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Bad Girl Blues

Page 4

by Brenda Barrett

  He gave her a half smile and then took a step back. "It was nice catching up, Thomas." He dragged his gaze from hers. "I saw Aunt Norma inside; I should go and say hi."

  But Thomas wasn't ready for him to leave yet; he was watching him with the eagle eyes of a man who knew that he had managed to rattle Nick somehow.

  "No, don't leave yet. We have five years to catch up on. Come on, let's go find a quieter spot to talk."

  "Well, I'll just wait over there," Brigid said brightly, pointing to where she had been standing before.

  "No. No. No." Thomas grinned. "I can't afford for you to be too far from me tonight, darling." He held her around her waist. "I want you to get to know my family too."


  Brigid resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She was already becoming bored with the party that started an hour before, but Thomas was in his element, laughing and talking with his family members.

  Behind his conversations was an element of boastfulness that she found off-putting. It was such a pity because when he was not trying to impress people he was mildly interesting. He told genuinely funny jokes that she had no problem laughing at.

  She looked across at Nick, who was dressed all in black. Their eyes had met more than once and she had felt an uncomfortable jolt of attraction. Just like at the admissions office at school.

  This could turn into a complicated situation fast, Brigid fretted as they headed to an alcove and took their seats.

  Nick was Patricia's nephew. It hadn't taken her long to figure out that his sister, Tessa, was the niece who died twelve years ago. Patricia had been extremely sad for a while.

  By that time Nick had been at med school abroad. He hadn't come home often or else they would probably have met at Patricia's house sometime in the past.

  The Benedicts were everywhere, Brigid thought sourly. She couldn't afford for Patricia to find out that she was still in the escort business. It would take one casual mention from Nick about seeing her at Thomas Kellier's place and that would be that.

  Brigid hated to let down Patricia. She was the only person in her life, besides her sisters, who had been her constant for years. Patricia had warned her to get out of the escort business a few months ago and Brigid had promised her that she would. Of course, she hadn't told Patricia why she was doing it.

  Patricia had done enough for all of them already. Especially for her. She was twenty-one years old; she needed to be independent.

  Besides the Patricia angle, there was the fact that she had signed up for Nick's Biochemistry class. She now had morning classes with him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting next week.

  And she couldn't dismiss the pull she felt toward him. It was instant and almost shocking in its intensity.

  This attraction, or whatever it was, would have to be quelled. She looked between Nick and Thomas. They had no familial resemblance at all. Thomas was shorter than Nick, had a rounder face and was bigger in body. He was light to Nick's dark.

  Nick was all sleekness and sophistication. Even now, while Thomas was speaking exuberantly and clapping his leg at his own jokes, Nick moved deliberately, his expressions guarded.

  He avoided looking at her. She didn't blame him; every time he did, it was hard for her to pull her eyes away from his. She felt like a deer caught up in the headlights of his dark eyes.

  "So," Thomas said, moving closer to her on the couch, "no girlfriend, Nick? What gives? You are a lady's man. I thought you would have been married to one of those Benedict-approved girls and had your required two children already."

  Nick winced at that statement, which was said loud enough for those around to hear quite clearly. He declined to comment though because Thomas was in his element, pandering to the gallery. In this case it was Brigid.

  "Females used to line up around the block to get a glimpse of him," Thomas continued. "I tell you, Nick was a girl magnet, but I am sure Papa Benedict won't allow just anyone to marry his only grandson. Can you believe it?" Thomas said to Brigid. "Out of all the grandchildren born to the Benedict family, Nick is the only male. The Benedict name will die with him. That is, if he doesn't marry someone soon and start providing little male Benedicts to carry on the lineage so that his old grandpa can be happy."

  "So sorry to hear," Brigid said to Nick.

  Nick chuckled. "It's not that tragic."

  "Are you kidding me?" Thomas guffawed like he had just said the funniest thing. "The old man Sir Felix Benedict is desperate for Nick to start procreating but not just with anybody. Oh no, Nick's future wife has to be of an impeccable lineage."

  "That's not entirely true," Nick said, a shred of discomfort in his voice.

  "It is true and positively medieval…A hard burden to bear for any man." Thomas held Brigid's hand and kissed it. "I can't believe that I was once envious of the Benedict family. As the lone Benedict left in this generation, you must feel excessive pressure to find a woman worthy of your lofty family name."

  Nick gave his cousin a half smile. "This is not the nineteenth century, Thomas."

  Thomas laughed. "If you say so, but let me tell you, finding a good woman of your own choosing is an amazing thing. You must try it sometime…before Grandpa Benedict finds one for you."

  Nick looked at Brigid and then his eyes fastened on her lips.

  Brigid had the insane urge to lick them. But Nick looked away fast and stood up.

  "Hey Thomas, it was nice to catch up again."

  "But I haven't even told you about the new record label I am courting or the bigger yacht I bought."

  Nick nodded. "Fascinating stuff. Maybe another time."

  "Okay." Thomas smiled. "I want us to be friends again, Nick. Life is too short to be at odds with your family over ridiculous events in the past. I mean, I am man enough to admit that maybe I was a bit jealous of you when we were growing up, but I grew up. I am no longer the jealous type, and you never were the type to envy me for anything. Maybe now we can meet on equal footing and our relationship can be less fraught."

  Nick was visibly gritting his teeth, but when he answered Thomas his voice was even and almost pleasant. "I am happy that you think we should be friends. Let me go and say hello to the rest of the clan, huh?"

  "Wait!" Thomas took out a gold-colored business card. "Here are my numbers. Call me. I'll be here all summer."

  Nick nodded.

  "Don't you have a business card?" Thomas asked before Nick turned away.

  Nick inhaled and then exhaled slowly. He had just gotten a new pack of cards from his secretary at Sunrise Medical. It was necessary now that he was in private practice to carry cards. He opened his wallet, took one out, and reluctantly handed it to Thomas.

  Thomas held up the plain white paper, which looked nothing like his gold gilded one and smiled.

  "You specialize in cardiology? That's wonderful. Maybe if Brigid breaks my heart I can come to you to patch it up."

  He pulled Brigid even closer to him and Nick turned away abruptly.

  Thomas chuckled when he saw his cousin walk off.

  "You, are worth every single dollar that your agency charged for you." Thomas was almost delirious with happiness. "Do you know that in all the years of knowing Nick I have never seen him so shaken up, almost positively riddled with jealousy, and it's all over you. You rattled him. I love it!"

  He laughed again and kissed Brigid on her cheek, a loud smack.

  When Brigid looked up she saw that Nick was in a farther part of the room talking to an older lady but he was watching them. He was watching her.

  Her heart did a little jolt in her chest. Even across the room, he had that effect on her. This time she was the one who dragged her eyes from his, and it took all of her powers of concentration to focus on Thomas instead.

  Chapter Five

  Nick spent the better part of the week thinking about Brigid Manderson. Was she staying at Thomas’ house? Was she in love with his cousin or was she with him for the money?

  His mind kept har
king back to Saturday night when he almost lost his cool over her. Thomas had seen how taken he had been with his girlfriend and had rubbed it in his face.

  Finally, there was something of Thomas' that Nick envied. The tables had turned. Nick castigated himself for showing how fascinated he had been with Brigid. He had made it cringe-worthily obvious.

  He worried all week that Thomas and Brigid must have had a good laugh about it in bed.

  He closed his eyes when he thought about the two of them in bed sharing intimacies. He didn't want to think about it; it made him mad in a way that he had never felt when thinking about any of his past girlfriends being with someone else.

  He didn't know Brigid, but he knew that there was an insidious, sneaky, attraction that was building up in him for her, even though he had only seen her twice.

  Luca breezed past his office and then turned back. "Hey."

  "Hey," Nick said, "why are you so happy? It's Monday."

  Luca chuckled. "I spent most of the weekend with Casey and I am going to lunch with her in approximately three hours. I can't wait."

  "Casey?" Nick shook his head. "I thought you were going to marry Josephine."

  "No." Luca crossed his arms and gave him a concerned look. "I told you that Jose and I were through months ago. At the gym at home you asked me about the wedding. I said it was off and I felt relieved. Remember?"

  "No." Nick drummed his fingers on the table.

  "You’re losing your memory, Doc?" Luca joked.

  "I don't know," Nick mused, "maybe I am or maybe I had a hundred and one things on my mind. That was the conversation where I told you I was coming here to work, wasn't it?"

  "You should meet Casey," Luca said. His eyes took on a soft, loving look. "I am going to throw a birthday party for her. Maybe it will be an engagement party too; I am going to officially propose sometime this week. The time will be perfect. She didn't know the date of her real birthday before and I am thinking that this birthday has to be really meaningful. I'll invite you when I flesh out the details. It's going to be the second week in July."

  "Okay." Nick nodded. "I'll be around. I must say, though, that you look in love. I have seen this before, when you were with Tess. It wasn't there for Josephine."

  Luca nodded. "Thanks, I think. I really do love Casey. We have so much in common it's uncanny."

  Nick smiled. "Now that's important, having stuff in common."

  "And not having to guess and spell exactly what is going on in her head," Luca added. "I feel so close to her."

  Nick grinned. "I have never seen you so besotted."

  "I am besotted and grateful to God for her. You will understand the feeling when you meet the one. You’re settling in okay?"

  Luca looked around the office. Nick had put up his personal paintings, and it gave the office a sophisticated look.

  "Those are really great," he said, pointing to the paintings. He looked at the one of a woman looking through a half dirty window unto a garden below. It was especially poignant.

  "Yes. I like it here." Nick stood up. "It’s much better than public service."

  "Helen still doing her thing?" Luca asked, looking at the painting again.

  "Yes." Nick got up. "I wish she'd show them to other people or sell them or something. She paints them, piles them up in her studio and then lights them afire when she is angry about something. I am the only recipient of her work. She doesn't give them willingly to any one else. I have to go. I have a class at the university at ten.

  "Yes, saw that on your schedule." Luca nodded. "All the best with this class. Filling in for Marisol?"

  Nick groaned. "Yes. My head is not in it, though, after seeing the class schedule. I am not sure why I volunteered to help my mother."

  Luca moved away from the door and looked at him sympathetically. "It's just six weeks. You'll be fine. By the way, we are having a dinner at Rizzle later to welcome you into the fold. Don't forget."

  Nick nodded. He hadn't forgotten. He was just not in the mood.


  You'll be fine. Nick heard Luca's reassuring tone in his head and believed it until he entered the lecture theatre and looked up to see Brigid Manderson sitting four rows from the back and to the left of the exit sign.

  She was in a baseball cap and a baggy shirt that was dwarfing her figure but he knew it was her. What was she doing in his class?

  He looked down on his laptop, and clicked on the digital register. He scrolled through the names to find her under M- Brigid Manderson.

  He looked up again and she was right there, sitting beside a girl with red hair. He made a note to find her school files and glean some more information about her. It was going to be one long summer.


  Brigid knew that Nick had seen her. He had looked up at her side of the lecture room and had paused before looking down at his laptop. She had tried not to think about him this week, but was a bit nervous coming to class today. She had devised a plan to avoid him. She couldn't afford for her girlfriend cover with Thomas to be blown.

  She especially didn't want Patricia to know and she didn't want him to know either. A tiny piece of her cared what he thought about her and knowing that she was an escort would make her persona non grata.

  "You are the only girl in here dressed like a bag lady," Kenzy chided beside her. "Look at doctor yumminess. He deserves that you look your best."

  "Nobody cares how I dress, Kenzy."

  "Oh, I know," Kenzy whispered, "you have a boyfriend and you are immune to his charms. Go girl."

  "I don't have a...yes, that's right," Brigid corrected hastily. "I have a boyfriend." And she wasn't lying. She was paid to be Thomas' girlfriend but she wasn't immune to the charms of Nick Benedict. Oh no. Far from it.

  "Okay class. I am going to mark the register and then for the next six weeks we are going through this course at hyper speed. Don't worry, I am not a hard teacher." Nick interrupted Kenzy as she was about to inquire further about Brigid's mysterious boyfriend.

  Brigid breathed a sigh of relief. She needed a way to avoid Kenzy for future classes.

  She turned to face him, pulling her cap down to shield her eyes.

  Nick was confident and started the class on the right note. He had the girls eating out of his hand already. He made biochemistry come alive and he had the class laughing at some of his examples.

  And then her phone vibrated and she looked at it. It was a text from Thomas.

  In the mood to go sailing?

  He knew that Brigid shouldn't be contacted before twelve. He probably was pushing for more information about her. He had been trying in the last few days to get to know her better, but she had been stonewalling him.

  To her, he was just a job. She didn't owe him any information about herself. She figured that that was proving to be a source of frustration for him. He probably thought that she should be a push over because of his obvious wealth and status.

  She texted back, I am in class.

  Class. I thought you had a day job. How old are you, Brigid?

  Brigid chuckled to herself and texted back, Over eighteen, under thirty.

  "Brigid Manderson, right?"

  Brigid jumped guiltily. Nick and half the class was looking at her.

  "You do know that you are not allowed to use your cell phone in the lecture theatre, don't you?"

  Brigid nodded, feeling like a guilty criminal who had just been caught mid-crime.

  "I am afraid I am going to have to confiscate your phone." Nick walked toward her. "School rules."

  Brigid handed him the phone just when a text message came in from Thomas.

  Nick looked down at it and then at her. "You can come and get it after class. My office is three doors down from the lobby."

  He had a disapproving glint in his eye.

  And Brigid slumped further into her chair as he walked back toward the front of the class.

  Kenzy looked over at her with a grin. "Way to go, Brigid, you are the first one
to visit Dr. Hunk's office. I bet the rest of the girls are jealous."


  Nick left the class as soon as the hour and a half was up. He didn't know why he felt so out of control and mad. Brigid was his cousin's girlfriend and she had been texting him in class. It was not that big a deal. Students secretly texted in class, visited their social networks, whatever. Even he had done it when he was in med school.

  It wasn't the end of the world, so why was he feeling so angry?

  He headed to the office that they had assigned to him and sat in a huff behind his desk. He needed to get this, whatever this was, under control. He was her lecturer. She was his student.

  He rubbed his temples. He could play it cool. He had done so in the past but he couldn't recall been this attracted to anyone before, not since his teens, and now she had him acting like a hormonal teenager.

  What was it about her?

  He didn't have long to ponder the question. He heard a knock on his office door. A tentative two taps.

  "Come in." He suspected that it was her and he tried to school his features into an expression of indifference.

  "Dr. Benedict…" She pushed her head around the door.

  That's what everybody in the class called him but when she said it he had to stop himself from correcting her.

  "Yes." He put on his best poker face. "Come on in."

  "I am so sorry about texting in class. It won’t happen again." She came fully into his office. Her cap half hid her face and she wasn't making eye contact. She looked a little nervous. Good.

  "Have a seat," he invited.

  She sighed. Her body language screamed reluctance but he was past caring. He wanted to know why, of all the women who paraded in and out of his life, he was so attracted to her. She was as pretty as a picture but so were so many other girls. Especially the ones that his grandfather had handpicked from the wealthy families around to entice him. Not one of them had stirred him like this. And she had to be Thomas' girlfriend. It was a cruel twist of fate.


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