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Pack Master (Undeadly Secrets Book 4)

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by Aaron L Speer

  Chapter Four


  Michelle woke, and almost immediately, scrunched her eyes as an aching pain shot through her back. She found herself leaning over in a chair, still in Alex’s hospital room. The last thing she remembered was the quaking. She must’ve fallen. She placed a hand to her back and pressed the ache, trying to help compress it away. Stretching her other hand out to touch Alex’s, reassuring her, even in sleep, that things were ok.

  Michelle quickly realised they were not alone in the room. A cloaked figure stood in the corner. How long had they been there? Michelle reached behind her back for her pistol.

  “There is no need for such measures. I am merely a projection,” came the croaky voice. It was that which alerted Michelle to the identity. Dante had told her what the leader of the Forgotten sounded like. The Night Mother.

  “What do you want?” Michelle asked.

  The Night Mother slid closer as if skating forward yet with no steps. “To check on the saviour. I had to see for myself.”

  “See what? What saviour?”

  “You must’ve felt it when you touched her. The power that resides within her. For the longest time, I thought her kind a myth, yet there she is. Blissfully unaware of what’s to come.”

  Michelle heard hushed voices outside, carrying on about their daily business, yet no one passed by. “What is to come?”

  “Perhaps the greatest moment in our lives. Or the last. She must be protected until she discovers who she is and what she can do. The city needs her.”

  “What do you mean? The demon was defeated. I was there.”

  “Dominus’ possession was only one part of the plague. He was yanked out of her body, saving her life, but he still resides in the sky above us. Time is running out.”

  “It’s just a cloud.”

  “No. It’s still Dominus. A creature of wanton malevolence that feeds off despair. What you defeated was its physical manifestation, but this is its core.”

  “You said to defeat him was easy. Clearly it wasn’t.”

  “And I meant it. Your friend was saved, and the ghouls were eradicated. The vampire’s bravery defeated Dominus. Now, it’s her turn. The fight continues.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us the entire truth? Why not mention there was more to it? Why the lies?”

  “Because there was no time. She is the key to stopping all this, and her safety was paramount. Your vampire was one that could release her from the prison within her body. She needed to be free. I hid nothing from him, only told him the relevant information. This is much bigger than you realise. This has been foretold for thousands of years; events both miniscule and epic have coincided just so, all for us to arrive at this point. The cloud is getting bigger, denser. It will lower itself to the ground in a matter of days, blocking out all light, not just the sun. Streetlights, buildings, even lamps. No light will exist. All living things will be in a state of blindness. A world which we cannot escape. She must face it. Only she can lift the darkness from the city.”

  “Why? Hasn’t she been through enough? Why her?” Michelle whispered harshly.

  “Because no one else can,” The Night Mother replied, a sad tone in her voice.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because you care for her more than she knows. She will need that to survive. She needs you.”

  “No she needs D...” Michelle checked herself, just in case Alex woke, reducing her voice to a harsh whisper. “She doesn’t need me. The one person she does need is now out of her life forever, and for what? He did that to save her, but we are still in danger. He’s who she needs to be with.”

  “The vampire played his part. A significant one in a much larger spectrum. You would’ve done the same for her, correct?”

  “Of course I would, what are you getting at?”

  “She represents hope. Hold on to that in your journey. Trust her, and trust your love for her. Do not shy away from it.”

  “What is this? I’m not...into her like that. I love her, sure. But I want her to be happy with him.”

  “But that choice is up to her.”

  “No, it isn’t. The choice has been taken from her! She belongs with-”

  “Listen to me...” the Night Mother stood over Michelle. “The vampire made a choice and she is saved. What’s done is done. He cannot help her now. You can. There are those that know of the stories, the prophecies foretelling her arrival. Forces are gathering. They may not know her name, or her gender, but they will be coming. In fact, they may already have the advantage. Legend has it, three items exist that lead to total power. A spell book, a sword and a set of armour. Knowledge, attack and defense. The vampire king, Vincent, had two of them: the sword and the book. I do not know if he knew what they were, but now it no longer matters. What does, is after the explosion at the mansion both were missing. Did one party find both? Did separate entities pick up each? I do not know. What I do know is, as of yet, the armour has never been sighted. The last piece of the puzzle that has never been found or seen, if legends are true, belongs to her.”

  “Why would anyone hide the armour if they had it?”

  “There are those that do not want the darkness lifted, or like Dominus, wish to strip her powers for use against the city. You must keep her safe until the time comes.”

  “Until the time comes for what? What powers? What is she?”

  But she was gone, disappearing almost instantly.

  “Hey hunni,” came Alex’s voice, perhaps awoken by Michelle’s loud question. Weak, croaky. Michelle didn’t care. She could’ve spoken in sign language for all Michelle cared.

  “Hey...” Michelle smiled, rising to bend over Alex. Michelle continuously ran her fingers through Alex’s hair after giving her light forehead kisses. “How are you feeling? Are you ok?”

  “Feel weird. Kinda dizzy. Why am I in a hospital?”

  Shit. Straight to the tough question. How best to answer this? “You’ve had a rough few days. What, um...what do you remember?”

  Alex closed her eyes and pressed a hand to her head. “Um...”

  Alex looked to be concentrating, or trying to. Michelle sucked in her lips and waited. She wasn’t sure what Alex would say, but she did know Alex was certain to forget one, very important thing. “I remember parent teacher night. I was saying goodbye to the parents, and woke up here? Isn’t that weird?”

  “No,” Michelle said quickly. “We...I...found you at school. You’d fainted.”

  “Ok,” Alex breathed out, appearing to relax. “So, I’m ok?”

  “I think so.” Michelle smiled. “Do you know who I am? My name?”

  “Of course I know you,” Alex replied, reaching out for Michelle’s hand. “How could I ever forget you Mish Mash?”

  Ok, so she remembers me. But what else does she remember?

  “Do you remember anything about earlier that day?” At the look Alex gave her, she tried to come up with a plausible reason for asking, though it pained her to do it. The last person on this earth she would lie to or try to take advantage of was Alex. “Just trying to see whereabouts your mind is. You took a bump on the head.”

  “I um…I remember most of the day. I think. I…” Alex paused, obviously thinking about something. She reached over for Michelle’s hand and brought it to her mouth, lightly kissing her fingers and then holding it in hers. “You came to Nick’s service. For me. Thank you so much. I never thought you’d come.”

  Michelle ran her thumb along Alex’s cheek and leaned in closer. “Of course I did sweetie. I’d do anything for you.”

  Alex rubbed her face against Michelle’s fingers and smiled. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Michelle returned her smile, rubbing her arm softly. “Me too,” she said, looking over Alex’s eyes. Even after what could be almost hours of sleeping, no make-up, bed hair, confusion, weakness and a croaky voice, Alex’s loveliness and warmth shone through her features. “I’m glad you remember that. I
mean, I’m glad you remember Nick.”

  “I don’t think there is anything that would make me forget him.”

  But Michelle knew different. There was something that was blocking her memory. Alex remembered Michelle, she remembered Nick. But what else? And how did she as both Michelle and Nick were connected to Dante. Michelle had to be careful not to trigger memories by naming people. If Alex said the names on her own, Michelle wouldn’t make the disastrous mistake of trying to force memories from her. As per the Night Mother’s warning, could lead to Dominus taking over her again.

  And that was the last thing Michelle wanted. As if her mind willed it, she had flashes of what the beast looked like while possessing her. The torment. The suffering. The way her lips tasted…NO. Michelle cleared her throat and gave a half smile. The last thing Michelle needed to think about was that night, yet she squeezed her thigh, feeling the chain of the necklace in her pocket. The night when Dominus truly took control over Alex. The night the demon ravaged her. Where she almost killed Dante. She grew black wings and hovered in the air, a gleeful, sinister creature of evil, intent on the destruction of all women. And yet, before that, maybe an hour before, Alex had come to Michelle’s door possessed by Dominus. It wasn’t hard to imagine that he had brought Alex there to kill Michelle. Michelle thought back, trying to make sense of it all and failing.

  If Alex was possessed, why did she hesitate? And more importantly, how the hell did Michelle let that happen? Alex kissed her that night with a passion she had only felt with Dante. Alex did things to her that night. On the floor. Things she had only let guys do and yet with Alex, she never protested anything. The only sounds Michelle made were in fact Alex’s name.

  “There’s something you’re not telling me,” Alex said, waking Michelle. “I can see it in your face, hun.”

  Michelle had to think fast. “Oh no. I just, well I’m not sure if you can come home straight away. You might need to stay here for observation.”

  “I feel fine though. A little groggy, but nothing too drastic.”

  Michelle was saved from answering as a ward nurse came into the room. “Hey Lisa,” Alex called.

  “Well hey! Long-time no see. When was it, T for Tiff’s birthday?”

  “I think so yeah. But apparently, my memory isn’t that good lately.”

  Michelle was asked to step aside so Lisa could give Alex the necessary check-up. Michelle could still hear Alex trying to ask permission to leave. When the curtain to her bed opened, Lisa addressed both of them, “Well, I see no reason why you can’t go as long as you have someone to drive you and stay with tonight.”

  “She’s got me,” Michelle said.

  “You’ll stay with her?”

  “For as long as she needs.”

  Michelle caught Alex’s tight smile out of the corner of her eye.

  “I think tonight and maybe tomorrow should do. If everything goes ok after that, we should be all good. I’ll get your discharge papers. Though with all the craziness, it might still be a while.”

  “Yeah, what was with all that?” Michelle asked with a flurry of her hand. “I must’ve bumped my head with the earthquake.”

  “Strangest thing. One of the patients ran off. And I mean literally ran. Looks like he jumped out the window.” Lisa turned to Alex. “You remember the guy I told you about? Beau?”

  “Um… the really gorgeous one?”

  “Yeah, the dream boat. Him. Just disappeared.” She clicked her fingers. “How the hell he survived that fall I’ll never know. Weird night. Anyway. Sit tight guys, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


  “Hello? Hello?” Solomon cried into his phone. “Dammit. Can anyone get a call out?”

  The people that bothered to answer him shook their heads. It was useless trying. For the last hour he had been trying on and off to get a call or text out and all attempts had failed. Some had tried to break free downstairs by using chairs and computer monitors on the glass front doors. It was futile though, as they were shatterproof. “Great,” he sighed, looking down and then lowering himself at the nurse that had seen the John Doe rush past her and out the window. “Look, I’m really sorry. I’m trying to call the station, a tow service, anything to get that car moved so we can get the people out as quickly as possible. The hospital is still in lockdown and I can’t reach emergency services. We will get you home I promise. But until then this is probably the best place for you. If I can get a sketch artist to come and see you, or if we can bring you in to ask you a bit more information about the identity of this guy, would you be open for that?”

  She nodded, staring ahead, gripping her coffee with two hands.

  “Officer!” a patient called from the smashed window the unknown patient had crashed through. “Might want to come see this.”

  Solomon walked over to the wall and peered down. It wasn’t a big drop, but jeez there was very little chance you wouldn’t break a bone jumping from there to the concrete. But that wasn’t what Solomon had been called and asked to see. A line of vans had positioned themselves along the street and out from them, poured a heap of black clad soldier types. The soldiers began directing civilians away from the hospital doors with knife edge precision, like a military drill. The people dispersed within seconds.

  “They’re good,” the patient remarked.

  Solomon was spared from replying by a call out from behind him. “Who’s in charge here?”

  Solomon turned to see a slender man in a well fitted charcoal suit with an open collar, flanked by two more of the soldier types he had seen downstairs. Solomon took a step forward and held up his badge. “Crane, Mascot precinct.”

  “Fantastic for you. Who’s in charge?”

  Solomon didn’t appreciate the reply, but that wasn’t important. “Until I can contact a superior, it’s me.”

  “You’re meeting your superior. I meant who’s in charge of this ward. Tonight’s rounds. Understand?” he spat, looking past Solomon to the dead bodies covered with sheets behind him, clicking his fingers. “Get them out of here.”

  Solomon blinked and crossed his arms as more soldiers walked past him, carrying the bodies away. “Sorry, you guys from the EPA or something? Got any ID? What’s going on? How did you get in?”

  “We reset the hospital’s network. The fact we did and got in should give you an indication of who we are.”

  “Actually, it doesn’t. I can tell you I’ve had it up to here with secrets, half-truths and bull. I’ve already got a mystery, I don’t need a second or third.”

  “Crane, wasn’t it? Solomon Crane?” the slender man asked.

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “Ah. My association has heard of you. The meddlesome one. Always getting in the way, never letting go of a case. Do yourself a favour and let this one go. All I want is to ask a simple question to the right person. The ward nurse.”

  Solomon didn’t look at her. Whoever this was must have went on instinct. The woman still right next to Solomon. The stranger bent low on his haunches. Solomon took a step forward and was immediately presented with two rifles inches away from his face, not daring him to move any closer.

  “Now my dear, if you could do me a favour.” The stranger paused and reached into the breast pocket of his jacket and produced a small, rectangular piece of thick paper. No, a photograph. “And tell me if this is who you saw before he jumped through the window.”

  Solomon saw instant recognition on her face and she shouted, “Yes!”

  The stranger stood, turned to his flanking soldiers and whispered something to them before they retreated back towards the corridor.

  Solomon jogged after them. “Hey, wait a minute…”

  “Do not press this further, Officer Crane,” he replied without breaking stride. “We have cleared the wreckage out front and the mess. Yet instead of thanking us, you make demands. You have no idea who or what you’re dealing with…”

  “I’ll thank you when I know who the hell you are.”

  “Your job is finished. You can go home. That’s all you need to know.”

  “This is a police matter.”

  “No, it isn’t. You said it yourself. You couldn’t call your superior. There is no case file. This is well above your pay grade. I would suggest you focus on getting these people out. We will take care of the fugitive. We’ve been looking for him for some time. Good day.”

  The elevator door closed and Solomon slammed his palm against it. He heaved several breaths before calming down. You know what? This is above my pay grade. What am I doing this for anymore? I nearly lost my little girl and here I am trying to figure out a case that has nothing to do with me. Fuck it. Let whoever it was figure it out. He didn’t know who the mystery guy was. He didn’t owe these people anything. He was going to resign when he got back to work. And he meant it. The people that needed him, the only people that needed him, were waiting for him down the corridor.

  Chapter Five

  The Alpha Returns

  The shards of shattered glass tore at Nick’s arms and shoulders, though the force he went through the window meant any damage was minimal. With a thud he struck the pavement, broke into a sprint until his senses detected no one was in sight, and he fell to his knees. The ringing in his head felt like car horns blaring. It was then he heard something cut through the noise. Voices. Angry. Shouting. Calling out to him. Instinct fuelled him and he ran.

  His breathing came with difficulty, heaving it into his lungs like a starving man. He tried to clear his mind of the rush, the sounds that sped through it all coming at once. He had stopped finally in a park. There was no lighting, no one around, and it was late in the night. The air was crisp and there was a faint odour of dew underneath him. Not night. Early morning.

  He opened his eyes and blinked repeatedly, looking left to right and even in the darkness his eyes struggled to adjust to the minimal light. He pressed his palms to his chest, looking down at his hospital gown, nearly torn asunder. His nails were long, sharp as if ready for battle.

  What the hell had happened?


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