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Page 13

by Michelle Major

  She bypassed the restrooms and pushed through the heavy steel fire door that exited out on the alley behind the building. The evening air was still warm, but not nearly as stifling as the atmosphere of the party.

  What the hell had Charles been thinking? As far as anyone at the event knew, they were coworkers. A public scene would raise questions Alice didn’t want to answer.

  There was no way to avoid returning to the party, however, and she’d just about caught her breath when the steel door whooshed open. She straightened as Charles appeared in the alley, his gaze wild as it landed on her.

  He stalked toward her and she started to speak, but before she could get a word out, his mouth clamped over hers. All thought dissolved under the pressure of that wholly demanding and utterly intoxicating kiss.

  Chapter Twelve

  Charles pulled Alice tight against him, wanting to feel every part of her. Needing to claim her. Desire, anger and frustration swirled within him, an electrifying mix only heightened by the feel of actually having Alice in his arms. His hands roamed up and down her back and hips, wanting to feel her curves, wanting to rip away the gorgeous dress and get to the beautiful body underneath.

  He was tired of ignoring the passion he felt for her. Her text today suggesting in a few curt words that they feign indifference to each other at the party had settled under his skin like an itch he couldn’t quite reach. Charles wasn’t used to limits or boundaries and he wanted to rip through hers like the windstorms he’d read about that battered the Texas coast, leaving nothing standing in their wake.

  But he respected her, cared for her. His emotions were so mixed up he could hardly define them. All he knew was that he’d walked into the party with every intention of giving her the space she seemed to need.

  Then he’d seen her at the bar with Troy Warner. Charles didn’t know the oil scion well, but had seen him around town enough to know that Troy surrounded himself with beautiful women, and lots of them. Much as Charles had.

  At least until Alice.

  She belonged to him, and not just because they had a child together. Charles had spent a long time avoiding commitment, and he hadn’t offered anything to Alice to give her reason to believe he’d changed.

  But he had. Because of her. For her.

  Everything else had faded away at that moment. He’d ignored the greetings of people he knew and the curious stares from those he didn’t. His only goal was getting to Alice.

  Now he had her, and while he wasn’t planning to let her go anytime soon, he realized mauling her in a deserted alley wasn’t the best plan of action for winning her heart.

  He gentled the kiss, eased his hold on her, but even as he pulled back, she wrapped her long arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in the hair brushing his collar.

  Her response enflamed his need all over again and it was several minutes before he thought about breaking the kiss.

  In the end, Alice pulled away, her wide hazel eyes staring up at him with a need that quickly transformed to anger.

  Charles didn’t need his brother Oliver’s gift with finances to know that didn’t add up to anything good.

  “I’m so mad at you,” she said, smoothing her fingertips over her lips as if she could wipe away his kiss.

  “I’m sorry,” he offered automatically. In his experienced, a well-timed apology worked wonders with an angry woman.

  Alice, however, didn’t appear mollified. If anything, her expression darkened. She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. “For what?”

  He was momentarily distracted by the way that red dress hugged her curves. “Excuse me?”

  “Why are you apologizing?”

  He ran a hand through his hair and tried to think of an answer that would make her happy. “For what I did to set off your temper.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Which was?”

  “Being an ass.”

  “That’s a given.” Her laugh was tight. “Can you be more specific? Or does it normally work to simply throw about placating words in an effort to get out of the doghouse?”

  “Yes, actually,” Charles admitted, running a finger under the collar of his starched tuxedo shirt. “I’m a bit of an expert at dodging trouble.”

  She continued to stare at him, the toe of one sexy-as-hell red heel tapping on the cracked pavement.

  “Those shoes are amazing.”

  “Don’t change the subject, Charles.”

  “Right.” He took a breath, blew it out slowly and flashed her his most charming smile.

  No response except a slight narrowing of her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he said again, “for making a scene when you’d asked me to act casual at the tourism event. But you should understand—”

  She held up a hand. “No. No excuses. I’m finally getting a chance to prove myself at work, and I won’t let you jeopardize it. It may not matter to you, Charles, but my career is important to me.”

  “Slow down, Alice,” he said, stepping toward her. “It matters to me. You matter to me. I don’t want to muck up anything, but it killed me to see Troy Warner flirting with you. I’d wager no man at that party could take his eyes off you tonight and I’ve never been good at sharing. You can ask my mum about that.”

  “I doubt every man was riveted by me,” Alice said with a shake of her head. “That’s silly.”

  “I was riveted,” he said softly, taking her hand in his and lifting it to his mouth. “I still am. I can’t think of anything else but you, Alice. I want to make you laugh and listen to you talk and kiss you senseless.” He turned her hand over and pressed a kiss to the delicate skin on the inside of her wrist. “I want you in my bed again.”

  She swallowed and then licked her lips, the motion making heat weight his body. “You said we should just be friends.”

  “I’m a bloody idiot,” he answered without hesitation.

  She rewarded the comment with a half smile that made Charles feel like he’d just been awarded his own knighthood. “I don’t want anyone knowing about us. It’s better for Flynn that way.” She paused, then added, “For all of us.”

  Charles wasn’t sure he agreed, but there were more critical points to clarify right now. “Is that a yes?”

  “I don’t remember you asking a question.”

  “I know Flynn is with your parents tonight. Will you spend the night with me, Alice?”

  He held his breath as he waited for her answer. “Yes,” she whispered finally, and he reached for her again, lifting her into his arms and spinning as their mouths met. Nothing he’d ever done meant as much as hearing her say that one word. Alice wasn’t the type of woman who gave herself casually. It meant something that she’d agreed to be with him. Despite his doubts and fears, he wanted to mean something to her.

  Something more than friends.

  “My car is with the valet,” he said, when he could force himself to release her.

  She laughed and shook her head. “We need to go back to the party.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “If we both disappear at the same time, everyone will know we’re together.”

  “We are together.”

  “One hour.” She leaned forward and whispered against his mouth, “Please.”

  “Very well,” he conceded. “But I’m going to need a minute to collect myself.”

  She glanced down at the front of his pants, her eyes widening.

  “It’s going to be the longest hour of my life,” he said with a groan.

  “Sorry,” she replied, the corners of her full mouth pulled down.

  He kissed her again, hating to see a frown on those beautiful lips. “Never doubt that you’re worth the wait, Alice.” He opened the heavy door and motioned her in. “I’ll meet you inside. One hour and then the real fun begins.”

  * * *

  Charles was right, Alice thought fifty-five minutes later. This had definitely been the longest hour of her life. She’d returned to the party and Meredith�
�s side, shaking off her friend’s questioning glance.

  Amanda had tried to corner her in front of the buffet table, but Alice had managed to stay engrossed in conversation with various tourism board supporters, knowing her boss couldn’t fault her for schmoozing with their clients and guests.

  It was a wonder Alice managed to follow the thread of any conversation when her skin continued to prickle and butterflies danced across her middle each time Charles caught her eye. They stayed on opposite sides of the room. Physical distance was the only way to make it through the minutes they’d agreed to spend at the event.

  She hadn’t even minded when she’d noticed him talking to Amanda, her buxom boss giving off so many signals she might as well be wearing a neon placard that said Take Me Home. Instead Alice had felt the imprint of Charles’s mouth on hers long after she’d reapplied lipstick and rejoined the party.

  She might not be able to envision a future with the ruthlessly single Brit, but she knew he wanted her for tonight. There had been a moment when she’d considered denying his request to spend the night with him. Alice’s heart was far more involved than she’d ever intended. The pain that was sure to come when Charles tired of her could affect not only her, but Flynn, as well.

  But there was simply no way she could resist Charles, impending heartache or not. She didn’t fool herself into thinking she could get him out of her system in one night, but she would take what she could get for now.

  Live in the present moment and worry about the consequences later.

  Of course, the last time she’d been with Charles, the consequences had changed her life.

  Deep in thought, she started when a waiter tapped her shoulder.

  “Ms. Meyers?” he asked.

  “Yes, that’s me. Is everything okay? Does Amanda need something?”

  “I was asked to give this to you.” He slipped a notecard into her hand and ducked away.

  She unfolded the piece of paper and smiled at the words written in bold script inside.

  “The longest bloody hour of my life is over. Meet me out front.”

  A smile curved her lips as she refolded the note and glanced around the crowded room. Meredith was laughing with a group of their coworkers, and Amanda sat at the bar next to Troy Warner, her hand on the attractive bachelor’s arm.

  Alice made her way out of the party and through the front door. A valet stood by a wooden stand. As soon as he saw Alice, the man pointed up the street. Charles’s Mercedes sat a half block away, parked by the curb, the front passenger door open.

  She took a step toward it, then looked back over her shoulder. “How did you know who I was?”

  The older man grinned and tapped the brim of his valet cap. “Mr. Fortune Chesterfield told me to look for a beautiful woman in a red dress.”

  “Oh.” Alice smoothed her hand over the red lace. “Well, thank you, then. Have a good night.”

  “You, too, ma’am.”

  Alice hurried toward the Mercedes and slipped into the rich leather seat. Charles smiled at her. “Hello, Alice.”

  “Hi,” she said, her voice no more than a squeak.

  “I would have waited for you directly out front, but I didn’t want anyone to see us together.”

  “Good idea,” she said as she fastened the seat belt across her lap. After a moment, she glanced at him. “Why aren’t we leaving?”

  He winked. “You might want to shut your door first.”

  She giggled. “Of course.” She reached for the door and closed it. The interior of the car felt suddenly intimate.

  Charles reached for her hand. “You don’t have to be nervous, Alice. Nothing is going to happen tonight that you don’t want.”

  “That’s why I’m nervous,” she answered. “Because I want everything.”

  His grin widened. “In that case,” he said, revving the luxury car’s powerful engine, “we’d better get going.”

  It took only a few minutes to drive to the posh hotel where Charles had a room, the same hotel he’d stayed at during their last encounter. One of the Four Seasons’ valets opened Alice’s door after they pulled to a stop under the portico that shaded the front entrance. Charles was around the car in a few seconds. He took her elbow and began to steer her inside.

  Alice felt stiff and unsure, suddenly nervous about not only the wisdom of spending the night with Charles, but whether she could live up to his expectations. One night with a virtual stranger, even one as handsome as Charles, had been nothing compared with the pressure of being with someone she truly cared about. A man she loved.

  As if sensing her mood, Charles spun her toward him before they’d taken two steps. His kiss was soft and coaxing, filling her senses until she felt almost boneless with desire. She melted into him, holding on to his broad shoulders for support. After a minute he lifted his head, those blue eyes gone stormy gray. “Better?” he asked, with one last kiss to the corner of her mouth.

  She nodded. “I want this to be good, Charles, and—”

  “It will be perfect, Alice, because it’s you and me.” He laced their fingers together and led her into the hotel lobby. “Will you trust me? Trust us?”

  She gave another jerky nod, unable to speak around the emotion in her chest. Instead, she took in the interior of the hotel. The last time she’d been here with him it had been late at night, and she’d had enough to drink that she’d barely noticed the beautiful decor.

  The walls were an antique beige with expensively patterned wallpaper, dark mahogany trim giving the impression of a classic country club. Everything about the space screamed money and understated style. As in many exclusive hotels, the staff were professional and discreet, purposely not looking as Charles led her through the lobby toward the bank of elevators on one side. When she’d come here with him a year ago, Alice had felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, wholly out of her element in the posh surroundings.

  But tonight, as she held tight to his warm, strong hand, Alice realized the feeling bubbling to the surface inside her was belonging. Whatever happened tomorrow, tonight she belonged with Charles—in his arms and in his bed.

  They stepped into a waiting elevator and he punched the button for the top floor. He turned to her as the door slid closed, his gaze questioning as if he still didn’t trust her decision to come with him tonight.

  Before he could speak, she pressed her mouth to his, putting all the things she wasn’t ready to say into the kiss. He responded in an instant, turning her so her back was against the cool wall of the elevator. His mouth was frenzied, trailing kisses from her lips to the line of her jaw and lower to her throat. His fingers moved aside the sleeve of her dress and his palm splayed across the top of her breast.

  She sucked in a breath, arching into him, just as the elevator chimed.

  “Just a few more steps,” he whispered, straightening her dress.

  She was dizzy with need as she followed him down the hall. He fumbled in his pocket for the room key, and it bolstered Alice’s confidence to see that his fingers trembled as he held it up to the lock.

  He threw her a boyish smile. “You make me lose my mind.”

  “Good,” she told him, and leaned closer.

  Then the door was open and he hauled her into the room, claiming her mouth once more.

  She wanted to touch him, to feel his skin under her hands. She pushed at his tux jacket as he tugged on her zipper. The result was a jumble of limbs that had them both laughing.

  Charles moved back, his breathing ragged but a teasing light in his eye. “There’s no hurry.”

  Alice shook her head, placed a hand to her pounding heart. “I’m kind of in a hurry.”

  “We have all night.” He reached out a finger, pushed a lock of hair off her shoulder, the light touch magnified on her heated skin. “I don’t want to rush, Alice. I’m going to make this perfect for you.” He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her, reaching for the zipper of her red dress. She hitched in a breath as the cool air of the roo
m whispered across her back, followed by his knuckles brushing along her spine.

  Her nerves made her want to rush this before she lost her confidence. She didn’t want to think about any of the other women he’d been with and how she wouldn’t measure up to them.

  “Only you and me,” Charles whispered into the nape of her neck as he pushed the dress down her arms. It pooled at her feet, leaving her in only her bra, underpants and those red heels he’d bought for her.

  She swallowed back her nerves and turned to face him. “Now you.”

  “I’m too busy enjoying the view,” he said, his eyes roving all over her body.

  “Charles, please,” she said, feeling color rise to her cheeks.

  His eyes darkened in response. “Your skin is so pale you blush all over. I can’t wait another minute to touch you.” He took a step toward her but she shook her head.

  “Too many clothes,” she said, pointing at him.

  Immediately he tore off his jacket, then tugged at his tie and unbuttoned his shirt.

  “You move fast when you’re motivated,” she told him as he shrugged out of his shoes, socks and pants.

  “Hell, yes,” he agreed, and a moment later, he was down to his boxers. She started to slip out of the heels, but he grabbed her around the waist, hauling her against his lean chest. “Not yet. I’m still enjoying them too much.”

  He kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers as he moved them toward the bed. He threw back the covers, then lowered her onto the cool sheets. He sat back and took one of her feet in his hands, slowly removing the red heel as he caressed her arch, then repeated the action with the other heel. He pressed his hands to the bed on either side of her hips, staring into her eyes as if searching for something. “Are you sure, Alice?” he asked, his voice unsteady. “Is this what you want?”

  She almost answered “forever” because that was the truth, but she could never admit that to Charles. Instead she whispered a simple “yes,” which must have been enough, because he kissed her again, his hands moving everywhere on her body. Her bra and panties were gone a minute later, followed by his boxers. He pulled a foil packet from the nightstand drawer and ripped it open with his teeth.


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