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Awakening (Kiss of the Jaguar Series Book 1)

Page 5

by TJ Black


  A bite right under her earlobe and once more, she was a goner, only this time it wasn’t alone. Jonah groaned against her neck. She could feel the swelling of his cock inside her. It stretched her even more and locked at the moment of her climax. What shocked her was she could feel his orgasm pour from him. The heat of his release did things to her she couldn’t explain. She was excited and it scared

  the living hell out of her. It felt like his semen heightened every single one of her nerve endings and made them extra sensitive. She couldn’t hold back her scream or stop the convulsions of her body from the pleasure. She fisted her hands into his chest and felt wetness on her fingers.

  This time was so much better than the first time in the woods. Everything felt right, like it was coming into place the right way. Just maybe she might find where she belonged after all. Only she didn’t want to belong in his arms. Because of her thoughts she released him, trying to push away from him.

  “Not yet,” he grumbled against her shoulder.

  “Let go,” she demanded.

  He shivered against her. “I can’t yet.”

  How long they stayed locked together, she couldn’t say, but once she felt the swelling inside her start to go down Alesha began to push at him again. This time he was able to move back, slipping from her body. She didn’t hesitate in giving him one final shove then hopping from the counter and putting as much distance as she could between them.

  She didn’t get far when he grabbed hold of her once more, turning her and pulling her close with arms going tight around her frame. His head came down, lips touching hers and she once more was sucked into this strange need.

  Alesha didn’t even realize he was walking or that they were heading for the bed, not until she was dropped down on it. She was shocked breathless. Alesha felt helpless as she watched him with wide eyes removing all his clothes. When she finally got her senses back it was too late. He was pulling her dress off and covering her body with his own. Foreplay was so out of the question. He took hold of her hips, brought them up and then surged hard, deep back into her. What little breath she had, left her lips in a rush.

  Closing her eyes, Alesha arched her back, fisted both hands into the bedding overhead and tried like hell just to hang on. He pumped fast, hard into her, stroking each sensitive inner muscle. How in the hell he was able to bend over, lick her stomach all the way to her breasts, and still move those hips, she had no clue. His lips closed on a nipple, sucked on it, then releasing to move to the other.

  “Ohh,” a whimper left her lips before she could still it.

  Another lick to her nipple and then she was pulled up, right up on his lap facing him. Their eyes locked and he stopped moving. So deep inside her she could feel the pounding of his heart all the way down his body into her own.

  His hands went right down to her ass, but the heated way he stared at her had Alisha shivering. She’d never been looked at like that, not like someone might devour her.

  Those hands on her ass forced her to move. Up she went and back down, grinding a most sensitive clit against him. That contact had her once more catching her breath. He kept her in this position, moved her as he wanted, built up the pleasure until she wondered if she would be able to handle it or blow. Right before the blow, he pushed her back down, gripping her hips and moving as he wanted.

  The fast, hard thrust threw her right over and Alesha yelled. She grabbed his wrists, struggled to keep her eyes open while the orgasm gripped her tightly. The rush of pleasure seemed to come like waves to a beach. However, when he started to swell and the climax that had already taken its hold of her began not to go down but heightened once more, that yell turned into a scream and everything around her went dark.

  * * * *

  Jonah held Alesha against him tightly, biting the inside of his mouth to hold back the yell that he so wanted to shout out as he swelled inside her and locked. His seed coming out in spine chilling spurts. He couldn’t move, not an inch and not just because he was locked inside her, but because of the sensitivity. Sex had never been like this in the past for him. He never hungered like this before. Never had such an urge not to just hold another but to be as close to her as he could get. Jonah didn’t want to leave her body but stay buried deep inside her and not let go. However when she passed out, and he held onto her, things changed real fast for him. Feelings he never had for another hit and the need as well as urge never to let go stayed with him.

  As gently as he could he moved and lowered her body down. Still hard, still locked, he braced most of his weight on his arms and just looked down at her face and her body. Lord she’s prefect. Not overly thin, had curves in all the right places. Meat on the bones, breasts clearly the perfect size for his hands. Legs that he had to admit he loved having wrapped around him.

  Leaning to the right, he freed a hand and with the back of it only slid it from her left collar bone down over the top swell of her breast. Stopping to move knuckles over the hard point, he then moved the back of his hand down further. Touching ribs, down to her hip then with finger tips only, brushed over her belly. He grinned at the light flutters he felt when touching her.

  Flattening his hand on her belly, he said in a low voice, “Soon, my son will be here.”

  When he felt himself letting her go deep inside, Jonah slowly pulled free from her, but didn’t move just yet from on top of her. He really was enjoying just looking at her as she slept, and really enjoying how it was all because of him that she was so drained right now.

  As carefully as he could, he finally moved off her to the side, but not away. Sliding one arm under her neck, then stilling when she suddenly turned to her side. He scooted closer, wrapped his other arm around her chest, pulled her back to his chest and even slid one leg between her own. Feeling content, Jonah closed his eyes and let sleep finally take him.

  * * * *

  Alesha woke to this strange purring in her ear as well as very hot—like burning hot! Opening her eyes with a frown, she looked down at the arms that were wrapped around her, further down a leg rested between her own and right behind her was him. He had literally curled himself up around her, holding her close and purring. How in the hell could he be purring?

  Biting her lower lip, she tried to move his arms. She managed to get maybe an inch before he groaned, the purring stopped and both of his arms moved. In fact, one hand ended up closing around a breast and the leg between her own bent more, touching her pussy.

  She tried again, and again those arms didn’t move, but this time she got a squeeze to her breast and that is when she knew he was awake.

  “Damn it let me go!” she nipped.

  He chuckled right in her ear. “I like you right here.”

  “Well I don’t. You throw off to much damn body heat, and you’re purring!”

  “I don’t purr.” He pulled back some and she used that to turn around, facing him.

  Quickly Jonah pulled her close, holding tight to make sure she didn’t leave the bed.

  “Trust me, you were purring. It’s what woke me up.”

  Jonah frowned. Clearly, this was a first. He never heard from any of his past flings about any purring, but then again he never really stayed around after and actually fell asleep with them either.

  “You’re very beautiful, you know that?” he said.

  With a sigh, and roll of the eyes, she also twisted enough to bring her arms up and get his off her. Jonah moved his one arm down to her hip, hanging in a lazy manner. The other he kept right at her neck and started to play with her hair. “You don’t think you are?”

  “Look, I’ve already heard about you. I know how you go through all the girls. So why don’t you just call this another wild night and let me go back to my Uncle’s.”

  “Because this isn’t just another wild night. This is for life.”

  She frowned, and he reached up, touching her face and brushing some of her hair back. “I know you don’t understand. You’ve not been raised with us,
but you also need to have an open mind here Alesha. What happened out in the woods last night, yeah it would be nothing but a fling if it wasn’t for the fact that I locked inside of you.”

  “And I don’t know what that means either,” she sighed.

  “It means that I’ve found my mate. I’ve never locked inside anyone ever. So as I was your first, you happen to me mine also.”

  A sharp knock on the door had her jumping in his arms.

  With a sigh, Jonah let her go and rolled to the opposite side of the bed. He bent, picked up his pants and grinned when she dashed to the bathroom naked, closing the door. With pants in hand, he went to the door and cracked it open.

  “Your father wishes to speak with you,” Jones, the butler said.

  “I’ll be down,” Jonah said, closing the door.

  Turning, he quickly got his pants back on, then went to the dresser and grabbed a fresh shirt. When he sat down and started to put his shoes on the bathroom door finally opened. “My father wants me downstairs.” He finished and looked up and grinned. She had wrapped herself in the one and only robe in the bathroom, his and he never used it really. “That looks good on you.”

  “When do I get to go back?”

  Standing up, Jonah closed the distance between them. He grabbed her chin and kissed her. “There is no going back. We go forward now.”

  “I don’t belong here and you know it.”

  Another kiss, this time a touch deeper before letting her chin and lips go. “You belong here. Lie back down. Not sure how long this is going to take. We’ll talk more when I come back.”

  “If I stay here.”

  Jonah raised one eyebrow up at her. “Challenging again?”

  “Stating a fact. I might leave.”

  “You do, I’ll just hunt that pretty ass of yours back down again and have you right back here where you belong.” Another quick kiss and he turned for the door.

  Saying nothing else, Jonah left his room and closed the door behind him softly. He stayed put for a moment, taking it all in, what just happened in the past few hours. Hell, he never thought that his true mate would be the daughter of the one the five families banished for breeding with a human.

  Shaking it all off, he walked away from his door, headed for the stairs and walked down. His father was waiting for him in the large library, standing in front of a window with drink in one hand. The other inside his suit pocket.

  “Have you summoned me to rip me again?” Jonah asked, standing in the middle of the room.

  “I got a call less than an hour ago,” Noah said, not turning around. “Trouble has landed in our village.”

  “If this is a method of trying to get me to let her go for the name of the family, then—”

  Noah held his hand up, “This has nothing to do with your half-breed. Rumors are spreading of an attack.” Noah slowly turned to face Jonah. Their eyes met and he took a drink from the glass in hand. “A human has been attacked, one that knows nothing of any of us.”

  “What kind of an attack?”

  “The kind that has me very concerned, as it does the others. She claims while walking to a friend’s house, she heard this strange low growl and it freaked her out so she ran. Apparently, a jaguar chased her down.”

  Jonah felt his gut drop. “We don’t chase down humans.”

  “Yes, well this is where it gets worse and where our fears come into play,” Noah finished his drink in one gulp, and then went to the table that had more drinks and refilled his glass. “She told the police that this animal transformed into a man right before her eyes. Of course, they don’t believe that part really. They think the trauma has affected her.”

  “What kind of trauma?”

  “Raped, and most brutally I might add, and for a long period of time. When finished, she said the man went back to the animal and then it attacked her. Jonah, flesh was ripped from her body. They don’t know if she’ll make it with the loss of blood.”

  “Jesus,” Jonah sighed. He rubbed his face and went over to the liquor table. He poured himself a large drink and downed it, welcoming the burn. “Who do the families think it might be?”

  “Well Ghost’s name was brought up.”

  “That’s bullshit!” Jonah snapped.

  “He does live out there alone.”

  “Only because of his family. And you know he’s a white jag, right? You just said a jag attacked her, so that shows right there it’s not Ghost. No one connects jaguars with the color white.”

  “Needless, I told the others that you will go out and speak with him. Maybe he knows of this rogue, and that is what they are calling him.”

  “I doubt Ghost knows anything. He keeps to himself.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You go now.”

  “Now?” Jonah didn’t bother with hiding his shock. “I can’t go right now. Alesha is here and she still doesn’t understand everything.”

  “That’s going to have to wait. This is more important.”

  “The hell it is!” Jonah snapped this time. “She’s important to me.”

  “I think you mistake me son,” Noah’s eyes narrowed on Jonah. “This wasn’t a request. You are to go and speak with Ghost and I’m going to talk with the others. Jonesy will make sure she stays put.”

  To make his point as always, Noah just walked away from Jonah, leaving him alone in the room. Gritting his teeth, Jonah turned and stormed out. At the front door stood Jonesy with his jacket in hand. No expression crossed the man’s face. Jonah snatched his jacket from the outstretched hand, walking out the door. He didn’t bother with the use of a car. Ghost was deep in the woods. No car, truck, or jeep could get to him. Only way to get there was to walk. Ghost kept his home very secret. He always found Jonah, before Jonah found him.

  * * * *

  He stayed in the thick brush, watching the house, watching as first one left, and then not too much longer the older one walked out as well. Only one headed into the woods, the other slipped into the back of a car and pulled away.

  He waited until all around stilled, then closed his eyes and sniffed long and slow. Oh he could smell her and she smelled so good. So fresh and so perfect, unlike the one he had last night.

  Humans had such a taint about them, yet they helped to ease the needs that raced in his body. Needs that he refused to control. The rush of the attack was so addicting that he hungered for more. And from what he smelled right now, he knew this one would work to not only extend his pleasures, but draw out that bastard as well. The son would pay for the father’s sins.

  In full jaguar, he came out of the brush and walked slowly towards the house. No crushing sound came from the thick padded feet and all the smaller animals that hung around went quiet. Fear filled the air, and it only added to his pleasure.

  He paced back and forth in front of the porch, studying the layout and sensing his surroundings. Besides the female, all he smelled was another male.

  With a snarl, he stopped his pacing, looked right at the door, backed up a bit and then charged at it. With all his strength and might, he busted through the door into the house. The male he knew was in the house came running out. With another snarl he lunged at him, closing his jaws on the throat before any real sound could escape.

  A scream had him stopping. Letting go of the throat, turning his head, his eyes landed on the female standing midway on the stairs. The fear in her eyes and the scent of the kill gave him a thrill.

  Right before her shock filled eyes, he changed back from jaguar to a large, well built and very naked man that had blood running down his chin to the chest.

  “Hello pretty,” he smiled at her. “Care to have some fun?”

  Chapter Five

  “Can’t believe he’s got me going out when I just fucking found my mate. Just to speak to someone that doesn’t want to talk to anyone,” Jonah talked to himself as he stomped through the woods. Halfway to the middle he stopped. Everything around him was dead quiet and still—not normal. “Something’s not right he

  Walking slower, looking around, all his senses on full alert, Jonah waited for something or someone to jump out and attack at any second. He could feel the tension in the woods. He was about to shift, stopped and sniffed the air. Blood! Fresh blood.

  Moving faster, going deeper into the woods, he sniffed with each few steps he took, following the smell of blood. When he finally did reach it, the sight had his gut dropping.

  “Ghost!” Jonah rushed to the fallen male and fell to the ground at a skid. Ghost lay on his side, a very large gash across the other side of his naked body, covering the ground in red. “Jesus.” Jonah took his jacket and wrapped it as best he could around the wound, pressing his fingers at the wounded male’s throat, looking for a pulse. Finding one, he let out a short sigh of relief, then looked around to see if the attacker might still be around.


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