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Rax Page 20

by Maia Starr

  I walked back out to the front of the ship. I stood by the wall looking out at space.

  “Feel better?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do,” I said.

  “Good,” he said. Then he looked at me up and down.

  “What are you doing? Why are you doing that?” I asked.

  “Because I can’t not do it. Look at you. Look at the way you jiggle when you move. I can’t stop looking at all of it. It’s so damn sexy,” he said.

  “Oh please. I think that if you think that I am—” but he didn’t let me finish.

  Out of nowhere. He pulled me to him and crushed me against his strong body. His lips came down and met mine. He kissed me hard. I was not expecting this. It was wrong. He was an alien. But I could not stop. Instead, I felt my body stop resisting him and giving in. He tasted so good, and his masculine scent encircled me. I felt like I was in a crazy dream. I was practically naked, being pressed against a spaceship wall by the hard body of an alien, and that turned me on. I felt good. It made me feel like a desirable woman, the way he looked at me and touched me. It was as though he could not resist, and that was a new feeling for me. I liked it. I liked it too much.

  I moaned into his mouth as my nipples started to grow hard and press against his strong, broad, and hard alien chest. I couldn’t stop the delicious kiss even if I wanted too, but I didn’t want to. His lips were soft even though he was being a bit dominant and rough. He pushed those lips against mine, and his tongue gently moved and roamed around my tongue, exploring my mouth. His hands moved onto my lower back and felt the entire length of them. They were very large hands, and I wondered what else was big on his body. His hands moved lower and moved down over my ass. I whimpered a bit. I felt a sudden and intense throbbing between thighs. It was a throbbing that ached for him. I had the urge to wrap my legs around his waist as though I had no control over them. Cerik groaned as he kissed me. He had me pinned against the spaceship wall, and I was letting him.

  Cerik’s mouth moved down from my lips and onto my neck until an erect nipple was in his mouth. I gasped as he took the liberty of popping it out of my swimsuit so quickly and licked it. He sucked and licked it over and over. My hands instinctively pushed into his black hair. I could not stop myself. I was not myself. I was some wild woman that would do this kind of thing. I thought I was a good girl, but I guess not. If I were a good girl, I would not be allowing an alien that had just abducted me to do filthy things to me. I just gave into the idea that I was bad. I might as well enjoy it. Then I felt his hand move down my waist and over the top of my thigh. I spread my legs wider knowing what he was going to do. It was wrong to be so easy, but I did not care at this point. I had no control. I had lost control of myself and of the situation. His long fingers moved down the inside of my thigh. He pulled the center of my swimsuit to the side and then I felt his fingers move over my slit. “Oh god,” I whispered. They were the only words that I could get out. I was in complete ecstasy. I was so aroused by him. I was aroused by the entire situation. It was erotic. I was with an alien, and that was taboo.

  Suddenly his finger pressed against my clit. I moaned in surprise. “Oh, oh God. Yes…” Then two very long fingers entered me, going deep within me. I pressed my trembling lips against his strong shoulder to keep from screaming out like a wild animal. His deliciously long fingers penetrated me. He used his thumb to move back and forth over my clitoris. I could not believe that the one kiss that I let him have had gone much, much further.

  This was so hot, but wrong. I knew I should not be doing this with an alien dragon man. But I couldn’t stop, and I already knew that it was too late. I felt pulsations vibrating inside my wet center. It went higher and higher and built to an explosion. “Oh, I’m cumming. Cerik, I’m cumming,” I whispered.

  “Good, Maria. I want you to cum. I want you to cum on my hand. I want you to feel good. I want to be the one to make you feel good,” his arrogant and husky voice whispered in my ear. I could only feel the pulsing between my thighs, and it was intense. It moved up my entire body.

  He kissed me again, and I knew that I wanted him badly and that I was going to let him take me. Even though I had said that I would not, I knew that now I would. I wanted his cock inside of me. Then he surprised me. He dropped to his knees in front of me. He again moved my swimsuit aside and then licked me up and down. “Oh! Oh god!” I said. It was ticklish because I was already in a sensitive state. Then I heard a noise that brought Cerik back to his feet.

  Beep. Beep.



  Beep. Beep.

  “What is that?” Maria asked.

  “It is just the alert alarm that I set. We are now out of the danger zone,” I said to her.

  “Oh, good. That is good news,” she said.

  “Yes, it is,” I said, lying to her. We were not out of the danger zone; in fact, that alert was to tell me that we were entering the radar range of the opposition space station. But I did not need her to be alarmed while I expertly arranged my mission. I was annoyed to be pulled away from her, especially because my cock was hard as a rock now. But I had to snap out of it and pay attention. This was it. This was everything that my mission was about. I growled nevertheless to leave her side and her slick wet center. I had only gotten started. I moved over to the pilot chair.

  “This is rough gravitational territory though. The ship will be going up and down, so you should strap into the seat,” I said preparing her for what was probably going to be a quick chase or air battle.

  “Oh, just like turbulence on an airplane. I understand that,” she said and she cleared her throat and tried to compose herself. I looked at her over my shoulder knowing that I had gotten to her. Of course I did. I was able to have any female I wanted. I made them all cum, and come to their knees, eventually.

  “Strapping in,” she said as she sat and belted herself.

  Now that I had come to know her just a little more, I liked this Maria a lot. And it wasn't just her fantastic body that I liked. I liked her spirit. She was exactly the type of human that I wanted. And now that I knew her, I felt somewhat guilty about what I was going to do to her. What I was going to expose her to was not going to be pleasant at all, I wasn't even sure if she would survive it. But I did not have a choice. The entire race on my planet depended on this mission, and I could not let one human female’s life change my mission plans. Still, it did eat away at me some. I had a conscience after all, and I did feel guilty about it. But I had no choice; neither would she. She would never know that she was bait. It was essential to the plan that she did not know, or the plan would not work. We would be exposed and killed instantly. I could not allow that to happen, not when I was this far along with the mission.

  Then, I saw something on the radar. A slight smile came across my face. It was just as I had planned. Another alert sound went off.

  “What is that?”

  “That is an alert that the radar is picking up something.”

  “What is it picking up? Is it an asteroid? Are we about to be hit by a big rock? Oh, my God, we are going to die,” she began to ramble on and on.

  “No. It is not an asteroid. It is another ship. We are being followed and tracked,” I said.

  “Oh my God. It is the other ones like you, isn't it? Your enemy?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  She slapped me on the shoulder and said, “I thought you said we were out of the danger zone! You lied to me! We are going to be captured! You better be a damn good pilot and get us out of here!”

  “I will do what I can,” I said to her. I was a good pilot, a damn good pilot. I was the best of the best, but she was not going to see those skills; not then, anyway. I was going to fly at half my skill; the mission demanded it.

  “There it is; it is coming straight for us,” I said as the opposition ship came into view.

  “Oh my God! It is massive!”

  “Yes, but we are smaller, so we have a better chance o
f getting away,” I said.

  “Well do it! Do your thing! Get us out of here!” she said as she began to be anxious in her seat.

  “Yes, Captain,” I said playfully.

  Within seconds, the opposition ship came around my rear and began to chase us. I had to make it look good. I had to make it look like a real chase. I began to zig zag all over the darkness of space. I sent out a distress signal back to my home planet. I did all the protocol that a ship in distress normally would do. I made sharp maneuvers over and over, trying to get the ship away from us. But then I was doing too good.

  “Did we lose them? I think you lost them; I don't see them on your radar there,” Maria said.

  “Damn,” I whispered.


  “Nothing,” I said realizing I should not have said that.

  “What are you doing? Are you slowing down?” she asked.

  Damn, she was too smart. She could tell what I was doing. I had to think quickly.

  “No, I am not slowing down. It only looks that way because of the illusion of space. There is nothing in front of us to judge how fast we are going. I'm going the same speed. It just seems different.

  She was silent, as though she was thinking about what I was saying. I knew that she knew I was lying, but she wasn’t questioning it. It was the best that I could do for now. Suddenly, our ship jolted.

  “Shit,” I said.

  “What? What happened?” she said.

  “We are locked in,” I said.

  “What? What does that mean? I do not speak your terms!”

  “It means the opposition ship has locked onto us. We are trapped. My ship is in their control now.”

  “No! You are a sorry pilot! You couldn't get away from them! I can't believe this! This is all your fault! You did not have a right to take me from Earth, and now I'm going to die out here because of you and your arrogance and entitlement! I'm going to die because you are a terrible pilot! All of this is because of you. You are to blame!”

  “Enough! I won't hear anymore of this!” She was making me very angry because I knew that I was a good pilot. I was only pretending not to be. I did not like hearing from her that I was below average. My ego and my pride could not handle it. I deserved praise and victory, but she was not seeing that side of me.

  “What do we do now?” she asked as she unbuckled her belt and stood up.

  “They don't know that you are on this ship. Go hide in the washroom. Do not come out at all. If we are lucky, they will not search the ship and only take me.”

  “And then what? How long would I stay in there? They are not going to just let this ship float in space are they?”

  “No, they will tow it to their space station and hold it. They will also take me there. As soon as I am able to escape, I will find this ship and find you. Now go!” I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up. I pulled my blaster gun off of my boot and charged it.

  “Oh my God! Try not to aim that thing toward the washroom. You might accidentally shoot me through the wall. You are a sorry pilot, and I am only sure that you are a sorry shooter and soldier!” she shouted at me.

  Once again, her words stung my pride. I did not like hearing her say these things. It was a hard pill to swallow. She moved into the wash closet, and I positioned myself near the side of the door. I did not want to be standing directly in front of it when they opened it. There were a few more jolts as the opposition ship connected to my ship. I could hear the sound of the airlock screwing into the opposition airlock. Then I heard voices. The door of my ship opened.

  “Show yourself, Draqua!” the voice said.

  “I do, and you will shoot,” I shouted.

  “No, we need you alive in order to question you; then we will kill you,” the voice said.

  I showed myself with my blaster gun in hand.

  “Drop your weapon,” the skinny hybrid Draqua said. I recognized him immediately. It was Ephane. I was surprised that he was on a scouting ship.

  “No, I drop it and then you will shoot me. I am not handing myself or this ship over without a fight. Now the only question is are you going to shoot first, or am I?” I said, giving him my best warrior resistance. It was what he would be expecting. If I surrendered, it would be too suspicious.

  He laughed. “Do you not see the ten warriors behind my back? You are outnumbered. You will die instantly.”

  “Yes, but not after I shoot you first. You will die too,” I said, aiming my gun directly at him. A look of fear came across his face, and he put his hands in the air. He knew that I was suicidal at this point and willing to die instead of being taken prisoner. He knew that I would take him out with me. This changed his tone a little. I could see the fear on his face, the weasel.

  “Now, no need to be hasty. Let us speak about this. You will not be harmed. I won't allow it. I only want to know what your business is out here. Who are you?”

  “My name is Commander Cerik Hade. My business out here is my own,” I said.

  “Commander, I have never heard of you. But no matter, you are not a captain, so your business out here could not be anything too important. And you are alone. Now I cannot just let you go. I must take you to my superiors. They will decide what to do with you. So how about it? Do you want to put that gun away and live one more day at least?” he said negotiating.

  I was quiet, as I thought this over. I had to make it look as though I actually wanted to live and that was why I was going with them. He said he would take me to his superiors, which meant I was going on the space station; that was exactly what I wanted to happen, but I could not let them know that. I put my gun in the air in surrender.

  “Take his gun. Put him in chains,” Ephane said. The warrior took my gun and then cuffed my hands behind my back. They began to lead me toward the door as Ephane walked around the center of the ship looking around.

  “Now, Commander,” he said as he looked at the console. He was looking up my coordinates.

  “Get away from there,” I said as though I did not want him to see, but I did.

  “I see that you have come from Earth. There is only one reason for you to go there. You were looking for a mate.”

  I looked at him and growled. I stayed silent with no emotion on my voice. But it was all over my face.

  “Search the ship. There is a human female hiding,” Ephane said. The Warriors begin to open every panel. Sliding their hands along the walls and pushing waiting for panels to open. They searched cupboards and the bed and then finally found the washroom. I heard Maria scream as soon as they opened the door.

  “Don't touch her! Get away from her!” I shouted.

  “Oh, it seems as though you really care for this one. It bothers you, doesn't it, to see her taken by the opposition, the very group that does not want human females to mix with our race any longer. What is your name, human female?”

  “Leave me alone, you filthy alien!” Maria spit in his face. I could not believe her courage. I restrained a smile and I wanted to laugh loudly. But I know that would make Ephane hit her, and I did not want that to happen. Ephane grew a dark look on his face.

  “Put her on the ship in my quarters,” Ephane growled. The warriors picked up Maria and carried her away.

  “No! Maria! Don't take her! Don't hurt her! I will cooperate as long as you want me too! I will tell you anything you want to know as long as you keep her alive and do not hurt her!” I shouted.

  Ephane looked at me and smiled. “And that is what I like to hear. It is strange how having a bit of leverage changes the situation. I am glad that you are willing to cooperate. It will be good for you, and the human female. Take him and put him in the cells.”

  I struggled and growled as they pushed me out of my airlock and onto theirs. I screamed and was mean to them. I did all that I could to make it look real. I had to make it look like this was an unintended surprise. We walked onto the ship, and I looked around, taking all of the information in that I could. It was a standard Draqua ship
, and I could fly it if I needed to. I knew exactly what kind of ship it was and what it was capable of; I even knew how to disengage the radar tracking. If I was going to use this as my escape ship; that would be the first thing that I would have to do. I watched as Maria was carried over the shoulder of a warrior, kicking and screaming, down the hallway. Then she was out of my sight. I hoped they truly would not hurt her or take advantage of her. Even though the opposition was against breeding with human females, some of the corrupt warriors still had their way with human females; they just made it a point to not spill their seed inside of them. I hoped that she was safe.



  Waiting in that washroom while I heard voices outside was the most horrible thing. I was full of anxiety and I was terribly scared. I did not know what was going to happen. I hoped that the plan that Commander Cerik Hade had told me would work. That I would simply hide in the washroom until he came to find me at some point when this ship was taken to the space station. But as soon as the door was opened, I saw a menacing warrior that looked like Cerik, only a little bit different. It had silver white hair and piercing yellow eyes. It looked mean. I couldn't help myself, and I screamed out of shock. I was pulled out of the washroom and saw that the commander was in cuffs. He couldn't help me. We had truly been captured by these space bandits. I knew that I should not have spit in the face of the one in charge, but I was angry. I had a temper, and I could not control it. It often got me into trouble, but I never expected that it would get me into trouble in space.


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