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The Donor

Page 5

by Lynn, Sandi

  “What the hell was that all about? What did you do?” Julius asked as he narrowed his eye at me.

  Taking a seat at the table, we ordered our drinks and looked over the menu.

  “I hired Harper today to work for me and she mentioned that she needed to look for a two-bedroom apartment, so I sent her to one of my buildings in Midtown with a reduce in rent, of course.”

  He sat across from me and slowly shook his head.

  “Are you crazy?”

  “No. The first step is getting her to trust me. That woman and her baby are the key to my future.”

  “You mean YOUR baby,” he spoke deadpan. “And how the hell are you going to pull this off?”

  “Easy. We’ll date, she’ll fall in love and when the time is right, I’ll tell her about the situation with my grandfather. Now that I’ve helped her out, she owes me.”

  “So you’re basically going to fuck with her life and emotions. Are you going to tell her it was your sperm she bought?”

  “No. God no. There’s no way I’m telling her that. Once I convince my grandfather I’m in love with Harper and we’re going to be a family, he’ll sign over the company to me and then Harper and I will part ways. Once the papers are signed, and the company is mine, there’s nothing my grandfather can do.”

  “You hired her to work for your company. What are you going to do? Fire her once you’re done with her?”

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Regardless of what happens with our working situation, she’ll be well taken care of financially. I’ll see to that.”

  “You’ve been my best friend forever and I’m sitting here across from you and I feel like I’m talking to a complete stranger.”

  “Stop being a drama queen, Julius.” I sighed. “Everything will work out.”

  “For you it will and at the expense of Harper Holland.”

  The next morning as I was walking from the break room to my office, I saw Harper standing by Christine’s desk talking to her.

  “Good morning.” A grin crossed my lips.

  “Good morning.”

  “Let’s go in my office. Would you like some coffee?” I asked.

  “I’m good. Thank you.”

  “Did you have a chance to go look at those apartments yesterday?”

  “I did and I move in on Saturday.”

  “Excellent news. I think you’ll be very happy there. I’ll show you around the office and your workspace and then I’ll let you go. I’m sure you have a lot of packing to do.”

  “I do. I really didn’t expect to be moving so quickly.” She lightly smiled.

  “The next few days are going to be busy for you. So, after the tour, you’ll officially start work here on Monday morning.”

  “Sounds good. Thank you.”

  I showed her around the office, introduced her to some of the staff and then took her to a small office which would become her workspace for the couple of days she’d be here. I needed to get to know her, but it was too soon to ask her to dinner. I needed to execute the rest of my plan with precision.

  Chapter 14


  “Oh, my God. Look at this place,” Charlotte spoke as she stepped inside my new apartment.

  “Shit, Harper. This is so nice,” Laurel spoke as she set a box on the floor.

  After the movers set all my furniture in the proper place, I stood and looked at the scattered boxes sitting on the floor. After getting the kitchen set up, both Laurel and Charlotte had to leave. Charlotte had to go into the salon to do a bridal party’s hair and Laurel had to leave for the airport for a last-minute business trip to Florida.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow to help you put everything else away. Don’t you dare overdo it,” Charlotte spoke as she hugged me.

  “I won’t.” I smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I knew I couldn’t rest until I unpacked a few more boxes. The one thing that bothered me was the fact that I needed to find someone to hang my TV on the wall. Maybe maintenance would do it for me. Walking down to the lobby to talk to Sammy, the doorman, my heart nearly stopped when I saw Grayson walk through the doors.

  “Grayson.” I smiled as I walked over to him.

  “Harper. Hi.” The corners of his mouth curved upward. “I completely forgot you were moving in today.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I was passing by and I thought I’d see if Thomas was in. I need to discuss a business matter with him.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Rhodes. Thomas isn’t in today,” Sammy spoke.

  “Thank you, Sammy. I’ll get in touch with him on Monday. So, are you all moved in?”

  “Pretty much. I just have a lot of boxes to unpack,” I spoke. “I was coming down to see if maintenance could hang my TV on the wall for me.”

  “I can do that for you.” He smiled.

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that, Grayson,” I bashfully spoke.

  “You don’t have to ask. But I’m doing it, anyway. Lead the way.” The grin on his face widened.

  We stepped into the elevator and took it up to my apartment.

  “Excuse the mess,” I said as we stepped inside. “The TV is going on this wall.”

  “Do you have any tools?” He smirked.

  “I have a screwdriver and a hammer.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  He let out a chuckle and pulled out his phone.

  “This is Grayson Rhodes. I need you to send maintenance up to apartment 2010 immediately.”

  I stood there and stared at him in his casual tan pants and white button up shirt as he exercised his authority. God, he was so handsome.

  Within minutes, maintenance was at my door.

  “Thanks for coming up so quickly,” Grayson spoke. “The TV is going on this wall.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Rhodes.” One of the maintenance men smiled.

  “You sure know how to get things done.” I glanced at him as he stood next to me.

  “It’s easy when you’re the boss.” He winked.

  Once they put the TV on the wall, and it was all hooked up, Grayson reached in his pocket and tipped the maintenance men.

  “Thank you. If at any time Miss Holland calls, I want you up here attending to whatever it is she needs. Understood?”

  “Of course, Mr. Rhodes.” Both men smiled before walking out the door.

  “Thank you, Grayson. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. I should get going. It looks like you have a lot to do.”

  He walked over to the door, placed his hand on the handle and then turned to me.

  “Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?” he asked.

  I took in a deep breath as the butterflies in my belly started to flutter.

  “I’d love to.” A smile crossed my lips.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

  “I’ll be ready.”

  The moment the door shut I let out a deep breath. My head was spinning with happiness, and for the first time in a very long time, I felt alive. He knew I was pregnant but yet he still wanted to take me out. Maybe I was imagining things. No. He was definitely flirting with me.

  I had just finished changing my clothes, and as I was running a brush through my long brown hair, there was a knock at the door. Looking at the clock, it was only six thirty. There was no way he was thirty minutes early. Walking to the door, I opened it and saw Charlotte standing there.

  “Charlotte? What are you doing here? I thought you had a date tonight?”

  “The douchebag cancelled.” She pushed past me. “I decided to come over and help you.” She stood there and stared at me with a narrowing eye. “Why are you dressed up?”

  “Actually,” I smiled, “I have dinner plans with someone.”

  “And who is this someone?” She placed her hand on her hip.

  “Grayson Rhodes. He’s picking me up at seven.”

  “Your boss, Grayson Rho

  “Yes.” I grinned. “I saw him in the lobby earlier. He came up and had maintenance hang my TV and then he asked me to join him for dinner.”

  “Harper, he’s your boss. Do you think it’s a good idea?”

  “It’s only dinner, Char.”

  “Okay.” She bit down on her bottom lip. “Remember the only thing you need to think about right now is that baby growing inside of you.”

  “Exactly. So I better get out and have some fun while I can.” I gave her a wink.

  She took a seat on the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table.

  “Well, just so you know, I’m sticking around. I want to meet this Grayson Rhodes for myself.”

  I sighed as I rolled my eyes and walked into the bedroom. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror and slipping into my shoes, I heard a knock. Running out of my room, I ran to the door before Charlotte could open it.

  “Go sit back down!” I exclaimed.

  I opened the door with a smile when I saw Grayson standing there holding a bouquet of white lilies and yellow roses.

  “Hi.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

  “Hi.” I grinned.

  “These are for you. I feel every new home should have fresh flowers.”

  “Thank you, Grayson. They’re beautiful. Come in while I put these in a vase.”

  The moment he stepped inside, Charlotte walked over to him.

  “Hey there. I’m Charlotte. Harper’s best friend.” She extended her hand.

  “Grayson Rhodes. It’s nice to meet you, Charlotte.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Rhodes.”

  “Thanks for stopping by, Charlotte,” I spoke as I filled a vase with water. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yes. I’ll be over in the morning with coffee and bagels.”

  “Sounds good.” I smiled at her.

  Chapter 15


  “She seems nice,” I spoke as I walked over to where Harper was standing and arranging the flowers.

  “She’s the best.”

  “What line of work is she in?”

  “She’s a hairstylist.”

  “Ah. So is she the one responsible for your beautiful hair?” I smirked.

  “Yeah. I guess she is.” She bit down on her bottom lip as her cheeks turned pink.

  “We should get going. I’ve made reservations for us at Eleven Madison Park for seven thirty.”

  “Just let me grab my purse.”

  We walked down to the lobby and out of the building where Damon was waiting for us at the curb.

  “Damon, I would like you to meet Miss Harper Holland. Harper, this is my driver Damon.”

  “Good evening, Miss Holland. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “Good evening, Damon.” She smiled as I helped her inside the Escalade.

  As soon as we arrived at the restaurant, we followed the hostess to a booth that sat in the corner, per my request. It was the quietest spot in the place. Upon sitting down, we both picked up our menus and looked them over.

  “Good evening, Mr. Rhodes. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Good evening, Ramone.”

  “May I bring you a bottle of our finest wine?” he asked.

  “Not tonight. I’ll have a bourbon and my guest will have—”

  “Just water, please,” Harper spoke.

  “Sparkling?” Ramone smiled at her.

  “That’ll be fine. Thank you.”

  After Ramone brought us our drinks, we placed our dinner order. I couldn’t help but stare at her. She was beautiful, and I was desperate to find out all about her.

  “So, Harper Holland,” I smiled. “Have you lived in New York your whole life?”

  She picked up her glass and took a sip of her water.

  “No. I moved here when I was eighteen and attended NYU.”

  “And you never left?”

  “There was no reason for me to. I’d already spent four years here and made friends, so I stayed and created a new life for myself.”

  “What about your family?”

  “If you’re referring to my parents, they were killed in an automobile accident back in Florida when I was nine. The only other living relative I have is my Aunt Nicole. After my parents died, I was sent to Virginia to live with her.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you. That was a long time ago. I didn’t want to be there as much as she didn’t want me there. She was a waitress and an alcoholic. I pretty much raised myself. I figured out at an early age that if I ever wanted to get out of that godforsaken town, I’d have to get a good scholarship. So, I buried myself in my schoolwork, got straight A’s, volunteered as much as I could, graduated as the valedictorian of my graduating class and received a full ride to NYU. The day after I graduated high school, I packed my bags and never looked back.”

  “You’re a very smart woman. Sounds to me like you were very responsible at such a young age.”

  “I had no choice. The day my parents died, I lost my childhood. I had to grow up quickly. I guess taking care of an alcoholic aunt will do that to you.”

  “Do you still keep in touch with her?”

  “No. I haven’t spoken to her since the day I left.” She looked down and ran her finger around the rim of her glass.

  “It’s probably for the best. She sounds like a very toxic person.”

  “She was.” Her lips gave way to a light smile. “How about you, Mr. Rhodes? What’s your story?”

  I picked up my bourbon and brought it to my lips.

  “Like you, I lost my parents at a young age when their private jet crashed. So my grandparents raised me. When I was sixteen, my grandmother passed away from cancer, so it was just me and my grandfather. I graduated high school and went off to Yale to get my MBA. Then I came to work for my grandfather.”

  “I’m sorry about your parents.”

  “Thanks. But like you said, it was a long time ago.”

  We finished our dinner and then I took her home.

  “Is it okay if I walk you up to your apartment?” I asked.

  “I’d like that.” She bashfully smiled.

  She stuck her key in the lock and opened the door. Flipping the light switch, she set down her purse and walked over to the window.

  “Wow. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of this amazing view at night.”

  “It is spectacular. I’m happy you like the apartment,” I said as I stood next to her.

  “Thank you, Grayson.” She turned and our eyes locked.

  Bringing the back of my hand up to her cheek, I softly stroked it.

  “You’re welcome. And thank you for keeping me company tonight. I had a nice time.”

  “So did I.” A smile crossed her lips.

  I wanted to kiss her, but it was too soon. Actually, I wanted more than a kiss and I knew if I didn’t leave, I’d regret it.

  “Enjoy your day tomorrow,” I spoke as I stroked her cheek one last time.

  “You too.”

  Placing my hand in my pocket, I opened the door and walked out. When I climbed into the car, Damon looked at me through the rearview mirror.

  “Harper seems like a very nice woman.”

  “She is.”

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone like her before.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “It’s just the company of women you keep are different. What are you up to, Grayson?”

  I sighed as I looked out the window and ignored him.

  Chapter 16


  I placed my hand on my cheek where Grayson touched it. I swore I could still feel his hand on it. The softness of his touch aroused me, and I desperately begged in silence for his lips to touch mine. Instead, he was a perfect gentleman who was in complete control of his actions.

  As I climbed into bed, my phone dinged with a text message from him.

  “I just wanted to say goodnight. Sweet dreams.”
  “Goodnight, Grayson.”

  When I awoke the next morning, I felt like I was on cloud nine, except for the nausea that settled in my belly. Climbing out of bed, I went into the bathroom where I washed my face and brushed my teeth before Charlotte came by. I sighed as I walked into the living room and stared at the rest of the boxes that needed unpacking. It would be a long day.

  Ten o’clock rolled around when Charlotte knocked on my door. Opening it, she stood there holding up a brown bag and a cup holder with two coffee cups sitting inside.

  “One decaf for you, one fuel for me and a variety of bagels with two different cream cheeses.” She grinned as she pushed past me and went into the kitchen. “I want to hear all about your night with Grayson Rhodes,” she spoke as she opened the cabinet and took down two small plates.

  “Dinner was amazing.” I smiled. “In fact, he’s amazing.”

  I grabbed our coffees and took them to the table.

  “You’re in trouble,” she said as she set the bagels in the center of the table.

  “Why?” My brows furrowed.

  “Because you’re falling for him and you barely know him.” She pointed her knife at me. “Did you google him yet?”

  “No. I don’t think there’s a need to. He’s genuinely a nice guy.”

  “Who are you?” She shook her head. “You don’t trust men at all. Especially after Kevin. You went into hiding for a year, decided to have a child on your own and now all of a sudden, this man whom you’ve known like two days is suddenly the best thing in the world? I’m worried about you, Harper. I don’t want to see you get hurt again. Things are different now.”

  I sighed as I took a bite of my bagel.

  “You’re trusting way too fast,” she said. “Listen, I love you. But your hormones are all over the place right now. All I’m saying is just be careful. A high-powered man like Grayson Rhodes doesn’t seem like the family type of guy. Did you know that he’s number one on the New York’s most eligible bachelor’s list?”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “I googled him last night.”

  “Of course you did. I’m done talking about this. Let’s get these boxes unpacked,” I spoke with irritation as I got up from the table.


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