Scourge of the Siren

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Scourge of the Siren Page 2

by Bella Settarra

  “A couple of days?” Amaranda’s big brown eyes widened in astonishment. “I thought it would take much longer than that!”

  “That’s because you’ve never travelled, pretty maid,” Rechavia said, smiling fondly at her. “The world’s not as big as you think.”

  “We’ve got really high-speed trains and fast ships out there, too,” Eban said. “You wait until you see it all.” He hugged her little round body tightly.

  “Well I’ll say goodbye now then, dears, as I don’t think I’ll be up all that early in the morning and I know you’ll be needing to be on your way as soon as you can.” Pallas stood up and gave Eban a hug. When she went to cuddle Amaranda, the poor girl was already in tears. “Now come on, this is going to be fun.” The old lady cajoled her. “Eban’s got a computer-thingy at home and we’ll Super-Skype all the time. I will be able to show you the changes we are making to the island and you can show me what it is like on Westland. I can’t wait to see!”

  After a long hug and a lot more tears, Pallas finally made her way down the little track to her own tiny hut.

  “You girls had better say goodbye, too,” Aitan suggested with a mischievous smile. “I know Ligia won’t be up before noon tomorrow.”

  “Hmm, that’s true. Kalliope, you’d better say goodbye too, pretty maid, you definitely won’t be up early tomorrow, you’ll be far too tired when I’ve finished with you!” Rechavia promised with a salacious grin.

  Kalliope giggled and the girls gave each other a hug. Ligia quickly hugged Eban and went back to Aitan’s waiting arms.

  Kalliope took her time cuddling Eban, pushing her pert breasts into him. Although she murmured, they were all close enough to hear her ask, “Will you miss these as much as I’ll miss that massive cock of yours?”

  Chapter 2

  The air hung heavily over their stunned silence. Kalliope, sensing the tension, slowly pulled away from Eban and peered around at the startled onlookers. Amaranda’s eyes were filled with tears, and Rechavia looked furious. Aitan looked shocked and Ligia seemed anxious. Eban’s face was red with embarrassment and rage.

  Rechavia was the first to speak, which he did through gritted teeth. “I think we’d better go now, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He frog-marched his girlfriend away from the hut, closely followed by Aitan and Ligia. Aitan threw Amaranda a sympathetic look on his way past and scurried off.

  “I don’t understand,” Amaranda cried, staring at her fiancé.

  Hot tears streamed down her pretty, soft face, as she tightened the shawl, which only just covered her little bikini. Her plump hands fidgeted nervously as she waited for him to speak.

  His silence was too much to handle. She grabbed at his arms as fury enveloped her. “What did she mean?” Amaranda glared into his stunned face. “Tell me!” she demanded, clutching a handful of his blond curls.

  “I can explain, sweetheart,” he beseeched her. “Let’s go inside and talk about it.”

  As soon as he spoke, she realized she didn’t want to hear it. If she didn’t know about it, she could pretend whatever it was wasn’t real, and she wouldn’t have to deal with it. Not now. Not ever. She took a deep breath and turned to the dirty dishes.

  “I’ve got work to do,” she said shakily as she gathered the plates and put them in a bowl.

  “I’ll do that,” he said, tugging at her arm. She shook him off angrily, slamming the cutlery into the bowl, splashing hot water everywhere.

  “Amaranda!” Eban’s voice was stern and determined. He swung her ‘round into his arms and confronted her. His beautiful blue eyes were large and pleading, but his jaw was rugged and firm.

  “Fine!” She pulled away from him to march into the house.

  They sat opposite each other on the rickety chairs at the old table. The anger, which surrounded them, was palpable. Eban took a deep breath.

  “I didn’t have sex with Kalliope,” he said evenly.

  “Then how does she know so much about your fucking cock?”

  He had never heard her swear before.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “Oh really, and just what do I think then, Mr. Know-it-all?”

  She was angrily spitting words at him, while he fought hard to remain calm and steady. He held his arms out to her across the table. She folded hers pointedly.

  “I was taken in by the Siren Song, I didn’t know what I was doing. Kalliope seduced me but we didn’t make…we didn’t have sex.” His eyes begged her to believe him.

  “Make love! That’s what you were going to say, isn’t it?” she sniped. “Make love like you do with me? Like I did with you for my first time!”

  “It doesn’t matter. We didn’t do it. I heard you scream—I came running to you, sweetheart. I saved you, remember?”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, he obviously realized what he had just told her. Her staring eyes must have told him she realized it, too.

  Her blood ran cold. He wouldn’t! They gawped at each other in silence for what felt like forever.

  Someone had to say the words. Eventually she did.

  “You were being intimate with Kalliope while that man tried to rape me.”

  It wasn’t a question.

  “Sweetheart, it didn’t mean anything,” he pleaded.

  “It meant something to me. It meant that I can’t trust you and that you could be with another woman while I needed you to protect me. How can I go away to another world with you, to a place and people and customs I know nothing about, when I can’t even trust you?” She yelled at him, thumping her fists on the table as she stood up. Boiling tears trailed her red, swollen face and she shook her head in disbelief.

  “Amaranda, I am so sorry,” he blurted out, tears welling in his own eyes.

  “Well it’s a bit late for that!” she snapped at him before storming out of the house.

  She ran down the narrow track to the beach. Throwing herself into the sand, she lay across the golden shore and sobbed hard into her arms. It was getting dark and the tide was coming in but she didn’t care. She just cried and cried. Everything was wrong and there was no way to put it right. Not even Poseidon himself could help with this mess! She lay on the beach as the water surrounded her. Her salty tears mingled with the sea and were washed away by the gentle waves. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered now.

  Her world had ended. There was nothing left to hope for, to live for. Everything was a lie. She should have known. Known that it was never her destiny to be happy. To escape. All Eban’s promises about how he would take her away from this misery, escape these memories, build a new life, it was all a lie!

  He didn’t really think she was beautiful. He never really wanted to marry her. He didn’t love her, and yet, she’d seen the way he looked at her, seen his desire, his need. It didn’t make sense.

  What about the feelings she had for him? They were real. True. With every fiber of her being she loved him, wanted him, and needed him. Life without Eban would be unbearable! Worse than it ever was before he came. She hadn’t ever felt like this then, now she couldn’t bear the thought of not loving him. He filled her life, filled her very soul. Without him she would be worse than empty, she would be nothing. Nothing…

  * * * *

  “Amaranda.” A soothing, familiar voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  “It’s getting late, dear, come with me,” Pallas urged, tugging at her arm.

  Amaranda wasn’t sure if she had fallen asleep or just got lost in her thoughts, but the old lady brought her back to the present. She let the wise old dear lead her up the little track to where her hut stood surrounded by white flowers, overlooking the little bay. It was gloomy inside, but not too dark to see. Amaranda was soon sitting on a little wooden chair with an elmwood leaf curled up as a cushion under her. Pallas handed her a cup of warm green tea, a favorite of the islanders since the sailors had introduced it to them.

  “I’ve even given you one of those fandangled ceramic cups,
dear,” Pallas cajoled. “Aitan found it on one of the wrecks.”

  Amaranda smiled weakly. She appreciated her friend’s efforts.

  “You don’t know what he did,” she said, sniffing. “I can’t go away with him now, Pallas. What am I going to do?”

  “What do you want to do?” Pallas asked calmly, stroking Amaranda’s brown curly hair as she sat next to her.

  “I want to go with him. I want to marry him like we planned. But I can’t now, Pallas, I don’t know him. He went with Kalliope and then they kept it from me. How can I trust him after that?” Amaranda burst into tears again.

  “Amaranda, you know you’re not like the Sirens, don’t you? It was their job to lure the sailors to the island and have sex with them so that the others could raid their ships before they sank. Kalliope and the others didn’t have any feelings for those men. They just used them.”

  “But she didn’t need to use Eban! I saved him, Pallas. He wanted to be with me, that’s what he said. He asked me to marry him, why would he want her?”

  “He didn’t want her,” Pallas said, shaking her head calmly. “Kalliope is a mischief-maker, she always has been. She didn’t want Eban, she just wanted to make trouble. Luckily, for you her antics backfired. She and Ligia lured Eban out of the cave with their singing, his lust gave him the adrenaline he needed to push the rock away and escape.”

  “But why was he lusting after them when he said he only wanted me?” Amaranda tried hard to make sense of it all.

  “He’s a man. The Siren Song always lures men, no matter who they are, dear. It’s the way men are built. Their bodies might want sex when their minds don’t. They can’t help it. The Siren Song puts them in a kind of trance, they can’t help but succumb. Kalliope shouldn’t have tried to seduce him, but, fortunately, she led him to you without knowing it. That’s how he was able to save you. If he had still been in the cave, he wouldn’t have been able to help you. Do you see?”

  Amaranda’s mind went back to that awful day. Hermandine, the island’s leader, had forced her to work with the other Sirens on Destiny Rock. They had lured a ship onto the rocks and the survivors were all attracted to them. A horrible, disgusting old man had caught hold of her and wouldn’t let go. He tried to force himself onto her. He had stripped her bikini from her and was about to rape her when Eban suddenly arrived and yanked him off her. Eban had saved her. He should have been in the cave where the Elders had held him captive. She had assumed that Hermandine had ordered his release, and had never questioned it.

  “How did you know?” Amaranda asked quietly.

  “Eban came to find me when you left the house,” explained Pallas as they drank their tea. “He was beside himself with worry and remorse. He thought he had lost you. He said he daren’t follow you, as it would only make matters worse, so he spoke to me. Eban loves you, Amaranda. Kalliope was to blame for what happened, or nearly happened. He swore that they didn’t have sex and I believe him. It was your screaming that hauled him from her spell. Although he shouldn’t have been there with her, he would never have forgiven himself if he hadn’t been able to save you. He couldn’t win either way.”

  Amaranda sat in quiet thought for a while, digesting the old lady’s words. It actually made sense. Thank God!

  Pallas took the empty cup from her and placed it carefully on the table. The ceramic rattled a little as the old lady’s hand shook.

  “Pallas, thank you so much. I really thought it was over.” Amaranda smiled for the first time in hours. Her beautiful brown eyes twinkled through the red swelling of her pretty face.

  Pallas wrapped her arms around her young friend.

  “I’m going to miss you so much.” Amaranda sniffed back a sob, which was threatening to engulf her again.

  “None of that, dear. You just go and tell that handsome young sailor of yours that he’s forgiven and go and have a wonderful life with him. I expect regular Super-Skypes from you, and, who knows, one day I might even come and visit you.”

  “Oh, Pallas, that would be wonderful!” Amaranda cried as they hugged again.

  After another tearful good-bye, Amaranda left for home. It was pitch dark by the time she trotted up the narrow little path to her own little hut. Eban had the door open before she reached it.

  “Amaranda?” His gorgeous face was pale and it was clear he had been crying.

  “I love you, Eban Gal,” she said as she flung herself into his arms.

  “Oh, I love you, too, sweetheart,” he managed as he held her tight. “Don’t you ever doubt it.” He lifted her soft round body and carried her effortlessly into the bedroom where he gently laid her on the bed of elmwood leaves. “We only have a couple of hours left, sweetheart, so I hope you’re not tired?”

  Amaranda giggled as his mouth smothered hers in a long, demanding kiss. She could feel his need. She could feel needs of her own. He held his weight on his forearms as he lay over her, passionately invading her mouth, then planting kisses on her cheeks, her neck and her throat.

  She gasped as a flip of her stomach preceded a gush between her legs. As if he knew, his strong hand reached down and slipped inside her panties to stroke her pussy. Another gush. Oh God!

  “Do you want me, sweetheart?”

  She nodded frantically as a wave of fire shot through her whole body. His voice was smooth as velvet and it did incredible things to her girly parts.

  “I need to hear it, baby, or these stay on.” He was nuzzling her ear while he pulled at her damp panties.

  “Yes, Eban, oh yes!”

  The panties were whipped off in a flash. For a short second she could feel cool air around her hot, soaking pussy, before his probing fingers returned to stroke and explore her.

  “Ooh!” She squirmed as a long finger delved between her folds, finding her throbbing clit. He circled it as her burning juices ran freely. She could do nothing but enjoy the sensations. Her stomach was doing somersaults as his fingers delved in and out of her sodden vagina, his tongue matching the action in and out of her hot mouth.

  Just as she thought she couldn’t take any more, he moved his attention to her breasts, which were throbbing so much she was sure they would burst from her bikini bra. His searching fingers followed the edge of the fabric around and around, before he slid a hand under her back and undid the tie. Two large breasts bounced free, enjoying a second of cool air that made the nipples tighten even more, before his mouth devoured one, as his other hand drifted back down to her soaking mound.

  Amaranda fought to pull his shirt off him, and he duly followed suit with the rest of his clothing, hauling them off with one hand and tossing them over his shoulder, while still sucking and biting gloriously at her hard nipple. As his trousers were wrenched from his body, his massive member bobbed free, thick and hard as a rock.

  She gushed again at the sight of him, and tried to pull his cock toward her pussy. As if divining for water, his cock homed in on, and nuzzled, her engorged clit. With a breathy moan, she took it in her hand and rubbed it up and down the channel of her pussy.

  “Eban, pleeease,” she wailed as the fire rose inside her and her soaking mound bucked toward him.

  With a throaty chuckle, he obliged by placing his huge cock at the mouth of her vagina. He didn’t need to push as she lifted her hips and sucked the beautiful purple head into her. Now it was his turn to moan as her velvet lower lips gripped his cock like a vice. She pushed up and he pushed down at the same time and they both let out an ecstatic scream. They gained momentum and thrust at each other, her swallowing him up, and him plundering her most precious treasure. They gasped and moaned and yelled until they both reached that point of euphoria and she stared at him, wide-eyed as he screwed his eyes in desperation to spend his juices right up inside her womb. He let out a loud grunt and she screamed again before he slumped sideways, still cradling her in his muscular arms.

  Sweat rolled off them and the thick smell of sex and heat filled the air. She curled up into him and he held her as they pan
ted and gasped for air. She felt his heat surround her. She felt smothered by his love, almost suffocated by it. It oozed from his every pore, emanated in an aura around his gorgeous, muscular body. It was inescapable. She was captured. And she didn’t want to be freed. As well as her captor, Eban was her freedom. He would let her fly. He would take her places she’d never even dreamed of. Show her things she couldn’t ever imagine. He would make her feel sensations she could never even fantasize about. And all the time he would take care of her. Cherish her. Love her.

  Chapter 3

  When the couple arrived at the jetty, Rechavia and Aitan were already there, chatting away as they loaded the last of the flowers onto the small ship.

  “Morning, you two.” Aitan turned and smiled at them, taking the bag from Eban so they could climb aboard.

  “Hi, Aitan,” Amaranda said, yawning. “Are you sure it’s morning already?”

  Aitan giggled, looking up at the dawn sky. The clouds were a beautiful orange over on the horizon, but it still seemed very dark elsewhere.

  “Rough night?” Rechavia muttered to Eban as he joined them on the deck.

  “We got there in the end,” Eban murmured, nodding. “How about you?”

  Rechavia grinned. His handsome face lit up and his hazel eyes twinkled.

  “Oh I certainly had a rough night, and enjoyed every minute of it!”

  “Did Kalliope tell you we didn’t actually have sex?”

  “Oh yeah, she told me everything, she had no choice.”

  “Really?” Eban was surprised he had taken it so well.

  “Really. I whacked her pretty little ass so hard she couldn’t help but spill.”

  Amaranda’s eyes were wide and she gaped as she overheard part of their conversation.

  “You hit her?”

  “Don’t look so worried, pretty maid, that girl loves a good spanking more than anything. Well, more than most things anyway.”


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