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The Vapor

Page 33

by Nathan Parks

  “Zarius, I need to check on Tori.”

  He turned his head slowly. “Look above you, and you will have no need to check on her. We are going home.”

  The Vapor turned her head upward, and she watched as the roof began to wisp into nothingness. Where they were was the thread of Tori’s existence, and now it was fading. They had come to the end of the thread.

  She leaned her head back. “She is gone.”


  It was snowing again. It had stopped for about 30 minutes but then started right back up. The beauty of the snow was a stark contrast to the way she felt inside.

  “She would be sitting here just like you and watching the snow fall.”

  Serenity moved over as Leah sat down beside her. They both kept looking out the large and expansive window that faced the back property of Eden.

  “Maybe . . . who knows? What I do know is she isn’t here.”

  “She isn’t, but she is. She is here with all our memories. She is here in the voices of Lano and Lada. She is here with each of those snowflakes that fall out there.”

  Serenity tucked one of her legs under her and the other she brought up to her chest, wrapped her arms around it, and then placed her chin on her knee.

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”


  “Leah, is all of this worth it . . . the years, the pain, the loss . . . and all for what? I know you have struggled with the loss of Joan for longer than anyone on earth has been alive . . . then the struggles you had with Eve. Why? Why do we keep doing this?”

  The Vapor shook her head and let out a long breath. “I have asked myself those questions so many times . . . over and over. Honestly, if you had asked me that just a few days ago I would not have been able to give you a clear answer. Now, I know.”


  “Serenity, it is about the cycle of life. It is about each individual and their journey, and it all weaves together. Overall, it is about the ability to look in the mirror and appreciate your own uniqueness, your flaws, your special qualities, your mistakes, and your success. If, at any time, your focus gets off balance with any of those, then life takes you for a ride in an attempt to rebalance it all.

  “You ask if it is worth it. It is if, in the end, we can forgive ourselves, love ourselves, and in doing so, love others.

  “How do you forgive? How can you look in the mirror and say, ‘I forgive you’? I just don’t know. There is no way I can tell you. It is something you must come to on your own. It isn’t easy, but when I stood before the Arch Council and chose to step away from everything, I was left with just myself. When I began to realize that we were going to lose Tori but that, even with all her physical pain, she had shed her emotional pain, then I understood. To not forgive ourselves or, for that matter, forgive others, we willingly accept a life sentence to the different elements that have caused us that pain and feelings of failure.

  “I know now with Eve and Joan that I did everything that I could within my power and with my flaws. Sure, I made mistakes; but in the end, what I could control, I dealt with.”

  Serenity just pondered the words. “If I had listened to you, if I had not disobeyed your orders and left her at the hospital, . . .”

  “She would have never been set free,” Leah finished the sentence. “She would have been destroyed and never understood that, in forgiving herself and others, she could live the life she had been looking for, even if for a split second . . . even if for a moment . . . here now . . . and gone.”

  “Like a Vapor.”

  Leah nodded her head, “Yes, just like a Vapor.”




  “Do you dream a lot?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Lano thought for a moment and then looked at his sister. “I do.”

  “What do you dream?”

  “I dream about the monster.”

  “The one that tried to eat you?”


  “Do you dream about him eating you?”


  She looked up from her coloring book. “What do you dream, then?”

  “That I swallowed him.”

  “That is weird!”

  “I think I did, though.”

  “You swallowed the monster?”

  “Yeah, I think so.”


  “I don’t know . . . but he is inside.”


  Alliance, The –

  The Alliance originally was a group of Eternals known as the Host. The Host consisted of Eternals ranked as Guardians, Warriors, Intercessors, Messengers, or Healers.

  It was the Host who fought against the rebels in the War of the Serpents. Once the rebellion was cast down, the Host took a vow to protect mortals. They began to make themselves known to select mortals and revealed to these individuals the supernatural war that was being fought to dominate and subdue their kind.

  The joining together of the Host, the Watchers, the Jerusalem Breed, and humans brought about the need for a new name: The Alliance.

  Arch Council –

  The governing body of the Eternals. Originally, the Arch Council consisted of Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, and Metatron. After the War of the Serpents led by Lucifer (the Morning Star), Nemamiah was chosen to replace Lucifer. The Arch Council reside upon Scintillantes.

  Azrael –

  Known as the Angel of Death. It is also the name given to Michael the Archangel by the Fallen.

  Cerberus –

  The two-headed Demon Dog of Hecate. Legend states that Cerberus actually had three heads, but this is based on myth and legend only. The twin brothers Steirbeubar and Stidoch both swore allegiance to Hecate and joined together with their possessors to form Cerberus, Hecate’s protection. (See Steirbeubar and Stidoch.)

  Clan Wars –

  Shortly after the account told in The Nephelium, the Clans began to war against each other, each House not trusting the other. This became the bloodiest and violent war recorded amongst the Fallen. Many Clans were left in disarray with very few members. During this time, the Arch Council took a hands-off approach with the idea that the Clans would destroy each other. Some Clan members even branched out during the war and created their own Houses, although never recognized as true Clans.

  Deltas –

  The Deltas were formed to harness the energy of life. One delta was stolen by the Fallen during the War of the Serpents. One remained in Scintillantes. The third was made of a clear stone and was given to the Grigori. (See Grigori.) When the two ancient Deltas were placed on top of each other, point facing point, they balanced perfectly and took on the appearance of a triangular hourglass. The one given to humans was larger and intended to encase the other two, symbolizing the joining of all three. At the Conference of Shammah was the last time the three were known to exist. (See Appendix - Conference of Shammah.)

  Demon Dogs –

  A type of Halfling that is also known as Lycanthrope or Werewolf. They typically take on the form of a malicious canine form but can manipulate themselves to appear as a human. They are the foundation of the mythology of vampires.

  Dracon –

  The Order of the Dracon would give birth to the rise of one Dracul or Drăculea. Probably the most highly recognized Fallen or, at least, Vampire (the manifestation of the human mythology dealing with the Fallen), Drăculea embodied the largest collection of segments of Legion at one time since his banishment into Malebolge. It was at that time the Fallen believed they were the closest to Legion’s return; in fact, they were not far off on their assumptions.

  Dumah –

  The Brother of Mantus and guardian of the gates of Malebolge. He followed his brother’s leadership during the War of the Serpents and was exiled for his role. He then followed his brother to Malebolge when Mantus was given the realm to control. He is loyal to a fault to his brother. He has never been in control of any Clan bu
t, instead, has chosen to exist as Mantus’ right-hand man.

  Eden –

  The physical representation of life energy and source. It is wherever Etz Chaim is (See Etz Chaim and Tree of Life.) and where the planter is. The life energy of Eden has been also known to take the form of a lady who guides those in need in their time of turmoil and trouble.

  Enoch –

  Enoch was a mortal man who was offered the opportunity by Jah to become immortal. He was taken into the realm of Scintillantes and given a new name. There, he would be known as Metatron (See Metatron.) and would take up a seat in the Arch Council, replacing the banished Morning Star.

  Eternals, The –

  Original beings brought forth from the thoughts of Jah; those whom humans have called immortals. Their existence is beyond the comprehension of the human mind, for the minds of mortals are limited in their design compared to an Eternal. The Eternals originally existed on Scintillantes.

  Etz Chaim –

  Also known as the Tree of Life. Its trunk was thick and was the deepest, darkest, and richest wood that one could imagine. The wood seemed polished with natural oils, glistening almost like glass. The branches reached out in the regal glory of natural perfection: lush with leaves that had no sign of insects or disease or lacking natural nutrients and radiant in vibrant greens. It is the source of creation and source of pure life and energy.

  Familiar –

  A mortal who has chosen to pledge their loyalty to and follow a particular Clan.

  Grigori –

  The original name of the Brotherhood of the Watchers and is still used by some in reference to the Brotherhood. (See Watchers, The Brotherhood of.)

  Guardian –

  An Eternal whose purpose of existence is to guard and protect individuals to whom they have been assigned by the Arch Council. They were originally members of the Host, now known as the Alliance.

  Halfling –

  A unique classification that came about only after the exile, due to the requirement of a mortal. This classification is found within the House (Clan) of Hecate. A Halfling is many times confused with a Possessor, Undead, or sometimes a Nephelium.

  A Halfling comes about when a Possessor not only takes over the living body of a Familiar but when that Familiar allows a Soul Slayer to imprison or even destroy that Familiar’s soul. Within this submission, the Possessor taps into the spinal cord and brain cortex of the Familiar and takes full control of the Familiar; in essence, the Familiar becomes a Fallen but not immortal. The body will live longer, giving the impression of immortality; but being a true Eternal is not able to be achieved by a mortal.

  The classification of Halfling is from where many legends of Vrykolakas (humans who were changed into Vampires) came.

  Hall of Heroes –

  A hall in Scintillantes, full of statues that immortalize Heroes of the Alliance and Watchers throughout the ages.

  Jerusalem Breed –

  During the fall of Babylon, Rephaim, one of the original Nephelium, was rescued by Leah, a Guardian. He was delivered to a Jewish family who took him to Jerusalem; thus, the descendants of Rephaim are called the Jerusalem Breed.

  In Jerusalem, Rephaim was raised and taught in the ways of Jah. He was given a choice to nurture his Fallen heritage or to embrace the way of Jah. He chose the latter; and in so doing, he set up within the Alliance a faction of Nephelium who would work beside the will of Jah throughout mortal history. Many heroes throughout mortal history, who were able to do that which seemed impossible and, thereby, change the tide of evil in favor of innocence, were Nephelium. (See Joan of Arc in the Appendix of The Nephelium, Book One.)

  Because of their importance and because they were half mortal, each of the Jerusalem Breed was given a Guardian. As time marched on, many of them chose to blend into mortal roles and requested not to have Guardians. These individuals lived as humans; and as the ages rolled on, many did not even pass on to their children the understanding of their supernatural heritage. Many mortals today possess powers that they do not understand.

  Malebolge –

  Also known as Hell by mortals, it is a place where those who are damned or imprisoned; a place to where the Fallen are banished; the place of exile for a major portion of Legion; a place of eternal damnation, pain and suffering, and eternal flame and heat. It is ruled by General Mantus (See Mantus.), and the gates into the Abyss are guarded by his brother, Dumah (See Dumah.), and the legions that Dumah leads.

  Mantus –

  Once a powerful Eternal, he served as a General of the Warriors of Scintillantes. He chose to rise up with Azrael (See Azrael.), Hecate, and the other Overlords in attempt to overthrow Scintillantes during the War of the Serpents. For his role in the rebellion, he was banished and exiled. At that time, he discovered he had been a pawn of Hecate, his wife, for a larger purpose and plan that she formed in order to rise to the top of the power of all Eternals. He was sent to control Malebolge (See Malebolge.) with his brother, Dumah (See Dumah.). He also believed Legion to be his son but later discovered that he was one of many who helped father Legion.

  Metatron –

  The name Enoch (See Enoch.) was known by while in Scintillantes and serving on the Arch Council.

  Michael –

  One of the original Arch Council members. The Archangel became the leader of the Arch Council. He is also the Angel of Death for humanity and is known to the Fallen as Azrael (See Azrael.). It was unknown to most other than the Clan Leaders that he had played a very large role in the War of the Serpents. He is also one of many who helped father Legion.

  Overlord –

  An Eternal who held a position of power and leadership within Scintillantes before the War of the Serpents.

  Possessors –

  A Fallen found within the House (Clan) of Hecate who, upon agreement/submission of a Familiar, possesses the living body of a mortal. A Possessor is many times confused with an Undead or a Halfling. These three classifications are very similar. A Possessor embodies and controls that which the Familiar allows but does not fully take over, as in the case of a Halfling (See Halfling.).

  Raphael –

  The Eternal name of Zarius (See Zarius.) before the War of the Serpents.

  Scintillantes –

  The immortal existence of the Eternals. To explain Scintillantes to mortals is very difficult. Mortal man’s mind and thought process works within set boundaries, and Scintillantes is outside of those boundaries. It is like attempting to describe a color to one born blind or harmonic unity to one born deaf. To the mortal man, it is best described as the planet or realm where the Eternals live. This does not describe it fully but must suffice for now.

  Steirbeubar –

  One of the twin brothers who swore allegiance to Hecate and took on the form of Cerberus (See Cerberus.).

  Stidoch –

  One of the twin brothers who swore allegiance to Hecate and took on the form of Cerberus (See Cerberus.).

  Tree of Life –

  The mortal manifestation of the energy of Life (See Etz Chaim.).

  Vapor –

  An Eternal who has chosen the way of mortal man; one who has accepted the weight of the mortal realm and the blanket of mortality. They no longer live to be eternal, even though their lifespan is one that will last longer than any mortal.

  Vortex, The –

  The gateway, nest, and Clan House where Arioch attempted to establish his own Clan; a nightclub established by the Fallen. It was destroyed in a fight between the Alliance and the Clans. It is also considered by many to be ground zero for the Clan Wars.

  Warehouse, The –

  A newly-built nightclub established for a breeding ground for a new Clan that would follow Legion once he became complete again.

  Watchers, The Brotherhood of –

  Before the sect of Watchers was organized into a Brotherhood, individuals carried out what would become the duty of the Brotherhood later. No one is truly sure when the Brotherhood started
. It is known that the true organization of what it is today came from a group of 12 men who, after the death of the mortal embodiment of Jah, realized the importance of not only recording what happened with the Eternals but also to ensure certain artifacts were hidden away.

  The Oath of the Brotherhood holds each Watcher to secrecy; even members of the Alliance are not fully aware of what is known or written down by the Brotherhood. The Watchers have not only recorded happenings, but many also have been given prophetic visions and have recorded these. A struggle with which the Watchers deal is bringing all the information together to see if they can decipher a bigger picture to it all. It is not the job of a Watcher to change the course of history but simply to record and annotate what they discover and watch it take place.


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