel cover story—probably because he’d seen the contents of my bank account and towels cost more than zero dollars. And I didn’t come back with a towel. There was that.

  “That’s not why,” I retorted.

  Though the stapler incident didn’t make the tension better over the last three days, particularly with seeing Sascha each day for a quick run. Every night since, I’d deleted a draft booty call message.

  And I wasn’t even sure why I deleted the messages instead of sending them.

  I knew he’d come and give me what I needed.

  … It just didn’t feel right.

  Not because of what he was or our situation.

  I didn’t know. I should stop overt
hinking it.

  “I can’t wait for this to be over.”

  Wade strode ahead of me up the slope. “Ditto, baby girl. But don’t stress. I’ll hold down the fort until you return.”

  “Hopefully I’m back by dawn.”

  “No stress, remember? We’re the farthest out. No one will think anything of us taking our time back. Half of the tribe think we’re a couple and I’ve encouraged the rumours because of your Sascha issue.” Wade consulted his map and stopped. “This is us.”

  I inhaled. “Camera twenty metres to the right.” Like all the perimeter cameras, it was facing outward. “We’re out of sight.”

  As he set up the tent, I strode over and waved to Heather through the camera in case someone was watching—Rhona.

  She’d been relatively quiet since returning to the manor the day after Clay. She’d kept out of my sight, and I didn’t trust her quietness—though it was also a welcome reprieve.

  My fangs lengthened more, and I shuddered. “I better go.”

  “Could you just—” Wade took a look at me and blanched. “Never mind. Off you go. See you in the morning.”

  “Be good,” I told him.

  “Or be good at it,” he quipped.

  I passed behind the camera and ran at a sharp angle until I was out of sight. Pausing, I sniffed for more cameras.


  The sun dipped to the east and I picked up the pace, bursting through the forest for thirty minutes.

  I inhaled. Small prey. Water nearby. Something rotten.

  Please don’t eat that.

  My wolf mentally shrugged.

  That didn’t seem like a promise.

  “Guess there’s nothing for it.” Delaying the moment, I took out my phone and read the message there from Sascha.

  There’s nothing to be afraid of.

  I won’t allow any wolf to leave pack lands. I swear to you.

  I grinned like a goof before realising what I was doing.

  Shuddering at the mounting darkness within me, I texted back.

  Thanks. About to go in.

  Seriously. How did he text so fast?

  Please message me tomorrow.

  Warmth filled me.

  I will.

  My wolf growled. Just whenever you’re ready.

  Sorry. I placed the phone in my bag as the last of sunlight disappeared. My body began to tremble.


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