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Page 89

by Maia Starr

  “Take off that skirt,” he ordered.

  He moved back onto the bed and I took off my skirt. I was now completely naked on the bed. I spread my thighs open for him. He moved his body between my thighs and the tip of his cock pressed against my opening. I moaned and was ready to feel what it was going to be like to have an alien inside of me. Zian moved and hovered over me. He was so tall that my face was aligned with his chest and not his face so I was staring directly at his blue scales. Then he pushed himself inside of me an inch. We both moaned and he said, “Damn you feel good. You are so warm.”

  I opened my thighs wider and he moved in deeper. Little by little he moved in until he was deep inside of me. I pressed my fingertips against his strong back as he moved back and forth inside of me. He filled me completely and gave me sensations like I had never felt before. “Is this okay?” he asked. “You are so small. I don’t want to crush you,” he said.

  “Yes, this is okay. It feels good. Your weight and your heat feel good against me, and your scales,” I said.

  “Good,” he grinned at me. Then he moved faster and harder and I was not expecting it. “Oh! Oh yes! That feels so damn good,” I said as I raised my legs in the air. I pressed my hands against his strong back.

  I felt the pulsations inside of my wet center getting to the brink once more and I knew that I could not hold on any longer. “I’m going to release. I’m going to cum, Zian. I’m going to explode,” I whispered. He moaned and moved faster, pumping back and forth. Our skins slammed against each other as he moved harder and faster. Then I released in an epic climax that I could not control. I wiggled and convulsed under him as though my body was having a fit. I bit down on the left side of his chest.

  “Ah,” he moaned at the pain, but I couldn’t help it. It was too intense to handle.

  Finally, it subsided a bit, but he was not done. Zian moved in and out of me slowly, giving me a break as his hands massaged my breasts and he placed soft kisses on me here and there. But then his breathing grew harder and faster. I could feel his muscles tensing underneath my hands. “I want to cum inside of you Lily. I want to release,” he said.

  “I want you too. Don’t stop. I want you to release inside of me,” I moaned. He pumped his hips harder and faster in a quick motion and I felt the sensation again. I was so sensitive. Then seconds later, he was growling and releasing inside of me. “Fuck, I’m cumming.”

  “I know. I want you too,” I breathed out the words. Then I felt the warmth of him flow through me. I wrapped my legs around his back and held him close to me as I enjoyed the feeling of having his essence inside of me.

  A few minutes later we were both basking in the glow of our orgasms. Zian turned to me on his side and fingered my red hair with his long fingers. “I have not seen many human females with this color of hair. What does it mean?” he asked playfully.

  “It doesn’t mean anything really. Though some say that redheads are more stubborn and fiery,” I said laughing.

  “Oh, then that is true. That is exactly you,” he laughed.

  “Shut up!” I said playfully pushing my hand against his scales. He laughed and then stared at me. We locked eyes for a long time. I could feel it. I could feel all those feelings that I have forbidden myself to have for a Corilion and they were taking root.

  “Ugh!” I shouted.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I am not supposed to be doing this. You abducted me for fuck’s sake! I am supposed to hate you, not make love with you!”

  “It is okay, it is not your fault. It is my fault,” he said.

  “What do you mean, it is your fault?” I asked with one eyebrow arched.

  “Because I am irresistible,” he laughed.

  “Oh, come on!” I said laughing.

  “And I can’t resist you,” he said placing his mouth on my nipple. I was turned on instantly. I bit my lower lip. I wanted to go for another round but that was greedy. But my body was already responding to him. I tried to concentrate on the playful banter.

  “I never said thank you,” I said to him.

  “Thank you for what?” he asked.

  “For letting me call my sister. It means a lot to me that I got to talk to her,” I said.

  “Don’t thank me. If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be here in the first place,” he said as he rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. That was the last thing we said before falling asleep. He just shut down after that remark.

  It was strange to me but I understood. If there was something that I understood about this Corillion, it was the inner struggle he must be feeling. That was what his comment was about. He was starting to feel conflicted over the remorse of taking me in the first place. I was starting to feel the struggle of liking an alien whose group I had spent my entire life hating. I did not know where this would lead us, but I knew that it would be messy.

  Chapter 6


  I knew it then, but I had already known before. The moment I was inside of Lily, I knew that I loved her. But I knew before that and did not want to admit it to myself. I knew the day that I rescued her from battle. When I saw her run straight into the cross fire with such bravery and confidence I knew that I had to know this woman. When I ran after her, I knew that I had to save her at all costs, but I had justified it with needing the code to the archive. Even then I knew that it was more than that, but I ignored it. I had too. The entire plan relied on getting her and then treating her like a necessary mission for the war.

  I stared at her delicate face and ran my fingers through her wild red hair as she slept peacefully on. Shit. I was fucked. I was in love with this damn human female and she was the worst choice that I could possibly make. Why did she have to be my match?

  I had to leave her. I rolled out of the bed naked and I pulled on my trousers and boots. I turned back and looked at the naked human female lying in bed. There was confusion all over her face and in her heart. It was also in mine. We should be enemies. We were enemies, but we weren’t acting like enemies. I could already feel it becoming a problem, a very big problem for me and for her.

  "Where are you going?” She asked.

  "It is better that you don't know. Don't forget. You are being watched,” I said as I looked at the camera on the corner of the room, one of many. I was trying to be as cold as possible and go back to the way things were before, when she was nothing more than my prisoner, but I am not sure if it worked. I looked at her. She had a frown on her face, but she quickly wiped it away with pride, as though she didn’t care that I was not being affectionate.

  “I will make sure that you are fed,” I said to her just to try to make matters worse. That would make her feel like a prisoner.

  “Oh, how kind of you,” she said sarcastically and then muttered some things under her breath.

  I walked out of the room and locked the door behind me. I would not be back. I couldn't. Lily was becoming a distraction. When I was inside of her I wanted to do anything for her. I would do anything that she asked me and if she knew about the mission, she would ask me not to do it and I would probably obey her. It was such a strange feeling to be overcome by a human female. It had never happened to me before. I was the leader of the Corillion, and I was not supposed conquered so easily by a human female. It disturbed me greatly.

  I moved into my office and took care of some last-minute matters. From now on I would be working out of another room where I could not see her. I would have to get another guard that I trusted to watch her and take her to the facilities when she needed. I went to the wall panel, saying “I need a food tray for a human and large amounts of water supply brought to my living quarters.”

  "Right away sir,” was the response. For the next 48 hours, I avoided the human female. I had to. It was the only way that I could focus on the mission.

  Then we were off. We set out on a fleet of 100 ships that each had the special batch aboard. This was going to be complete insanity and comple
te chaos.

  "Let's get in and out of there. All ships in stealth mode. Stick to the plan. If you are caught do not reveal any information. Land at each water supply treatment plant under the cover of night. Dump the batch as quickly as possible into the water tanks. As soon as you are done, make a straight shot back to the mothership. Do not linger. You know the drill. Let's go in!” I relayed over the communication device to all ships.

  In a matter of seconds the fleet divided, each heading for different cities on Earth. My ship was headed to the capital city, home of the Earth embassy. It would be the most difficult mission of all and that is why I made it mine. Capital city had the largest Earth army base on Earth, although the base was far away from our target, the water supply plants. As my ship neared its target, I reflected on how everything that I had put together for years was coming together. I was proud that it was all coming together as planned, but there was something that I had not planned in the way. It was Lily. I wasn’t planning on dealing with a human female in such an intimate way. I did not expect that it would affect my logic. Now small bits of guilt for what I was doing to her people came and went in my mind. I was not planning on Lily Retron to enter my life in such a way.

  "Sir, all ships are in position in the stratosphere above their target cities,” a warrior said to me.

  "Hold for a second confirmation from each ship that they are prepared for descent,” I ordered.

  "Holding. Waiting for each ship to check in a second time.”

  Seconds past. This was it. There was no turning back after this.

  "Sir, second confirmation. All ships are in position and waiting for your order to descend,” the warrior said to me.

  "Confirmed. All ships descend. Go!" I shouted. The warrior repeated my order into the communication devices. Our ship descended into the darkness of Earth sky. We dropped as fast as we could in order to avoid radar detection. It was almost like falling out of the sky. Then a few thousand feet above ground level, we hit the brakes and slowly hovered over the water plant. We landed inside the secured fence, just as we had planned.

  "Landing gear settling in firm," The warrior said.

  "Affirmative. Batch team ready at the door,” I ordered. My orders were repeated and I made my way to the door with the batch team. Five skilled warriors waited at the door, carrying a large blue tank that was filled with gallons of my secret weapon, which would disburse and dilute into the water treatment plant and go undetected. It was a brilliant recipe and a brilliant plan.

  The door opened. “Quietly. We must go unnoticed as much as possible,” I said to the batch team. Then I looked at our armed guards caring blaster guns, shielding us from enemy fire just in case. “Do not fire until fired upon. If we can take them out using just our physical strength by breaking arms, or stabbing, let's do that. Only use blaster guns as a last resort. But let us try not to have any fatalities if possible. We do not need an alert sounded on us,” I said to the guards.

  They all nodded their heads in agreement.

  "Go now,” I said as the team skillfully carried the batch out of the doors. They had memorized a path straight to the water tanks. One way the archive blueprints of this water plant had been used was to create a tactical plan leading us straight to the target. They stepped cautiously but confidently knowing exactly where they were headed. I followed them, looking around for any signs that our ship had been noticed.

  "There, locking team,” I whispered and two Corillion warriors stepped forward and attached the tank we carried to the large water supply tank with a massive hose. Using the blueprint information, we opened the cavity of the water tank and poured the contents of the tank quickly in.

  I watched the gauge needle move from four towards empty as the contents flowed out. Everything was going smoothly; everything was going well, too well. I did not expect it to be this easy. Finally, the tank was empty and the locking team unlocked it from the water tank.

  "Retreat. Retreat,” I whispered. The batch team reversed course back along the path with the tank and we quickly made it back to the ship. In seconds, we were inside the belly of the ship and I was on the flight deck.

  "Go! fire engines, let's go,” I said. They ship roared to life and shot straight up into the air.

  "Report on other ships,” I asked.

  "Sir, 20 ships are still in action on the ground. The rest are in motion heading back toward the mother ship,” he reported.

  "Good. Very good,” I said.

  "No one has come across any resistance. It seems a little unusual. This was a great plan sir, if I may say so,” the warrior said to me.

  "Yes, it was very easy. It makes me realize just how unprepared Earth is for an invasion of this type. They concentrate all of their energy and strength on their army expecting to be defeated through battle only. They must put very little faith in our intelligence in order to leave their water supply so vulnerable and unprotected. It is very unwise of them and it will be there downfall,” I responded.

  "Sir yes sir. Sir 10 of the 20 ships are now off the ground after delivering the package successfully,” he reported to me.

  "Good. Keep an eye on it until every ship is back on the mother ship.” I said.

  Soon we were in fleet formation just outside of the Earth’s atmosphere in the blackness of space. Quickly the last few of the ships that we were waiting on appeared and took their position. We were ready to go back to the mothership on the other side of the moon. It had been a success. The batches were planted into the water system and there was no turning back. From now on nothing would ever be the same on Earth. It would be as though it had always been destined to be this way, the Corillion way.

  As soon as we docked, I was walking across the landing port. There was much to be done and yet I could only think of one thing. Lily. I needed to check on her. I did not like leaving her on the ship where Yiri was able to get to her. It was too risky.

  "Congratulations Zian. Your master plan was executed perfectly," Yiri said as he came up from behind me. He walked with me along the landing report to the main hallway of the ship.

  "Don't congratulate me yet. There is much to be done. And it won't be effective until the humans drink the water. It could take months for it to start to show results. It is only the first part of the plan, and now we must wait. We will have to retreat away from the Earth’s moon farther into the solar system, near Mars, where we will not be detected. I will order the retreat in a couple of hours,” I said to him as I walked quickly. I was walking toward Lily in my living quarters.

  "Yes, it is only the first part of the plan. That is what I wanted to speak to you about. Phase 2 of the plan,” he said anxiously.

  "Not now. We will speak soon. For now, see to the arrival of the fleet and make sure that all those batches have been emptied. We don't have room for any mistakes,” I walked away from him. He continued to speak but I did not listen. I was too busy with my new mission, seeing Lily again.

  I entered her room inside of my office. I was surprised to see that she was cleaned up. She no longer had smudges on her face. Her red flaming hair was in a high ponytail. She was wearing skin tight black pants and a skin tight black top to match. Her boots went high to her knee.

  "Where did you get those clothes?” I asked her, as I narrowed my eyes in jealousy. Someone had been talking to her. Someone had been meeting with her since I had been on the mission and the 48 hours before the mission that I had been avoiding her.

  "Yiri. He brought them to me. He allowed me to go to the facilities to shower and clean up,” she said that she put her hands on her hips.

  "Did you allow him to watch?” I asked as I slammed the door behind me. I was jealous. I was fuming with anger that he had been talking to her at all. He wasn't even supposed to know that she was being held in my office. The guards that I had placed to take care of her and tell no one had betrayed me, or at least one of them had. I would have to deal with that later. For now, I needed to know every detail of what happened sin
ce last time I had left her, since I had left her bed.

  "No! Not that you should care. Where the hell have you been? It has been three days since I last spoke with you,” she said angrily. “What is happening out there? Does this have to do with the archive and the systems in every city? You have to tell me,” she said as she moved toward me.

  "I can tell you now because it is finished. Nothing can be done to stop it, but you're not going to like it,” I said to her.

  "Of course, I'm not going to like it, I think that would be obvious. But I must know. I have to know what you have done. That is my planet; those are my people,” she said.

  "Fine Director, as you wish. We have infected the water supply of every major city on Earth. Soon every human will be drinking the solution that we have added to it. And then there will be no turning back, the day of the knot is at hand."


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