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Run to Love (Triple R Book 1)

Page 7

by Dixon,Jules

  “You have another client in twenty minutes. She’ll be fine with me. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay. Again, sorry, Presley.” Jude’s eyes displayed his apology.

  “Not your fault, Jude, genetics and past health problems created this issue. Thanks for catching me before I crashed to the ground.”

  Jude’s eyes brightened a little. “I hope I—”

  Blake cleared his throat.

  “Okay, I’ll see you on Monday. Have a good weekend.” He flashed one last strained but still heartwarming smile before turning back toward the gym floor.

  “I’ll be here!” I called out right before Blake shut the door.

  Rounding his desk, Blake examined me from head to toe. “Are you absolutely sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, Blake. I need to be clear with Jude what my physical limits are. I think maybe I was trying to show off for him, too. He’s a great guy.”

  Blake scowled at my assessment.

  “And personal trainer.” I added, to cover whatever he didn’t like in my initial statement.

  Blake drew a piece of paper out of his desk. “I’m going to move you to Jamal for training.”

  “Why?” I asked with more than a touch of concern behind it.

  Blake ignored me and tapped something into his computer.

  “Blake! Why?”

  “I have my reasons.”

  “Don’t I have any say in this?”

  “Not really. Jude is new, and if I don’t like the dynamics of the relationship or his training methods, I have the right to remove clients from him.” Blake brought his eyes up and forced a thin smile. “Especially my favorite clients.”

  My brows furrowed. “What’s wrong with the dynamics of our relationship?” My heart skipped as I said “our relationship”. They seemed to be two words that fit together but I couldn’t wrap my head around why.

  Blake leaned forward. “Presley, you almost fainted. I can’t have him forcing you to exert yourself like that. It’s dangerous.”

  “Blake, first, Jude didn’t ‘force’ me to do anything. I’m an adult and by now I should know my limitations. Second, it was a one-time thing.” I crossed my fingers at my sides hoping lightning didn’t strike me for lying. “I promise I won’t overdo it again. I’ll train on a less intense level. Promise. Please.” I leaned forward and rested my hands on his desk. “I like Jude’s style of training and I was fine … until the cardio. Actually, I felt great.”

  Blake leaned back in his chair, rocking while holding my gaze. “You’re positive you won’t overdo it again?” His serious face spoke his concern more than the words.

  “Cross my heart.” I airbrushed an X on my chest.

  “All right, one more week, and I’m adding back in ten sessions to your package just so you don’t sue me.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I would never sue you, Blake.”

  “Karma will bite me in the ass some way if I don’t. Consider the next ten weeks on me. Really, I’d feel better if you changed to Jamal or Kai or Shannon.”

  “Let’s give Jude a chance to redeem himself—not that any of this was his fault.”

  “Okay,” Blake muttered reluctantly. “One more session. And I’m going to be watching him like a hawk.”

  “Fair enough. Now, can I go shower so I don’t smell like a dead fish at work?”

  Blake chuckled. “Sure, but if you’re not out in an hour I’m sending the cavalry in to find you.”

  I nodded, then stood and made my way toward the door. “Please, just not Emerson.”


  Had a feeling he heard what I said, but I didn’t repeat it. “I’ll be fine. Thanks, Blake.”

  As much as Emerson had never been my favorite person, I didn’t need to be bad-mouthing another person. I’d had people say bad things about me. Even if they were true, they still hurt, and I wasn’t that person.

  Blake’s eyes narrowed, and I turned to leave. “Have a good weekend, Presley.”

  “You, too.”

  I worked my way to the showers and was ready within the hour. Walking from the locker room, I watched Jude helping his next client across the gym. He gave a chin-jut my way, but I decided not to return his acknowledgment. I didn’t want to get him in more trouble. Plus, my feelings tangled and twisted. He was my trainer. That was all. I doubted his interest went further than that relationship. Why would it? I was the anti-Emerson, and maybe she acted differently when she wasn’t here in the gym. I bet she had a nice side, too. Maybe she had to be a bitch here to keep the trainers in line and the customers from running her over. Why did I even care? I was about to have a night out with the girls. I needed to care less about Jude and Emerson and more about … well, more about me.

  I walked to the desk where Emerson was filing her claws. I mean nails. I cleared my throat but she acted like she didn’t see me.

  “Excuse me. Emerson, right?”

  She scraped her eyes from her nails up to my face. I lifted a manila envelope from my bag and placed it on the counter.

  “Hi. Can you please see that Jude gets this?”

  She snatched the envelope off the counter. “I’ll put it in his mailbox.”

  “Please,” I said nicely, “don’t fold it.”

  “Wouldn’t dare think of it.” She rolled her eyes while squeezing the rectangle into a tight tube.

  “Have a good weekend, Emerson.”

  “Oh, I plan to. Jude’s the thing that I’m going to do this weekend.”

  I inhaled a sharp breath. She smirked. Obviously, she enjoyed getting a reaction from me, and I gave her what she wanted. I walked away.

  When I arrived at Jessen’s to finish up my workweek, a “welcome” crew with congratulations posters, balloons, and a donut tower cake greeted me inside. The amount of cheering was embarrassing. The front desk girls chanted for a speech, and my skin blushed ten shades of red.

  After the natives had calmed, I took a deep breath. “Wow. Thank you, everyone! I’m not going to lie, this is overwhelming, but honestly, it’s awesome!” More cheering echoed through the dealership. “Each of you played a part in this. From the wonderful front desk girls who are the first representation of this amazing dealership, to the backroom operations who make sure we get our paychecks that keep us wanting to come back to work. I am glad to be a part of this family, and I hope to kick some you-know-what again next month.”

  “Miss Perfect’s win wasn’t much of a butt-kicking.” Drexel didn’t hide his dissatisfaction while talking to Sam behind me. “One lousy sale.” They snickered like teenagers examining a porn magazine for the first time.

  I ignored them and walked to the girls, Jillian and Avery, for a celebratory hug, donut, and orange juice.

  “Thanks, you guys. You know this victory is also yours, right?”

  “Then we can have some of that big fat bonus check you’ll get?” Avery probed while nudging Jillian.

  I smiled. “Maybe a lunch on me?”

  “I’ll take it. More than we’ve ever gotten as a thank you from Dixless.”

  Jillian agreed with Avery, and I hugged them both. Their support was one of the reasons I enjoyed what I did.

  After getting my uncomfortable fill of office love, it was back to work. I set up a couple of appointments for Monday on two referrals the girls slipped me as I walked away. Sitting in my office, I enjoyed the morning with the balloons making me smile every time they waved from the breeze coming in the front door. I mostly worked on playing Internet games on my computer. Charlie rounded the corner, and I thumped the monitor power button off.

  “I know you all play those damn games. When there are customers standing around waiting for a salesperson, I’ll start screaming. Until then, no need to break your finger hitting the off button.”

  A guilt-riddled smile crossed my face.

  Charlie continued, “Anyway, not sure you know it, but the top salesperson gets the afternoon off the next day they work, or at least that’s how Dre
xel worked it, so I’m giving you the afternoon off.”


  “Yeah, go! Get gone. You deserve it. Remember, Monday you get your picture taken by Jillian’s husband, Mark, photographer to the Jessen stars. Oh, and Presley, there’s a loaner car waiting for you outside. We can’t have our best salesperson driving around in what you drive around in.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I tugged my purse and my jacket from the back of my chair.

  “Nope, brand-new and all yours for the month. You like it and we’ll make you a good deal on it.”

  “Okay. I’ll be all dolled up on Monday, and thanks for the loaner, Charlie.”

  “My pleasure. Congratulations, Presley. Have a good weekend.” He tossed me the jingling famous Jessen “J” key chain.

  “Thanks!” I caught it in midair, then handed over the key to my well-cared-for car so it could be stored in one of the off-site lots. I practically danced out of my office.

  I departed the dealership to the same cheers I’d heard on my way in, but this time I shook my head and grinned from ear to ear. Outside parked in the VIP spot was a brand-new white Ford Fusion Hybrid SE. I hit the unlock button on the key fob and smiled when the taillights flashed a wink at me. I took one last look at my red Chevy Cavalier and waved. It was well-loved and still in very good condition, but I’d admit, meeting the end of its long and winding road. This was totally a sucker move by Management to get another sale, but since I’d get the credit for the sale, I was almost okay with it. It was time to upgrade anyway. Not sure the car Charlie picked was exactly what I’d get, but it was a close fit.

  The interior smelled like new-car heaven. Earthy leather and fresh plastic. They were my favorite scents in the whole world. Except for whatever Jude wore this morning.

  Stop thinking about him.

  At home, I texted Willow.

  Prez: Got afternoon off. Going to spend some girlie time and get a pedi/mani. Maybe get a new outfit, too. Will you style my hair tonight? What time you get off work?

  I passed by some local bars and contemplated adding them to the possibilities list I’d mentally started for barhopping. Maybe I’d check them out on my phone while getting girlied-up for tonight. The mani/pedi turned out to be a godsend of relaxation. I nodded off until my phone buzzed.

  Willow: Hey, get off at 3. I will be home right after. Of course I’ll do your hair! After I do mine ;-)

  Prez: Thanks! See you soon.

  After the almost catatonic state the mani/pedi placed me in, I carefully drove to the local outdoor mall, Village Point. A new celebration outfit seemed like a good idea—to me, probably not to my pocketbook. I chose a new pair of skinny jeans at my favorite boutique store, a size smaller than I’d been wearing for the last two months. Vanity sizing strikes again!

  I picked out a gorgeous spring floral bustier top with a pink grosgrain ribbon around the waist that showed off some of what I’d been working so hard to accomplish this year. The salesperson created such a fuss about how great the top accentuated my figure. I was a total chump and spent a ridiculous amount of money to buy the scrap of fabric and added a lightweight pink sweater to wear over the revealing piece of clothing. After I’d consumed enough alcohol to lower my inhibitions, I’d ditch the cover-up. Two doors down, I discovered the perfect pair of pink wedges that helped me to be about four and a half inches taller. I would almost be eye to eye with Jude.

  Seriously, stop thinking about him!

  Back at the townhome, Willow arrived about twenty minutes later.

  “Hey, roomie!” Her greeting resonated down the hall as I stepped out of the shower.

  “I’m in the bathroom.”

  “What’s up with the new car?”

  “Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you. It’s a loaner for a month as a top salesperson incentive to buy something with that bonus check I should get on the twentieth.”

  “I like it. How’s the ride?”

  “Like ridin’ on a pillaaaah.”

  Willow chuckled as she stripped her clothes off to get in the shower. “I had coffee spilt on me by that new girl, Frazier. Three times. Look at this!” She pointed to where there was a three-inch long burn down her left arm.

  “Oh, my God, Willow. You’re gonna need to put something on that.”

  “Yeah, I stopped off and got some burn balm and wrap. So where are we going?”

  “I was at Village Point and saw Kona Grill. If we get there before five p.m., we should be able to get seating on the patio for happy hour. That sound good for a starter?”

  “Damn straight! Five-dollar cosmos all around!” Willow exclaimed from the shower. “I’ll text Jace when I get out.”

  “I can do it.” I snatched my phone from the counter.

  Prez: Thinking of starting at Kona Grill … good?

  In my bedroom, I dressed and stood in front of the full-length mirror on the back of my closet door to do a little modeling. Loved the jeans and the top was pretty but sexy, too. Maybe I’ll break my losing streak and partake in a little horizontal fun tonight? Maybe.

  I headed back into the bathroom and dried my hair as Willow exited the shower all pink-skinned from the hot water.

  “Holy shit!” she bellowed.

  “Now you owe me twenty dollars.” I shouted over the hair dryer noise, catching her eye in the mirror.

  “Ha-ha,” she replied snottily. “You know what I was talking about. Looking to get some tonight?”

  “Honestly, yes. I need to forget about my hot-as-blistering-coffee personal trainer. He’s going out with Emerson tonight.” My eyes rolled as my brain clouded with confusion over what he’d said about having to work. The slip was probably a cover.

  Why would he feel the need to cover?

  “I think.” I turned the blow-dryer off. “Anyway, I need to keep our relationship professional. I almost got him in trouble today. I almost fainted.”

  Willow stopped moving to listen.

  “It was nothing.” I waved away her narrowed eyes, boring into my skin.

  She tipped her head at me.

  I leaned back against the cabinet. “The only reason I got all worked up and out of breath was because I could smell him next to me. He smells incredible, like cherry, sandalwood and salt. Apparently it’s my Bermuda Triangle of man scents. Plus, his eyes are this amazing hazel – green and grey with gold speckles. They make me drool.” Cringing, I added, “He was watching me run. I was worried I was jiggling everywhere and forgot to breathe. Damn asthma.”

  Willow ran a comb through her hair. “I think I’m repeating myself but maybe you should just find another trainer and go for it, Prez. Might be worth the effort, even if it ends up the guy isn’t the one, fun for a while is better than no fun at all. Jamal’s a great trainer. Mitch used to consult with him early on in his career. You deserve it to yourself to give whatever could be a chance. Even if it doesn’t work out, you can’t keep holding your gut in while you run … not that you have a gut! What are those jeans? A size…?”


  “Damn, Presley! That’s amazing! They show off that booty well. Love the shirt, too.” She softened her voice to a creepy southern belle imitation, “Very, you can look, but I’m a lady, so if you’re gonna touch, you need to ask.”

  I frowned in the mirror. “Not sure the shirt speaks that much, but I liked it and thought it said, ‘I wanna get laid.’ So that was good enough for me.”

  Willow left the room to get dressed, shaking her head in honest amusement.

  My phone buzzed on the counter next to my perfume, reminding me to spray down with my favorite scent. I read the flashing text.

  Jace: I’ll be there early to make sure we get a seat. Hoping for some eye candy for you and for me

  Prez: Getting all done up. Be there soon.

  Jace: You are beautiful. Come as you are!

  Prez: Some of us aren’t instant beauties like you

  Jace: Ah, flattery will only get you to second base, my dear ;-)
br />   Prez: Wish I was your type, it would make dating a lot easier … I think

  Jace: We all have issues with striking out before we hit a home run and it’s hard to navigate the bases without getting tagged out. Experiencing the game makes us better at knowing what balls to hit and which ones to let sail by.

  Prez: Nice baseball metaphor! Can tell why you’re in marketing. LOL. Tonight we both will find, not necessarily the right one, but one that will be a home run for tonight!

  Jace: Wow, Prez! Way to say you want to get screwed on (or rather in) home plate! You go girl!

  Prez: You can’t pull off a “You go girl!” LOL

  Jace: You’re right :-). I take it back. C U soon

  I finished my makeup while Willow styled my black hair into soft spiral curls. After I was all made-up she completed her makeup and hair. She was like that, putting me first, even after she said she wouldn’t. And maybe she shouldn’t.

  Willow was one of those beauties where her inside beauty radiated through her skin. Her hair had gone a gamut of colors over the last few years. Right now she sported a beautiful royal purple color with streaks of lavender. She and her sister, Sierra, had bold hair color in common—that, and eyes so dark blue they affected men and women alike making them speechless, awestruck by the shimmering sapphire orbs. Willow blow-dried her hair into a messy, beachy style and gathered one side up into a fancy pin with a watercolor-blue butterfly attached. She chose a sapphire blue short-sleeved cotton shirt that showed off her elegant tattoo sleeve of a Japanese geisha holding a beautiful fan over her face on her right arm. She finished her look with torn jeans, a fitted black leather jacket and black platform heels, which added four inches to her normal five feet four inch height. Sexy and unique-looking but still approachable, that was Willow.

  Kona Grill was already hopping with twenty-somethings and early thirty-somethings when we rounded the corner onto the patio. Jace chose a table near open windows that let in the cool spring breeze. Her long, straight blonde hair slipped over her shoulder as she stood to greet us. I loved her sparkling iridescent cerulean-blue eyes, and her bright white smile made me wish I’d whitened my chompers this week.


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