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Page 14

by Bella Jewel

  I nod, rubbing my chin. “Could work, but that means involvin’ ourselves with the law.”

  “Yeah, but it means puttin’ them fuckers behind bars and breakin’ the club.”

  “The other chapters will come into it,” I point out.

  “True, but there’s a solid chance they won’t, too.”

  “What’s the next plan?”

  “The next plan is us settin’ them up, only with someone fuckin’ bad.”

  “Any chance of workin’ this shit out and gettin’ them out of the city?”

  Maddox shakes his head. “No chance. They’re invested now, and they want this turf. They also want our asses. Howard might be in prison, but he’s fuckin’ smart, and he ain’t goin’ to back down.”

  “Either way, we’ve got a fuckin’ war with the other chapters.”

  “Yeah,” he grunts. “But we show our strong side, they mightn’t fight back.”

  “It’s a big risk.”

  “What other choice have I got?”

  I nod. “None.”

  “Worried for my woman,” he mutters. “Worried for my baby.”

  “You gotta get them out of town. We’ll get them out.”

  “Can’t keep her runnin’ for the rest of her life.”

  “Santana knows what she’s doin’. She knows the club life and she wants to be here. Don’t start pushin’ her away; it’ll only put her in more danger.”

  He nods. “Yeah.”

  “We gonna ride and check out this warehouse?”

  He spins to his bike, throwing his leg over. “Let’s ride.”



  “So, you two are fuck buddies?” Santana gasps.

  I shake my head. “No. We’re just not together.”

  “Fuck buddies,” Ash points out.



  I grunt. “I’m fine with this, okay?”

  “You sure about that?” Santana asks, bouncing Diesel in her lap.

  “It’s sex, great sex, and nothing more.”

  “If you fall for him—” Ash begins, but I cut her off.

  “Ash, Santana, it’s fine. I’m not going to fall for him. I know what Mack is; I’ve known it from the start. I’ve heard about Ingrid, I know how much she meant to him, and I know things won’t change between us. I’m okay with that. I’m only there for a few more months at the most, and then I’ll go home.”

  They give each other looks. I sigh.

  “I’ve got to go to the store.”

  I reach my hands out and Santana hands me Diesel.

  “We still on for our girls’ night, Saturday?” Ash asks.

  “I’ll be there,” I call as I walk off.

  “You better be!”

  I smile and get into my car, strapping Diesel in.

  These girls will get under my skin, I already know that much.

  And I kind of like it.


  “What do you think, little man?” I sing to Diesel as we walk to the car. “Should we stop and get some ice cream?”

  “I think he’d like that.”

  I squeal and spin around to see Benito, Mack’s brother, standing at a car across from mine. I didn’t even hear him approach. My heart races and I tuck Diesel to my chest, terrified. After hearing the story, I know Benito wants revenge.

  “How are you, Jaylah?” he purrs, stepping closer to me.

  I step back, my heart racing. My eyes dart around the parking lot, hoping to see someone else, but there’s no one around. I don’t like this; not at all.

  “I’m just leaving,” I say quickly, going to turn.

  He catches my arm and I squeeze my eyes shut. He forces me back around and his eyes are on Diesel, staring at him, drinking him in.

  “He looks just like my brother.”

  I swallow.

  “He should have been mine,” he says, his voice low. “She should have been mine. Instead, he took what wasn’t his and then left me with nothing.”

  Oh, God.

  His fingers tighten on my arm.

  “You fucking him?” he growls.

  “Please,” I beg.

  “You are, aren’t you?”

  Oh, God.

  “I wonder how he’d feel if I fucked you—hell, if I got someone to put a baby in you that wasn’t his.”

  My skin crawls.

  He leans in close.

  “Imagine how much that would hurt? If I took from him the way he took from me. Would you like that, sweetheart? Would you like me to fuck you? I can assure you it’ll be a better ride than my brother.”

  Vomit rises in my throat and I try to step back but his fingers curl into my arm, and I wince in pain.

  “You better tell him to take better care of you, and that baby,” he says, his eyes dropping to Diesel. “I might just decide taking what’s his will be fun.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat, but no words come out. There’s something in his eyes that tells me he’s not joking.

  “You’ve got a sweet ass. I’ll enjoy being inside it.”

  Then he lets me go and turns, getting into his car and driving off. My knees are shaking so badly, I fling the door open and drop down onto the seat. Diesel is tucked into my arms, stirring, as if he feels my tension. I take a solid moment to get myself together, and then I strap Diesel in and drive home.

  I don’t feel so good about things anymore.


  When I get home, Mack has all the guys around.

  I walk in and they’re sitting on the lounge, beer in hands, pizza on the table. I rush past them, head down. I wish he didn’t have them here tonight; I don’t want to talk to them. I just want to go to bed and forget about Benito and his threat, a threat I believe is very, very real.

  “Jaylah,” Krypt says in greeting.

  I look up, nod quickly, and rush into the kitchen.

  I put the bags down and hand Diesel over to Maddox, who willingly takes his nephew. Then I rush into the kitchen, avoiding Mack’s eyes, even though I know they’re on me. I start putting the items in the fridge frantically, so frantically I drop a bottle of sauce and it smashes all over the ground. My hands tremble as I scurry about, trying to pick it up, tears flowing freely from my eyes.

  “Mack,” I hear Maddox growl.

  Then strong hands catch me under the armpits and haul me up and right over the sauce mess. I’m set on my feet on the other side of the counter, and Mack is in front of me.

  “What happened?”

  “I dropped the sauce. I’m sorry, I was cleaning it up, and—”

  “Before that.”

  “I went to the store.”

  “Jaylah,” he warns.

  “I saw Benito,” I blurt, and his body goes rock solid.

  “What?” he growls.

  “He said awful things, Mack . . .”

  I look around and see Krypt is standing, Maddox too. Great, the biker mob is now listening in.

  “What did he say?” Mack grinds out.

  I drop my head, but he captures my chin and lifts it so my eyes are on his. “What. Did. He. Say?”

  “He said you would pay. He said wouldn’t it be nice if he took what was yours and fucked it, maybe even put a baby in it.”

  “Fuck,” Mack barks.

  “He meant me, Mack. He’s . . . he’s going to try and get to me.”

  His eyes flash and his jaw goes tight.

  “Shit just got real, Mack,” Maddox growls. “We’re gettin’ involved.”

  “Fuck,” Mack says again, and then he turns to me. “He hurt you?”

  “No, he held me a little tightly, but . . .”

  He reaches down and jerks my shirtsleeves up, and I tilt my head to see faint bruises on my arms.

  “I’ll kill him.”

  “Mack,” Krypt warns.

  “No one fucks with me like that.”


  I stare between all of them, not sur
e what I’m supposed to say or do. I know telling Mack was the right thing, but I also don’t want anyone to get hurt because of it.

  “I’m okay,” I whisper.

  Mack turns to me and surprises me, and the room, it would seem by all the wide eyes. He curls his fingers around my chin, bringing me close. “No one touches you. No one fucks with me. He won’t get to you, Jaylah. I swear it.”

  I swallow.

  “I don’t want him to take me, and fuck me,” I whisper.

  “Honey, he won’t.”

  “And I don’t want him to let another man put a baby in me.”

  “He won’t.”

  “Mack, if he gets . . .”

  He leans in closer. “He won’t.”

  I close my eyes, and his fingers remain on my chin as I deep-breathe.

  God, I hope he’s right.


  Mack’s flesh drives into me.

  He’s not making love to me, he’s not even fucking me; he’s riding me with a force so powerful I don’t even have it in me to open my mouth and scream.

  My legs are around his hips, his face is buried into my neck and his fingers are tangled in my hair. If I turn, I can lick his bicep, which is riding awful close to my face, clenching and unclenching with each powerful thrust. My bed squeaks in protest, and aside from that, it’s the only sound in the room.

  Then he pulls his cock from my depths and I’m hauled up to my knees. He’s in front of me now, his lean body covered in a fine sheen of sweat. That’s because he came in here more than an hour ago, and has been fucking me since. I’ve come three times and he still powered on, driving into me, fucking me until I couldn’t breathe.

  “Suck me,” he rasps.

  Oh. Yes, please.

  I lower myself, taking his wet cock into my hands. It doesn’t turn me off to know he’s coated in me—it only makes me want it that much more. I lean down, running my tongue around his head and tasting him, tasting me, tasting us. He groans, my skin prickles, and I lower my mouth over him. Oh God, I can taste everything that is me, and it’s erotic. So erotic.

  I suck myself off him, and his fingers find their spot in my hair again and he tugs. I lick and suck the tip before moving down and capturing his tight balls in my mouth. “Holy fuck,” he breathes as I suck them in, rolling them with my tongue and giving them a good deal of attention before releasing them and licking my way back up his shaft. Then I start sucking him, good and deep, letting his cock hit the back of my throat.

  He’s thick, he’s long, and he’s about to burst. He’s so hard my teeth graze the soft skin along the sides of his length, and he hisses frantically. For whatever reason, he’s having trouble finding where he wants to go. I know exactly how to encourage him along. I’ve only ever done it once, when I was about eighteen, and the guy loved it when I was giving head.

  I don’t know if Mack will love it, but it’s worth a shot.

  I grip his ass cheeks, taking him deeper, distracting him. I release one cheek and subtly stroke his length, coating my finger in my own saliva. Then I reach down to his balls, stroking, fondling, and his groans increase. I suck him harder, my lips burning with the pressure, but I’m loving every moment of it.

  Then I find his ass, and I push my finger in.

  “What the fuck?” he barks suddenly, but I don’t release him.

  I press it in, finding the little bundle of nerves all men have inside them, and I press at the same time as I suck, hard.

  “Holy fuckin’—” he begins but it ends on a guttural groan.

  I press again, sucking harder, and I repeat this until he’s yelling, yes, yelling to the roof. Then he’s coming, deep inside my mouth, shot after shot hitting the back of my throat. I can feel him pulsing around my finger and it turns me on. God, does it turn me on. His hips buck harder and he milks every last drop from his body before I slowly remove my finger and release his cock.

  In the darkness, we’re both silent for a moment. After all, that was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever done, aside from watching him fuck me near the mirror. Not to mention he just rode me for a solid hour. He must be exhausted. I roll and drop to my back, panting, completely content. He drops to his back beside me, and still says nothing.

  “That was hot,” I say, my voice low.

  “Never had anythin’ like that in my life. In fact, I’ve never come so hard in my life.”

  That’s news, and I smile into the darkness.

  “You’re a fuckin’ sweet lay, honey.”

  I’m not sure if I like that compliment. It makes my chest hurt, and I’m reminded that’s all I am to him—a sweet lay. Nothing more. Nothing less. And when he’s done with me, he’ll find another sweet lay. Hurt, I roll to my side and shuffle under the covers.

  “I’m tired,” I say, my voice soft. “Are you staying or going?”

  “Jaylah,” he begins.

  “Tired, Mack.”

  He doesn’t push, as always. He just rolls, pressing his lips to the back of my neck, and then he’s gone. I clench my eyes shut, knowing I need to stop this, but not being able to find it in me to walk away. He makes me feel amazing, and I don’t want that to end.

  Not yet.

  Maybe not ever.


  “He’s got a temp,” I whisper to my mom on the phone, frantic. “He’s really hot, Mom.”

  “Honey, calm down,” she says, her voice gentle. “You need to make sure he’s not wrapped up.”

  “He’s sick,” I croak. “Mom, he’s sick.”

  “I know. Sweetheart, listen to me, unwrap him and make sure he’s not overheating.”


  “Do as I say, Jaylah.”

  I nod, even though she can’t hear me, and I unravel Diesel. He cries, loud and piercing, and my eyes fill with tears.

  “Mom,” I plead.

  “Honey, babies get sick. You need to figure out what’s going on, and probably take him to a hospital.”

  “Did I do something wrong?” I cry.

  “No, God no. It happens, trust me. Now, are his cheeks red?”

  “Yes, but he’s been crying.”

  “Has he been pulling at his ears?”

  He has. For the past few hours his little fingers have been curled around one of his ears. “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Okay, how hot is he?”

  I check the thermometer I put in, and it’s high, really high.

  “He’s hot, Mom, oh, God.”

  “Honey, you need to call Mack. Then you need to take the baby to the hospital.”

  “Okay,” I say, panicked. “Okay.”

  “Call me as soon as you can, and stay calm. It’s going to be okay.”

  I hang up without answering, and lift Diesel into my arms. He’s crying, really loud, and his little hands are waving about. I can feel the heat coming off his skin and panic rises in my chest. Every time I press a cool cloth to his face, he screams so loudly I am forced to remove it.

  I turn and rush into the living area, lifting my phone to ring Mack, but I don’t have to. The door opens and he comes strolling in. It’s after six in the evening, so he’s right on time. He looks to me, then to Diesel, and before he can say anything, I whisper, “He’s sick, Mack.”

  Something changes in his face and he stares at me, his eyes dangerous. “Sick?”

  “He’s got a really high fever, he won’t eat, he’s pulling his ears. Babies, they can die of high fevers. We have to go to the hospital.”

  “Get him in the car,” he orders.

  “I have to get his things, Mack, we can’t go without them.”

  “I’ll get them.”

  “You don’t know what to get,” I cry.

  “Fuck, Jaylah.”

  “Hold him. Just hold him while I do it.”

  “No,” he says, stepping back.

  “Mack,” I scream so loudly Diesel starts to cry harder. Shit. “This isn’t the time for you to live in your fucked up little world. Your
son is sick, do you hear me? And if we don’t take him to the hospital, he could die. Now, open your God damned arms and take him, and stop being so fucking pathetic.”

  He flinches at my words, but I don’t give him the chance to respond. I walk forward and I pass Diesel to him. It takes a second, but he lifts his arms and takes his son. His entire body flinches and his eyes flare with alarm as Diesel squirms and cries. If Diesel weren’t so sick, it would be a truly beautiful moment.

  “Press your hand to his back,” I say, my voice softer now. I lift Mack’s hand and place it to Diesel’s back.

  “Now put your other one under his bum.”

  I tuck Mack’s hand under his bum so Diesel is curled against Mack’s chest. He instantly turns his face to Mack’s chest and stops crying. Tears burn the backs of my eyes, but I don’t have time to watch the beauty unfolding before me. I turn and rush off, getting the basics. It takes me only five minutes, but by the time I’m back, Mack is staring at me, his face worried.

  “Jaylah,” he says, his voice low. “His breathing just slowed.”

  My heart kicks up a notch and panic rises again. I have to squash it down; I know I do. I can’t let it get the better of me.

  “We’ve got to call an ambulance, Mack,” I say, pulling out my phone.

  He says nothing. He just holds onto his son. There’s a look in his eyes I’ve never seen before. I dial an ambulance, and a lady answers.

  “What’s your emergency?”

  “We’ve got a baby,” I say quickly. “He’s got a fever, he was screaming but now . . . his breathing is really shallow.”

  “We’re on our way. What’s your address?”

  She goes over some things with me quickly, but assures me the ambulance is five minutes’ away. I turn back to Mack, and he’s staring at me still, fear in his features.

  “He gonna die, Lah?” he whispers.

  Holy shit.

  “No, honey,” I soothe, curling my fingers around his bicep.

  “If he dies . . .”

  “Mack,” I say softly. “We’re going to get him help.”

  “I fucked up.”

  I squeeze his arm and stare down at Diesel. It’s alarming that he’s stopped screaming. It’s even more alarming that his breathing has gone from deep, to jerky. His little back is rising and falling rapidly, too rapidly. I swallow away my tears and place a hand over Mack’s, and both our hands rest on Diesel’s back.


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