Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1

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Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1 Page 9

by Jayne Rylon

She couldn’t do that to him.

  Whatever they’d called it before—and whatever they were going to call it from here on out—there had always been something between them. Something powerful that had lent her strength when she needed it most.

  Kari would never forget that.

  “I should have stopped it so you didn’t need us to do any of those things afterward. It kills me to know what happened to you right under our noses.” Ford swallowed hard, then said in a rush, “I’ve never felt like more of a failure than when we realized what he did to you. I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you and that we didn’t react more quickly so we could have prosecuted him for his crimes. I can’t believe you’re even giving me this chance tonight after I blew it so bad. I never thought this would happen.”

  Her guts twisted. Had he been living with misplaced guilt? Just like she had been? Seeing Ford beat himself up unlocked something deep inside her. His self-torture was like a mirror, reflecting her own.

  She would never again let what had happened make her criticize herself or her actions.

  It hadn’t been her fault. And it sure as shit hadn’t been Ford’s.

  “Hey. I need you to do me a favor, okay?”


  “Don’t give him the power to fuck shit up between us.” Kari grinned as Ford blinked at her.

  “You know, it always surprises me when you say stuff like that.” Ford smiled, too.

  “Why? That’s how I always talk.”

  “I know, and I like it. I guess because I hoped that somewhere inside you there was a dirty girl who might like to come out and play with us.”

  “Oh. Well, I guess you got your wish then.” She continued now that she’d lightened the mood a shade or two. “But I’m serious. Marty has taken enough things from me already. I never want the way he made us feel—you, me, Brady, and Josh—to come between us. I suspect it has been keeping us apart despite…”

  Ford cleared his throat. “Despite what?”

  “Our attraction.” She dared him to deny it.

  He didn’t.

  Ford reached for his ice water and took several large, uncouth gulps before returning his full attention to her. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this.”

  Kari fanned her face, wondering when it had gotten so warm inside the restaurant.

  “You’re right, of course. He’s had too much power over us all. That ends tonight. Right now.” Ford squeezed her hand, then let his fingers roam up her wrist. The contact sent a zing of electricity along her nerves, straight to her heart.

  Who knew where it might have continued to if the waiter hadn’t approached right then with an ornate silver tray. “Here we have the chocolate raspberry mousse dome and the warm pear tarte with almond frangipane, pistachio ice cream, and a trio of coulis.”

  Kari’s eyes went wide as he set the most delicious-looking desserts she’d ever seen in front of them. Despite being stuffed, she was going to make some room for hers and, hopefully a nibble or two of Ford’s as well.

  Her eyes closed and she hummed as she forked the first bite into her mouth.

  “I could watch you eat that all night.” Ford groaned. “In fact…here, try some of mine.”

  He scooped up some of his and held it out to her. Who was she to argue? He knew the way to her heart, and she wasn’t ashamed of it either.

  Kari leaned forward and wrapped her lips around his silverware, sucking it clean as he withdrew.

  A muscle ticced in Ford’s jaw.

  This could be fun. Kari grinned as she licked stray chocolate from her lips, enjoying teasing the man across from her. It seemed impossible that she could have that big of an impact on him, but he was riveted to her every move.

  It was probably because of her intense preoccupation with his appreciative stare that she didn’t see the man outside until he shattered their peace with a sudden, loud bang on the glass with both fists. Kari jumped in her seat, her gaze whipping to the intruder.

  He was wearing a dirty black coat. His hair was scraggly and much longer than she remembered. Still, she knew that face. Knew that mean snarl. It triggered a flashback so intense she forgot where she was and who she was with. A groan wrenched from her chest as the dessert she’d been so enjoying threatened to choke her.


  Kari felt the blood drain from her face. Her heart skipped a few beats then made up for it by racing afterwards. She stood so suddenly, her chair tipped as her hands flew to her chest to try to keep her pounding heart inside it.

  Before she could turn and flee, Ford rushed to her side, sliding from his chair like a sleek panther in his dark suit. Without hesitation, he enveloped her in his arms, tucking her against his broad, muscled chest as he angled himself so that he was between her and the window. She buried her cheek against his warmth, rubbing her face on his shirt and breathing deep of his familiar, calming scent.

  Of course, she’d never been quite this close to him before.

  Now that she was, she didn’t want to break apart. It didn’t matter who was outside so long as Ford was here. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. As the realization sank in, she was able to put more weight on her jellified legs. Her arms went around him and she smothered him in a bear hug to help keep herself upright.

  “Are you okay?” he asked quietly. “Some asshole was getting his jollies from pounding on the glass, scaring people having a nice time. That’s all. Probably jealous that I’m having dinner with the most gorgeous woman in the city tonight.”

  He stroked her hair until she started to forget about being terrified.

  Kari nodded, squeezing her eyes shut against the tricks her mind had played. In that moment, she’d thought she’d seen a ghost.

  “Sorry. It must have been our conversation.” She shook her head, then peered up at Ford. She might as well be honest so that he knew she was still—and probably always would be—a little fucked up. He deserved to know what he was signing up for. “I thought…for a second, I thought it was Marty.”

  Ford grasped her tighter then. Instead of telling her she was crazy, he signaled to the maître d'. He held her close as he murmured direct instructions without disclosing why it was so urgent and embarrassing her further. The staff, of course, took him seriously. After all, he was one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the city. If he wasn’t happy here, their business would suffer.

  Two waiters took off into the night, scouring the street outside their window thoroughly before returning to report to their boss. The man approached them as Ford continued to hold her and sway on his feet, gently rocking her into calmness.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Westbrook,” the maître d' apologized. “They weren’t able to find anyone matching your description. I apologize that your dinner was ruined. It’s on the house tonight.”

  “Let’s get out of here, okay?” Ford whispered before glancing at the table and their spoiled desserts, shaking his head before meeting her gaze to see what she wanted to do.

  Kari had lost her appetite, but she’d rather go back to the table and choke down her final course than go home alone, feeling like she did right then. So she didn’t agree. Or say anything at all.

  Of course, Ford knew the exact thing to do. He met the maître d’s stare and said, “Thank you. Would you let my driver know we’re ready to go?”

  “Of course, sir.” The man nodded, then headed for his station while speaking into the headset that kept him in contact with the rest of his staff.

  “We’ll ride around, locked in the car, until you feel steady again. Bronson won’t let anyone follow us. Okay?” Ford took one hand from Kari’s shoulder to fish his wallet out. Despite the offer of a freebie, he slipped out enough hundred dollar bills to cover their check twice over and laid them on the table. Then he steered her toward the front of the restaurant and away from the curious stares of the people around them.

  It drew enough attention being on Ford Westbrook’s arm. Never mind causing a scene on top of it.
Kari kept her head ducked until they reached the atrium. Had she been foolish to think she belonged with a man like him?

  Some of the judgmental looks she caught in her peripheral vision said yes.

  Maybe it was best that reality had crashed her fairytale evening before she forgot that she was better suited to pumpkins and TV dinners than limos and gourmet fare.


  Lights reflected off the wet black pavement as they zipped through traffic in the backseat of the limo. Bronson whisked them away from the restaurant in a circuitous route that made Ford sure the man hadn’t blown off Kari’s account of what had happened back at the restaurant. The guy seemed to have a soft spot for her, too, which meant he was thorny as hell when it came to anyone who might upset her.

  If the person who had shattered their serene meal was more than just some random wacko—maybe someone Ford or his partners had put in jail or even Marty himself, though Ford didn’t really think that was likely—Bronson made sure they wouldn’t be able to tail the limo and figure out where Kari lived. As much as that should reassure Ford, it didn’t seem like enough as they snaked their way across the city and closer to her home.

  How would he let her go into her dark, empty apartment knowing how petrified she’d been, and probably still was? Regardless of what hadn’t actually happened, in her mind, she’d gone to a terrifying place. The pinched lines of her mouth as she quietly stared out at the buildings surrounding them convinced him she hadn’t entirely shaken off the effects of that visit to hell either.

  “What do you think about going back to our place for a drink?” Not only was Kari obviously rattled from what she’d thought she’d seen back at the restaurant, it gave Ford indigestion to know that he’d hoarded her for himself all evening. Things felt…off. Spiraling out of control from the perfect evening they’d been sharing just an hour ago. He didn’t want it to end this way.

  “You want me to spend some time with Brady and Josh?” Kari asked. She turned to face him. He held out his hand and she placed hers in it. So trusting, even now. So affectionate and perceptive. Willing to accommodate the needs of those she cared for.

  Of course she understood.

  Besides, it was a convenient—if legitimate—reason for her to stay with them a little longer. Protected and reassured that whatever fluke had destroyed dessert wasn’t something she needed to worry about.

  “I think it’s important for them to know that after tonight I still feel the same as I did before our date.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles. “I have a connection with you. At least it feels that way to me. Always has. It’s getting stronger now. I respect that they have one, too. To be honest, I’m afraid that our date and how happy I am could lead to conflict between us. I hate fighting with those fuckers. If you swing by for a few, it might keep someone from getting a black eye.”

  Kari laughed, the soft sound wrapping around him in the darkness. It did things to him. And to his cock. But he was trying to ignore that for now and take things slow. He would hate for her to think he was another Marty in the making. “Then how can I say no?”

  “You have a choice, Kari. With us, you’re the one in charge.”

  “What if I don’t want to be? Not always.” She shrugged one bared shoulder and looked out the window at the cars flying by and the people who were still roaming the city streets despite the late hour and dank weather.

  “Then that’s fine, too.” Ford’s spirit stretched, rattling the bars of the cage he’d locked it into. He couldn’t resist trailing a finger over the soft skin revealed by the sleeveless dress she wore. It was softer than he’d imagined. He never wanted to stop stroking her. “I promise we’ll take care of you. Nothing will happen that you’re not totally into.”

  She nodded. “Take me home, Ford.”

  Fuck yes.


  Kari gasped softly as they exited the penthouse elevator. She knew where Ford, Brady, and Josh lived, of course. It was one thing to google the address and use image search to do a bit of friendly internet snooping on them, and another to be here in the flesh.

  Dear God, the place was gorgeous. Stark white and silver everywhere, but without being cold. Fancier than she could have imagined in her wildest dreams. And lately she’d been having plenty of those.

  Bright marble floors clicked beneath her heels as she walked beside Ford down the hall. They had no trouble fitting side by side, holding hands as they neared the enormous wall of windows she could see in the distance.

  “So…how jealous do we need to be right now?” Brady called from around the corner.

  Ford snorted, and Kari knew he’d been right to bring her with him. She responded for him. “Very. It was an incredible date. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I’m sorry I stole Ford from you both this evening.”

  There was some hushed and frantic discussion she couldn’t quite make out from Brady and Josh before she and Ford rounded the corner. Ford looked down at her and grinned.

  She had never seen him this relaxed and happy—unguarded. It looked good on him. She promised herself then she’d do everything she could to put this expression on his face more often.

  She squeezed his fingers as he led her deeper into his home. An expansive kitchen and dining area merged into an enormous lounge, complete with a grand piano and several modern chandeliers. The entire place sparkled and shone, even at night.

  Brady and Josh were standing shoulder to shoulder near the couches. Brady finger-combed his hair before straightening a sexy pair of reading glasses she hadn’t realized he used. Meanwhile, Josh smoothed his T-shirt over the lean muscles she remembered feeling beneath her hand as she braced herself against his torso during their kiss on the yacht. Damn.

  She’d walked straight into a den. Instead of hungry bears or a pride of lions, there were three devastatingly attractive men waiting to pounce on her. Or her on them, if they weren’t careful.

  “Hey,” Josh said with a bewildered smile. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

  “But of course we’re thrilled you’re here.” Brady elbowed Josh, who nodded vigorously.

  “Would you like a tour?” Ford asked her smoothly, covering for his partners.

  “Absolutely!” She couldn’t imagine there being more to the penthouse than this, which could easily fit four or five of her entire apartment inside it, but the gently curving staircase leading up to a second story above the high ceilings of the ground floor made her sure their private living quarters were just as grand as the main level.

  “The best part of the place is the view,” he said as he guided her past the gleaming grand piano and a humongous dining table that could easily seat a dozen people, to the wall of glass. “You’ll have to come back to see it in the daytime.”

  She gulped, then nodded. Could this become somewhere she grew comfortable spending time? Would she ever fit in here? With them?

  “Or better yet, stay over.” Though Ford said it with a wink, Kari wasn’t gullible enough to think he was entirely joking.

  Scarier, she wasn’t sure she wanted to turn down his pseudo-offer.

  “There’s a patio out there, too, with a pool and room for laying out or barbequing in the summer,” he added when she didn’t respond to his teasing.

  “Damn.” Kari thought she might, for the first time, truly have gotten a feel for how much more well off they were than her. The realization had her shrinking from Ford some. Why did they want her? What could she have to give them that was anything even close to this?

  She slid her fingers from Ford’s and wrung her hands in front of her. “It’s absolutely stunning, guys. Gorgeous.”

  Her gaze slid along the skyline, which was visible even in the dark thanks to the lights dotting the stringers of the bridges and the flashing warnings to planes overhead on the peaks of the buildings.

  They lived on top of the world. She…didn’t.

  “Not nearly as amazing as you,” Ford whispered in her ear. “Are you okay? Was
it a bad idea to bring you here? We can go if you want. I’ll take you home any time you’re ready.”

  She shook her head no. As much as she didn’t belong, she didn’t want to leave yet either. “It’s just that seeing your home makes it obvious how imbalanced things are between us. Any one of you guys is…everything. I’m nothing.”

  Kari shrugged, feeling like an imposter in her department store dress, which—while lovely—was nothing like the finery she’d worn the night of Ford’s birthday party. The outfit they’d bought for her. If they took this further, they’d always be raising her to their level. And that didn’t sit right. She wanted to earn her way to the top herself, not by fooling around with them.

  “I never want to hear you say that again.” Ford put his hands on her shoulders and shook her lightly. Not in a threatening way, but one that got her rapt attention. He said, “You’re not nothing. You’re everything. I admire your spirit, how resilient you are. How capable and kind. Generous with your time and empathetic. You’re gorgeous, of course. And you always have your shit together. Somehow, you manage to keep us three in line, which isn’t easy.”

  “You seriously think I have my shit together?” She leveled an incredulous gaze at him. His confident assertion rocked her to her core. How could he really believe that after he’d seen her earlier? “That’s funny, because I constantly feel like I’m falling apart.”

  “Who doesn’t?” Ford shrugged one shoulder. “Life is hard. Every day has its challenges and yours have held more than most lately. Yet you’re here, surviving. I’m impressed by you every single day. We’re lucky to have you in our lives. And that’s not nothing.”

  Kari melted inside. He really believed what he was saying. They weren’t empty compliments. She could read the conviction in his steely gaze. It was the same look he leveled at juries during passionate closing arguments. The one that nearly always resulted in a win for their firm and their clients.

  “Wow.” She cleared her throat. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”


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