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Run to Love (Triple R Book 1)

Page 9

by Dixon,Jules

  “I like the ladies, too,” Jace said unapologetically.

  “Figures, the beautiful and interesting ones do.”

  She tipped her head and smiled. “Save those silver-tongued lines for someone with emerald eyes and ebony hair.”

  “Will do.” I couldn’t help but like Jace. She didn’t mess around when it came to her friends.

  “Hey, Jude! Less sizzling hot girls and more help!” Rahl yelled over the bar and gave the wooden surface a loud slap.

  Jace rolled her eyes at him. Rahl raised his eyebrows back at her, and Jace shook her head with a smile.

  I chuckled at the bar’s resident ogre. Rahl was always a little grumpy with me, but I couldn’t say why. I hadn’t gotten to know him well, but there was always a grey cloud hanging over him. He was the Eeyore of great bartending.

  “Guess my break is over. Have fun tonight, Jace. Thanks for your help.”

  “You’re welcome. Don’t piss the info away, Jude.”

  I trekked back behind the bar and helped Rahl through the rush of orders, all the time keeping one eye on Presley on the dance floor.

  Kanyon snapped in my face to get my attention. “Who’s that?”

  “The black-haired girl is Presley. She’s one of my new clients. The other girl is her friend.”

  “She just a client?” he asked in a low tone.

  “What are you two little girls whispering about?” Emerson snapped.

  “Nothing,” we both said.

  “I don’t think these,” Emerson hiccupped, “shrinks are doing anything. I’ms outta here.” She slithered from her stool and fell to the floor, laughing uncontrollably. “I fells … down.”

  “Great.” I gave Kanyon a dude-help-please stare.

  After cussing me out under his breath, he stood and lifted her up, holding her at arm’s length.

  “I guess I get the privilege of driving No Tolerance Barbie home?”

  “Please.” I grabbed her purse, pulling out her driver’s license and apartment key. “She lives around the corner on 180th and Harrison.”

  “Fine, but you owe me one, like introducing me to the gorgeous purple-haired girl when I get back.”


  “Willow’s a bitch!” Emerson slurred while swaying on her legs. Kanyon’s arm tightened around her waist.

  I lowered my voice to Kanyon. “No, she’s not.” Even after a short meeting I could tell Emerson was way off on that one.

  “Where are you taking me?” Emerson stared up at Kanyon.

  “You’re going home.”

  “Yous gonna stay with me?” Her glazed eyes rolled across Kanyon’s chest as she pawed at his shirt.

  “You have a roommate?”

  “Yeah, but I don’ts do threesomes and she wouldn’t wants your penis. She likes baginas.” Emerson wrinkled her nose, then smiled crookedly. “But I might wants your…” She ran her hand down Kanyon’s shirt, past his waistband to his crotch. He gripped her wrist before she assaulted him in public.

  When drunk, most people went the opposite of what they were normally, but not Emerson. She continued to spew evil bile like a broken water pipe and someone direly needed to find her shutoff valve. Told me how miserable she actually was.

  “Then I’ll drop you off in her capable hands.” Kanyon carried Emerson next to his hip, dwarfed by his six foot three inch frame. “Be right back.”

  “I’ll buy your next round,” I called out.

  “Next two rounds,” Kanyon clarified.

  I nodded in agreement as he scooped Emerson up in his arms like he was carrying a sleeping child. She laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Bye, Jude!” she yelled from across the room as Kanyon kicked the front door open, spinning to give me one last ‘you fucking owe me big time’ glance.

  The band pulled in a full house, and the next forty minutes flew with no breaks. People needed potions to ease their pain or stimulate their happiness. I recognized both kinds of need in Presley, which had me wondering the real whys of her pain. What got to her? What hidden secrets would I find with time and effort?

  I thought the risk was worth the effort so I tried a friendly gesture. I made another round for the girls and paid for the drinks myself, asking Sage to say, “Congratulations, Presley! Ponytail got this one.”

  Sage rolled her expressive eyes and delivered the pale yellow libations. Willow and Jace smiled and waved in polite appreciation, but Presley bit her lip, breathed deeply, and stared at the glass sitting in front of her. Her hand slowly inched to the stem, and she sipped. A smile crossed her face, and her eyes flashed to mine. It wasn’t a clear expression of acknowledgement, but it would be enough for now.

  “Hey, where’s the barkeep who forces his so-called friend to drive a tiny beast from hell home?” Kanyon’s voice boomed across the bar.

  “Light or dark?”

  “Dark. That girl is definitely from the dark side.”

  I chuckled at his play on words, filled a pint, and handed the beer off to him. “How bad was it?”

  “She got really handsy in the truck, almost found an empty lot and took her up on her insistent and slurred offer, but I don’t do a trashed girl, ever. Little tipsy and feeling no pain … sure. Drunk … never. Plus, I don’t think anyone could fuck the nasty out of that woman. She’s Satan’s handiwork in the flesh.” He acknowledged my agreeing glance with a shake of his head. “Emerson’s roommate gave me shit that she doesn’t take care of passed-out or puking blondes, because unfortunately, the roommate has to be up at four in the morning. I dropped Barbie off on the sofa and told the fuming brunette, ‘sorry, but that’s why I don’t have a roommate.’ I think Emerson slurred that her roommate’s name is Kai? She works at Triple R?”

  “That’s her roommate?” I was highly skeptical of that information.

  “Thin, short brown hair, and a high and tight ass, the likes I’ve never seen before?”

  “That’s Kai. She’s way too nice to be living with that dump truck full of bitchy and crazy. Guarantee I’ll get to hear all about it tomorrow morning at the trainer’s meeting.”

  My phone vibrated in my jeans, and I assumed the text was from Kai telling me she would kick my ass in the morning.

  You deserve whatever she sends your way.

  I tugged my phone from my pocket.

  Kai: Just remember I have training in how to kill a man in one move!

  I cringed. She wasn’t kidding, as ex-military she did have the skills. I might avoid Kai for a few days until she calmed down.

  After filling drink orders, I returned to where Kanyon sat.

  My motorcycle-loving friend took a long drink of his Guinness. “What are you gonna do about your client?” He scanned the dance floor. “Damn, that’s a beautiful woman, Jude.”

  “I know.” An intense spasm tightened my pants as I noticed her glancing my way. “Her friend Jace said Presley’s looking to get laid tonight.” My head clouded with thoughts of being the one to make that come true.

  “By you? Does she have any standards?”

  I shook my head at his dig. “Unfortunately, after seeing Emerson, I think Presley’s looking for anyone but me. Honestly, I’m really hoping your ugly ass isn’t in the running.” Kanyon chuckled at my attempted return-dig. “There’s some history between Emerson and Presley, I just don’t know what. Jace certainly isn’t impressed with Emerson.”

  “I’ll second that impression.”

  “Jace says she’s going to do what she can to prevent a random hookup from happening. I’m going to let Presley know I’m interested tonight.”

  “Good luck, bro. I’ll root for you, but don’t chase after what isn’t interested.”

  Can’t promise that won’t happen.

  The bar owner approached me and asked if I’d be interested in being first to clock out. There was still half an hour before closing, but mostly regulars occupied seats and the band was finishing the last set. I agreed, finished up with the glasses I was washing, and made
my way through the small inebriated crowd to Willow and Presley on the dance floor.

  “Can I have this dance?” I asked Presley from behind. My hands gripped her slender waist lightly.

  Her head spun before her body turned and she lost her balance. I slid my arm around her waist and tugged her in close, chest to chest. The heat of her hands burned through my t-shirt and my pecs hardened in response.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she stiffened in my arms but soon her actions betrayed her tense body language. Her slender hands skimmed my chest to my neck and her nails grazed my skin. An involuntary growl escaped from my throat as she relaxed fully and her eyes softened. She lowered her head to my shoulder and her toned body swayed in my arms, some from the alcohol, some to the music. I joined the movement when she swallowed deeply and raised her head.

  “I’m not feeling very well. Sorry, Jude.”

  I could see it in her eyes, the scales had tipped. She was past tipsy. Way past.

  “I’ll go get Jace,” Willow offered.

  “No, no, I’ll go get her.” Presley pushed off of me and staggered toward the table.

  I wanted to follow but I needed to perform a little payback. I turned to Willow. “My friend, Kanyon, would like to meet you. He’s the tall blond at the bar.” I pointed with my eyes, but she didn’t hide her interested gaze. “Are you at all interested? Or should both of us cut our losses and head home?”

  “I’d be glad to meet him, Jude.”

  Thought so.

  We walked to the bar, and Kanyon climbed from his bar stool. As we stepped closer, he shifted his weight in his boots and his eyes held on the purple-haired girl next to me. And hers were never on anything but him.

  “Willow Harper, this is my friend, Kanyon Hills. Kanyon, this is Willow. Now there’s a green-eyed girl over there who needs a little of my attention. Excuse me.”

  As I left, I heard Willow ask Kanyon if he was related to some other Hills family she knew here in Omaha and him confirming they were cousins.

  I stopped before rounding the corner to Presley. I inhaled a deep breath and checked any concerns.

  Just tell her what you want to and let her get some rest.

  The two steps around the large wooden pillar brought me face-to-face with something unexpected. Rahl was typing Presley’s digits into his phone. They were laughing, and her fingers on his arm gave a flirty squeeze.

  What the fuck!

  Now I was pissed, mostly at myself, some at Rahl, and a lot less at Presley.

  The band had finished and the overhead lights flooded the bar.

  I approached the table, keeping my eyes on her. “Hey, Presley, did you have fun tonight?”

  Her eyes were glassy, and she weaved on her long and shapely legs, her tall heels still accomplishing wonderful things for her ass.

  Presley slid closer to Rahl and grabbed his arm. I started to tense, but after a moment I realized it was mostly for balance, not flirting.

  “Yeah. But I think that last martini … woo.” She flailed a hand through the air with her words. “And thanks, Jude. But it wasn’t a good idea.”

  Jace touched my arm and I leaned toward her. “I’m going to get her home, Jude. She’s too far gone to be of any use to any guy.”


  “Are you okay to drive? Need help getting Presley to the car?”

  “I’m fine. I didn’t drink at all here. Presley chugged the extra lemon drop martini you made for me, after downing hers. Probably should have stopped her from doing that.” Jace examined Presley’s deteriorating state. “A little help would be appreciated, by me, not sure her.”

  “I should have noticed you weren’t drinking and sent something nonalcoholic, sorry. I’d be glad to help with her.”

  Presley continued to talk with Rahl. She had issues with some pronunciation but after bartending for six years, I was seasoned in drunk-a-nese. Rahl contributed to the conversation and Presley seemed to be listening. Every once in a while, there was a glance from the corner of her eye. I didn’t hide my observation. She wouldn’t remember half of this in the morning anyway. Plus, I wanted to send clear signs to Rahl.

  “Let me go talk to Willow and see what her plan is.” Jace stepped from her stool.

  “I’m gonna stay right here.”

  “Ponytail, let her have tonight. I think she’s mostly upset by Emerson’s presence, not at you. Patience.”

  “Not a virtue I am familiar with,” I muttered under my breath as I took a seat.

  Willow intercepted Jace before she got very far, and they chatted.

  While leaning over the back of a chair, Rahl asked, “How was your first week at Triple R, Jude?”

  “Good. Presley is one of my new clients.” I said the words as casually as possible, but hopefully gave Rahl the “I saw her first” vibe.

  The pitiful, juvenile and underused “I saw her first” vibe.

  Presley hiccupped. “For now. Blakes isn’t happy. He wants to moves me to Kai or Jamal. I asked him to gives you another chance.”

  “I appreciate that, Presley. I thought we had good chemistry going.”

  Presley’s eyes met mine. “Me too, Jude.”

  The sudden lucidity of those three words was what I needed to hear. She would remember some things tomorrow.

  Rahl broke our connection, squeezing her arm. “I’m gonna get going. Presley, I’ll call you to get together.” He turned to me. “Later, Jude.”

  “You work tomorrow night?” I asked, mostly so I could know if he might call Presley for a date. That way I knew how straightforward I needed to be with an inhibition-lowered woman.

  “Yep. See you then.”

  “Later.” I gave a final chin-jerk to send him on his way.

  Presley and I sat staring at each other. The desire in her glossy eyes was still there, along with a significant martini haze.

  “Did you get the envelope I left for you?” Her quiet voice broke the silence and her eyes dropped.


  “I’m sorry, no, I didn’t. What did it look like?”

  “A large manila.” She motioned the size with her shaking hands. “I gave it to…” Presley closed her eyes and shook her head. When she reopened them, those green orbs flooded with jealousy. “Emerson.”

  “Presley, there is nothing going on with Emerson.” I lowered my voice. “I can’t think about anyone but—”

  “Ready to go, Prez?” Jace interrupted.

  “Yes,” Presley said firmly but stood on shaky legs. She rounded the table. I shifted in my spinning chair as she stopped in front of my spread legs. “It was a copy of the sketch of you.” Her eyes dropped to my crotch and returned to meet mine. “Hope you find it. I wouldn’t put it past Emerson to use the reality in some weird-ass fantasy she features you in.”

  I rounded her waist with my arm and gently dragged her closer to me. Pushing her hair over her shoulder, I whispered in her ear, “I don’t care what fantasies Emerson Welch has. I only care if I appear in any of your fantasies, Presley.” I watched goose bumps rise on her exposed upper chest as her breathing shallowed. My hand dropped to her lower back, tracing small circles over the thin fabric of her shirt. “So, do I?”

  She turned her head and our lips were only an inch apart. Her lemony breaths made my head spin. I wanted to taste her equally tart and sweet tongue. Her green eyes widened and the already-dilated pupils expanded until the green was a tiny rim around the black.

  Her words came out sluggishly as her breathing turned to panting. “Let’s just say that I’m pretty sure I’ll legitimately owes Willow forty dollars soon and my roommate’s going to wish she hads earplugs. Goodnight, Jude.”

  Damn. Fucking hot!

  Presley backed away from my arms and stumbled toward Jace, whose tiny frame struggled to keep her upright.

  “Let me help you, please.” With an arm around her waist, I guided her toward the door. She didn’t argue.

  “Thank you, Jude.” She sighed with slits of eyes as I p
ulled out the seat belt, then leaned over to click her in safely.

  “Anytime, Presley. I’ll remind you of our appointment Sunday night by text.”

  “Okay.” Her eyes flickered as she curled into the new leather seat.

  I hovered over her for just a moment, taking in her soft floral scent one more time.

  I dropped a peck of a kiss on her forehead and whispered, “Good night, Beautiful.”

  She was already passed out. I shut the door carefully.

  “Is someone going to be home with her?” I asked Jace.

  “I’ll make sure she’s okay before I leave.”

  “Thanks, Jace.”

  “No problem, Ponytail. You’ve got my vote, just don’t campaign too hard, Presley’s not used to…” She shook her head as she climbed in the car. “Never mind. Hope to see you around. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Kanyon met me near my truck with Willow at his side.

  I chuckled at Willow’s singsong voice of a famous Beatles song line. Wasn’t the first time I’d heard my name announced that way, certainly wouldn’t be the last.

  “Hey, Willow. Kanyon.”

  “Jude, I overheard you talking to Jace. I live with Presley. I’ll make sure she’s okay tonight.”

  “You have a…” I was about to say “ride”, but Kanyon’s shit-eating grin was a clear sign, and I gave him one back.

  Kanyon clapped his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll call you this week, Saylor. Maybe go to Quaker Steak and Lube’s gathering Thursday?”

  “Sounds good. You two have fun.”

  They both snickered and walked to Kanyon’s red Chevy Silverado.

  Definitely no set type of girl for Hills.

  I had to rise before the sun for an early meeting at Triple R, so I headed home and fed Ninja before hitting the hay. That night, my dreams of Presley woke me up several times with a hard-on that wouldn’t go away without intervention. If Zane were home, he would’ve wished for earplugs, too.

  Chapter Nine


  I woke up. Alone. And pissed. At myself.


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