Murder In Oakwood Park
Page 11
“I thought Carolina would recover and there wouldn’t be any need to keep her feeling sick. She was a weakling, that small amount of poison wouldn’t have killed a stronger person.”
“Harriet, how could you deliberately make another human being suffer?”
“What about the suffering she caused me, Carolina was trying to steal my husband. She thought you were rich but didn’t know I’m the one with the money and I don’t plan to loosen those purse strings again.”
“Harriet, you have confessed to the murder of Carolina Bloom and I have recorded your confession. I’m divorcing you, Harriet and I will gladly testify against you in a court of law. Oh, by the way, you are allowed one phone call, I suggest you make that call to your attorney. Mabel terminated her employment and refused to follow your orders to call him.”
Harriet’s shrieks could be heard throughout the hallways of the first floor of the police station.
“Sounds like you solved your case, Detective Dan,” said Midge.
“I wish I could take the credit but it was Rebecca Snow who convinced Barry Kemp to tell what he knew. I don’t know if we could have made the charges stick if it hadn’t been for Angus Carlson. I think he was in love with Carolina Bloom. Considering all I’ve heard about Ms. Bloom, she wasn’t the easiest person to love.”
“Compared to his wife, I’d say she was a vast improvement,” laughed Midge.
Harriet Carlson
“Alfred, I want to divorce Angus before he can divorce me. Draw up the papers and get them finalized,” said Harriet Carlson while scratching her leg where the ankle monitor irritates her skin.
“Harriet, as your attorney, I must insist you let Angus file for divorce. He’ll take you for everything you have if you do it first.”
“He wouldn’t dare. I wish you could convince the judge to get this thing off me.”
“You can always sit in a jail cell until your case goes to trial.”
Harriet sneered at the older man. If her daddy was still alive, he’d get her out of this mess. Where was Mabel when she needed her? Charles left her too. Wasn’t anyone loyal to her?
Alfred did as she asked. He was relieved when Angus said he wanted nothing more than the television station. He wasn’t asking for alimony or division of property.
“No, he can’t have the station, I won’t allow it,” Harriet shouted.
“Harriet, the station will be sold if you are sent to prison, I told you that is a strong possibility. This house will be sold and the money put into a trust for when you are free. Angus is entitled to half of everything you own, be glad he’s only asking for the station.”
Reluctantly, Harriet signed the television station over to her soon-to-be ex-husband.
Three months later she was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to fifteen years in a women’s penitentiary.
Angus Carlson
“Alfred, I don’t care about Harriet’s money, she held that over me for our entire married life. I’ll walk away from the marriage with nothing if that’s what it takes to set me free. I would, however, like to request ownership of the television station. Without Harriet’s interference, I think my staff and I can make it the best local station for miles around.”
“Angus, I’ll present your offer to Harriet and with some persuasion, I trust she will agree.”
As the owner of the television station, Angus turned over a new leaf. He rented a small apartment a block from his office and spent most of his time improving and working toward his goal to make the station shine.
He took Barry Kemp under his wing and promoted him with the idea that he would eventually take over the daily operation.
Everyone who worked at the station could see the change in their boss. He generously raised their salaries and increased their vacation days. The turnover in the department was almost non-existent. It was now a happy place to work and Carolina Bloom was nothing but an unpleasant memory.
Detective Daniel North
Detective North kept the promise he’d made to himself and talked to Sandy Clark about volunteering at the Community Playhouse. He found he enjoyed acting the part of the culprit in a murder mystery.
His partner, Rob Granger accepted a job in Chicago. Dan tried to convince Rebecca that with her sleuthing skills she should apply at the academy.
“No, Dan, I’ll let the younger women do that, I have my hands full with the show and the playhouse and my family now that everyone is home again.”
“You need a partner and there is one who is perfect for you,” said Midge.
“You, Midge, that would be great.”
“Not me, I like my job. I’m talking about the young woman who just walked through the door.”
Dan looked up to see a brunette with flashing brown eyes staring back at him. She looked and walked like a fashion model.
“Who’s that?”
“Your new partner Erica West, the captain thought it would be fun to have Detectives North and West working together,” chuckled Midge.
Bradley Pickett
Brad sipped his favorite brand of scotch looking out his apartment window at the flashing lights of the city below.
He laughed when he read about the snooty Harriet Carlson’s conviction in the murder of Carolina Bloom. He didn’t care who knocked Carolina off as long as she was out of his life.
Brad was expecting the lovely Angelina at any time. He was on top of the world, Carolina was out of his life, he’d made another killing in the market, this time it was almost legitimate, and he was waiting for a beauty who would make his night perfect.
The doorbell rang. He hurried to the door opened it and heard the words:
“FBI…Bradley Albert Pickett, you are under arrest for securities fraud and insider trading.”
Coming Soon:
Murder at Bradbury Hill
A Rebecca Snow Cozy Mystery
Elderly twin sisters, Anna and Emma Bradbury, owners of the home on what has become known as Bradbury Hill, are found dead due to carbon monoxide poisoning.
The prime suspect is Jake Morgan, fiancé of Mackenzie Snow and long-time friend of the Snow family. Jake is an accountant at a reputable accounting firm in Oakwood Park. As a favor to the sisters, Jake visits their home weekly to help them pay their bills and keep them company.
Jake’s recent bank loan for twenty-five thousand dollars is paid in full close to the time of the twins’ death. Jake refuses to disclose the reason for the loan and the swift repayment.
Despite Rebecca Snow’s protests, Detectives Daniel North and Erica West are certain they have found their man.
Rebecca and her daughter, Mackenzie, are determined to uncover the truth and clear Jake’s name.