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The Raven Coven

Page 35

by Emma Miles

  ‘I’ll give you a ten-minute head start, my love, then I’m coming for you!’

  His laughter followed her as she raced across the lawn to the gates and the temperature of the air around her seemed to drop dramatically. Several guards lay dead there, signs of burns on some, the rest cut down by swords.


  She shrieked, immediately flushing scarlet with embarrassment. It wasn’t Jorrun, but his brother who was waiting for her. ‘This way, quickly,’ he urged.

  She nodded and followed him, their boots loud on the cobbles. ‘Where are the others?’

  ‘As safe as they can be.’ He glanced over his shoulder at her. ‘Azrael’s with them. What happened?’

  She swallowed and shook her head. She couldn’t bring herself to talk about it. She felt sick as she forced out, ‘Jorrun is evil.’

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her off the main street, taking off his cloak and handing it to her.

  She looked at it in confusion.

  ‘Put it on and pull up the hood.’ Osun’s dark-blue eyes were wide in the darkness. ‘The temple district is very busy even this time of night.’

  She nodded, doing up the clasp.

  ‘All right, this way.’

  He hurried down some steps, taking them two at a time. When he reached the bottom, he checked both ways before stepping out onto a main street. He’d been right, there were still a lot of men about, many of them unsteady and bleary-eyed from alcohol or the intoxicating incense. The street was brightly lit with coloured lanterns hanging from the eaves of the places still open for business. Osun didn’t stay on the street long before turning off and squeezing down a very narrow gap between two buildings. They came out to a barely wider muddy path strewn with discarded rubbish, it stank of urine. High walls either side made it impossible to tell where they were.

  Osun stopped at a door. His shoulders rose as he seemed to take in a deep breath. He tried the door handle and then forced it open. Light flared up, making Kesta raise her arm against the glare, instinctively she shielded both herself and Osun.

  ‘Osun!’ Jagna let his flames die. ‘Kesta! You made it!’

  ‘Is everyone here?’ Osun demanded.

  ‘We couldn’t find Vilai.’ Jagna glanced at Kesta. ‘The women said she’d gone off with Jorrun.’

  ‘Vilai’s dead,’ Kesta said, surprised at the venom in her voice. The girl had been tricked, just as she had, this was certainly no time for jealousy. ‘Where are we?’

  Osun indicated for her to go in. ‘I’ll show you.’

  Jagna stepped aside and Osun led her further into the building. As her eyes adjusted, she realised they were in a corridor, but above them there were holes in the ceiling and beyond that she could make out stars. There was a strong smell of burned wood and she drew in a sharp breath.

  ‘This is the temple.’

  Osun nodded over his shoulder. ‘Most of the priests moved out to start temporary shrines elsewhere straight after the fire, but the priests of Hacren stayed. Until recently, that is, they’ve moved into the palace with Jorrun now. I was never privy to their conversations but I didn’t imagine they were good. Anyway, since they took the palace, I thought we might as well make use of their temple.’

  As they approached a large gap in the wall ahead of them that she guessed had once held a door, she began to hear the quiet whispering of women’s voices. Light flickered, making Osun’s shadow dance.

  ‘Did you find Kesta?’

  She recognised Estre’s voice.

  Osun nodded, gesturing over his shoulder. As soon as she stepped into the room, Jollen ran over and grabbed Kesta’s hands. ‘We’re so glad to see you! Oh, but your hands are freezing!’ Jollen’s brown eyes narrowed in concern.

  ‘She’s shaking,’ Estre added, coming over to put her arm around her. ‘I think she’s in shock.’

  ‘Nonsense!’ Kesta snatched her hands back and shrugged away from Estre. ‘Right, we don’t have time to mess about.’ She looked around the room. Cassien was standing guard further down the hall with two of the Eldemen. ‘Where’s Azrael?’

  ‘Keeping an eye on Jorrun’s progress,’ Jagna told her.

  She realised there were women sat together in the room that she didn’t recognise. Osun saw her expression. ‘Jagna and Cass have been smuggling out Arkoom women for the last few days. At first Jorrun didn’t even mention them, but then he asked where they were and after tha—’

  ‘Don’t tell me.’ She closed her eyes tight for a moment. ‘All right.’ Kesta nodded. Realising her hands really were shaking, she quickly clasped them together. ‘You need to get out of here quickly. Get to the horses and make for Navere. Jorrun will expect it but it’s your fastest route to the Fulmers and safety. He isn’t concerned about any of you at the moment, but eventually he will be. Go now.’

  She turned and headed back the way she’d come. There were several cries of protest behind her and Osun ran to catch her up, grabbing her arm.

  ‘What are you doing?’ he demanded.

  ‘I’m going to kill Jorrun,’ she snarled, pulling her arm free.

  Osun took a step back. ‘But he’s much stronger than you, and he knows you.’

  ‘He knows my love, Osun, he doesn’t know my hate!’

  He stared at her, his mouth opened and closed before he spoke. ‘Kesta.’ He reached a hand out tentatively toward her and she saw he was shaking too. ‘I know you’re angry and really hurt, but please don’t throw your life away. The women need you. I need you. We won’t make it back to Navere without you.’

  She looked away and swallowed. She didn’t want to admit it, but right now she really didn’t care if she died, the only thing that was keeping her standing was the overwhelming anger surging against her reason. ‘He is coming for me, Osun.’ She looked up at him and held his gaze. ‘Anyone who is with me will die. If you run, you might make it.’

  He shook his head, making a snorting sound through his nose, and clenching his fists. Without a word he darted away back toward the others.

  Kesta strode through the broken corridor and kicked open the door at the end. A headache gripped the base of her skull but she ignored it, focusing all of her attention on her need for revenge. She heard shouting and a man’s scream.

  So, Jorrun was in the temple district.

  She heard the squelch of someone running in the mud behind her and turned to see Osun catching up with her. He wasn’t alone. Jollen, Rey, and three of the other Raven Sisters were with him. ‘What are you doing?’ she demanded.

  ‘Coming with you!’ He retorted angrily. ‘Did you think we wouldn’t? I’ve given the others my instructions. Jagna and Estre will take a few of the horses and ride straight for Navere and try to warn them to evacuate. Cass will lead the rest with the wagons.’

  ‘You all have to go!’ Kesta gritted her teeth. ‘Go on!’

  Osun raised his chin. ‘No.’

  She wanted to punch him, she wanted to call up her magic and hurl him down the alley. ‘Osun!’

  ‘You’re not the only one who’s angry and hurt and betrayed, Kesta!’ His face reddened, and he blinked rapidly. The veins stood out on his forehead. ‘I tried so hard to be like him, to be a better man, but it was all a lie! All of it! Naderra …’ His voice broke, he stood there panting, unable to speak.

  Pain leaked from Kesta’s heart, seeping into her anger. She buried it, clinging to her rage. ‘Come on, then. Sisters, try to stay hidden, only fight if you have to and like I taught you.’

  She didn’t wait for a reply but hurried as best she could down the narrow gap and out into the main street.

  Jorrun was waiting for her. He grinned, moving his feet into a fighter’s stance. ‘I didn’t think it was in your nature to run.’

  She didn’t bother to reply, she had no interest in anything he had to say. She called fire to her right hand and wind ready to shield herself with her left, stepping out into the street to draw his eyes away from the gap between the buildings.
  Jorrun gave a slight shake of his head. ‘Very well. You know, of all the mortals under this sky, I would have chosen you to be my queen. A pity. Perhaps I’ll give you one last chance to consider it before I kill you.’

  As he called his own flames to dance above his right hand, Kesta spotted Azrael moving slowly toward him. Kesta didn’t take her gaze off Jorrun, there was a sheen of sweat on his face and his skin was flushed. His wide blue eyes didn’t blink and a part of Kesta’s soul cried out at her loss, at his betrayal, that those beautiful eyes hid evil.

  She threw her fire at him at the same time as Azrael, but Jorrun raised his shield and easily deflected them both. The wall of fire he sent back was almost lazy, there was little power behind it. He was playing with her, he wanted the fight to last, to enjoy it.

  He watched her, barely acknowledging Azrael who battered at his shield like a frenzied giant wasp. She couldn’t bear to look into those eyes.

  Drawing up a huge surge of power she sent a tornado spinning toward him. He tore it apart, sending an answering blast that threw her down the street to land hard on the cobbles. He advanced toward her, a frown on his face, he knew she was also holding back on her power. Azrael made himself so large that for a moment the fire-spirit completely engulfed Jorrun. With a shriek, Azrael went spinning back, pinned against the broken wall of the temple.

  Kesta scrambled to her feet. ‘Let him go!’

  Jorrun grinned. ‘What do I get in return?’

  Kesta drew up more power, ripping up cobbles to pelt him with. His concentration wavered as he focused on defending himself and Azrael managed to wriggle free. Kesta didn’t stop her attack, swapping wind for flame. Jorrun continued walking toward her, his shield barely troubled. She was breathing hard, her headache now gripping most of her skull. He struck out and her own shield collapsed, she staggered, but managed to keep her feet.

  ‘Jorrun!’ Osun roared.

  Jorrun turned slowly. ‘There you are, brother.’

  Osun stood in the middle of the street, his feet planted in a fighter’s stance, his sword drawn.

  Jorrun shook his head. ‘Well this is rather futile, brother.’

  Osun raised his sword and ran at him.

  Jorrun gave a surprised grunt and called a small fireball to throw, it never hit Osun. Azrael swooped down and pulled it out of the air, at the same time the Raven Sisters threw their own weak flames toward Jorrun, quickly shielding as he turned on them. Gasping for breath, Kesta called up every last ounce of her power. She pushed it down into the earth, burrowing deep beneath the street. As Jorrun called up flames to obliterate the terrified sisters, Kesta pulled upward, her muscles strained and blood burst from her nose.

  The ground heaved.

  Jorrun spun around to look at her in shock, his flames spraying across the cobbles. The street split below him and the walls of several buildings cracked. Huge black rocks burst upward around Jorrun, showering him in dirt. He rose into the air, his shield powerless to stop his ascent as a jagged rock propelled him upward. He waved his arms, trying to keep his balance. Kesta collapsed onto her knees, blood trickling from the corner of one eye. Jorrun fell, landing hard on the ground. Kesta pushed herself onto her feet and ran, drawing her dagger as she leapt over the chasm her magic had left. She landed at Jorrun’s side and plunged her dagger down toward his heart.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Dia; Kingdom of Elden

  The hangman gave a grunt. Dia turned to see an arrow protruding from his chest. Her eyes widened and she searched the crowd, finding Rosa standing beside Tantony, a bow in her hand. Several warriors, led by Adrin, were pushing through the gathered people to seize them.

  ‘Hang the witch!’ Ayline shrieked. ‘Quickly!’

  One of the guards reacted, darting forward to grab for the lever, but he fell backward as a ball of flame seared past his face and settled on the rope to burn through it above Dia’s head.

  ‘Doroquael? How are you in Elden?’

  ‘No time!’ The Drake hissed. ‘Fight, Dia!’ He formed a fiery arm and pointed.

  She followed his direction, crying out when she saw the hooded form of Arrus, standing in the crowd beside Heara.

  Dia didn’t need telling twice, she drew up her power.

  The sky went dark. Ayline screamed. Dia turned to see ravens and a host of other corvids flocking in such numbers they blocked out the intensity of the sun. Tantony had drawn his sword, holding Rosa behind him as the guards came to grab her. Tantony wasn’t alone, Dia’s heart leapt when she saw Worvig push his way to the Merkis’ side along with several other island men. Worvig grinned as he engaged Adrin with his broadsword. At their back was Everlyn, power ready at her fingers.


  Something tugged at the bonds that held her hands tight behind her back. Her fingers stung as the blood flowed back into them and she turned to see brilliant green eyes.


  He lifted her chin with one finger to look intently at her face. ‘Dia, are you all right? Are you back with us?’

  ‘Yes.’ She nodded, feeling the remainder of the fog slowly lift from her mind. ‘Yes, I’m back!’ She looked around at the courtyard below the scaffolding on which she stood, at the frightened upturned faces of strangers. There was another raised construction opposite her, a dais on which stood the King, Queen, and Merkis Dalton. Several warriors had made a ring around them to protect them. The King cowered like a powerless old man and she sucked in air, recalling her own state of mind just a few moments ago.

  She grabbed Temerran’s arm and ran down the steps, Heara and Catya were there to meet her, weapons ready. Arrus collided with her, lifting her off her feet and kissing her face over and over.

  ‘Arrus!’ She tried to untangle herself. ‘Later! What’s happening? Do we know who’s behind this yet?’

  ‘Not yet.’ It was Temerran who replied. ‘But it revolves around the Queen.’

  Dia snarled. ‘Let’s get her.’

  Dia called flames to her fingers and the crowd parted with shrieks and screams, many running for the gates. The Eldemen guards and islanders were still fighting, Everlyn pulling Rosa out of the way and shielding her with magic. Worvig had smashed Adrin’s sword from his grip, blood soaked the Elden Chieftain’s shoulder as he backed away behind his men. Dia ran for the dais, several archers fired at her, but the arrows were turned aside by her shield. Glancing up at the battlement, she saw Merkis Vilnue yelling at the archers to cease. ‘Stop. She’s saving us again, you imbeciles! Look!’

  Ayline saw her coming and her eyes widened in terror. ‘Guards! Guards, stop her!’

  Dia focused her power and swept most of the guards off the dais with ease. Heara and Catya overtook her, leaping up onto the wooden planks and engaging the remaining men with their short-swords and daggers. They were breathtaking to watch, the woman and girl so fast and graceful it was like they performed a deadly dance. Arrus took the stairs slowly, his eyes fixed on Merkis Dalton who had drawn his own sword.

  Dia halted, looking up at Ayline.

  ‘Mercy,’ the Queen whimpered. ‘Mercy for my baby.’

  ‘Your baby is the only reason you’re alive,’ Dia growled. ‘Now, tell me! Who is behind this? Who is destroying the King?’

  ‘You are,’ Ayline spat.

  Dia took a step closer and Ayline staggered back. Arrus and Dalton still faced each other, Bractius looked like a heap of rags discarded on the ground. Dia became aware the courtyard had quieted but she didn’t look around. In her peripheral vision she saw the ravens come to rest on any available perch.

  ‘Ayline, you know it isn’t me,’ Dia said patiently. ‘But you do know who it is.’

  Ayline’s eyes darted briefly to somewhere past Dia’s shoulder. Beside her, Temerran turned to look.

  ‘One last chance,’ Dia said, calling flame to her hands.

  ‘Inari!’ Ayline screamed. ‘Inari, help me!’

  Temerran drew in a sharp breath and Dia turned a
round. The courtyard had emptied, most of the people having fled. Everlyn and Rosa stood guard over some disarmed and injured Elden warriors while Tantony, Worvig, and his men secured the gates. A servant had remained, standing alone beside the scaffold. He was young, about seventeen, the short stubble uneven on his face. It was his eyes that made Dia freeze, she’d seen them before.

  ‘It’s “Quinari,” actually.’ The boy shrugged. ‘I think you might have met my brothers.’

  Dia stared at him, tensing as he straightened up.

  ‘No? I must admit I don’t look as much like a Dunham as they do, it’s probably because I don’t have much vile Fulmer blood. I’m mostly Elden.’

  ‘You’re Jorrun’s brother?’ Rosa asked in surprise.

  ‘Apparently so.’ Inari’s smile vanished. ‘Not that I ever met them, my father raised me to destroy Jorrun and Elden after my brothers fled here like traitorous cowards. I can’t wait to sit on the throne to welcome them home. Well. It seems I’m going to have to do this myself.’ He called on his power and Dia sucked air in sharply through her mouth when she realised what he was doing; he was summoning a storm.

  With a raucous cry the ravens took to the air, some of them attempted to dive at the young Chemman, but Inari’s wind battered them away. Dia took in a long, slow breath and stilled the air around her, trying to chill it and prevent the thunderhead forming. It was a risk, it meant she had no shield and Inari didn’t hesitate to take advantage. He increased the heat of his magic, sending a ball of flame larger than himself toward her. Everlyn stepped in, blocking the blast, staggering back at the force of the attack.

  A loud thud shook the gates as the city’s warriors tried to break in to get to their king. Ayline made a run for the castle door, but Rosa ran after her and grabbed her by the arm. Everlyn ducked as Dia sent an inferno of her own back at Inari, their flames met curling upwards and wide across the courtyard. The scaffolding on which Dia was to be hung ignited, both Arrus and Dalton turned their bodies to shield the prostrate Elden king. Dia raised her left arm, increasing the power behind her attack at the same time as preparing a vortex of wind with her right. Everlyn realised at once Dia was going to attempt the same trick she’d used against Relta months ago back in Fulmer. The younger walker prepared to take over Dia’s attack. Dia cloaked herself in air and ran straight through the flames, grabbing the dagger Everlyn held out for her.


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