by Jess Hill
52Amy Humphreys, Representations of Aboriginal Women and Their Sexuality, University of Queensland, 2008.
53Larissa Behrendt, ‘Consent in a (neo)colonial society: Aboriginal women as sexual and legal “other”’, Australian Feminist Studies, 2000, 15(33), pp. 353–67.
55Ann McGrath, Illicit Love: Interracial sex and marriage in the United States and Australia, University of Nebraska Press, 2015 p. xxiv.
56Amy Nethery, Chapter 4 in Klaus Neumann & Gwenda Tavan (eds), Does History Matter?: Making and debating citizenship, immigration and refugee policy in Australia and New Zealand, Canberra: ANU E-Press, 2009.
57Mick Gooda, ‘Unfinished business: Historical justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’, speech to the Historical Justice and Memory Conference, 2012.
58Ruth A. Fink Latukefu, ‘Recollections of Brewarrina Aboriginal Mission’, The Free Library, 22 March 2014.
59Chapter 2: Lateral violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities – Social Justice Report 2011. Australian Human Rights Commission.
60Margaret Jacobs, White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler colonialism, maternalism, and the removal of indigenous children in the American West and Australia, 1880–1940. University of Nebraska Press, 2009.
61Inga Clendinnen, Lecture 4: Inside the Contact Zone: Part 1. The Boyer Lectures, ABC Radio National, 5 December 1999.
62Rosemary Neill, White Out: How politics is killing black Australia. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2002, p. 133.
63Hannah McGlade, Our Greatest Challenge: Aboriginal children and human rights [online], Canberra, ACT: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2012.
64Australian Human Rights Commission, Bringing them home - Community Guide - 2007 update.
65W.E.H. Stanner, The Dreaming and Other Essays, Melbourne: Black Inc., January 2011, p. 50.
66Confidential evidence 689, New South Wales, Chapter 11, in Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing Them Home: Report of the National Inquiry Into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children From Their Families, Sydney: HREOC, 1997.
67Ibid. From the report: ‘The Convention recognises that genocide is a crime against humanity and expressed a shared international outrage about genocide and empowered any country to prosecute an offender. The Inquiry’s examination of historical documents found that the clear intent of removal policies was to absorb, merge or assimilate children so that Aboriginal people, as a distinct racial group, would disappear. Policies and laws are genocidal even if they are not solely motivated by animosity or hatred. The Inquiry found that a principle aim of removing children was to eliminate Indigenous cultures as distinct entities. The fact that people may have believed they were removing Indigenous children for their own good was immaterial. The removal remains genocidal.’
68Clendinnen, Lecture 4: Inside the Contact Zone.
69Calla Wahlquist, ‘Indigenous babies being removed from parents at rising rates, study finds’, The Guardian, 25 February 2019.
70Brooke Fryer, ‘Indigenous youth suicide at crisis point’, NITV, 15 January 2019.
71Colin Tatz & Criminology Research Council (Australia), Aboriginal suicide is different: Aboriginal youth suicide in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and New Zealand: towards a model of explanation and alleviation, 1999.
72Siobhan Fogarty, ‘Suicide rate for young Indigenous men highest in world, Australian report finds’, ABC News (online), 12 August 2016.
73Judy Atkinson, Violence against young women, Paper presented at the 1994 Queensland Youth Forum Making a Difference, Brisbane: Queensland Government, 1994.
74D.F. Martin, Statement made for the Royal Commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody, 29/08/88, Canberra. 1988, pp 15; cited in Caroline Atkinson, The Violence Continuum: Aboriginal Australian male violence and generational post-traumatic stress, thesis, Charles Darwin University, 2008.
75Atkinson, The Violence Continuum.
76McGlade, Our Greatest Challenge.
77Lucaschenko, ‘Violence against Indigenous women’, p. 149.
78Rhianna Mitchell, ‘The remarkable women of Yungngora who saved their town’, 15 April 2019.
1Latika Bourke, ‘Homelessness agreement between states and Commonwealth extended with $115m funding promise’, ABC News (online), 31 March 2014.
2Tom Dusevic, ‘In hot blood’, SBS (online), 22 November 2016.
3Tony Abbott, ‘National awareness campaign to reduce violence against women and children’, media release from the Office of the Prime Minister, 4 March 2015.
4Judith Ireland, ‘Homelessness funding extended for two years under National Partnership Agreement’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 March 2015.
5Richard Denniss, ‘Money. Power. Freedom.’ Speech to the Breakthrough conference, Victoria Women’s Trust, 2016.
6Daniel Andrews, ‘Unprecedented investment to end family violence’, media release, Premier Daniel Andrews, 2 May 2017.
7Stephanie Anderson, ‘Domestic violence: Daniel Andrews vows to overhaul “broken” support system after commission report’, ABC News (online), 30 March 2016.
8Ross Homel, Peta McKay & John Henstridge, The Impact on Accidents of Random Breath Testing in New South Wales: 1982–1992, Proceedings from the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference, 1995, pp. 849–55.
9Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children: Progress Report 2010–2012, Foreword, p. 6.
10‘Gender-based abuse: the global epidemic’, Cad. Saúde Pública [online], 1994, 10(1), pp. S135–S145.
11Lynn Marie Houston & William V. Lombardi, Reading Joan Didion, ABC-CLIO, 2009.
12KPMG, Evaluation of the Second Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children (2010-2022), KPMG, 2017.
13White Ribbon Australia, ‘What is primary prevention?’ fact sheet.
14For the ninth year in a row, Iceland was ranked number one on the Global Gender Gap Report 2017 by the World Economic Forum.
15‘Defending gender Part 2: The best place to be a woman’, SBS Dateline, 10 July 2018.
16Smoking in enclosed public places – the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006, Government of Western Australia, Department of Health
17Merran Hitchick, ‘Australian smokers to pay more than $45 for a packet of cigarettes from 2020’, The Guardian, 3 May 2016.
18M.M. Scollo & M.H. Winstanley, ‘Tobacco in Australia: Facts and issues’, Melbourne: Cancer Council Victoria, 2018.
19World Health Organization, ‘Smoking prevalence, total (ages 15+)’, Global Health Observatory Data Repository, 2016.
20Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs (IGCD) Standing Committee on Tobacco, National Tobacco Strategy 2012–2018, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia; 2012.
21‘High Point 10-79’, Big Mountain Data, documentary, in production.
22A Different Response to Intimate Partner Violence, e-newsletter of the COPS Office, 7(9), September 2014.
23Daniel Duane, ‘Straight Outta Boston’, Mother Jones, January/February 2006.
24John Tucker, ‘Can police prevent domestic violence simply by telling offenders to stop?’ Indy Week, 13 November 2013.
25‘Using a focused deterrence strategy with intimate partner violence’, Community Policing Dispatch, October 2017, 10(10).
27White House Office of the Press Secretary, Government, Businesses and Organizations Announce $50 Million in Commitments to Support Women and Girls, fact sheet, 13 June 2016.
28Rachel Olding & Nick Ralston, ‘Bourke tops list: more dangerous than any other country in the world’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 February 2013.
29Alison Vivian & Eloise Schnierer, Factors affecting crime rates in Indigenous communities in NSW: A pilot study in Bourke and Lightning Ridge, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University o
f Technology Sydney, 2010.
31Council of State Governments Justice Center, Justice Reinvestment State Brief: Texas. New York, NY: Council of State Governments Justice Center, 2007.
32Greg Moore, Operation Solidarity – Proactive Approach to Reducing Domestic Violence, PowerPoint presentation.
34New evidence from Bourke, Just Reinvest NSW.
35Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project, Impact Assessment, KPMG: 27 November 2018
37Caitlyn Byrd, ‘In the fifth most deadly state for domestic violence deaths, a new South Carolina program sees first flicker of success’, Post and Courier, 21 January 2017.
38Mike Calia, ‘Steve Bannon warns: “Anti-patriarchy movement” is going to be bigger than the tea party’, CNBC (online), 9 February 2018.
1800RESPECT 73, 76
Abbott, Tony (former prime minister) 340
ABC 66, 166, 237
ABC Background Briefing 288
ABC Grandstand 335
ABC Q&A program 70
ABC Radio 216
ABC Radio The Law Report 318
Aboriginal children see Indigenous children
Aboriginal communities see Indigenous communities
Aboriginal liaison officer 309 see also Broome Police
Aboriginal women see Indigenous women
Alavi, Leila 239, 339–40
alternate punishments with rewards 34–5 see also coercive control
Aly, Waleed 276
American Psychiatric Association 189
Amnesty International 17
Andrews, Daniel (Victorian Labor premier) 340–1 see also Royal Commission into Family Violence (Victoria)
animals see domestic abuse and animals
Annie North refuge 240 see also Julie Oberin
antisocial personality disorder 89, 101, 113, 288
apprehended violence order (AVO) 161, 180, 339 see also domestic violence order (DVO); intervention order
Arendt, Hannah 103
Arndt, Bettina 228
Arney, Fiona (researcher in the area of child protection) 166
Atkinson, Caroline 331–3
Atkinson, Emeritus Professor Judy 216, 316–18, 321, 324, 330–1
Atwood, Margaret 110, 141, 151, 254
‘Aussie Banter’ 19
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Personal Safety Survey 165, 211, 216
Australian Federal Police 53, 75, 161
Australian Institute of Family Studies 146 see also pornography
Bancroft, Lundy (counsellor) 25–6, 44, 102, 112
Bannon, Steve 366
battered women 17, 19, 41, 54, 56, 59
battered women syndrome 59
Batty, Luke 2–4, 167, 295
Batty, Rosie 2–3, 263, 295, 305, 346
behaviour models 100–2 see also ‘feminist’ model of behaviour; ‘psychopathology’ model of behaviour
Behrendt, Larissa (Indigenous academic) 327
Bejerot, Nils (psychiatrist) 57–8 see also Stockholm syndrome
Bell, Mervyn 306–15
Biden, (former) Vice-President Joe 3
Biderman, Albert 15–17, 20, 29, 34–5
Biderman’s Chart of Coercion 16–17, 25–6, 34–5, 37–8 see also coercive control; North Korean POW camps
Bignold, Jocelyn 236, 338–9 see also McAuley Care (Community Services for Women)
Black, Michael Ian (actor) 137
Blacktown Police 241–2
Bochorsky, Stephanie (off-duty police officer) 45–6
borderline personality disorder 101, 113, 188
Boulton, Matt 121–2 see also ‘Circuit Breaker’ men’s behaviour change program
Bourke, NSW 357–60 see also Bourke High School; Bourke Police; Bourke Tribal Council; Just Reinvest NSW; Maranguka
Bourke High School 360–1 see also Maranguka; Our Place
Bourke Police 363–5 see also Maranguka Hub; Operation Solidarity
Bourke Tribal Council 359
Bradford, David 222–3
Bradford, Teresa 221–2
brainwashing 15, 61
Brant, Beth 43
Bravehearts 295
Bringing Them Home 330 see also Stolen Generations
British Crime Survey on interpersonal violence 77–8
Broome Police 308–9, 311–15 see also Aboriginal liaison officer
Brown, Brené (renowned researcher on shame and vulnerability) 115, 133, 150
Brown, Jac (psychologist) 127
Buller, Judge Francis (‘Judge Thumb’) 322–3
Bunston, Wendy 170
Bush, Gretta 349 see also High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV)
Camden Court House 46–50
Caplan, Paula (psychologist) 55 see also masochism
captivity 7, 18, 67, 254
Carberry, Constable Eoin 308
Carmody, Justice Tim 271
Carrick, Damien 318
Carrington, Professor Kerry 254–7 see also police stations for women and children (Argentina)
Cashman, Josephine 336
‘Chart of Coercion’ see Biderman’s Chart of Coercion
Child Protection Unit, Westmead Hospital 171
child sexual abuse 9, 98, 115, 165–6, 168, 277–80, 285, 287–9, 291
childhood developmental trauma 187 see also complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD)
children see domestic abuse and children
Children’s Commissioner for England 147
Children’s Court 161, 232, 286, 287
Chisholm, Richard (former Family Court judge) 276
‘Circuit Breaker’ men’s behaviour change program 122
Clare, Ruth (Australian author) 167–8
Cleary, Justice Margaret 280
Clendinnen, Inga (historian) 329–30
Cobbe, Frances Power (British feminist) 323
‘Cobras’ 86–93, 105, 113 see also ‘The Love Lab’ research
coercive control 1, 17, 19–20, 24, 26–30, 33, 62, 64–5, 75, 85, 199–200, 207, 211, 258–9, 294 see also Biderman’s Chart of Coercion; fear; ‘insecure reactors’; jealousy; obsession; trust
alternate punishments with rewards 16, 34–5
and captivity 7, 18, 67, 254
and compliance 16, 18, 31–2
and control 8–9, 12–14, 16, 18, 20–2, 25, 32, 35–7, 45, 50, 52–3, 56, 61, 68–9, 82, 104, 108–9, 151–3, 157
debility and exhaustion 16, 29, 201
and degradation 16, 36–7, 39–40, 50, 200, 338
demonstrate omnipotence 16, 32–3, 123
and dependency 57
and dread 1, 16
enforcing trivial demands 31–2
and the hostage 18, 57–8, 65
and ‘intimate terrorism’ 20, 210–12, 214
and isolation 16, 21, 27–8, 37, 333
laws in Scotland 258
‘The Love Lab’ research 85–7
monopolise victim’s perception 27–8
and power 9, 17, 20–2, 24–6, 33, 82
prolonged interrogations 31, 37
sleep deprivation 31
the strategic campaign of 21–2
and surveillance 21, 32, 32–3, 241
and trust 25
and tyranny 36–7
use of threats 37–8
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 101
Collier, Justice David (retiring judge) 268, 285
Collins, David (judge advocate and secretary of the colony) 319
Collinson, Jacquelyn Allen (British sociology professor) 200–1
comisaría de la mujer y familia (Argentina) 254–5 see also police stations for women and children (Argentina)
Commissioner for Women’s Police (Argentina) 254 see also comisaría de la mujer y familia (Argentina); police stations for women and children (Argentina)
complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) 186–91 see also post-traumatic stress disord
er (PTSD)
Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) 206–9
Connor, Darren (Acting Sergeant) 309–11
Conor, Liz 319–20
control 5–9, 12–14, 16, 18, 20–2, 25, 32, 35–7, 45, 50, 52–3, 56, 61, 68–9, 82, 104, 157
Cordell, Gillian 236–7
Cornelius, Luke (Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner) 247–8
Corr, Mary-Louise (researcher) 98–9
Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) inquiry 309–11, 315–16
Cotterell-Jones, Robyn (advocate for victims’ rights) 163–4 see also Victims of Crime Assistance League
court order 53, 192, 271, 281–2, 291–3 see also apprehended violence order (AVO); domestic violence order (DVO); Family Court; intervention order
courts 46–50; 53; 72; 159-61; 192–3; 195–6; 222; 232; 263; 267–9; 275; 279–80; 283; 285–7; 291–2; 294–5 see also Camden Court House; Children’s Court; Family Court; Federal Circuit Court, Melbourne; Heidelberg Magistrate’s Court; Newcastle Family Court; Parramatta Family Court; Southport Magistrate’s Court
Cox, Eva (Australian feminist) 151
Crabbe, Maree (Australian sex-educator) 146–7
Crain, Crystallee 220
Curtain podcast 301
‘cycle of abuse’ 56
Cycle of Violence 12, 35
Daily Life 238
Darling River Local Area Command 361–2
Davis, Inspector Trevor 312
Deakin University 100, 258
Dear Jr, Robert Lewis 94
debility and exhaustion 16, 29 see also coercive control; gaslighting
degradation 37–40, 147, 298 see also coercive control; pornography
delegacia da muhler (Brazil) 254 see also police stations for women (Brazil)
demonstrate omnipotence 16, 18, 32–3, 123 see also coercive control
Denniss, Richard (economist) 340
Department of Child Protection (DCP) 310
Deutsch, Helene 54 see also The Psychology of Women; theory of women’s masochism
Diagnosis of Extreme Stress, Not Otherwise Specified (DESNOS) see complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) 102, 190
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) 188
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) 189
Didion, Joan 344
Dines, Gail (professor emeritas of sociology and women’s studies) 146–7