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Beau: Mavericks of Montana Creek — Book Two

Page 11

by Hayes, Somer

  I smiled. “I’m so grateful you’re willing to take the lead on this. I’m not sure it would turn out as well as you’d want if it were left to me.”

  “We’ve been hosting these for years. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  I nodded, and Claire squeaked.

  “Is that a kitten?” Millie asked.

  I opened the zipper further so they could see Claire. “I found her in the bushes at my house the other night. I’m fostering her until she gets stronger.”

  The group let out a collective “aww,” but my eyes were still on Millie. She had honey colored eyes that seemed too big for her face, and at that moment, they were laser-focused on Claire.

  “Do you want to pet her?” I asked.

  She smiled shyly but nodded vigorously. I stood and went to where she sat and kneeled next to her. “Very gently. She’s fragile.”

  She reached out two hesitant fingers and rubbed them between Claire’s ears. “She’s so soft,” she cooed.

  “This one loves cats,” Beverly told the group.

  I smiled while I watched Millie gently pet Claire’s head. “Would you want to hold her for me while we have this meeting?”

  Her eyes shot to mine, and she nodded again.

  “Okay,” I said and pulled Claire from her bed. “Both hands,” I said.

  She took the kitten from me, rubbed her nose against Claire’s, then held her to the crook of her neck.

  “Here’s her blanket if you think she’s getting cold.”

  She took it and cradled Claire in it. Once I was certain they’d be okay, I went back to my seat.

  Beverly leaned over to me. “You just made her whole day.”

  “I remember being her age and wishing for a kitten.” I smiled when I saw how she rocked gently in her chair, lips pressed softly to Claire’s fur. I cleared my throat and redirected my thoughts. “Shall we get started?”

  All the mostly older ladies began speaking at once, throwing out words like ‘biggest squash contest,’ ‘hayrack ride,’ and ‘dumplings.’ I didn’t know what any of them meant, but I studiously took notes and hoped they were things that had to do with fall.

  “Is this all included in a price of admission, or do they pay for the individual things they want to do like a carnival?” I asked.

  “They can buy tickets and then spend the tickets on things like rides and games,” Beverly said. “But we often have specific booths set up as fundraisers.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “For example, the humane shelter usually comes, and you can pet the dogs for a monetary or dog food donation. Some companies will set up dunk tanks or pie-in-the-face games, and employees can pay to dunk or pie their bosses.”

  The more I heard, the more I thought this could turn out to be a fun event after all. Etta spoke up. “And the kissing booth is always a big money-maker,” she said.

  “Kissing booth?” I asked.

  “We find us a handsome young bachelor, sit him in a booth, and watch the ladies hand over their money to smooch him. The symphony keeps those proceeds, so we have to find someone good.”

  Beverly clapped her hands. “I know the perfect person.”

  “Who?” Etta asked.

  “Beau Maverick,” she exclaimed. “He’s handsome, single, and as chair of the board this year, it’s not like he can say no.” She slapped her knee and whooped. “This will be our biggest year yet.”

  I cracked a smile, but I wasn’t sure how that made me feel. On the one hand, I’d love to see him tortured in the name of charity. On the other, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see a bunch of other girls kissing him, period.

  The ladies continued their planning oblivious to my internal struggle. Once they felt they had a good plan in place, they divvied up the responsibilities and scheduled another meeting in two weeks. I was relieved to learn my only job was to monitor their progress and keep the timeline on track.

  Millie brought Claire to me and thanked me for letting her hold her. “Maybe you can help me take care of her sometimes,” I said. “We’ll be having plenty of these meetings, and I’m sure she’d love you to cuddle with her some more.”

  “Okay,” she agreed with a smile and a nod.

  I tucked Claire and her blanket back into my pouch and brushed off several crumbs from my scone. Only then did I realize I hadn’t responded to Beau’s text message from earlier—the one that had sent me spiraling into dangerous and forbidden territory. I waved goodbye to everyone, and Claire and I headed back home, my thoughts and senses all seemingly wrapped up in Beau Maverick.



  I drummed my fingers on the table and decided that some boards were far more entertaining to sit on than others. The shriveled man in a bow tie droning on about the importance of arts in the community was about to put me to sleep. Not that I didn’t think the arts were important, but his soft, monotonous voice made it almost impossible to be interested in what he had to say.

  I picked up my phone for the thousandth time that hour but still no notification from Grace. I’d been worrying incessantly that I’d come on too strong or scared her off with my last text. I had just been trying to flirt, but maybe she wasn’t there yet. I sighed and took another sip of the terrible coffee in the Styrofoam cup in front of me.


  Grace: What kind of fun? Like, you’re really good at Connect Four?

  I smiled down at my phone like an idiot.

  Beau: As a matter of fact, I am. But that’s not what I meant.

  Grace: Then what did you mean?

  Beau: Maybe I’ll show you on Friday. My thumb hovered over the send button, worried again that I was coming on too strong. Screw it. I hit send.

  Grace: Maybe I’ll let you.

  Those four little words caused a physical reaction in me so swiftly that it took me by surprise. Grace was flirting back. Maybe she was into me too. The date on Friday took on a whole new meaning. I thought of her long, dark hair and wanted to twist my hands in it and shove my tongue into her mouth. Her lips were so full, so kissable that I didn’t want to be gentle with them. Lips like hers were made for passion.

  I cleared my throat and glanced at the speaker. He was still droning on. I tried to adjust myself in my seat without calling attention to me or letting anyone see the bulge I knew was there. Wearing scrubs every day was great until you got a random boner in public.

  “And finally,” the meek man continued, “I’d like to remind everyone to join us in the lobby directly after this meeting for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and the latest creative installments by our local artists.”

  Ah, shit. I’d totally forgotten about that event. I looked around and thought that I’d probably done my civic duty just by showing up at this meeting. I could blow off the cocktail party without too much guilt. As the meeting adjourned and people began wandering out, I tried to sneak my way past the people already milling about, eating off tiny plates, drinking out of plastic cups, and talking about art like it was the most important subject in the world.

  “Excuse me,” I said to a group of women blocking my exit.

  “Beau Maverick?” one of them asked.

  “Uh, yes?”

  She stuck out her hand. “We’ve never met. I know who you are because, well, because you’re you.” Her shrill laugh made me cringe, but I accepted her handshake, anyway.

  “And you are?”

  “My name is Linda Roberts, and I just got out of a meeting where we were talking about you.” She walked her two forefingers up my arm and smiled widely. Her teeth were stained with nicotine and carried a smudge of lipstick.

  “Oh? Do tell.”

  “I was asked to sit on the committee for the annual Fall Festival to benefit the Great Falls Symphony.”

  That piqued my attention. She’d been at the same meeting as Grace.

  “And why would my name be brought up in a meeting about a fall festival?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest so she’d stop touchin
g me.

  “Why? Because every year we invite Great Falls’ most eligible bachelor to sit in the kissing booth to raise money for the symphony.”

  Oh hell no…

  “I’m flattered, Ms. Roberts, but I hardly think I’d be your best option.”

  She scream-laughed again. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re handsome and successful, but besides that, you’re a Maverick. We’ll have girls lined up for blocks just waving their dollar bills in the air.” She waived a skinny arm to demonstrate, and the scent of cigarette smoke wafted off of her.

  “As flattering as that sounds, I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline.” I offered a polite smile and attempted to make my exit.

  “I don’t think you have that option,” she said with a wicked grin.

  I didn’t care for that. “And why not?”

  “How would it look if the chairman of the board decided not to offer his services for one of our most profitable fundraisers of the year?”

  I rolled my neck from shoulder to shoulder. How would it look, indeed? Like shit, which in return would make Grace look bad, which I couldn’t have.

  “Guess you’ve got me,” I said and walked away to the sound of her drunken giggles.

  I yanked open the door to get outside and away from all the over-inflated egos behind me when I saw Grace. She had just gotten to the top step and was looking into the lobby with a mask of dread.

  “Not your scene?” I asked.

  Her eyes jogged to me and widened in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  “I sit on their board but forgot about this event tonight. You caught me mid-escape.”

  She laughed, and it sounded tired. “I’d forgotten about it, too, until the reminder on my phone went off. It was so hard to get back up off my couch.”

  I glanced at her outfit and was surprised to find her in jeans, boots, and a sweater. It was more casual than I’d ever seen her in public. I liked it.

  She followed the line of my gaze and flapped a hand through the air. “I thought all I had on the agenda tonight was a meeting about the Fall Festival. Once I realized I had to get back out, I was just too uninterested to change my clothes.”

  “You look great,” I said. “But I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”

  One eyebrow ticked up. “About?”

  “How did you let them nominate me to be in the kissing booth this year?” I’d been to those festivals before. I’d seen the crowd those booths attracted. I shuddered.

  She gave me an apologetic smile. “This whole event is beyond me. I don’t even know what half of the things they’re planning are.”

  “Still. Seems you could have pulled the executive director card and gotten me out of it.”

  “I’m not the executive director in that world. I’m just another body on the committee to ensure a successful and profitable event.”

  “But I don’t wanna,” I whined with a wink.

  “You don’t wanna what?” She countered. “Be desired and adored for a couple of hours?”

  “Don’t wanna be pawed at and slobbered on for a couple of hours.”

  “You poor, sad, privileged, handsome, eligible bachelor. However will you survive?”

  “Point taken, but let the record show I am displeased.”

  “The record so reflects.”

  I smiled and realized I was in no hurry to go. “Are you really going in there?”

  “I feel like I should. Several of my board members and prospects are here.” She pulled in a deep breath, and when she blew it out. I could feel her fatigue.

  I offered her my arm. “Come on. I’ll take you around, but I’m not staying for more than an hour.”

  Her eyes flipped up to mine. “You don’t mind?”

  “I mind very much, but I’ll do it for you.”

  She looked down and smiled. When she looked back up at me, I thought she looked more energetic. She took my arm, resting her hand in the crook of my elbow. “Much obliged.”

  Against my better judgment, I led her back into the building. “I can’t believe you brought the cat.”

  “I’m the only person she has in the whole world. I can’t leave her alone.” She raised her hand to the bag she wore protectively.

  “Don’t misunderstand me. I love that you brought her. I just can’t believe it.” I winked down at her and enjoyed the blush that flooded her cheeks.

  Grace spent the next hour owning the room. She held her head high, shook hands, and laughed at all the right times. She was enchanting to watch. It was odd to be in this world with her and see the way she worked. I realized how she’d gotten to where she was at such a young age. She understood the game and played it well.

  My emotions ranged from fascinated to proud to jealous. I saw the way the other men in the room looked at her and didn’t like it. At all. I knew I had no right. A couple of kisses didn’t exactly lay claim to another person, and it wasn’t like we’d come to the event together as each other’s date, but I still found my unease and irritation growing every time I saw someone lay a hand on her lower back unnecessarily.

  As promised, one hour later, I went to her. “I’m going to take off. Do you want me to take you home?”

  “Yes, please.”

  We made our way to the door exchanging pleasantries and goodbyes. When we stepped foot outside, she groaned.

  “That was exhausting.”

  “Really?” I asked and knew I’d failed at keeping the surprise out of my voice. “You seemed right at home in there.”

  “Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you have to enjoy it.”

  I couldn’t argue with that.

  “And it doesn’t mean it isn’t taxing,” she continued and rolled her head, stretching her neck. “I want a glass of wine, a hot bath, and my bed.”


  Grace emitted a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob. “But little miss needs to be fed. Every. Two. Hours.” She gazed into the pouch and scratched the kitten’s head. “Don’t you?”

  “Let me help.”

  She shook her head and began to refuse, but I interrupted. “Not all night, but just for a bit. Let me take you both home. I’ll take care of Claire while you drink a glass of wine in the tub.”

  She arched an eyebrow at me.

  “No strings attached. I can see you’re tired. Let me help.”

  “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “Has it ever occurred to you that I might be a nice guy?”

  She gave me a wicked grin. “No.”

  “Such a brat,” I muttered under my breath and led her to my truck.

  She hopped in the passenger’s side and asked, “How many cars do you own, anyway?”

  “A few.” I knew it was obnoxious, but the older I got, the more I came to appreciate the convenience. Sometimes I needed a truck. Sometimes I wanted to go fast. Sometimes I wanted to drive something with no top on it. I knew I lived a privileged life, but I tried to give back through my work and volunteering.

  I made the short drive to Grace’s rental house, loving the way her scent filled the cab of the truck and listening to her soft cooing at Claire. I pulled in the driveway, and she hopped out, then went to the front door and unlocked it, letting me in.

  She took Claire out of her pouch and put her and her blanket into the kennel, then she unstrapped the pouch and hung it on a coat rack by the door.

  “She’ll need to eat in about thirty minutes. Her formula is in the fridge. There are clean syringes by the sink. She seems to do better if I put the syringe in the side of her mouth for some reason.” She put her hands on her hips, and her bossy tone made me chuckle. “Sometimes she needs to take breaks while she’s eating but just give it a few minutes, and she can usually finish the whole dose.”

  “Thanks, Mom, but I think I’ve got it covered.”

  She glared at but ignored me. “I’ve got some beer in the fridge if you want any. I won’t take long.”

  Then she went to the
kitchen, poured herself a huge glass of wine, and without another glance in my direction, went upstairs and shut the door to the bathroom. I peeked in at Claire who was padding around in the kennel but seemed content, so I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I had just found a football game when I heard the water in the bathroom turn on which meant Grace was getting into the bathtub. Naked. Grace was naked right above my head. My eyes glanced skyward as though I could somehow magically see through the floor.

  This may have been a bad idea after all. I turned the volume on the TV up and went to the fridge for a beer. I took several healthy swigs before returning to the couch. I moved the kennel to the cushion next to me and tried to focus on the game and not what was happening upstairs. I took another swig and looked down when I felt something tickle my hand. Claire had made her way out of the kennel and was wobbling around on the couch next to me.

  “Well, hey there, little girl. You going on an adventure?”

  She looked up at me and made a sound that could be classified as more of a ‘meow’ than a squeak. I lifted my eyebrows at her. “You better not be hitting any milestones without your mama here to see them.”


  “Just as bullheaded as she is,” I lamented. “You hungry?” I picked her up and took her to the kitchen with me. I figured since I was there anyway, I might as well finish the beer I was drinking and start a new one. Then I made her a syringe of formula and settled back into the couch with her. Her tiny body rested in my hand as I slowly administered her meal. She was a noisy eater, smacking her mouth and lapping at the syringe greedily. Another good sign. She’d be ready to graduate to feeding herself soon.

  The water in the bathroom turned off, and I told myself not to picture Grace’s slick, wet body in the tub. She probably wasn’t lathering herself with soap or rubbing some kind of girly oil into her skin. She definitely was not touching herself…

  “Aw, hell.” My second random erection in the span of a few hours. This girl was going to be the death of me. To make myself more comfortable, I stretched out on the couch. Claire was cradled in the crook of my arm about finished with her meal. I tried to focus on the game, but the combination of the beer and my busy day began to catch up with me, and soon my eyelids felt heavy. Claire finished eating, and I sat the syringe on the coffee table. I’d go rinse it out in just a minute. Belly now full, the kitten spun in a clumsy circle then tucked her nose into the crook of my elbow. She was asleep within seconds.


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