by Jess Hill
Djirra (Aboriginal family violence legal service) 300
Dobash, Rebecca (VAW researcher) 208 see also ‘violence against women’ VAW researchers
Dobash, Russell (VAW researcher) 208 see also ‘violence against women’ VAW researchers
domestic abuse 4, 17, 31–2, 65, 338 see also coercive control; Cycle of Violence; isolation; passion; patriarchy
‘behind closed doors’ 44
the complex nature of 252, 295
and the convicts of Sydney Cove 325
the crime of 252–3, 255, 257
and dread 1, 16
and the Duluth model 108
the dynamics of 266
funding needed for study of 102
and gaslighting 21, 29–30, 178, 227, 228
and gender norms 105, 112, 118, 135, 226
in Georgian and Victorian England 322–3
and guilt 28, 59, 184
and hyper-attunement 6
and hypervigilance 31, 88, 153, 172–3
and intimacy 25, 63, 112, 138
and love 2, 6, 9–10, 18–19, 21, 25–9, 35–6, 50, 55, 62–3, 84, 122, 143, 216, 252, 258
and mass shootings 94
the need for understanding of 3, 24, 81
statistics 4
the Stockholm syndrome 57
and strangulation 33–4, 213
and tech-facilitated abuse 240–1
the tragedy of 155–6
and trust 6, 25–6, 28, 50, 57–8, 63–4, 191
the urgent need for deterrence of 106, 341–6, 347–8
the ‘web of abuse’ 62, 232
widespread number of victims 5–6, 9
domestic abuse and animals 38, 56, 69, 96, 263, 283
domestic abuse and children 45–6, 52–3, 69–74, 167–9, 175–6, 186 see also child sexual abuse; Indigenous children; Lillian Howell Project; Our Watch; Yfoundation
and child-to-parent abuse 179–81
and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) 186–91
the family law system 261–8, 271
and homelessness 185–6
and hypervigilance 172–4
and ‘parental alienation’ 277–9, 281
parent-to-child abuse 159–64, 177–8, 182, 191–3
self-harm and suicide 168–9, 186–7
and statistics 165–166
domestic abuse and infants 169
the emotional responses of 171
and heightened survival mode 170
domestic abuse and murder 2–4, 7, 94, 112, 126–7, 132–3, 167, 221–3, 233, 239, 244–9, 295, 300–1, 305–16, 333, 339–40
domestic abuse and survivor accounts 26–7, 30–2, 35, 39, 40, 51–3, 60, 62, 68–74, 78–9, 81, 139, 159–63
domestic abuse and victims 7, 65, 169 see also battered women; battered women syndrome; theory of women’s masochism
acknowledging abuse 64
blame of the victim 50–2, 54–6, 59, 103, 249–50
the ‘cobweb’ metaphor 62
and diverse backgrounds of 74–5
and domestic violence helplines 234–5
and domestic violence liaison officers (DVLO) 242–3
and ‘doublethink’ 67
and dowry abuse 77
the emergency refuge sector 3, 14, 185–6, 210, 223–4, 236–40, 269, 337, 339
a false sense of security 26
and family help 67
and financial abuse 75, 80–1, 112, 159
the fortitude to survive 19
and homelessness 5, 238
and hospitalisation 4, 233
‘love-bombing’ 62
no evidence of a victim ‘type’ 5–6
and poverty 77–8
rationalising the abuse 29, 65–7
and religious abuse 76–7
reporting to police 241, 250
sense of self 21, 32, 200
and shame 27–8, 79
the ‘survivor theory’ 60
domestic abuse female perpetrators 219–20, 223–5 see also family conflict researchers; ‘violence against women’ VAW researchers
accounts by 220–1
accounts of 197–201, 213–15
and ‘battered husband syndrome’ 205
the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) 206–9
and ‘situational couple violence’ 210
studies of family violence 202–4
and ‘violent resistance’ 216–18
domestic abuse male perpetrator types
‘Cobras’ 86–93, 105, 113
‘dysphoric/borderline’ 93–4
‘family-only batterer’ 93, 95, 105
‘generally violent/antisocial type 93–4
‘Pit Bulls’ 86–93, 105, 113, 128
domestic abuse male perpetrators 85–9, 92, 197, 317 see also ‘intimate terrorism’; patriarchy; personality disorders; shame; ‘The Love Lab’ research
accounts by 11–13, 23, 41, 64, 121–2, 132, 143–5, 151–5, 331–3
accounts of 45–50, 74–5, 79–81, 87–8, 94, 96–8, 123–7, 215, 221–3, 227–32, 244–9, 306–15, 333
and control 87–8, 97–8, 108–9, 121–3, 128, 133, 151–3
and ‘instrumental violence’ 214
men’s behaviour change programs 22–3, 122, 128–32, 154, 345–6
sense of entitlement 8, 25, 37, 104, 108, 150, 153
and shame 112–15, 118–20, 122, 128–31, 150, 156
the two parental types 122–3
and victimhood 121
domestic violence 57, 64, 70, 78, 94, 102, 107–9, 165, 169, 176, 196–7, 203, 205–6, 219–20, 249, 252, 334 see also domestic abuse
domestic violence action plan (DVAP) 336
Domestic Violence Australia 261
domestic violence helplines 234–5
domestic violence order (DVO) 23, 300, 362 see also apprehended violence order (AVO); intervention order
domestic violence shelters 338–40 see also emergency refuges; homelessness
Douglas, Heather (law professor) 243, 253
Dowse, Kylie (therapist and domestic abuse advocate) 128–32 see also ‘Insight’ group program for abusive men
dread 1, 16
Duff, Gavin 313
Duluth model of behaviour change 107–8
Dutton, Donald 122–3
DVConnect 212, 234
‘dysphoric/borderline’ 93–4
Eccles, Sir John (Nobel Prize–winning neurophysiologist) 99
Eichmann, Adolf 103
Eidfest Community Services 74–6
Ellenberger, Timothy (High Point police captain) 357 see also High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV)
Elsie’s (first domestic violence refuge) 269
emergency refuges 3, 14, 185, 186, 210, 223–4, 236–40, 269, 337, 339 see also domestic violence shelters; homelessness
enforcing trivial demands 31–2 see also rule-setting
Enmark, Kristin 57–60 see also Stockholm syndrome
Facebook 7, 19
‘family conflict’ researchers 202, 208–11
Family Court 53, 72, 159–61, 192–3, 267–8, 275, 279, 283, 285, 287, 291–2, 294–5 see also court order; interim order; Newcastle Family Court; Parramatta Family Court; recovery order
Family Court bombings 269–70
Family Court single experts 272–3, 280, 285, 288, 290
Family Law Act 1975 269–70, 276, 284, 293–5
Family Law Council 266
family law system 10, 167, 261–9, 271, 276, 278, 279–80, 291
family violence 3, 5, 8, 23, 38, 243, 251, 294 see also domestic abuse; domestic violence
‘family-only batterer’ 93, 95, 105 see also ‘insecure reactors’
Faulks, Justice John 290–1
Fealy, Jim (High Point Police Chief) 349–53 see also High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV)
fear 27, 34, 55
and children 170–1, 173–4, 296
and coercive control 16, 18, 21, 24, 36, 45, 112, 199–200, 210–11
> and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 187
Federal Circuit Court, Melbourne 263
femininity 54
feminism 4, 55, 110 see also ‘feminist’ model of behaviour; neoliberal feminist analysis of violence
‘feminist’ model of behaviour 100, 103–5, 107 see also behaviour models; patriarchy
Fergus, Lara (former director of policy and evaluation at Our Watch) 346–7
Ferguson, Alistair (Bourke local elder) 358–61, 363–5 see also Maranguka; Maranguka Hub; Maranguka Justice Reinvestment
Ferraro, Kathleen (study of domestic abuse victims) 65
financial abuse 75, 80, 112, 159
and the controllers 81
and the exploiters 81
and the schemers 81
First Nation communities see Indigenous communities
‘focused deterrence’ 352–3 see also Operation Ceasefire
Frankland, Professor Richard 328
Freud, Sigmund 54 see also theory of women’s masochism
Fromm, Erich (psychoanalyst) 122
Frude, Neil (clinical psychologist) 212
Gadd, David (researcher) 98–9
Gallagher, Eddie (child counsellor) 180–1, 183
Gallop, Justice 318
Gardner, Richard (American child psychiatrist) 277–9, 286, 289–90 see also Parental Alienation Syndrome
Garrett, Dave (Howden Saggers Lawyers) 213–14
Gaslight (1944 film) 30
gaslighting 21, 29–30, 178, 228 see also debility and exhaustion; domestic abuse; Gaslight (1944 film)
Gee, Justice Richard 269 see also Family Court bombings
Gelles, Richard (New Hampshire sociologist) 203, 206 see also Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS); family conflict researchers
Gender Knot 138 see also Allan Johnson (sociologist)
‘generally violent/antisocial type 93–4 see also domestic abuse male perpetrator types
Gentle, Kim 38
Geraghty, Susan 22–3 see also men’s behaviour change programs
Gierschick, Emma 171
Gillard government 294, 347
Gillespie, Annette (former CEO Safe Steps) 8, 235 see also Safe Steps family violence hotline
Gilligan, James (renowned violence expert) 106, 118–20, 128
Golant, Susan 122–3
Gold Coast Bulletin 154
Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence 147–8
Gold Coast Domestic Violence Prevention Centre 219, 235
Gondolf, Edward (American expert on abusive behaviour) 101
Good Weekend 136
Gooda, Mick (human rights activist) 327, 359
Goodmark, Professor Leigh 74
Gopnik, Professor Alison 169–70
Gottman, John (psychology professor) 85–7, 92–3, 102 see also ‘The Love Lab’ research; University of Washington
Graham, Jillian 120
Green, Kwementyaye 300–1
Greer, Germaine 121
Griffith University 285
guilt 28, 59, 112–14
Hall, Steven 244–8
Hardwood, Anthony (porn actor) 146
Harger, Shay 355–6 see also High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV)
Harris, Gary (paramedic) 313
Hartley, Nina (porn actor) 146
Hegarty, Professor Kelsey 265
Heidelberg Magistrate’s Court 232
Heise, Lori (American academic) 342–3
Herman, Judith (trauma expert) 9, 166, 187–8, 190, 227
on abused children 171, 177
on coercive control 17
and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) 186–91
on the ‘Cycle of Violence’ 35–6
on degradation 40–1
on domestic abuse 18–19
on ‘doublethink’ 67
on tyranny 36–7
High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV) 349–51, 355, 365–6
Hodgson, Martin 301–303
Holtzworth-Munroe, Amy (psychology professor) 93–6, 102
homelessness 5, 184–6, 212, 237–8, 338–40 see also domestic violence shelters; emergency refuges; National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness
honeymoon stage 35
hooks, bell (feminist writer) 148–9
Hosseiniamrei, Mokhtar 339
hostage 18, 44, 57, 65
Howard government 276
Huggins, Jackie (historian and activist) 326
Hughes, Robert 319, 325
‘humiliated fury’ 8, 110, 112–14, 117, 126, 137, 140, 157 see also shame
hyper-attunement 6
hypervigilance 31, 88, 153, 172–3
Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL) 161, 167, 264
Indiana University 93–5 see also Amy Holtzworth-Munroe (psychology professor)
Indigenous children 79, 168, 169, 300, 316–19, 322 see also Stolen Generations; suicide
child sexual abuse 168
and domestic abuse 331–3
and family violence 168, 331–3
and poverty 168
separation from parents 328–30
and traditional culture 330
Indigenous communities 298, 316, 324, 360–1 see also Maranguka; Bringing Them Home; Stolen Generations
and degradation 298
effects of colonisation 325
effects of ‘lateral violence’ 328
the No More campaign 335–36
and the protection acts 327
strength of kin and clan 322
the ‘trauma trail’ 331–3
treatment by Europeans 325–6
the Yungngora council 334
Indigenous women 4–5, 216–17, 297–301, 298–300, 302–4, 316–20, 325–8
Aboriginal legal service 318
the ‘bride-capture’ trope 319
and coercive control 333
gendered racial violence toward 334
imprisonment of 301–2, 305
and police 301, 304
and traditional culture 320–2
treatment by Europeans 325–9
‘insecure reactors’ 20, 22–4, 37, 95, 105, 207
‘Insight’ group program for abusive men 129–32
interim order 161
intervention order 160, 181, 216–17, 232, 242, 244–8, 252 see also apprehended violence order (AVO)
‘intimate terrorism’ 20, 210–12
isolation 16, 21, 27–8, 37, 333
Jacobson, Neil (psychology professor) 85–7, 92 see also ‘The Love Lab’ research; University of Washington
jealousy 18, 20, 27, 37, 87, 116, 119, 300
Jeffries, Samantha (criminologist) 285 see also Griffith University
Johnson, Allan (sociologist) 133, 138, 142 see also misogyny; patriarchy and the four elements
Johnson, John (study of domestic abuse victims) 65
Johnson, Michael (Penn State sociologist) 209–11 see also ‘intimate terrorism’; ‘situational couple violence’
Johnston, Hetty (child advocacy campaigner) 268–9, 295 see also Bravehearts
Jones, Michelle 121
Jones, Walt (District Attorney) 350–1 see also High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV)
Jouning, Rod (Detective Superintendent Victoria Police) 45
Just Reinvest NSW 359 see also Maranguka
Kaberry, Phyllis (anthropologist) 320–1
Keating government 270
Kennedy, David (New York criminologist) 351–2, 354–5, 365 see also ‘focused deterrence’; Operation Ceasefire
Khan, Yasmin 74–6 see also Eidfest Community Services
Kilroy, Debbie (defence lawyer) 216 see also Sisters Inside
Kimmel, Michael (SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies) 138, 140–1, 143, 151, 207–9 see also patriarchy dual system of power; Stony Brook University
King, Charlie (Gurindji man) 335–6 see also domestic violence action plan (DVAP); No More campaign
King Jr, Martin Luther 7
Kirkwood, Catherine 62 see also ‘web of abuse’
Kristmundsdóttir, Sigríður Dúna (Icelandic feminist and anthropology professor) 345–6
Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, Mohamed 94
Lamb, Robyn 171 see also Child Protection Unit, Westmead Hospital
Langton, Marcia (campaigner against men’s violence) 318, 322, 336
Lawson, Nigella 120
Lay, Ken (former chief commissioner of Victoria Police) 249, 251
‘learned helplessness’ theory 51, 56, 59
Lee, Nicole 60–61, 227–32, 337 see also Children’s Court; Heidelberg Magistrate’s Court
Lepailleur, Francois-Maurice 325
Leser, David 136
Lewis, Helen Block (American psychoanalyst) 112–14, 117 see also ‘humiliated fury’
Liddle, Celeste (Arrente writer and activist) 298
Lillian Howell Project 185
Lindt Café, Sydney 94
Lotfi, Marjan 339
love 2, 6, 9–10, 18–19, 21, 25–9, 35–6, 50, 55, 62–3, 84, 122, 143, 216, 252, 258
‘love-bombing’ 62–4
Lowe, Simon 30–1
Lucashenko, Melissa (Goorie author) 78–9, 298, 333
Machiavellianism 100
Mangan, Di 212 see also DVConnect
Maranguka 359–64 see also Alistair Ferguson (Bourke local elder); Maranguka Hub; Maranguka Justice Reinvestment; Operation Solidarity; Our Place
Maranguka Hub 363
Maranguka Justice Reinvestment 361
Margolin, Gayla (psychology professor) 207
masculinity 141, 143
masochism 51, 54, 56 see also theory of women’s masochism
Mason, Sherman 349 see also High Point Community Against Violence (HPCAV)
Mateen, Omar 94
McAuley Care (Community Services for Women) 236, 338 see also Jocelyn Bignold
McCormack, Fiona (CEO Domestic Violence Australia) 261
McCormack, Natalie 301
McCrory, Professor Eamon 173
McGlade, Hannah (Nyungar human rights lawyer and academic) 304–5, 317–18, 326, 333–4
McGorrey, Paul 258 see also Deakin University
McGrath, Ann (historian) 327
McKechnie, Justice John 314
McKnight, David (anthropologist) 324
McLeod, Di (director of Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence) 148
McMahon, Marilyn 258
McMillan, Daniel 46
McQuire, Amy (Darumbal and South Sea Islander journalist) see also Curtain podcast 300–1
Meanjin 156 see also Michael Salter (criminologist)
men’s behaviour change programs 22–3, 122, 128, 155, 345–6 see also Andre Van Altena; Kylie Dowse (therapist and domestic abuse advocate); Susan Geraghty
MensLine Australia 214–15
#MeToo movement 8, 136, 151, 366