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Rax Page 21

by Maia Starr

  As I was led away, it was a pleasant surprise to hear the commander defending me. I could hear him shouting not to hurt me and that he would do anything to make sure that I was not hurt. His words dug deep inside of me. They were the most chivalrous words I had ever heard from a man, and this man was an alien. I guess I really had to go out of this world in order to find that kind of honor.

  Now, I was flung over the shoulder of a warrior as he carried me into this new ship. It was almost the same as the commander's ship, but bigger and darker. I kicked the warrior and screamed, but it did not seem to do anything. I could feel my knees against his hard chest.

  “You will stay in here!” he shouted as he threw me into a room and onto a bench. Then he walked toward the door.

  “I demand that you let me go!” I shouted, but he just left. He closed the door behind him. I ran to the door and tried to open it. But I could not figure it out. There were lots of flashing buttons and leavers, and I assumed it was probably locked from the outside. I looked around the room. It was very plush, almost luxurious. I moved to the food area that looked a lot like the one on the commander's ship. I poured some water. I needed it after all the yelling and shock that I had been through. I sat down on the bench. I was trapped here. I wondered what they were going to do with me. I wondered what they were going to do with the commander. But as I sat, I had time to think, and my mind immediately wandered to the make-out session with the commander. It had caught me off-guard, and I had not had time to process it because we were interrupted by the radar alarm. But now my mind was free and able to think. I remembered the heat that I felt. It had radiated throughout my entire body as soon as he pulled me to him. My breast flush against his hard abs made my nipples hard as they grazed against his skin. I remembered the taste of his mouth and how soft his lips felt. I remembered how he growled in desire to touch my waist and then allowed his hands to move down over my plump bottom. Then I remembered how he made me cum with his long fingers and then licked me afterward. He was a filthy alien. I was getting wet again just replaying it in my mind. I knew I should not be doing that. I should be ashamed that I allowed this alien that I hated to touch me. I should feel guilty; I told him that I would never let him touch me. Then the very moment that he even tried to seduce me, I opened up like a wanton slut. I was reeling over the incident; I never thought I could be so attracted to a creature that was not human. He was a damn Dragon shifter after all! It was absolutely insane, and yet I wanted more of him.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Maria?” I whispered to myself trying to get ahold of my thoughts. I couldn't allow myself to linger on that. Even though it was the hottest thing I had ever experienced, I had to focus on what was happening to me now. I was in very serious danger. I needed to keep focused. It was possible the commander would successfully escape and I needed to be ready to have him rescue me. I laughed. I was a real damsel in distress now, waiting for her hero alien to rescue her. How dumb was that?

  The door opened, and the skinny Draqua that I had spit on walked in. He was alone, and that scared me.

  “Human female, tell me where have you come from. Where on Earth did you come from?” he said as he moved to the food area and poured a colored liquid into a glass.

  “I am not telling you anything,” I said in anger.

  “You can tell me now, or you can tell me while you are tortured. You know what that is, don't you? They definitely have it on Earth. The humans are the most savage creatures of the galaxies.”

  My eyes grew wide. I did not want to be tortured. I swallowed my pride. “I was on Earth in the desert in an area known as California. I was minding my own business when I was suddenly taken. Now I am here, taken once more by you.”

  “Yes, I understand. Did the commander tell you why he took you from Earth? Why he went galaxies from his own planet to Earth to take one simple human female?”

  “Well, I am not simple. I am anything but that,” I said knowing that I should not be sassy, but I could not help it. “But yes, he mentioned that I was to be his mate.”

  “And that is what you want?”

  “No, it is not. But I have no choice in the matter it seems.”

  “Have you mated with him already?”

  I gasped. “No, I have not! How dare you say such a thing about me. I have only just been taken from my own planet. I told him not to touch me. I plan on speaking to his superiors on his planet and asking them to return me to Earth.”

  He laughed at me. “I can see that you are not familiar with the ways of the Draqua. You will not be returned. You are one of thousands of human females that are taken from Earth for the sole purpose of mating. You have no choice in the matter.”

  “We will see about that.”

  “Here, drink this.” He handed the colored liquid to me.

  “What is that?”

  “Hiwa. It is a strong drink. I believe on Earth you call it wine or liquor.”

  “No, thank you,” I said knowing that I had quite enough when I left Earth, and I was still dehydrated from partying with Claudia. Oh, poor Claudia; she would probably have been up by now searching for me. There would probably be a large search party, and I would be all over the news. But I couldn't think about that now. I would deal with that when I got back to Earth, if I ever got back to Earth.

  “Suit yourself, but I thought that it would make this less painful,” he said as he drank the colorful drink himself. I began to panic. What was he talking about that was going to be painful.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He walked over to a drawer and opened it. He pulled out a shot. There was a very long needle attached to it.

  “Don't you dare stick that in me.”

  “I have to. It is part of the protocol,” he said. I backed away against the wall as far as I could, trying to inch toward the door.

  “It is better if you don't struggle. The needle could break off in your arm; then where would we be?”

  “What is it? What the hell is in that thing?”

  But he didn't answer. He walked toward me. I didn't know what to do. There was no escape from this room, or the ship. If I struggled, it would break in my arm, and that would be worse. But what was it? Was it going to kill me? I did not know what it could be and my heart was racing.

  “Are you going to hold still?”

  I took a deep breath and nodded my head yes. There was no point in fighting; it would only be worse. I held still, and he pushed the needle into my upper arm. It stung like hell. It felt like a thousand wasps stinging me in one spot. I screamed loudly.

  “Don't worry; the pain will only last for thirty seconds, and then you won't feel anything at all. Come,” he said as he grabbed my other arm and led me to the bench.

  “Sit,” he said as he moved away from me back to the drawer to put the shot away. He was right; I was starting to feel the pain of the shot go away. But I was starting to feel everything go away. The feeling in my legs and arms begin to go numb. I could feel my senses going dull. I could barely hear sounds in the room, and my vision was becoming blurry.

  “What? What did you do to me? What did you give me?” I whispered barely getting the words out.

  “Do not worry. I do not have the authority to harm you; only my superiors can make that decision. But since we have you, we might as well learn more about you. We take every opportunity we have to learn more about the human females. You will make a great subject for our experiments,” he said.

  His words brought a cold chill throughout my entire body. He said experiments. But I could not protest. I slumped back against the bench and blacked out. It was the last thing that I remembered.

  When I woke up, I felt cold cement against my body. It took a long time for feeling to come back to my legs and fingers and for me to process what was going on. I felt like I had been asleep for weeks. It took me a while to remember where I was and what happened. I opened my eyes and an inch in front of my face was black cement, or what felt lik
e it. It was shiny and cold. My throat was dry and scratchy and my eyes were adjusting. I put my hands on the cement and realize that I was laying on my belly on the floor. I slowly pushed myself up and sat. I looked around. I could see bars all around me. I was in a cell in a very dark, cavernous room. I could see other cells around me that were empty. I tried to get to my feet, but I was still too weak. What the hell did they do to me? I wanted to cry, but I did not have the strength to get tears to come out of me. Then I heard shouting.

  “Where is she? What did you do with Maria?” I recognized the voice. It was Cerik! I looked in the direction of the sound and saw him with two warriors on each of his arms. They were dragging him as he shouted at them. They threw him into a cell next to me. The warriors locked it and left.



  They took me onto their ship, and then they towed my own ship attached to the bigger ship and moved to the space station. I was pushed into a holding cell on the smaller ship. I hoped that Maria was okay, and I did feel guilty for doing this to her. But I had to remember the bigger picture involved. I had to remember that this was for the good of my entire race. I sat in the cell thinking about my mission. It was going just as I had planned. Now I only hoped that it would stay on track. Once I was on the space station, I would be able to do what I came to the opposition to do. I had to go through the motions of whatever it was like to be a prisoner of the opposition, and I had to make it look like I did not want to be there, but I did. It was a very delicate balance, and so far it seemed that I had tricked Ephane. I was glad that he was the one to capture me. I thought that I would have to search the space station for him, but the fact that he was the one in charge of my capture put me one step ahead in my mission. I would not have to search for him and find out if he was on the space station at all; it was guaranteed that he was. Which meant that it was guaranteed that the project he was working on was also on this space station. I grinned knowing that I was so close, very close. All I had to do was keep my mouth shut and play along.

  As I sat there waiting for the ship to dock with the space station, which I assumed would take several hours, I had a lot of time to think. During this time I tried to review my plans for the mission over and over to make sure that I did not get anything wrong. But I could not stay focused. I kept thinking about Maria. I kept thinking about my fingers inside of her wet center. Just thinking about what it felt like to put my lips on hers and feel her delicious thick body made me very aroused. I was starting to get hard, very hard. Would it be wrong for me to relieve my tension that was building up inside of me here in this holding cell? I laughed to myself. Imagine if Ephane walked in on that. He would not be expecting it. I had to restrain myself I hoped that there would be time later to continue what Maria and I started. For now, I would have to push her out of my mind every time she popped in, and that was about every ten minutes. I laid down and got some sleep. I knew that I would be up for days straight once I was on the space station. After being up for so long with only a few hours of sleep here in there, I fell into a deep sleep quickly. Oddly, I knew that I was safe in the cell.

  About eight hours later, I could feel the movement of the ship jolting. This meant that we were docking with the space station. I stood up and stretched, waking myself up from my sleep. I felt rested and ready to take on the next phase of my mission. Soon after, two warriors came to get me.

  “What the hell is going on? Where are you taking me? I demand to know!” I shouted and struggled in their arms as they moved me from the cell back into the hallway of the ship. I had to act like I was angry and frustrated to be there. It was all part of the plan.

  “Shut up! We will tell you nothing! You filthy human breeder!” the warrior shouted.

  I was taken down the hallway and down the walkway ramp of the ship that led to the landing port inside the space station. I got a good look around. There were over fifty ships parked. It was very busy, with many Draqua warriors doing their responsibilities. No one even turned to look at me. I looked back at the ship expecting to see Maria being escorted from the ship, but she was not. I wondered if she was still on the ship or was taken off before me. I continue to look at the landing port memorizing every single hallway that went into the main part of the space station. I would be coming out of one of those hallways later when I escaped and needed a ship. I memorized every single detail as the warriors walked me into the center hallway.

  Finally, I was moved into an interrogation room. It was exactly like the ones we had on my own planet, as it should be. We were all of the same race, just on different sides. They sat me down in a chair and strapped me to it.

  “What the hell is going on? Why am I here?” I shouted at the warriors; they just grinned and then continued out of the room. They locked the door behind them. I sat in there for about an hour. Then finally, Ephane came into the room. He had a satisfying and arrogant grin on his face.

  “I hope I did not keep you waiting long,” he said.

  “Where is she? What did you do with her?” I growled.

  “You do not need to concern yourself with the human female. She is safe. She is resting,” he said with a smile that said I should not believe what he said.

  “Now, Commander, are you going to tell me what you were doing on Earth?”

  “Now that you have the human female, I think you know. I was looking for a human mate, just like all of us Draqua.

  “Is that all?”

  “Yes, what else would I be doing on Earth? I cannot be there alone and stay there for very long. It is too dangerous. As you know. I flew in found a human within an hour, took her, and left. Then you came upon me. I tried to get away, but your pilot was faster than I am.”

  “Yes, that was some good flying on your part, but not good enough. It seems that we caught you by surprise.”

  “Yes, and that is the only reason I am here. You caught me by surprise,” I said to him.

  “Still, I think there is more than you are saying. But fortunately for you, it will have to wait. I am in the middle of a very big project of my own. Because of that, you will have to wait in the prison cells for a few days before I can see to you. I just wanted to let you know,” he said as he began to walk out.

  “When will I see her? Where is she?!” I shouted at him over and over. He closed the door, and I continued to shout. I had to make it look good. I had to make it look real.

  An hour later, I was taken below the decks and into the dark cavern where there were many prison cells. I was struggling with the guards and asking for Maria. I had to stay consistent. They threw me into a cell and locked it behind me.

  “Cerik? Is that you?” I heard Maria's voice say.

  “Maria? You are here? Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” I said, getting to my feet and moving over to the bars of my cell. I wrapped my hands around the bars and looked across the corridor to another cell. Maria was sitting on the ground; she looked weak. I felt a rush of hate fill my deepest core. If Ephane hurt her, I would kill him. She looked as though she had just woke up.

  “I am not sure. They gave me a shot, and that is all that I remember. I passed out. I don't know what they did to me. Now I am very weak, and I can barely stand on my feet.”

  I wanted to punch Ephane in the face right then and there. I felt very guilty that I had put her in this position. When I first made up this plan for this mission, the human female that I was going to take from Earth was a faceless person. But now she was a real human, and I had started to feel things for her. Now I hated myself as well for putting her through this. She could never know that I was doing this on purpose. She would hate me forever, and I did not want that to happen.

  “It sounds like they put you to sleep. Was it a shot with a very long needle?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what it was. It hurt like hell too, but only for a minute, and then I felt nothing. Then I woke up here. I woke up only minutes before now.”

  “They put you to sleep. I have
no idea why. Do not worry. We will not be here for very long; I promise you that. I am going to get us out of here. I'm going to get us both out of here; I promise that to you, Maria.”

  “I hope that you can keep that promise,” she said.


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