Luvin' the Son of a Savage

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Luvin' the Son of a Savage Page 6

by Tina J

  “Marco, I love you too much to be with anyone but you.” She pushed me back.

  “You can’t keep your dick to yourself.” She showed me a photo on her phone.


  “Don’t fucking Harlow me Marco. I get it. She was there before me and you’ll never get over your first love, right?” She walked to the bedroom door.

  “Do me a favor and don’t contact me unless she’s dead. At least, I know you’ll be somewhat faithful, and it won’t be any other competition.” She ran down the steps crying, and I did nothing to stop her because she was right, and I was caught.


  “This is over.” I told Ella as she sat on her bed fully exposed.

  She and I used to date years ago and yes, she was my first love. Unfortunately, I had a job to do and couldn’t tie myself down. We broke up but continued sleeping with one another. No kids involved whatsoever; yet, we couldn’t stay away from each other.

  “The bitch must be complaining.” I snapped my neck.

  “Don’t call her that.” Ella is fully aware of Harlow and had no problem playing second. She crawled over and started massaging my shoulders. I stood up.


  “I’m looking.” Her legs were open with two fingers inside. It was hard as hell to leave but I had no choice if I planned on keeping Harlow in my life. I left the room.

  “MARCO!” She yelled from the top of the steps.

  “I’m done Ella and if your pops got a problem, he can hit me up.”

  He’s one of the men who copped drugs from my father years ago and now, his son is doing the same with me. Her father feels we should marry since we’ve been around for so long. I’d agree if he said this a few years ago. However; Harlow is who I want.

  “Why are you even with her? She’s beneath you and her family is broke.” I had my hand on the doorknob shaking my head.

  “I’m with her because she don’t need me.”

  “What?” She asked coming down the steps tying her robe.

  “She took a chance on me and left her family behind. Not once has she requested money, houses, cars or anything else. When we go on vacation, she insists on paying for everything. When’s the last time you did that? When’s the last time you sat up all night listening to me discuss how stressful my day was without including sex? When’s the last time you made me dinner or asked me out for a date?”

  “Marco you don’t need anyone to do that. You have maids and...”

  “I have maids, butlers, drivers and so forth but I don’t have her because your hateful ass sent a picture of me laid up with you.” She smirked.

  “It’s funny huh. Let’s see how funny it is when she’s rocking my last name.” The smirk disappeared.

  “It’ll never happen.” I ignored her because she wanted to get a rise outta me. I sped out her driveway and drove to my hideaway. I needed a drink, and someone go kill. Both will be available when I get there.


  “Stop crying Harlow. You’re gonna make me cry.” Brielle said sitting on my bed. I needed someone to talk to and since my mother and the rest of my family disowned me, she’s the only person I speak to.

  I met her through Marco Jr. and at first, we didn’t care for one another. She was used to Ella and I understood. Her and Marco were no longer a couple, but Brielle knew like everyone else, they were still sleeping together but no one told me.

  She was loyal as far as her brother went and even Ella at times. Its normal for family members to latch on to a significant other whose been around for a long time.

  When he introduced me to the family, she wasn’t rude; yet, we never spoke more than two words to each other. It took almost seven months for us to have a casual conversation and it’s because we were at one of their family functions, and the asshole boyfriend Jaquan, got caught cheating for the first time. She was devastated and unsure of the future between them, but you could see in her face the love was still there.

  She sat next to me and asked if I’d ever dealt with a cheating man and how did I react. At the time, I had no reason to believe her brother was stepping out, so I based my answer on a previous relationship.

  I explained how my ex slept with my cousin and even though the situation was a tad bit different, it was still the same. I felt stuck as she did and sadly stayed with the guy because of love, and they claimed to be drunk when it happened.

  Everything seemed perfect and we moved on until my cousin popped up pregnant and she was further along from when they had their drunken sex encounter. I beat her ass so bad she almost lost the baby. He suffered a few stab wounds in the stomach, and I bounced.

  I refused to stick around afterwards because emotionally and mentally my mind was gone. I couldn’t think straight, wasn’t eating and didn’t wanna go to work. It took me a long time to get outta that funk and I vowed never to do that again.

  Brielle and I ended up going out that night and been tight ever since and it’s been two and a half years.

  “I’m trying but it’s hard. Do you think he’s been sleeping with her the entire time?”

  “If you asked me this before we became close, I probably could’ve answered. But now you know he wouldn’t tell me because he knows I’ll tell you.”


  BOOM! BOOM! We both turned our heads to the door. I stood and went towards it. My house was still in the hood. I wasn’t moving just because my man at the time had money.

  I’m not the type of bitch who needs a man for anything. I’d rather suffer and go homeless before depending on anyone. Shit look at the situation with my family.

  They did some fucked up stuff to Marco before he and I even met but once we got together, my mother threw me out. I was a disgrace because Marco should’ve been prosecuted and sent to jail. They knew who he was and jail wasn’t even an option.

  I can’t lie, when Marco became interested in me, I was nervous and scared. What if I did something and he killed me? But the first time we went out, he didn’t act Gangsta or in any other way the streets perceived him. He was kind, charming and very smart.

  After a few dates, I inquired about my cousin and he told me the truth. At that moment it was up to me to decide if I should stay. My cousin and I were close, but I understood the situation too. The streets loved nobody and when you played with people’s money, death will come.

  “If you didn’t have that baby in your hand, I’d knock your fucking head off for stepping on my porch.” I told my cousin Nicki. Yes, the one who slept with my ex man.

  “Bitch please.”

  WHAP! I smacked the shit outta her.

  “Harlow?” Brielle pulled me back.

  “Fuck her. She know I don’t speak to her. What she here for?”

  “He must’ve got caught cheating on you too. Damn cuz, your pussy must be trash if your men keep cheating.” She smirked and moved away from the door.

  “What bitch?”

  “You mean to tell me, you had no idea he was still sleeping with you and the other side bitches? No wonder the streets calling you stupid.” Brielle had to hold me back.

  “Anyway, pop pop is in the hospital and no one wanted to tell you.”

  “For what?” I felt myself about to cry again. I loved my grandfather. Him and my grandmother were the only ones who still communicated with me.

  “Some guy skipped the curb when he was walking down the street and hit him. He’s in a coma and may not make it.” I ran to grab my keys. She was still standing there.

  “Is that all?”

  “Yea, plus I wanted you to see what your stepson would’ve looked like had you married his father. He looks just like him, don’t he?”

  “Ok, you said what was needed. You can go?” She stared at Brielle.

  “Damn two bitches who can’t keep a man in the same place. Isn’t Jaquan fucking my sister?”

  “Probably and if she’s dusty and dirty like you, I’m glad I left him.” Brielle gave her a fake smi

  “Oh shit. You do have a voice.”


  “People say Marco’s sister is corny and scared of her own shadow.” Brielle stepped in her face.

  “See things like that don’t bother me coming from gutter rats. The same gutter rats who tried to fuck my brother and he said no.” My cousins mouth dropped.

  “Yea we’re pretty tight and if I’m not mistaken, you’ve been tryna sleep with him since Harlow’s been his woman.” She stepped closer to Nicki. I was mad as hell.

  “You say her pussy must be trash because they cheated on her; if that’s the case why yo man still calling, and hitting her up in the DM’s? Why you keep tryna fuck the men she’s been with? What you competing for?” Nicki said nothing, which is a shocker.

  “As far as my brother, I think you know like the streets, that regardless of what’s being said, Harlow is gonna be his wife and no hood bitch or hood princess he used to fuck with is gonna change that.”

  “Bye Nicki.” I closed the door in her face and laughed my ass off with Brielle.

  “And they call me crazy.” I told her.

  “You are and I meant what I said about you and Marco getting married.” I waved my hand and she caught my wrist.

  “He knows he fucked up Harlow but don’t think for a second he’s gonna allow you to be with anyone else; especially now that you’re carrying his heir.”

  “I’m scared Brielle.” She hugged me.

  “You should be because if you smile at another nigga, he’ll probably kill you.” She said in a serious tone and I had no doubt he would. She told me good luck with my grandfather and to call her later.


  “Pop pop.” I ran in his room and to the bed.

  “Harlow.” My grandmother came out the bathroom.

  “Nana.” I turned and we embraced one another. Neither of us wanted to let go.

  “Is he gonna make it?” She looked towards the door and back at me.

  “I hope so but honey whoever did this, did it on purpose.” She closed it and walked back towards me.

  “What? Why?”

  “We don’t know. Listen.” She took my face in her hands.

  “I need you to stay with Marco until we find out who did this. I think you’re in danger.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “It may seem like it, but my dreams don’t lie.” She smiled and rubbed my belly. I hadn’t even told anyone yet and she knew. My grandmother had all types of intuitions, she’d tell us about them and then say, I told you it would happen.

  “I can’t stay with Marco right now.” I knew he wouldn’t mind if I did but after finding out he still slept with his ex, I couldn’t do it.

  “Why not?”

  “He cheated.” I explained what happened and she listened without judging.

  “Ok, what you gonna do?” She asked.

  “I wanna be with him nana but...”

  “That other woman don’t mean shit to him Harlow.”

  “I beg to differ.” I moved outta her embrace and sat next to my pop pop.

  “Sure, she’s his first love and they’ve probably been sleeping together the whole time, but who is he in love with? Who did he place his child in and Harlow?” She turned my face.

  “Who does he want to marry?” How did she know he wanted to marry me? He hasn’t asked.

  “Nana, cheating is not acceptable.”

  “Hell no it’s not, which is why you need to teach him a lesson.” I asked her what she meant.

  “Ignore his calls, text messages and even emails if he sends them. Go out and have a good time without him. Let men buy you drinks or even dance with them. Show Marco you didn’t need him before and you don’t need him now.”

  “But then those men will be put in danger.” I shook my head no.

  “So they lose their life, who cares?” She shrugged.

  “NANA!” I shouted.

  “What? Everyone on this earth knows you belong to Marco so if they play the game with you, they are fully aware of the consequences.”

  “But then I’m responsible for their death.”

  “No you’re not. Men wanna be tough so they’ll challenge Marco and lose of course. But at least you’re making him see what he’s missing.”


  “Maybe nothing. Harlow never let a man believe you’re so torn up; you don’t leave the house. When you let them see it, they think they’ve got you.”

  “I never looked at it that way.”

  “No you didn’t which is why nana has never left your side.” She kissed my forehead and took a seat in the chair on the opposite side.

  I stayed in the hospital all night with them and only left the following day because I had class.

  On the way in, I thought about what my grandmother said and she’s right. I may just try Marco and see what happens. He can’t hurt me more than he already has.


  “What you gonna do?” Marco Jr asked as we played pool in his man cave. I just told him Sharika’s son is indeed mine

  “I don’t even know the kid and he’s five, six or something.” He laughed.

  “I’m serious. Like how the fuck this bitch go and have a kid and not say a word?” I reminisced on the last time Sharika and I were in each other’s presence.

  “I thought you said it was over?” I questioned Sharika about her ex. Supposedly, she’s been seen in with him.

  “It is Antoine and has been way before you came in my life. Why do you keep believing everyone else but me?” She cried but her tears could be fake.

  “Look. Let’s take a break and...”

  “Take a break for what? You letting these niggas get in your head and question my love for you.” She jumped in my face.

  I loved this chick with everything I had but shit changed over the last year. Her attitude, the way we had sex and even her interaction with my family, who she used to be close to.

  “I’m pregnant.” I don’t know why but it pissed me off because how am I to know the kid is mine? I didn’t tell her, but my cousin Marco is the one who witnessed her with the ex, and I know he’s not lying.

  “Are you getting pregnant on purpose?” She went to swing, and I caught her wrist.

  “Wrong move.” I pushed her away.

  “How could you assume it’s on purpose?”

  “Sharika the first time was a mistake, the second time you claimed to be on birth control, and it didn’t work. How did you end up pregnant when you’re on the shot and I used condoms?” She didn’t say anything. I wasn’t against having kids with her but after the sudden change, I refused to have any when I wasn’t sure of our relationship.

  “Wait a minute!” I paced the floor.

  “Did you poke holes in them? Hold on. Did you stop the birth control?” Her head went down.

  “Antoine you made me...”

  “Hold the fuck up. We agreed the first one was a mistake and we didn’t need a kid. The second time, you made the decision to get rid of it and now here we are in the same situation.”

  KNOCK! KNOCK! I went to answer her door and she almost tackled me to the ground. I mean she literally jumped on my back and told me not to answer it.

  “Move.” I opened it and guess who it was? Yup, her ex.

  “What up?” I spoke to see what he’d say.

  “Is Rika here?” He stood off to the side.

  “Rika? Oh, y’all got nicknames and shit?” I turned around and she was on the floor crying.

  “You ok?” Dude ran in the house. I grabbed him by his shirt and flung him across the room.

  “Yo! What’s really good Sharika?”

  “You didn’t tell him?” The guy asked.

  “Tell me what?”

  “She’s leaving you because that’s my baby and...” It’s like my mind went into overdrive because I started beating his ass.

  “STOP IT ANTOINE!” Sharika hit me over the head with a frying pan. Is this bitch really defen
ding him?

  “I’m sorry man. She got rid of the last one because she was scared to tell you about us. I don’t want her to do the same with this one.” He cried like a bitch.

  “Is that why you made the decision to terminate the last baby Sharika? You didn’t know whose baby it was?” I snatched the pan out her hand and tossed it against the wall


  “Fuck you bitch.


  “Damn right bitch. I paid for those abortions, not him. I brought you this crib and that brand-new truck you driving. I purchased your wardrobe and gave you whatever you wanted because as your man, it’s what I’m supposed to do. And this whole time you were sleeping with both of us.”

  “It was only a few times and it was because...” She tried to come up with a reason.

  “Ain’t no reason for cheating Sharika when I never stepped out on you. NEVER!” I shouted. I’m ruthless as fuck in the streets but when I love, I love hard. My father told me a long time ago how it broke my mother when he cheated, and I vowed to never put a woman through the same pain

  “Rika are you ok” The guy asked again.

  “Shut the fuck up.” I barked at him and stared at her.

  “You got thirty minutes to be out or I promise to throw you out.”

  “Antoine please. I don’t have anywhere to go.”

  “Not my problem. Twenty-nine minutes and thirty seconds.” I told her and meant it.

  “What up?” I answered the phone for my cousin and grabbed ice out the freezer for the side of my head. She hit me hard as hell and I feel a knot forming.

  “You’re never gonna believe this.” Marco said in the phone.


  “Sharika applied for a two hundred-thousand-dollar loan to purchase a house but get this.” I stared at Sharika sitting on the floor. I didn’t care when the thirty minutes are up, she’s outta here.

  “She put you down as her husband and cuz, they have all your information, down to your social security number.”


  “That’s not all. She signed up for credit cards in your name and had them sent to her house.”

  “Say no more.” I hung up, snatched Sharika up by her hair and literally drug her out the door kicking and screaming.


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