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Raw: Rebirth (Raw Family, #3)

Page 45

by Belle Aurora

  I swallowed hard, gaining my bearings, and wrapped my hands around Tony’s arm to stop him from taking an unsuspecting lunge at an Australian Federal Police officer. “What do we need to do here, Gabe?” When he didn’t respond, I pled through my grief. “Please,” I uttered. “Don’t do it for us. Do it for A.J. He’s probably terrified.” The thought made my stomach dip.

  And when I looked up at Twitch, he peered down at me with a resolve that told me we would do anything to get him back. Because forever meant nothing without our son.

  “I guess.” Gabe sighed out loud before pursing his lips. “I guess you could start by giving a statement. Telling us what really happened that night.” He didn’t look impressed with the pair of us. “That would be a start.”

  And because Gabe Blanco knew who my husband was, knew who we were, he picked up his keys and began to move toward the front door. “I’m gonna give you some time to...” He paused. “...process these events.”


  He was giving us time to get our stories straight.

  Before he left, he handed us his card. “See you in an hour, yeah?”

  “We’ll be there,” uttered Twitch, placing the card into his pocket.

  And once we were alone, we turned to each other, looking almost as bad as we both felt.

  My eyes closed of their own accord as my shoulders drooped. “I’m starting to get real sick of this shit, honey.”

  Unyielding arms snaked around me and held me close. He kissed the top of my head while gently rubbing my back. “Just a minor setback, baby, that’s all.” Those big hands hovered at my hips. “We should run through what happened.”

  I lifted my eyes to meet his. “Run through what?” My gaze rested on his knitted brow. “Ling was careless. She was spotted. We confronted her. Just before we could call the cops, she jumped to her death. End of story.”

  Twitch’s hold tightened on my hips. His eyes never left mine as he lowered his face and kissed my lips, whisper-soft. Against them, he muttered, “Solid.”

  I was coming to find that I was. I had a diamond-like strength buried deep inside me that was rising to the surface. I made no apologies for being the person this life had fashioned me to be.

  You either rolled with the punches or got knocked the fuck out.

  Naturally, with the amount of punches I had been dealt, I finally learned how to deflect.

  It took me years, bruises, and a broken heart, but I had ultimately grown.

  When Tony pulled back, I hooked my fingers into the loops of his jeans. He rubbed my arms from shoulders to wrists, soothingly. “You ready, baby?”

  My expression void, I nodded. “Let’s go get our boy.”



  We were an hour into questioning, and I was starting to get rattled. None of the questions so far had been about Ling. In fact, it sounded like Gabriel Blanco was trying to get information on the people I owed, the people who had helped save my son’s life.

  I wasn’t having it.

  Gabe sat across from me, and the recorder on the table taunted me. “And the Vegas?”

  “What about ‘em?” I leaned back in my chair, not giving a single fuck.

  Gabe’s shoulders tightened along with his face. “As far as we know, they aren’t exactly welcome in these parts. Why are they back?”

  I shrugged. “How the fuck should I know?”

  Their story was not mine to tell. They were good people who had fucked up.

  Who hadn’t?

  “Twitch.” Gabe pinched the bridge of his nose before looking up at me through weary eyes. “Give me something, man. Anything.” He closed his eyes. “Help me help you.”

  What did he want from me? “I haven’t done anything wrong. And if you think I have—” I lifted my brows pointedly. “—prove it. Charge me. Lock me up.”

  We both knew he had nothing on me. If he did, I’d already be in a cell.

  Gabriel Blanco was not a stupid man, and he knew he was flogging a dead horse. Thankfully, he moved the fuck on, taking notes on his small notepad. “Okay then.” He kept writing for a while, and once he stopped, he peered up at me. “Tell me what happened with Ling Nguyen. How did you just happen to come by her?” He let the cool silence float around us before sitting up tall. “How did she end up dead, Falco?”

  My lips compressed. “She was careless. She was spotted. We confronted her, got our son back. She threw herself out the window.”

  Gabe watched me, unblinking. When he realized that was all I had to give, his brows arched. “That’s it?” At my silence, he barked out a harsh laugh. “Seriously, Falco? That’s all you’re giving me?”

  I thought about Lexi in a room alone somewhere being questioned like a fucking criminal, and my throat tightened. But I remembered what she said to me before we were separated.

  “I know it’s against your nature, honey, but I need you to be as cool, calm, and collected as you can be, okay? Fight the anger. Be smart. Be safe.”

  It was against my nature, but I was changing.

  For her, I’d do anything.

  I took in a deep breath and mentally counted to ten, fighting the fury that was building. “That’s what happened, Sergeant Blanco.” My jaw tight, I uttered, “Can’t give you anymore than the truth.”

  Gabe narrowed his eyes on me. “You mean to tell me that Ling Nguyen, The Dragon Queen, rumored to have murdered hundreds of people...”

  Thousands, I internally corrected him.

  “...just gave in without a fight?”

  I put my hands on the cold table, fighting the urge to throw my fists into his face. “She was cornered. Knew her time was up. It was either jail or death.” I lifted my brows. “Ling chose death.” My eyes unwavering, I held his stare. “I watched her walk over to the window, step onto the sill, and jump.” My insides clenched at the way it felt to throw her from the tenth floor. Pleasure filled me at the memory of the shock in her eyes. “It was suicide.”

  The door behind me opened, and when the tall, silver-haired man stepped through, he uttered, “Those were my findings.”

  What? How? Why...?

  “Motherfucker,” I said slowly as I moved to stand.

  Ethan Black smiled despite his obvious annoyance. “Can’t seem to keep yourself out of trouble, can you, son?”

  Although I was happy to see him, my brow furrowed. “What are you doing here?”

  Ethan did not respond to my question. I didn’t miss the way his smile faltered momentarily. But he was a seasoned veteran at dealing with me. “Spent some time with your son.”

  My eyes widened. He did? “When?”

  “Here. Just now.” His smile turned warm. “I can’t believe he’s only five. Lord, is he smart. He’s a good boy, Twitch.”


  Was he telling me...?

  “He’s here?” I turned to Gabe, my eyes surveying his every move. “In this building?” When Gabe’s expression turned sheepish, I closed my eyes and shook my head slowly, as I ground out, “You piece of shit.”

  “Met your woman too,” Ethan added quietly. When I turned my turbulent gaze to his serene one, he lifted a brow. “Couldn’t help but notice she had a nice-looking ring on her finger there.” His voice quieted. “I didn’t get it then, but I get it now.” He paused a second. “A woman like that... worth it.”

  Gabe let out a harsh breath. “I’m in the middle of an interview here, Black. Can I help you?”

  Ethan stood tall and looked down at the sergeant in a way that only the Chief of Staff of the FBI could. “Yes. Suspend the interview. You got everything you needed. We’re done.” Ethan put his hand on my shoulder. “Come on.”

  That was it?

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I stood fast and moved to follow.

  Before we could exit, Gabe Blanco sputtered, “Sir, wait.” He stood looking over at Ethan in disbelief. “The information he has....” He let the rest of that statement linger in the air.

  And Eth
an proved to me he was a man of his word. “Antonio Falco has done his time. Six years of it. This man has provided all he needs to provide, and now he’s leaving.” Ethan Black set his black stare on Gabriel Blanco. “Ling Nguyen’s death was ruled a suicide, and this country is safer for it. Don’t you agree?”

  Gabe’s fists balled in frustration, and he lowered his head a moment before he lifted his face. He looked resigned and spoke carefully. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now,” Ethan responded, “unless you’re planning on charging this man with a crime, I’m taking him to his family.”

  His tone begged for Gabe to fight him.

  I kind of wished he would. Nothing would make me happier than to see this blue-collared douchebag be taken down a peg or two.

  Gabe’s tone sank a notch when he lowered his gaze. His jaw tight, he replied, “Yes, sir.”

  Ethan opened the door, and with a smirk that I know must’ve killed him, I threw a wink Gabriel Blanco’s way as I followed my old friend to freedom.



  The creaking of the door had me standing immediately, and the second my concerned gaze met his, my shoulders drooped and I leisurely made my way over to him. He put his arms around me, placing his face into the crook of my neck, and I took in everything he gave with that firm embrace. When we had taken all we could get from each other, I lifted my face and he looked down at me a long moment before he gently kissed my lips.

  “You good?”

  “Yeah,” I replied quietly. “Are you?”

  Twitch’s eyes smiled. “We’re good, angel.”

  “Daddy,” the little voice croaked. He slid off Molly’s lap, and then the little monster was running for him, his arms outstretched.

  Twitch grinned as he lifted his son into his arms and hugged him tightly, cradling the back of his head to him. “Hey, buddy,” he spoke softly into his hair, and he rocked him gently.

  The sight was one of the many that made my heart swell. I would treasure moments like this in my memory for all eternity.

  It was then that I noticed the older man at his back, and when I snuggled into Tony’s side, I smiled kindly at the silver-haired man I’d met only an hour ago. “Hello again.”

  Ethan Black spared a polite smile for me. “How’s he doing?”

  A.J. rested his head onto his father’s shoulder and hugged him around the neck.

  My heart wasn’t in my uncertain reply. “He’s getting there.”

  The truth was A.J. was understandably petrified of being separated from us. Physically, he was healing. Mentally... I wasn’t so sure. He woke in the middle of the night and crawled into bed with us more often than not, and we let him. He smiled less than he used to, laughed less too. His five-year-old eyes looked weary and aged, and those eyes assessed their surroundings carefully, searching for danger in places where there was none. It worried me that part of my son would never completely heal. He would never be the carefree child he had been. I knew this.

  How could he be?

  Ling had broken my son, and while she had the reprieve of death, A.J. would have to live with the fear she’d instilled for the rest of his life.

  I was so tired. All I wanted to do was go home and heal as a family.

  I turned to Twitch and ran a hand down my son’s back. “Can we go home now, please?”

  “Ah,” Ethan cut in before Twitch could speak. “Before you do, I need a word. It’s important.” And when Ethan gently touched A.J.’s hair and spoke directly to our son, I knew something was up. “Son, I need to have a word with your parents. You think you could give us a minute?”

  A.J. lifted his head, looking restless and fretful. He spoke carefully. “No, thank you.” It came out as polite as he could manage it, but I heard the fear in his voice. He wasn’t chancing another bout of separation. He wanted to be near us, and I was thankful that Ethan understood that.

  “We’re not going anywhere, son,” Ethan stated. “I’m not taking them anywhere. We’re going to stay right here, okay? I just need to talk to them a minute.”

  Twitch watched the turmoil form on A.J.’s face, and from the way his jaw tightened, he did not like it. “It’s okay, bud. We’re gonna be right here.”

  We gave A.J. the time he needed, and when Molly came forward, she held out her hand to the little monster. “C’mon, boo. There are some cool toys over there. Let’s play a while.”

  Twitch lowered him to the ground, and although it took him a while, A.J. took Molly’s hand and allowed her to lead him to the toy corner. He pretended to play as he kept his eyes on us, and it broke my already fractured heart.

  Ethan swept his arm out toward the small sofa. “Please, sit.”

  Oh, no.

  Something was wrong.

  Jesus. I wanted to cry. When would it end?

  We sat in silence, and as Ethan pulled out a chair to sit in front of us, Twitch muttered, “Why are you here, Black?”

  His tone indicated that he had just realized the man’s presence may not have been the godsend we initially thought it.

  Ethan rested his elbows on his parted knees and clasped his hands together. When he said, “What do you want first, the good news or the bad news?” my heart stuttered.

  It was the way he said it, like there really was no good news, that made Twitch sigh loudly and put his head in his hands, letting out a low groan.

  My lips moved. “The good news.”

  Ethan nodded lightly. “Okay. The good news is you have both been cleared of any wrongdoing in the death of Ling Nguyen.”

  My nose bunched. “We didn’t do anything wrong. She stole our son. Drugged him, Mr. Black.” I sat forward and reiterated, “We did nothing wrong.”

  “I know that,” stated Ethan in a most placating way that had me sitting back again.

  Twitch removed his hands from his exhausted face and sat tall. “And the bad news?”

  “Well,” Ethan began. “ASIO have had eyes on you since your return, unsurprisingly, and up until your little situation with Ling Nguyen, they were happy to...”

  What was this?

  I didn’t understand.

  And when I peered at Twitch in confusion, he rolled his eyes, letting out a frustrated, “Fuck me, Ethan. Just say it already!”

  Ethan said it. “You’re being deported, Twitch.”

  Excuse me?

  The look on Twitch’s face said he was just as shocked at the news as I was.

  “What?” I uttered in disbelief.

  Ethan sat back in the chair. “Australia is, unfortunately, very sick of the shit that seems to follow Antonio Falco, I’m afraid.”

  Twitch’s face changed, settled, as though he’d just figured something out. “That’s why you’re here.” He snuffled out a humorless laugh. “You’re my escort.”

  Ethan didn’t bother mincing words. “Correct.”

  Twitch’s cruel smirk made my stomach ache. “They think I’mma go quietly because you’re here? Fuck me, they thought wrong.” He stood so quickly, so violent-like, that I let out a short gasp. Putting a hand to my chest, I peered up into his wild eyes. “This is bullshit.” He paced then gritted his teeth, and growled, “If they want a war, they fuckin’ got one, Black. Mark my words.” His smile turned sly. “Think they’re gonna separate me from my woman. Fuck that. I’ll unleash hell on this backwater town before I ever let anyone take me away from my family.”

  This was my husband. This was who he was, and I wanted all of him.

  The good. The bad. The psycho.

  Twitch was a man of good intentions, stitched together with barbed wire and fueled by raw fury. And, as time went on, I came to realize I did not want him to change because the broken parts of him were the parts I treasured wholeheartedly.

  A decision was made.

  “Sit down,” I said.

  His eyes snapped down at me in confusion.

  “Sit down,” I repeated inflexibly.

  He watched me a long moment before he slowly sat
by my side, and when I spoke, I spoke carefully, in a way I hoped he would understand where I was coming from. “The first time you left me, I felt like it rained every single day in my heart. And the clouds blocked out the sun. For a long time, I saw nothing but gray.” I took in a deep breath and let out a slow exhale. “I don’t want that again. I will never be okay with being separated from you. Where you go, I follow.” I looked down at his hands and slipped my small one into his. “We belong together.”

  When he finally found his voice, he asked, “What are you sayin’, baby?”

  “I’m saying—” My unsure eyes met his. “—that maybe it’s time for a change.” My sad gaze slid over to the little monster playing mechanically in the corner without enjoyment or happiness. “Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Maybe this move will be a good thing for all of us.”

  He looked as though I was crazy. “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” I muttered with a short nod.

  “A.J. goes to a great school,” he countered.

  “We’ll find another great school for him to go to in the States.”

  “He has friends here, baby.”

  “He’ll make new friends.”

  He looked perplexed. “You have a life here.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not a life worth living without you.”

  And I meant that.

  In all the time I’d known him, I had never seen Antonio Falco’s face soften in the way it did then. “Baby,” he uttered gently, and when he pulled me to him, I lifted my face to his as he cupped my cheek and kissed me as if I were the most precious thing in the world. It was then I realized this decision was a no-brainer.

  Living life without Twitch was a torture I was not willing to subject myself to.

  Ethan gave us our moment, and when we turned to face him again, his eyes smiled over at Twitch and, rather baffling, muttered, “Worth it.”

  “So,” Twitch asked, “how does this work?”

  “How long do we have?” I added.

  Ethan snuffled a laugh out of his nose. “They want Twitch on the next flight out.” At the look of pure incredulity on both our faces, he quickly added, “But I can work on them. I’d safely say you have five or six days. A week at most.”

  “A week?” I repeated.


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