Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1

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Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1 Page 8

by Jayne Rylon

  “You’re awfully smart for your age,” Ford teased.

  “Just be there tomorrow, Gramps. And be ready to give her everything or move on.” Andi turned stern then. “I like her. I like you. I could see the chemistry between you at the party the other day. I don’t want anyone to get hurt…worse. Figure this shit out.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Ford’s lips kicked up in a smirk as he disconnected the phone. Then he turned to Brady and Josh. “You heard the lady.”

  “You guys are really ready for this?” Josh asked. He had to be sure, because if he got his hopes up again only to have them smashed, he wasn’t sure he’d survive.

  “We all are. It’s time to admit what we’ve been heading toward for a while. This is what you guys want, right?” Ford straightened his sleeves, tugging on the ends until the lines of his jacket were straight and crisp. No nonsense.

  “It is,” Brady agreed.

  “Yeah.” Josh nodded.

  “Then let’s get to work.” Ford opened the top folder on his desk. “If we knock out our caseload for the day, we can go home and spend tonight figuring out exactly what we want to say tomorrow. If we only get one chance to make our case, I want to do it right.”

  For the first time since Friday, Josh took a deep breath.

  “So just tell me one thing before we get started…” Brady said to Josh as he leaned forward.


  “How good was it?”

  “Incredible.” He had to spread his legs wider as pleasure washed over him at the memory. “Dangerous. I’d give up everything we’ve worked for to do it again.”

  “If we hadn’t gotten to watch Andi and her guys while you were busy getting addicted to Kari, I’d have to knock that smirk off your face right now.” Ford growled. “I guess we’re even.”

  Josh figured it was best not to correct the guy. Ford didn’t need to know just how much better Josh’s evening had been than theirs. If they were lucky, they’d find out soon enough.

  And if they weren’t, at least he’d be the only one suffering.


  Ford leaned up against the wall near the door of the diner Josh had sworn Kari drooled over. Of course he would know. He paid attention to little shit like that.

  The smell of eggs and bacon made Ford’s stomach rumble. Or was thinking about how today might end that had him desperately hungry?

  This was either the best or worst decision they’d ever made. But he felt it. They were at a crossroads. How they handled this situation could break the three—no, four—of them apart. And that certainly included sitting back and doing nothing. So he’d have to act. In the most cautious and careful way he knew how, because if Kari got hurt due to their artless fumbling around, trying to figure out how to make this work, he’d never forgive himself.

  Their friendship and their partnership would crumble.

  For the first time, Ford acknowledged that meant something to him. More than simply for the pursuit of success or the epic quenching of their lust, he’d gotten used to having Brady and Josh in his world. They had an everyday routine—at home and at work. Their lives were irrevocably entwined. He wasn’t sure when it had happened exactly, but sometime in the past decade, they’d grown into a single high-performing unit.

  Losing at love meant demolishing that foundation, too.

  He wasn’t sure he could handle rebuilding from scratch and certainly didn’t want to in any case.

  When he spotted the bounce of gorgeous, long auburn waves through the plate-glass window, he stood at attention. Was that some sort of code? Was she prepared to see them as something other than her employers? Unfortunately, when Kari pressed through the strangers surrounding her, her infectious smile was nowhere to be seen.

  Oh shit, maybe he should send her away and pretend like this hadn’t happened. Josh and Brady would never forgive him if he did. There was too much at stake not to fight for what they really needed.

  Ford crossed to the door and opened it for Kari, ushering her inside. “Good morning.”

  “Hey.” She didn’t flinch or run, so he figured that was a decent start. When she tipped her face up and breathed deep of the warm vanilla and strawberry scent permeating the place, she hummed. “They have the best waffles here. At least if we have to have an awkward conversation, we might as well do it over good food.”

  Biting his tongue lest he say something about rather having her for breakfast, Ford nodded and extended his arm. Not because he thought of her differently today, but because he was always as much of a gentleman as he could pretend to be around her. A gentleman with a bit of a possessive, protective streak. If she was going to accept their proposal, it was better that she saw each of them for who they really were.

  She leaned into his hold instead of away from it, so he didn’t retract his light touch on her lower back as he steered her toward the table where Josh and Brady were eagerly waiting. They’d thought it best not to overwhelm her right up front. Besides, the place was packed. If they hadn’t grabbed a table when they first arrived—obscenely early—for their meeting, they wouldn’t have any place to sit now.

  Another win for teamwork.

  When they approached, Brady stood. Josh did his best to follow suit from his place deeper in the booth.

  “Thank you for coming,” Brady said, his eyes trained on their guest.

  “Kari…” was all Josh could say.

  It was enough. That one word was so filled with longing and anguish, Kari had to realize he felt like shit for unintentionally hurting her.

  She nodded, blinking a few times as she looked away, over her shoulder. Ford couldn’t help but tighten his hold, hugging her to his side briefly before helping her settle into the booth. He scooted in after her, not at all sad that her thigh stayed pressed to his where they sat.

  While he was distracted, Josh and Brady were exchanging glances, figuring out what to say. Ford left them to it. They were better communicators than he could ever be. He was more of an action man himself.

  “First, I just want to say sorry.” Josh fiddled with the napkin-wrapped silverware in front of him.

  “For what?” Kari tipped her head, her eyes narrowing. Uh oh. Danger zone. “For kissing me? Or for forgetting to tell them that it happened?”

  “What do you want me to apologize for?” Josh wondered. “I mostly feel bad for how things turned out yesterday. I should have handled it better to avoid making you uncomfortable at work.”

  Ford was certain that bastard didn’t regret a moment of the time his lips had spent on hers. Asking him to lie about that wouldn’t solve their problems.

  “Does that mean the three of you are fighting? Because of me?” Kari’s face seemed paler than usual then. As if that was her worst fear, unlike some women, who would have reveled in having that sort of sway over them. That wasn’t why she was asking. She cared about them more than she wanted them. He would have to remember to treat her with the same respect, no matter how badly he desired her.

  “Not exactly,” Ford was quick to reassure her. He slipped into lawyer mode. “If I had another chance to react to what happened, I would have asked how you feel about what Josh did. It just caught me by surprise, that’s all.”

  “To be fair, Josh didn’t really do anything. It just sort of happened. He was comforting me. We both…participated.” Kari sighed, and Josh attempted to smother a strangled groan behind his napkin.

  That lucky bastard.

  “Either way, how do you feel about it?” Brady asked with a quiet sternness that Ford knew meant he was serious as fuck. They had so much riding on her response. So many hopes and dreams. The way Josh held his breath and leaned in made Ford certain he was dying to hear the answer himself.

  “Confused, I guess.” Kari’s shoulders slumped and she leaned back against the booth’s padded cushion.

  “That’s understandable.” Ford nodded.

  “I mean, it was pretty much the best kiss of my life.”

  Josh perked up.r />

  Josh froze.

  “If it messed everything else up, I’m not sure it was worth it. Sorry.” She looked at Josh then, wincing. “I love my job. I love the challenge of keeping the office running as smoothly as possible. I love watching the three of you work together. I love spending time with you. I love—”

  Brady looked as if he might beg her to finish her thought. Ford kicked his shin. They’d agreed not to hound her if she wasn’t ready to move forward, no matter how badly they craved her. They’d wait if she needed more time to get used to the new direction they seemed headed in. Or surrender gracefully if she decided it wasn’t for her at all.

  Josh reached out and laid his hand, palm up, on the table in front of her. “I promise you, you didn’t mess anything up. Okay?”

  She bit her lower lip, then nodded tentatively. “Okay.”

  Jealousy seared up Ford’s spine in a white-hot flash when Kari put her hand in Josh’s. Only for a second, though. Because then she turned to him and Brady with a gorgeous smile. One even more brilliant than the one he’d grown used to seeing every day. She said, “In that case, it was a-fucking-mazing and I wouldn’t mind doing it again a thousand times or so.”

  Brady put his water glass on the table too hard. Droplets sloshed over the rim. Ford could relate; he was barely keeping his instincts restrained. If it wasn’t for the other two guys chaperoning him, he’d probably have followed Josh’s lead and kissed Kari senseless by now.

  Except she hadn’t said she was interested in that, only in making out with Josh some more.

  Josh noticed their tension. He cleared his throat, then asked what Ford was dying to know. “I’m so glad to hear that, Kari. Seriously. But…what about these two? What if we are a package deal? You heard our confession to Cooper…”

  Her skin began to turn pink from the tops of her breasts, which were revealed by the V-neck of her light sweater, then up her neck and cheeks. It only made her look more attractive. “I did.”

  “And?” Brady prodded. “It’s a lot, I know. If you’re only into Josh, we get that. Neither Ford nor I would begrudge him happiness. But…how does it make you feel to know that we’re interested in sharing?”

  “Hot.” Her response was instantaneous. It was only one word, but it was the most incredible word Ford had ever heard in his life. Better yet, Kari lifted her gaze and met each of theirs in turn so they could see the desire blazing in her gorgeous eyes.

  There might still be some hope for them.

  If they handled things right from here on out.

  “There’s just one thing…” She swallowed hard.

  “What’s that?” Ford asked. Anything. She could ask them for a million dollars or to run down the street naked and they’d do their best to grant her wishes. He already knew they hadn’t had a chance like this before. One that could turn into a real relationship with someone all three of them cared deeply for.

  “I’ve been chatting with Andi.” She smiled. “She’s really great. Cooper, Reed, and Simon got lucky with her.”

  The guys all nodded. Ford remembered how she’d looked, coming apart at their touches. Kari hadn’t seen anything yet. But maybe she could learn for herself.

  “Anyway, one thing I’m sure of is that I want something like they have. Each of them has a strong relationship outside of the things they share together. You know, sex. And their intimate relationship.” Kari cleared her throat. “I feel like the most spoiled woman alive saying this, but…I’d like that, too. To come to know and care for each of you independently as well as all of you together.”

  “That’s no problem,” Ford said instantly. He didn’t even have to look at Brady or Josh to be sure they would agree. In fact, there was some selfish part of him that loved the possibility of having her to himself sometimes. To show her what kind of man he could be with her by his side.

  “That’s exactly what we want, too,” Brady reassured her.

  Josh smiled. “It’s great to have people you can count on in any situation and ones who have your back all the time. These guys are my best friends and business partners. But I want whoever we end up with to love me for me and not just me because I come along with the package, you know?”

  Ford could hear what Josh didn’t say. There’d been plenty of women who pursued them for their status or wealth. With Kari, they knew that wasn’t an issue. She knew them. Really knew them. And if she chose them, it wouldn’t be for what they had, but what they could give her aside from material possessions.

  “So I guess all that’s left is to ask who you want to take you out on a date first.” Ford grinned then. “I’m handsomest. I think it should be me.”

  “I’m oldest.” Brady laughed while Josh snorted.

  “I’m fine with being last since I sort of already had a sneak peek.” Josh wiggled his brows so Kari knew he was only teasing.

  She cracked up along with them. “I don’t care about that. You guys figure it out. All I want to know is…where’s the damn menu? I need to order a big breakfast if I’m going to keep up with the three of you.”

  Ford knew she didn’t mean it like it sounded, but inside, the crude portion of his brain cheered her on. Brady choked on his water and Josh grinned for a moment before he got more serious.

  “Thank you, Kari. For giving us this chance. I promise we’ll do our best not to fuck it up. And no matter what, I swear that nothing that happens between us will ever spill over into the office again.” Josh squeezed her fingers lightly and Kari seemed to melt. She relaxed, the tension in her leg fleeing, allowing it to press more fully against Ford’s.

  “Okay.” She nodded. “I’m holding you to that. It’s bad enough that everyone knows about Marty. If they found out about us dating, it would make them think I was trying to sleep my way to the top for sure. I couldn’t handle that.”

  Ford reared back. He hadn’t quite thought of it in that way, but he could understand why that would sting. She’d earned every bit of her authority at the firm. Her capableness was one of the things that attracted him to her, in fact.

  “Fuck what anyone else thinks. We know the truth.” He frowned as Josh and Brady glowered at him. Things were going too well for him to rock the boat now. So he held his hands up in front of him. “But fine. I agree. Everything will be business as usual at work.”

  She nodded and beamed up at him.

  “But when I pick you up for our date? All bets are off.”

  Her gaze turned ravenous, and not for fucking waffles either. Without thought, he gave in to his instincts and swooped down to steal a taste of her. If Brady hadn’t been there, clearing his damn throat, it might have turned into a hell of a lot more than a quick buss.

  Even that was enough to convince him that whatever happened next had the power to change their lives forever. He prayed it would be for the better.


  Leading up to her date with Ford, it had been difficult for Kari to imagine anything could top the glamour and fun of the birthday bash on his yacht.

  All week at work, things had been relatively normal. The guys had kept their word. Nothing had changed when it came to her job. Well, nothing except how much time she spent dying of anticipation and wondering what it would be like to spend time with them outside the boundaries she’d laid down and strictly enforced.

  And now she knew.

  A date with Ford might not have been as carefree as dancing in the moonlight with Josh or as elegant as engaging conversation with Brady, but it was intimate as fuck.

  No, seriously, dinner had proved to be more intense than sleeping with some of her previous lovers. Because sharing the decadent food with him in the candlelight at the city’s most exclusive restaurant left nowhere to hide from his piercing gaze. He held her hand between courses, driving her mad with the brush of his thumb over her knuckles.

  He was strong. He was fiercely protective.

  And she’d be lying if she said that those qualities weren’t a turn on.r />
  Ford made her feel secure, enough that comfort began to seep into her better sense and free all these pent-up emotions she’d been suppressing at work. She could finally express them to him while they waited for their desserts to arrive.

  “You know, I’ve wanted—for a long time now—to say thank you properly.” Kari bit her lip in an attempt to keep it from quivering as she escalated their chatter between bites from polite to serious.

  “Huh? For what?” He leaned forward, only increasing his focus on her. For a man who lived and breathed intensity, that was a lot to take. He brought his other hand up to the table and laid it over their clasped ones so that he enfolded her fingers entirely in his hands.

  It was comforting to know he would shelter her the same way if she needed it. And she might after she laid herself bare.

  “For everything you did after the situation with Marty.” She glanced over his shoulder toward the window and the street beyond. It was dark now. Late. Traffic had dwindled. Only a few people scurried by in the rain that had evolved from drizzle to downpour while they ate.

  “I didn’t do nearly enough.” The strain in his sexy voice snapped her stare back to him.

  “How can you say that?” She gaped at him. “You were there for me. Held my hand—like this—when I gave my statement to the police. You ran interference so I wouldn’t have to interact with him at the firm until you finally figured out a way to remove him permanently from my world. Without that and Josh pulling me out of my black moods and Brady talking me off the ledge when things seemed overwhelming….well, I’m not sure where I’d be today.”

  She stopped short of admitting how lost she’d been and how she had considered, in the darkest moments, doing something stupid and rash. Harming herself. Until she had remembered Ford telling her that anything that hurt her, hurt him, too.


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