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A Staten Island Love Letter- The Forgotten Borough 2

Page 19

by Jahquel J.

  “How was your day?” he asked as he sat at the foot of the bed and pulled his Versace loafers off his feet.

  “Good. I got some work done… Yours?”

  “I had a few meetings. Me and Priest went to go view some commercial properties,” he replied with his back turned.

  “I love how you make him step outside of being just a drug dealer. You force him to put his money into other things.”

  “When Sandy died, I had to take him under my wing. Just like I do with Staten, I do the same with him. Only difference, Priest listens to me,” he chuckled and unbuttoned his white shirt.

  “Staten is hard headed and does things on his own. You know that he’ll listen when it comes time.”

  “Yeah, my fear is that the time he’ll listen is when his ass gets himself into something he can’t get out of,” he sighed as he made his way over to my side of the bed. Staring down at me, he bent down and kissed me on the lips. “You look beautiful when you got your glasses on.”

  “I look like a damn nerd,” I smiled. “But, thank you.” See what I mean? I was so confused on what we were doing. Were we together? Or not?

  “Nothing wrong with that,” he picked his shoes up and carried them into the closet. “How was Rain today?”

  “Good. For the first time she didn’t cry when it was time to go to school. I think she’s adjusting slowly, but surely. Somali helps a lot with that too.”

  Rain cried every time she had to go to school. Ghost kept her out for some time, but decided it was time for her to go back to school. Every morning she would cry when I dropped them off. It pained me to force her out of my truck and into the school, but she wasn’t my daughter and I couldn’t throw out what her father wanted for her. If it was Somali, I would have brought her home and loved on her some more.

  “Man, Summer would have loved Somali,” he said more to himself than me. I knew he missed Summer more than anything and I hated he even had to go through something like that.

  “She really would have. Somali would have loved on her so hard,” I closed my laptop and stared at him.

  “What you think about moving in here?”

  “Huh?” I was caught off guard by his question.

  “I thought this was only temporary, Gyson,” I pulled my legs underneath me. “This was until everything is settled in the streets.”

  He came and sat on my side of the bed. “I like waking and going to sleep to you, Freedom. Kissing my kids before they head off to school every morning has got me through everything. You don’t like this crib, we can find another one you like. Don’t feel like moving? Tear the entire place apart and remodel it the way you want, and I’ll pay for it,” he had grabbed hold of my hands and I saw the joy in his eyes. How could I tell him no? I took his kids away from him for ten years and somehow he had managed to forgive me. How could I deny him something as small as this? The truth of the matter was that I couldn’t. If I did, I would be a monster tearing apart a man from his kids – again.

  “Okay, if that’s what you want. We can move in with you and Rain,” I agreed. The kids loved living here and I knew once it would be time to head back home, they wouldn’t want to leave. Somali loved being around her father and Samaj ate up any and everything that Ghost said to him. I couldn’t break a grieving father’s heart by taking his kids away from him.

  “I want us to together too, Free. You left me years ago and I’m not trying to lose you again,” he told me, and I smiled.

  I wanted us to be together, but fear was what held me back. I was scared that this baby in my stomach wasn’t his child. Could he love another man’s baby? I mean, he loved Summer because he thought she was his daughter. What if Shakira would have told him ahead of time, could he have loved her like he loved Rain? There was too many thoughts swirling through my mind and I just wanted them to turn off for a second so I could breathe without feeling pressure in the middle of my chest. The question still remained. Could Ghost love my baby, even if he wasn’t the child’s father? Even knowing that the baby is Zoe’s child, the man behind the death of Summer?



  “Yo, can we hurry the fuck up? I’m trying to get to the party already,” I complained as Justice, Liberty and Free took a dozen fucking pictures.

  We had been at Ghost’s crib for an hour and they still were snapping damn pictures. I was ready to fucking go so I could get lit and chill out for the night. Shit had been stressful and having a night where I could chill without having to bust my gun was one that was well needed. Chanel was pissed with me because I hadn’t been spending a lot of time with her, and had missed our first doctor’s appointment. She cried and screamed about the shit until I couldn’t take it anymore. Lately, Chanel had been on her shit and I didn’t want to be around her. Never in all of our years as friends had I seen her this way, or maybe I never realized the shit. I had been listening to what Liberty had been saying and it had some truth to it. Chanel always came first in my relationships, but I never came first in hers. I was always first she came to when the shit ended. Chanel was still my world, especially now that she was having my first child, but I wanted something with Liberty. Shorty wasn’t like the usual chick, she had some shit about her that made me want to give her the world.

  She worked hard for everything that she had, and I could tell she had been through some shit that she didn’t care to tell me about, but with more time I was sure I would break down her walls. Even after finding out shorty mess with that white shirt, that didn’t make me want to turn my back on her. It made me want to help her and help her grow into a better woman. Whatever shit was battling internally, I wanted to be there for her and help her figure that out. She made me want to care for someone other than myself and that’s what I needed. Seeing her smile with her sisters knowing she wanted a hit more than anything told me that she was strong as fuck.

  “His negative ass always got something to say. Not even tonight you can ruin,” Free pulled her dress down and came off the circular staircase.

  “You look beautiful, Justice,” Priest said as he kissed her on the cheek. This nigga always had to make us look bad and shit.

  “Lib, you ight,” I complimented her, and she stuck her middle finger up at me. “Damn, this is the thanks I get.”

  “Can we leave? I’m tired of standing here.” Liberty said and headed toward the door. “I need a damn drink bad.”

  “You not having no drink,” I came up behind her and whispered in her ear. “And you look fine as fuck,” I added.

  She smiled as we got into the sprinter van to head to Fat Tony’s party. Everybody in Staten Island was going to be out tonight. I already told Fat Tony’s people that I was going to be strapped. If they thought I was going to come out tonight and not be strapped, they had another thing coming. When we got into the sprinter, there was four small cupcakes on the small table with a card on the table and a balloon. Justice climbed in behind us and had a huge smile on her face.

  “I know we didn’t do dinner, so I wanted to do something small for your day,” Priest said as he sat down in the first seat and Justice sat across from him. Ghost and Free climbed in behind them and Pat closed the door behind them.

  Marisol agreed to watch the kids while we were out, and Pat and a few others were keeping watch over the house. Priest had brought the girls over and Kiss went to spend the night at her friend’s crib. Everyone was safe and sound. I knew shit with Marisol and Priest was far from good because she kept sucking her teeth and making snide remarks when Ghost would leave the room. Justice acted like she didn’t exist. That shit probably hurt more than seeing Priest hugged all up on Justice while she prepared for a long night of watching the kids while we headed out. Marisol was cool peoples and shit, but when I found out that she just dipped on the girls because of she and Priest’s personal issues, it made me look at her a little different. Who fucked over kids because of adult issues? Apparently Marisol’s ass did and that’s how she lost out on even getting with Priest
. Anybody that knew him knew that his nieces were his world and he would kill any and everything for them. When he told me that shit, I already knew that shorty was a dub from the jump.

  “You didn’t have to do this for me,” Justice smiled as she picked up the cupcake and licked the frosting. “Yum, almond frosting. How did you know?” She smiled as she looked at Priest.

  “Your sister told me. I got a whole cake at the hotel when we’re done at the club,” he winked.

  “This nigga gonna make it hard for all of us on birthdays,” I muttered, and Liberty hit me.

  “Hotel? What? I didn’t pack anything.”

  “We’ll buy clothes when we get there,” he assured her, and she still looked confused. “Ma, you gonna open your card?”

  “I’m so confused on everything. What do you mean when we get there?”

  “We’re going to Puerto Rico for a few days,” he finally gave up her surprise.

  Priest went all out for Justice’s birthday. He chartered a jet to Puerto Rico, and they were staying at a resort right on the beach with around the clock service for them. He had her favorite cake from her favorite bakery flown to Puerto Rico yesterday, so it was already waiting on her. I could tell Priest was feeling her because he never went all out like this for a woman.

  “You bitches knew about this?” she gasped.

  “Why we gotta be all of that?” Free laughed. “Yes, we also know how nosey you are, so we kept it a secret. Go enjoy your birthday weekend. We’ll be here when you get back. But, before you go, we’re sending you off in style,” she started dancing in her seat.

  “Happy birthday again, Justice. You deserve this,” Ghost finally broke his silence. Lately, all he did was remain quiet. I guess he had a lot on his mind and that was his reason for being quiet. Free had convinced him to come out with us tonight and I knew he needed, shit we all needed it.

  “Thank you, G,” she smiled as she opened the card:

  Your dreams are mine. I want you to have every and anything that you have ever dreamed of. Let’s check the first one off the list, business woman.

  There was a folded check in the card. Justice opened it and dropped it while shaking. Her hands went to her mouth and she had tears streaming down her eyes. “No, no, no, no… I can’t,” she said as she shook her head.

  Liberty reached over her and grabbed the check and dropped it too. “Yeah, you got the better pussy out of all of us, cause sis,” she whistled.

  The shit had my ass curious, so I picked up the check. It was a check for two hundred thousand dollars. “Damn, yeah, her pussy might be gold for a check like this.”

  “I can’t accept this. You’ve done so much for me and this is just too much,” she tried to hand him the check back.

  “You can and you will. Justice, you told me what you wanted to do, and I’ve made a way for you to do that. Me and G just bought a existing plaza with stores and there is an availability for lease. I’m gifting you that store front and this money to do what you need to open your tutoring center. Hire who you need to do and what needs to be done. I’m in love with you, Justice McGurry. You following your dreams makes me happy and knowing I can help you do that shit, makes it that much better.”

  Justice broke down crying, so Priest got up and pulled her out the seat and sat her on his lap. “I never had someone care enough to do something like this for me,” she sniffled.

  He raised her chin and looked into her eyes. “I care and what you to do what you were called to do,” he kissed her on the lips and blotted her eyes so her make-up wouldn’t smear.

  “I wanna know what I’ll get for my birthday,” Liberty wondered out loud.

  “A fucking cupcake and a trip to Outback.” Everybody started laughing while Liberty mushed me in the head.

  “Can’t stand your stupid ass,” she rolled her eyes. “Sis, I’m so happy for you. You’ve always spoke about this tutoring center since we used to go to the community center in Stapleton as kids.”

  “You’re truly a blessing, Priest,” Freedom smiled and patted his shoulder. “You’ve come into her life when she needed you the most and never left, although some would have.”

  “If Myla blow my phone up one more damn time,” Liberty said. “I told her ass that we’re on the way,” Liberty blurted

  “Oh, she popping out tonight?” Free asked.

  “Uh huh. She said she was tired of being in the house… After her ass went off on somebody on Broad street, she been quiet and staying to herself.”

  “Who she went off on?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. Shit, it’s Myla, it could have been some bitch that owe her money. I didn’t even care to get more of the story,” she ignored a call from an upstate number. The number had been calling her all day and she kept ignoring the shit.

  “You been getting a call from the number all day… pick up.”

  “No, and why you all in my phone?” she snapped.

  “Whatever, Liberty. I ain’t even gonna get into it right now,” I replied as we pulled up to the club. The lines to get inside was wrapped around the damn block. We pulled up, hopped out and made our way right into the club. Fat Tony’s people made sure our section was ready and we didn’t have to wait for shit.

  The ladies were dancing as they took us to our section. Fat Tony knew how to throw a party. This shit was jam packed and there still was a line outside. I knew his big ass probably hadn’t even arrived yet. Liberty’s mood had changed since being in the car. She was irritated and I could tell from the way she maneuvered through the club while we got to our section. When we made it to our section, there were bottles galore. Anything we could possibly need was there waiting for us. Liberty was texting and Freedom had tossed her purse onto the couch and started making drinks for everyone. I noticed she had only took a small can of fresh pineapple juice and poured it into a champagne flute. Ghost had a bottle of Dom and was chilling while watching Freedom dance.

  “Aye, this how they doing it?” Myla’s loud as voice was heard over the music. He came in with this loud ass pink fur coat and thigh high heels with his big ass feet.

  “Cousin! I’ve missed you!” Free went over and hugged him. “We need to catch up, bitch. Look at you.”

  “Girl, I just been so damn busy. But, yes we need to catch up.” Something was off about the way Myla responded. Free didn’t catch it because she was genuinely excited to see her cousin.

  While the girls chatted together, I went and sat with Priest and Ghost. “What ya’ll meat ball head niggas chatting about?”

  “You and Lib. How that happen?” Priest pondered.

  “Y’all could hook up with her sisters but when I grab one it’s a problem?” I laughed. “Nah, it kind of just happened.”

  “You been feeling Lib for a minute tho,” Ghost spoke before taking a gulp of his champagne. “She’s a good look, but you need to be careful… shorty fuck around with that white shit,” he advised, and I was shocked that he knew. When I looked him in the face, he knew that I knew too. “Oh, you know.”

  “How you know?”

  “She owed one of my lil niggas money a year ago and he was about to bust in her crib and fuck her crib up, but I stopped him before he did it. I paid him the bread for her off the strength of Free.”

  “You didn’t tell Free?”

  “This was over a year ago, didn’t even know where Free was. I’m not telling her now because it ain’t my business. When her twin decides to tell her, she’ll tell her. You don’t get involved,” he warned, and I finished my drink. It was too late. I was already involved, and I’d be damned if I gave up on Liberty.

  “He already involved.” Priest called it.

  “Be careful, man. Liberty got a lot of shit going with her that you don’t know. When demons bite, they don’t only go after one person,” he held up his bottle and finished the rest.

  Liberty tossed her clutch while the girls and Myla went down to the dance floor to dance. “Yeah, I hear you.”

  “You ca
n’t answer your phone, but you can come be up in the club with that bitch?” I heard behind me and sure enough it was Chanel’s ass. I shouldn’t have been surprised that she was here because everyone always came out for Fat Tony’s birthday parties.

  “What’s good, Chanel?” Ghost nodded and she paid him no attention. There was fire in her eyes, and I knew she was going to make a scene if I didn’t try and fix the situation.

  “My phone been fucked up and I told you that shit. Who you with?”

  “My girls. We came to have some fun and since you can’t be bothered, I came to shake my ass and find my baby a new daddy.”

  “Chanel, why you being like that? I hate when you get around your hoe ass friends.” Every time Chanel got around her friends she acted like a chicken head. She knew I couldn’t stand when she acted like that because that wasn’t her.

  “It seem like you like hoes. Liberty, really? That bitch gets around with everybody,” she pushed me in the chest.

  “I’m not doing this with you. Tonight, I’m just trying to have fun and chill. We can talk about this tomorrow.”

  “Do you love me, Shaliq?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Then leave with me tonight. Send her home alone,” she gave me a ultimatum. Chanel knew I hated those shits and here she was giving me one. If I allowed Liberty to go home alone, she was going to find someone to serve her ass and get high.


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