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Finally...One Summer (Just One of the Guys)

Page 5

by Kristi Pelton

  Grant stood between Zach and me, and I watched Zach lower his head and maneuver himself between us. I could tell by his expression, he was angry.

  “Zach. It’s fine. Just let him leave,” I begged.

  He held his hand up, palm toward me. Grant wasn’t going to budge. “Grant. I would love nothing more than to rip you apart right now.”

  Grant snickered and I used Zach’s leg to help me get to my feet. If I had to, I was going to step between them. Zach glanced at me and put his arm around my waist to help me balance. He smiled down at me.

  His eyes flickered back to Grant. “I’m not going to do that since last time Emma was hurt because of our altercation. I wouldn’t chance that again. It also bothered her that you were hurt.” Zach raised his brows.

  Grant studied my face. “I am sorry I called you that Em.” He turned to Zach. “But that apology had nothing to do with you.”

  “That was all I was asking.”

  Grant swiveled in the sand and his back was to us as he began walking away.

  Zach spread out the blanket. “Oh and Grant.”

  He stopped walking, but didn’t face us, and waited for Zach’s next words.

  “I thought we had cleared this up back in Ashland. But just a friendly reminder so you’re not confused. Emma is off limits. Don’t look at her…don’t sneeze in her direction…just pretend she’s not here.”

  “Whatever, dickhead.”

  “Twice…I’ve spoken with her after she’s dealt with you and she’s crying. Don’t let there be a third.”

  Grant started laughing and turned to us. “No worries, dude. I just wish I knew what she was crying about.” He held up his hands like he was measuring the weight of something. “Was it because she hurt her ankle or because she felt guilty for makin out with me on the beach last night?”

  I narrowed my eyes and shot daggers toward Grant.

  Zach took two long steps toward him leaving me for a second. “I’m sure both were pretty painful for her.”

  Grant nodded. “You’re right. Because when I kissed her, she made the cutest little whimper.”

  Zach reached behind himself till he felt me with his hands and Grant disappeared into the fog. Zach faced me. “Something you need to tell me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said softly lowering my head.

  He sat next to me on the blanket. The fog still hadn’t lifted and you could feel it in the air. “It happened last night after I’d sprained my ankle. I’m not proud of it. His hands were on my ankle and…”

  “So tell me how his lips got on your lips,” he said sarcastically.

  “Zach. I don’t want him,” I clarified. How could he possibly question my love for him? He’s all I wanted.

  He leaned back with his arms behind him and stretched his legs out. “I know you keep saying that. But that’s twice you’ve ended up kissing him if we count the Kid Rock concert last year.” He was angry.

  “I know but you don’t understand,” I started to pout and crossed my arms.

  He uncrossed them and took my hands in his. “Help me understand.”

  “Grant has been my brother’s best friend forever. I’ve always had a crush on him… until I met you. Then that was over for me. You…were all I saw…all I wanted. And when we were in Ashland…it was easy because we were together. But here, he pursues me and flatters me and is nice to me and it is so odd because he wants me now after all these years.” I stopped talking wondering if it was making sense. “So it’s hard when he’s in my face trying to kiss me. I feel like I should respond. I know it doesn’t make sense.”

  “Emma. You owe him nothing. You have no obligation to him. He’s trying to take advantage of you…of that love.”

  My face pulled into a grimace. “I don’t love him.”

  He cupped my lower jaw in his palms. “Honey. You do love him, just in a different way. I hope.” He smiled. “And that’s OK. But you have to know the line to draw with him.”

  I nodded. “I do now. I’m sorry.”

  He pulled me into his chest and I closed my eyes thankful for his patience.

  “I wonder?” He stopped.


  “Would you afford me the same leniency?” He questioned.

  I reared back. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “I mean, let’s say for instance that when the guys and I were at the beach, Jaycee and I made out, but that I was thinking of you the whole time and it was no bid deal.” A smile touched the corner of his mouth.

  My heart beat hard and fast and the blood drained from my face. My vacant stare must have concerned him.


  “I’d say that I expected it…guys cheat!”

  Zach instantly shoved away from me and his expression was one of anguish. He moved his mouth as if he was trying to speak but no words were coming out. I’d hurt him. His face saddened me. I kept silent afraid to say more. He folded my fingertips over his hand and kissed my knuckles then ran his fingers over the silver ring on my finger.

  “I don’t know what more I can do to make you believe in me. I love you so much and you don’t see that. Why do you always question me?”

  A couple walking down the beach nearly stumbled over us in the fog. We smiled at them as they moved around the blanket.

  “I believe you love me.”

  “That’s not what I’m asking.”

  I swallowed hard. He would never understand my explanation. “For as long as I can remember…guys have cheated. My brother cheated just last night on Ali. Grant cheated on Chloe. My dad…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

  “Your dad?”

  I nodded. “I was eleven. It was a lady he worked with. Mom found out and thankfully they decided to work it out, but she was angry for a long time. Things are better now.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in smoothing my hair over and over again then kissed the top of my head. “Baby, not all guys cheat.”

  I heard the words he spoke but it was hard to believe them. I wanted to, but I’d seen it go on for so long.

  “Well, as far as I know, my dad has never cheated on my mom,” he said. “And I have no intention of cheating on you. Don’t you understand…you are who I want.”

  I nodded. “I’m trying. I’m truly trying to believe that.”

  “All right. That’s all I can ask for.”

  He lay back on the blanket and laid my head on his chest. My head rose and fell with each breath he took. The fog still hadn’t lifted and I closed my eyes.

  It was nearly dark when I finally opened my eyes again and I felt his hands fingering through my hair. I sat vertical and looked at him. The fog was gone.

  “What time is it?” I asked groggily.

  “You were out like a light. Almost three hours.”

  I slapped his shoulder. “Why did you let me sleep? We just wasted three hours.”

  He smiled. “There was nothing wasted with you sleeping on my chest. I dozed for a bit too. You must have been exhausted. I’m starving are you hungry?”

  Stretching my arms into the air, I nodded. “If it’s OK with my mom, I would like to take you to Norma’s in Seaside.”

  “What’s Norma’s?”

  “A place that has the best crab legs…already pulled from the shell by the way.”

  He patted his belly. “Sounds awesome. Let’s go,” he said as I climbed on his back.

  The drive back to Cannon was quiet except for the vibrating hum of his jeep.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?”

  I shrugged. “Most of our nights are the same. Beach, lawn chair, sweatshirt. Grant will be there,” I warned.

  “That’s OK with me if it’s OK with you.” He smiled. “Oh. By the way. Listen good because this is difficult for me to say.” His smile grew wider. “The drive from Florence up here was amazing. I wish you would have been with me. You were right, there is nothing like it.”

  I stuck my index finger in my ear and rotated
it like I was cleaning it. “What…I couldn’t hear you. Would you say that again?”

  He laughed. “Nope. That was it. But I have to add…there is a drive between San Francisco and Monterey that is just as beautiful.”

  I playfully shoved his shoulder. “Oh my God! Whatever. Just face it. You can’t say anything nice about Oregon.”

  “I just did. You heard me. It was breathtaking, magnificent, spectacular, out of this world and incredible.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Is that all?” I asked with a disgusted tone.

  “Absolutely not,” he said surprised that I would ask. “My girlfriend lives here so that makes it even better.”

  I would never get used to him calling me his girlfriend. I was wishing I didn’t have to wear my seat belt so that I could be closer to him.

  “Seriously,” he started. “I crossed this old bridge in Newport that was incredible and the cliffs…aaww…I wondered how you make the trip with your motion sickness and fear of heights.”

  I felt squeamish just thinking about it. “It’s never easy. It’s hard to look at something so beautiful and yet you feel like vomiting.”

  “Some day. We’ll do it together?”

  “Of course. But, let me know in advance so I can take some Dramamine.”


  The fire on the beach was burning by the time Zach and I got back. We both threw on sweatshirts, then he grabbed a lawn chair and tossed me on his back. Seth and Austin were sitting with them and I watched Grant as we got closer. Once he spotted us coming, he moved his chair over leaving no room between him and Ryan. Jackass. They were drinking.

  “Hey guys” Ryan greeted.

  Austin and Zach hadn’t seen each other since Grant’s eighteenth birthday party at our house when Zach wanted to hurt him. I prayed tonight went better. I waved at Austin from Zach’s back before he slid me down onto the sand. I pointed at Austin.

  “Zach…Austin,” I introduced. “And Grant’s brother, Seth.”

  Austin stood from his chair and came toward Zach extending his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he grinned. “Officially at least.”

  Zach shook his hand and answered with a bashful smile. “Sorry about Ashland, man.”

  Austin handed him a beer. “No harm done. And you know, if she were mine…I’d fight for her too.” His words were sincere and Zach acknowledged him with a heartfelt nod.

  I was balancing on one foot while he unfolded the chair and straddled the seat then pulled me in to sit between his legs. I spread the blanket over my legs and his arms draped over my shoulders. It didn’t get any better.

  All the guys included Zach in conversation except for Grant who sat coldly quiet with angry eyes. Just last night, I kissed him on this very beach…willingly. He had every right to be pissed at me. He finished a beer and opened another. I wondered who had bought the beer and figured it was Seth.

  “You want a drink?” Zach asked softly.

  I was surprised. “You’re going to let me drink?”

  His lips puckered instantly. “You’re a lightweight. I figured a sip of mine is all it would take,” he teased.

  I elbowed him in the ribs and took a sip not understanding guys’ infatuation with the beverage. It was bitter. But they all consumed it on some level—dark …ale …wheat … light…unfiltered…filtered. Ugh.

  Beneath the blanket, Zach’s cold hand moved under my sweatshirt and flitted across my stomach taking my breath away. I tilted my head back, and he winked as he kissed my forehead.

  “So, Ryan says you’re headed to U of O this fall?” Seth asked.

  Zach nodded. “That’s right.”

  “He said you had the chance to go to USC and KU. What made you choose U of O?

  I glanced sideways at Ryan to see his reaction to the question. He covered his mouth trying to hide his smile.

  Zach stuck his index finger down at me and didn’t seem the least bit ashamed. I squirmed deeper under the blanket suddenly feeling judged by them. Grant snickered and I shot him a look.

  Seth grinned. “There’s nothing wrong with that, man. But USC?”

  “You guys could get in there too,” Zach pointed out.

  “Out of state tuition, dude. Cha-ching!” Seth laughed. “Nah. Oregon’s a great college. You’ll love it here.”

  “What are you guys doing for the sand castle competition?” Austin asked.

  Ryan held up his beer. “How about a giant beer bottle?” The guys chuckled.

  I spoke quickly, “I was thinking...since your idea of the guitar last year was such a flop that this year we could do…can I get a drum roll, please.”

  Seth beat on the top of the cooler and I smiled.

  “Thank you. We do….Sponge-bob and his pineapple,” I suggested.

  The response to my suggestion was nothing less than nothing. All sets of eyes stared at me. “OK,” I said. “Maybe a giant beer bottle?” I threw it back on the table and cheers erupted. I looked at Zach and rolled my eyes. “We’re gonna lose,” I added.

  “I’m not doin it,” Grant threw out.

  My chin jetted out and I felt the anger climb up my back. Zach tugged on my shirt as I leaned forward.

  “You what?”

  Grant tossed his bottle in the trash bag and Seth handed him another one.

  “I didn’t stutter.” He tipped the brown glass first at me then to his lips.

  Ryan’s sideways glance cautioned me. I didn’t heed.

  “We are pre-registered, Grant. You’re name is on the registration. You have to.”

  Zach planted his feet in the sand still straddling the chair and moved his body forward toward my back. His arm wrapped around my stomach and I wondered if he was afraid I’d lunge at Grant.

  “I don’t have to do anything.” His expression was smug.

  “Dibs.” Ryan said under his breath and we all looked in the direction he was. Three blond girls walked toward our little circle of burning testosterone, whispering and laughing as they approached. Only one hadn’t dressed for the weather. Their hair color wasn’t real and I doubted their cleavage was either.

  “Hi, guys.” The prettiest girl chimed in a southern drawl.

  “What’s up?” Ryan spoke up.

  Zach intertwined our fingers under the blanket and hugged me tighter. I relaxed and watched the boys. Lights. Camera. Action.

  “We were just going for a walk and we saw ya’ll sittin here and thought we’d say hi.” This blond had pigtails…actual pigtails. Did they wear those in the south? I wondered if they were sisters because they weren’t the same in size…maybe in IQ.

  “So what’re your names?” Grant spoke for the first time this evening.

  I was expecting something along the lines of Marsha, Jan and Cindy.

  “I’m Veronica,” pigtail girl said. “This is Paige and that’s MacKenzie.”

  Veronica winked and I felt Zach chuckle below me.

  Ryan stood. “Here Veronica, would you like to sit?”

  She dragged her fingers across his chest as she moved passed. “Ah, ain’t that just so swe-et.”

  I’d never heard sweet pronounced in two syllables and Ryan’s gesture obligated Grant and Austin to stand. Seth laughed and wiped a tear from his cheek. As they chatted, I looked up at Zach.

  “See why it’s hard to have faith?” I whispered.

  He kissed my forehead and I flipped sideways to lay my head on his chest.

  “Want to take that walk?” Grant asked Paige and she nodded eagerly. As much as I hated it, a tinge of jealousy shot through me as I watched them walk away hand in hand.

  Beep..Beep..Beep. Austin pulled his cell phone from his jeans.

  “Hey, what’s up?” he answered. “Sittin on the beach.” He paused. “Where are you?” He waited. “OK. I’ll be there in a few.” He slid his phone closed.

  “My mom and dad have a flat. He isn’t going to change it so I’ll be back. They’re up the street at Doogers.”

  “I’ll go help,” Seth off

  Austin shook his head. “No. I got it.” They were trying not to laugh and Seth sat back down in his chair. Austin leaned down toward my ear. “I can fill in for Grant if you need me.” He patted my shoulder.

  I nodded.

  “See ya all later.”

  “Bye,” I said, wondering if Mackenzie had picked up Seth’s attempt to get away.

  Ryan and Veronica were talking low and I heard her say something about the hotel they were in. Ryan nodded and they were off. It was as easy as that.

  “Is this every night?” Zach’s breath blew in my ear as he spoke and sent chills down my back. “Sorry,” he said as I shivered.

  I nodded. “Yep. If the girls flock…they go. It’s disgusting.”

  “And you…” he hesitated then shook his head. “Never mind.”

  I tickled him. “Oh…you think…I’m going to let that go, mister? You’re mistaken.”

  A broad smile crossed his face but didn’t make it to his eyes. I didn’t like that.

  “I didn’t want to bring it up. I certainly don’t want to fight. But you judged me for the website and yet this happens nightly.”

  “On occasion…there’s two show’s a night.” I crinkled up my nose.

  He finished his beer and Seth threw him another. He offered me a drink and I took two swallows and shuddered.

  “Why is it OK if I drink with you?” I asked. He hated if I drank when he wasn’t around. Not that I drank a lot…only twice since I’d known him.

  He kissed the tip of my nose, which must have been cold, because he pulled the blanket up to my neck. “Because if you get loopy like you did last year with Austin…I want to be there to take care of you. Someone else could take advantage of that.”

  A grin touched my lips. “And you wouldn’t?” I challenged.

  His face was serious. “Never! In fact, when I take advantage of you, I want you to be completely sober,” he chuckled at the end.

  “Austin defended you, you know.”

  “Oh yeah, how’s that?”

  Seth and Mackenzie stood and started walking away, then Seth turned rolling his eyes at us. “Guard the beer. I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Seth is too old for her,” I speculated.

  “He’ll use good judgment,” Zach said nicely. “Back to Austin.”


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