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The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy

Page 9

by K. M. Ashling

  "I don't have any medication here, but as soon as we return to the Manor I am sure they will give you something for the pain."

  "I'm okay, really, it's getting better," Alessa said halfheartedly.

  "I don't believe you," Camden eyed her suspiciously and was mildly surprised to see her stifle a smile.

  "Why so serious, Mr. Camden?" She toyed with him.

  "You're infuriating, did you know that?"

  "Ditto, sir."

  "Tea is in the kitchen, this way." Camden led her into the kitchen and opened his tea cabinet. He looked for her reaction and was not disappointed when he saw her eyes widen at the sight.

  "What is this?" She said in shock. Camden laughed lightly.

  "It's my tea stash."

  "It's every kind of tea there is," she looked at him expectantly, certainly waiting for an explanation.

  Camden turned and looked at the cabinet. The three shelves were filled with canisters of tea. Each canister brimmed with herbal, flavored, naturally medicinal, and root teas. He smiled to himself.

  "What can I say, I have a tea thing," Camden placed an innocent look on his face.

  "I'll say," Alessa looked amused. "Well mister connoisseur, what do you recommend?"

  "Well this one is supposed to be comforting and calming."

  "Sounds perfect," she said immediately.

  "I thought you were fine," Camden teased.

  "Oh, shut up," she retorted.

  Camden laughed again as he set about boiling water and steeping the tea. They stood in the kitchen in comfortable silence as the tea sat. Camden resisted the urge to pull Alessa back into his arms. He decided that she would place herself there if it's where she wanted to be.

  After the tea was ready, Camden and Alessa walked back into the den and sat together on the sofa. Camden turned his body towards her and sat closely, hoping the invitation to come close was obvious to her, but Alessa sat huddled in a ball holding her tea.

  "So are you going to finish telling me what happened?" Camden kept his voice soft, trying not to push her too hard.

  "They attacked me on the way to Uncle Marston's. I tried to fight back, but there were three of them and they overpowered me. Then, they realized who I was. The bigger one, the leader, he wanted to make good use of that." Her voice was steady but her gaze was distant as she looked into the fire.

  "What do you mean 'make good use of that'?" Alessa sat so still Camden didn't notice her breathe.

  "I mean that he realized who I was, knew I'd be a virgin, and told his buddies they'd take turns with me then 'sacrifice me early'. He said the Gods wouldn't mind if they broke me in first."

  Camden stood and paced the room. He was furious. He had to find him, he had to find this punk and he would break his neck with his bare hands. Camden turned to look at Alessa and was startled to see fear plainly painted on her face.

  "What's wrong, Alessa?" Camden worried that the man had threatened her further than his immediate plans.

  "You just look so mad, it’s very intimidating," she said softly. Camden moved quickly to the sofa, took Alessa's tea and placed it on the table in front of them, and held her hand in his.

  "Alessa, I'm sorry I wasn't sooner. I'm sorry I couldn't stop this from happening to you, but I will keep you safe from now on. Nothing else will happen. You will be safe, I promise."

  "Cam, you can't possibly keep me safe from everything."

  "Just watch me," he said vehemently and pulled her into a protective embrace. He worried that she might resist him, but she sagged easily into him and they were back in the same position as when they first sat on the couch.

  After savoring her trust for a moment longer, Camden remembered that no one at the Manor knew where she was.

  "Alessa we have to go now." Camden's voice was almost a whisper.

  "I know, I just don't want to," her voice was sad.

  "Alessa," Camden started, determined to tell her everything. She lifted her head to look at him and the words died on his lips as he leaned in and kissed her. Their lips molded together as they moved their bodies to press themselves as close as possible. Camden tried to speak through his body, to impress upon her that she should believe in him. He tried telling her without words that he cared about her. In that moment, he spoke everything that he could not say aloud through this one honest connection. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss when he heard her draw in a pained breath.

  "I'm hurting you, I'm so sorry. Let's get you back so that a physician can help you," he broke off and stood quickly so that he would not be tempted to return to their activities. "It's about a mile to the Manor from here. We'll take it easy. You can make it. It's nothing."

  "I'm fine and I will be fine. Stop your worrying." Alessa stood and walked to the door. Her sure voice could not hide the way she winced when she moved, but Camden did not want to challenge her pride. He had done enough of that already.

  They proceeded through the streets in silence. Camden kept slowing his pace in order to force Alessa to slow down. He was concerned that the walk would tire her and hurt her worse. It took them over a half hour to make the trip from his apartment to the Manor, and he was disappointed that they did not talk nor did she come within a foot of him. He did notice as they entered the main gate that she was visibly slumped and holding her shoulder again, despite the t-shirt sling. Camden knew that very soon someone would come to meet them. Whoever was manning the command center would know they were there before they reached the gate.

  "Alessa," he called her to a stop, "you don't have to play strong. Let me help you."

  "Okay, fine," she said wearily, "and Cam, thanks for helping me tonight. I don't want to think about what would have happened if you hadn't shown up. You were just in time."

  "I wasn't on time, I should have been sooner. But I am glad that I could do what I did. I'm just sorry that this even happened to you." Alessa sagged and leaned into him and he placed a light kiss on the top of her head just as the doors to the manor swung open and Khi ran out.

  "Where have you been, the whole place is looking for you. You told us that you wouldn't disappear again and-" when he got close enough to them to see Alessa clearly he stopped short. "What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?" The first two questions were addressed to Alessa, the last was addressed to Camden.

  "I'll be fine Khi, please don't freak out, I'm okay." As she spoke, Camden felt her pull herself up straight as if to punctuate her statement.

  "She was walking and she was attacked. I happened upon the scene." Camden tried to sound professional as he relived as little of the event as possible.

  "It looks like you were a little late, Camden, where were you? Why didn't you stop this from happening?" Khi's voice was getting louder with every word. Camden could tell that he was on the verge of exploding.

  "I was late and I apologize." Camden lowered his eyes from Khi's stern gaze. He chanced a glance at Alessa and she looked angry as well.

  "You apologize?" Khi's disdain was palpable. "Apologies aren't enough. You did not fulfill you post and I should have you removed. I should have you punished for failing Alessa. I should kill you myself."

  "Stop!" Alessa shouted, the effort making her double over in pain. Camden reached to steady her, but she pushed him away. "Khi, stop being a bully. None of this is Camden's fault. He saved my life. They were going to kill me, Khi. And Cam, if you don't start standing up for yourself, I'm going to kick your teeth in. Both of you are acting like babies."

  Camden grabbed her as she sagged and picked her up to cradle her in his arms, despite her weak protests that she could stand.

  "I expect a full report after we get her taken care of," Khi said succinctly.

  "Of course," Camden retorted angrily, unsure if at himself or Khi.

  Camden carried Alessa through the halls of the Manor, attracting the attention of everyone as he passed. He finally spotted a friendly face.

  "Jay, get Alessa's parents. Tell them that she is injured
, but not seriously, and then fetch a physician to her room." Camden took command of the situation and ignored Khi's huff of disapproval behind him.

  "Yes, Cam, I will" Jayna said as she turned quickly on her heel.

  Once to Alessa's room, Camden deposited her onto her bed. Alessa moved to get up and Camden pressed her back.

  "Please, just wait until your parents and Jayna get back. They will help you."

  Alessa peered at Camden with a frustrated expression, but did as she was told. As they waited, Camden gently removed Alessa’s shoes and helped her prop pillows behind her back. Moments later Alessa's parents bustled into the room.

  "What happened here, why are you hurt, who did this to you?" Alessa's mother demanded. Camden could see Alessa's tired look and stepped in to answer for her.

  "Ma'am, sir, Alessa was out for a short walk when she was attacked by three thugs. I happened to hear the scuffle and came to help her, but she was already injured when I got there. I am sorry she was hurt. I brought her back here as soon as I could for medical attention." Camden decided he would leave out their detour to his apartment, and he hoped that Alessa noticed.

  "Would you please stop apologizing for the fact that I got hurt. It's not as if I went out with a guard detail. I knew the risks." Alessa sounded exasperated as she closed her eyes against the pain. The movement was slight and she recovered quickly, but it agitated Camden that he could not lay her in the bed and help her himself. He chanced a pointed look at Jayna and his dear friend jumped to the rescue.

  "Why don't we get Ms. Alessa comfortable and situated in bed before the doctor arrives. I am sure that we will have plenty of time to figure out the details of her attack after that. Boys, you have done your duty, please step out." Jayna quietly took charge, as was her way, and was ushering Camden and Khi out before he knew what was happening.

  "Wait, Alessa, if you need anything-" Camden couldn't finish his sentence before the door was shut quickly behind him. He shook his head and reminded himself that Jayna was taking care of her now, she would be fine.

  "Meeting room, now." Khi was still shaking with his anger as he stalked off ahead of Camden. Camden was getting irritated with Khi's temper.

  Camden followed Khi down the hallways into the guard's meeting room and, after seeing Alec already in the room, slammed the door behind him.

  "I need to go look for them." Camden allowed his frustration to articulate every word. "I know what they look like and what their injuries are. I need to go look for them. Right now, before they think to leave the Capital."

  "You will go look for them, but first you will sit down and tell me exactly what happened," Khi demanded.

  "We don't have time for this!" Camden's temper was growing as precious time escaped them.

  "Fine, then you will describe the attackers to Alec and he will look for them." Khi sounded nonchalant, but Camden identified the challenge in his tone. Camden took a deep breath. He could not afford to waste time getting into a power struggle with Khi. Khi was in charge, for now, and Camden had to let him keep his pride.

  "Alright, look, I was walking through the streets just going on the same walk I go on whenever I am at home and I heard a scuffle. I decided to look and see what was happening, although I know I'm forbidden from getting involved in trivial street affairs. I noticed that it was a girl being abused by three men and I was deciding to intervene when I got a look at the girl's face and saw that it was Alessa. I jumped in and helped her back here."

  "How do you know you can identify them," Khi's temper was waning.

  "I saw them as I fought, particularly the leader. I wouldn't forget him. Plus I broke his hand and Alessa broke another one's nose. If the leader wants to use that hand again, he's going to have to seek medical attention. I will start with medical units and then progress to underground doctors and healers. I thought I could enlist Alessa's former guard, Marston, to help. He loves her dearly and knows the Capital better than any of us."

  "It's a good plan. You're dismissed. Don't come back until you find them, Camden, I don't like not handling this myself." Khi sounded tired and Camden took a moment to wonder what it must be like to be in charge of the guard at such a young age. Camden knew that Khi was only about a year younger than himself, but Camden also knew that there were many different measures of age, and Khi was a child in most ways. Not as much of a child as Alec, certainly, but still very young for such responsibility. Camden also knew that Khi loved Alessa. He wasn't sure if the feelings were romantic or not, which sparked a minor jealousy in him, but he knew that they cared for each other.

  "I will find them, don't worry." Camden placed a hand on Khi's shoulder briefly before leaving the room. He stalked out of the manor and down the streets of the district, readying himself for a long night and a grand reward. He was certain he would find the thugs and that they would pay dearly.

  Chapter 6-

  Camden knocked sharply twice on Marston's door and then pushed his way into the small cottage.

  "Well just show yourself in there, boy" Marston's voice held his typical humor but he stopped short when he looked up and saw Camden's face. "What is it? Is Alessa okay?"

  "She's okay, but she is hurt. She was attacked tonight. I just got there in time and now we need to go find them so that I can break their necks." Camden rushed through the sentences and punctuated his final statement with a fist against the dining table.

  "Alright, alright, let's leave my table out of this. What are her injuries and is the mission compromised?" Marston took a seat at the table and gestured for Camden to do the same. Camden began to pace and ignored his invitation.

  "I don't know, Mars, I just don't know. She's back and forth with trusting me and I'm sure she despises the SDL. Just talking casually about it makes her anxious. This is going to be near impossible to pull off and that's if she trusts me implicitly. I read Khi in." Camden let his little bomb sink in and waiting in the silence that followed to be reprimanded.

  "I think that was a good choice," Marston answered quietly.

  "You what?" Camden couldn't hide his confusion.

  “Cam, you're all alone on this, I can only help so much. You could use an ally on the inside and it is clear to everyone that Khi loves Alessa. You made a calculated risk, and I think the risk was worth it."

  "But I put everyone on this at risk. We've lost so many already."

  "I highly doubt that you wrote him a list of names of everyone on this mission." Camden shook his head. He hadn't, of course. "And as far as loss, I think you know about that more deeply than anyone else on this mission. You're smart and you understand this mission more completely than almost anyone else. Trust yourself."

  "I've been screwing up. I've almost lost her. I, uhh, I wonder if I'm getting too close to think clearly." Camden sat across from Marston with the weight of his confession bearing on him.

  "She is a charming girl, isn't she?”Marston smiled knowingly,“she will find her way into your heart without you knowing or giving consent. That's just who she is. I don't believe you can get too close to think clearly. Caring about someone, being invested in someone as a person, what better way is there to ensure that you do everything in your power to see her to safety?" Camden shook his head, unable to decide where he stood on the subject. "Let's do something easier," Marston changed the subject, "what happened tonight and where do we need to start looking?"

  Camden spent the next fifteen minutes giving Marston the play by play of the evening. He spared no detail, his mentor would know too well if he was leaving something out and Camden knew that Marston would find clues in things Camden missed.

  "You did well noting their injuries and ensuring the leader needed medical help. I'm going to put in a quick call to the two major medical units in this district, but I don't think he would have gone there. I want you to call the border and see if anyone matching their description has tried to leave tonight. They should note anyone trying to leave the Capital at this hour so I don't believe that will yield
any results either. After we tie up those ends, we will begin our true search. We will find them, Cam, rest assured."

  The two men rose to complete their respective tasks. As expected, neither of them got anywhere on their calls.

  "Alright, let's get started. It's late and they will be hiding." Marston was ever the commander.

  Camden fell easily in step beside his mentor as they walked through the streets of the district. Camden took Marston back to where the attack occurred and they began by following the direction that the smaller two men took when they fled.

  "It seems that they were headed towards the slums at War Hill. That would be the perfect place for thugs like these to come from. We'll start there." Camden nodded his agreement and they began towards the slums. "Now, there are a few folk healers on the outskirts of the slums who cater to the poorer of the township along with those of the slums. There is one who will talk to me. I like to use her myself."

  "You don't go to a physician?" Camden was surprised.

  "No, no, physicians are know-it-alls and are always trying to shove medication down my throat. Healers are more likely to help your body heal itself, not just rush in and heal it themselves."

  "I guess you learn something new every day," Camden observed. Marston threw him a sly grin.

  "Now, you let me talk to Ol’Edna. She doesn't like strangers." Camden nodded as they approached the old storefront. Camden was excited when he saw light from the back room, if Ol’Edna was awake at this hour, she must be working on someone. The two men pushed through the front door and were greeted by a young boy, no older than eight, who manned the counter.

  "What you two want for?" The boy was dirty and poorly dressed for the chill that was in the evening air.

  "We're here to see Ol’Edna," Marston said gruffly.


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