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Luvin' the Son of a Savage

Page 11

by Tina J

  “Get yo sexy ass in here.” I grabbed her hand and we both went in.

  “How did she know to come here?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been with you all day.” She went in the bathroom and put some soap on the scratch coming down the side of her face.

  “Colby you better keep her away from me.” She said and walked out.

  We took a seat back in the waiting room like nothing happened. Ten minutes later the cops pulled up and so did both of our families.


  “Is she ok?” My mom ran in first, then came Monie, Ariel, Brielle’s mom and a few others.

  “I don’t know. Her leg looked really bad.” I told them and sat back down.

  “Brielle.” We all turned our heads and saw her father at the door.

  “Did you fight this girl?” Ciara stood there with a black eye, a knot on her head and I can’t tell you what else.

  “Stay here. Ma, don’t let Brielle move.” I walked over to her father and mine was standing there too.

  “Ciara why are you doing this?” I tried to understand why she was upset but taking it out on my girl ain’t happening.

  “Colby you saw her jump on me.”

  “I told you to leave and as she tried to get me away, you pulled her hair and started hitting her. Did you really think my girl would let you attack her and she not retaliate?”

  “You snuck my daughter?” Brielle’s father barked and Ciara moved behind the cop.

  “I get you’re upset I didn’t choose you, but all this drama and bullshit you causing is only gonna put you somewhere you don’t wanna be. If you touch my girl again, I’m positive you won’t see another day. Do I make myself clear?” Her father had a smirk on his face and mine shook his head.

  “Officer can’t you arrest him for making threats?”

  “I didn’t hear a threat and if I were you, I’d keep my mouth closed. Ask Miss Brielle if she’d like to press charges for this woman attacking her.” I stared at Ciara.

  “My girl not pressing charges as long as Ciara understands my last statement.” She remained quiet.


  “I HATE YOU COLBY!” She screamed out and ran to her car.

  “I got too much going on to worry about her.” My father patted my shoulder and Mr. Santiago walked in. What a night?


  “You’re telling me, my daughter has a broken leg and foot?” Colby asked the doctor when he finally emerged three and a half hours later.

  I don’t know what happened inside Jacinta’s house or why her mother came out screaming like a maniac about me helping her. Since I had no idea, I ran in behind her, up the steps and in a bedroom, only to find my man beating the crap outta his baby mother.

  I wasn’t sure what to do myself because I’ve never seen him in such a rage. All I could do is call his name and prayed my voice brought him outta the trance. Luckily it did, but Jacinta was beyond fucked up. I don’t even know if she’s gonna make it.

  Colby ran over to Aniya, and the second she screamed, I looked down and noticed her leg. I wouldn’t say it was dangling but it’s damn sure either broken or dislocated. I started crying myself but kept my composure because he needed me. He couldn’t drive in the state of mind he was in and I wasn’t gonna let Aniya suffer because we were both a mess. I put my game face on and sped all the way to the hospital.

  When the doctor took Aniya, all I could think of was killing her mother if Colby hadn’t already. I’ll never understand what makes a person hurt a child in any way. They’re helpless and innocent. It seems like now a days women are having kids and doing crazy things to them either because the man doesn’t want her, they’re getting high or the significant other doesn’t wanna be bothered. It’s ridiculous.

  “Sir, whoever did this must’ve either hit your daughter with something to break it or she did it with her bare hands. Whatever the case, we put the bone back in correctly and her ankle had a small fracture.”

  “Where is she?” Colby asked.

  “She’s in ICU. I have to tell you, she’s very strong and lucky to have you in her life. The pain and discomfort she probably felt is enough to send anyone into shock. Please keep her away from the mother.” He said and offered for Colby to go in the back.

  “Come on Brielle.” Everybody stared at me.

  “I’m ok babe. Take your mom. I’ll see her after everyone else.” He walked over to me.

  “You’re the only mother she has. Let’s go.” He took my hand in his and we followed the doctor. I would never try and take the place of Jacinta, but I’m definitely attached to Aniya.

  On the elevator, I could feel his hand sweating. He was nervous and I didn’t blame him. Aniya is innocent in all this and didn’t deserve for her mother to hurt her.

  “She’s in the crib over by the window.” The doctor said and pointed to it before speaking to the nurse. We walked over and I smiled staring down at her. She’s sleeping so peacefully.

  “Can I hold her?” Colby asked the doctor.

  “Hold on. Let me show you how.”

  “How?” Colby questioned with an attitude.

  “Babe, he’s saying that so when you do hold Aniya it’s not hurting her.” I whispered.


  “Stop being mean.”

  “Shit, I didn’t know.” I wrapped my arms around his waist as the doctor put the side of the crib down.

  “I suggest if either of you hold her, to sit. That way you won’t accidentally bend her leg.” Colby nodded and took a seat.

  “I’m going to cradle her first and then slowly pass her off.”

  The doctor had the nurse come help because Aniya had monitors on and an IV in her arm. There was a small cardboard under to keep it in place. Her leg had a cast from her tiny thigh all the way down and covering her foot. He placed her in Colby’s arm, and I asked the doctor to give us a minute. Colby had tears falling down his face and he kept telling Aniya she was gonna be fine.

  “Colby what are these?” I pointed to some black and blue marks on her upper arm.

  “The bitch was probably pinching her.” I saw him getting angrier.

  “She’s with her daddy now. Nothing’s gonna happen. Right Aniya? Daddy’s here and you’re gonna be fine.” I kissed her cheek and sat next to him with my head on his shoulder.

  “Can you hold her while I go to the bathroom?”

  “Yea babe. Let me get comfortable.” He waited and passed her off.

  “OH MY GOD! SHE’S OK!” We heard and turned towards the door.

  “Ma’am who are you? You can’t be in here.” The nurse said pushing Jacinta’s mom away. I tried to get over to Colby, but I had Aniya in my hands.

  “You got five seconds to bounce or I swear, I’ll pull this motherfucking trigger.” I didn’t even notice the gun against her temple until he said it. People were running and hiding behind things.

  “Colby, I didn’t know she did that.”

  “One second.” He cocked the gun and I nodded my head. Jacinta’s mother was yoked up and drug outta the room by my security. Colby turned and looked at me.

  “They’re always around.” He chuckled, put his gun away and went to the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, his parents came rushing in. His mom walked right over and asked to hold Aniya. I explained what happened and went to check on Colby who hadn’t returned.

  “You ok?” I stood next to him as he stared out one of the windows.

  “I’m good.” He rested his chin on top of my head.

  “If Jacinta’s not dead, she will be.”

  “I know. I’m gonna go to your house if you don’t mind and grab you and Aniya some clothes.”

  “I don’t mind. Here.” He passed me the key.

  “Come right back Brielle.” He all but shouted.

  “You gonna miss me?” I joked.

  “I am but I also want you here. I know you’re safe if you’re by my side.”

  “I have s

  “Yea and I’m right here.” I laughed.

  “I’ll text you when I get there and when I’m on my way back.”

  “A’ight.” We went in the room and somehow the entire family was in there. I think the doctors and even their old ass security was scared to make them leave. I kissed Aniya and Colby walked me out to the car.

  “What’s wrong?” I noticed him searching the parking lot.

  “This the same hospital my sister was attacked at. Call me when you a few streets over so I can be out here when you pull in.” I didn’t wanna argue because he’s already aggravated.

  “Ok.” He watched me pull out. Let me hurry up and get back before he sends out a damn search party.


  “So you fucking my brother best friend?” I turned to see Jaquan standing there. I was leaving the gym. He looked like shit and his clothes were dirty. Jaquan may be whack in bed but he’s never left the house looking a mess.

  “Colby and I are a couple Jaquan.” I told him but I’m sure he knew like everyone else.

  “You on some ho shit Brielle.” I folded my arms.

  “How you figure?”

  “Colby’s my boy and...” I started laughing.

  “Him and your brother being best friends, does not make you his boy.”

  “YES IT DOES!” He shouted making me jump.

  “You high?” I asked staring at how red his eyes were. He smoked a lotta weed but he’s never looked this crazy afterwards.

  “We partied together and even fucked bitches at the same place.” I shook my head. Not only did he ignore my question but revealed he cheated. Supposedly, I was his first too so if he’s slept with others as he allegedly hung with Colby, he definitely stepped out on me.

  “What do you want?” I started walking to my car and hit the alarm.

  “I want you back Brielle.”

  “Too bad.”

  “It’s ok. The relationship is new right now. I’ll be right here waiting when he fucks around on you.” He chuckled.

  “Everyone knows Colby ain’t no faithful nigga. Hurry up tho.” I sat in my car and rolled the window down a little.

  “Bye Jaquan. Don’t you have a bunch of ho’s waiting for you to fuck them for three minutes.”

  “I fucked you for at least five or six so don’t play me.” I busted out laughing because he thought he did something.

  “A whole five minutes tho?” I questioned still laughing.

  “Why would I fuck a bitch longer than that? Don’t nobody wanna be sweating and running outta breath. Five minutes is good and enough time to get a nut.”

  “Ok. I’m gonna leave now.” I was hysterical laughing.

  “Whatever. Don’t make me wait too long. I’d hate to have to come after you.” He said and something about the way he said it, made me a little nervous. Then again, Jaquan ain’t doing shit.


  “How’s Aniya doing?” I asked Armonie on the way out to eat. I was now eight and half months pregnant and always hungry. My stomach was big but not oversized where I couldn’t walk.

  “She’s good. They took the cast off a few days ago and now she wears a small brace. Thankfully, she’s still young and probably won’t even remember this. I can’t wait for Colby to find her.”

  Evidently, Jacinta never died after her brother almost beat her to death. Colby did go to her mother’s house, grandmothers and anyone else he knew of looking for her. They all claimed to have not seen her which is bullshit. Someone in the family knew where the bitch was and since the mother is good at keeping secrets, I guarantee she knows.

  “Poor baby.”

  “I know. My family, Brielle’s family and even yours have tons of people searching for her. Hopefully, someone will spot her. She needs to die for what she did. Do you know the bitch, had the nerve to tell Colby he should’ve stayed with her? Like bitch, this ain’t no game.” I could hear the pain and anger in her voice.

  “She’ll be found.” I parked in front of Habit burger and sucked my teeth the minute I saw her.

  “What’s up?”

  “This bitch.” I pointed to Sharika coming out with Ant and her other child.

  “Hey Mrs. Vanity.” He got excited when he saw me and tried to run over. She snatched his arm.

  “Don’t yank him back like that.” I barked.

  “Did you forget he’s your husband’s son and not yours?” She looked me up and down.

  “Bitch really?” Monie yelled and jumped in her face.

  “Not in front of Ant, Monie.” She nodded and stood off to the side.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m his stepmother. Whatever issue you have with me, take it up with me, not Ant.”

  “Whatever. He’s my son and...”

  “Ant, go stand by your moms’ car ok?” He did like I asked. I could see the shock on her face because he didn’t talk back. Ever since we had the talk with him, he’s been getting better and hasn’t been disrespectful.

  “Maybe if you treated him better, he’d listen. Instead, you’re tryna poison his mind about me and I don’t know why.”

  “You wanna know why I don’t like you?” She asked and switched her daughter to the other side.

  “I don’t give a fuck but if you wanna get it off your chest, be my guest.” I stood there.

  “Antoine is supposed to be my man. He and I are supposed to raise our son together but here you come, pretending to be better than me. Bitch, his heart will always belong to me because I have his first born. I’m the one he gave not 1, but two other kids too.”

  “One other kid.” I corrected her.

  “What” She snapped.

  “You almost gave him one other kid.” She was about to get smart. I had to check her real quick.

  “I know about you being a ho so don’t stand here portraying you were this faithful woman to him, when you didn’t know who the daddy of Lil Ant was, or the one you terminated prior to. As far as me pretending to be better than you, I hate to break it to you but I am.” She stood there looking dumb. I guess she didn’t think Antoine told me what she did.

  “Antoine has had other women before me so I’m tryna figure out why you keep coming for me? Is it because you want the life, you threw away being promiscuous? Or because he’s in love with someone else who’ll help raise your child? What is it?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Unh, ah. Bitch.” Armonie walked up on her. VJ would kill me if I let her fight.

  “It’s ok Monie. All she’s showing me is how jealous she is.”

  “Ain’t nobody jealous.”

  “Yea ok.” I walked around and had her daughter not been in her arms, I probably would’ve smacked the fuck outta her.

  “Mrs. Vanity can I come over?” I heard Ant shout and turned around.

  “Yea. Come on.” I held my hand out as he ran over.

  “Antoine get over here.” I laughed at how petty she is by calling his real name. She’s never used it until now.

  “I miss dad.”

  “Fine. Drop him off later.” She demanded.

  “No. He’ll be dropped off when he’s ready to go home.” We left her standing there.

  “I don’t know how you do it.” Monie said walking up to the register to order.

  “Did you eat Ant and girl; I don’t know how either.” Ant told me he ate but he did ask for a frosty.

  The three of us sat down talking and enjoying ourselves. He’s a good kid but if what he’s saying is true about his mother tryna make him do and say bad things to me, I have a major problem with it. Antoine is gonna have to speak with her. I promise if I do, she’ll be laid the hell out.


  “You ok Vanity. Oh fuck...” I was riding Antoine and we were both about to explode.

  “Yea. Oh shit baby.” I moaned out when he squeezed both of my breasts and began sucking on my nipples. He can probably taste the trickles of milk leaking too.

  “I love the shit outt
a you Vanity Miller.” I started to go faster as he toyed with my clit.

  “I love you too. Yes baby. Yessssss.” I screamed out and felt him release at the same time. We kissed each other aggressively and before I knew it, we were back at it.

  “I can’t wait until you have my baby and we can fuck rough again.” Antoine said after we finished.

  “Oh, you don’t like making love to me?” I turned over.

  “Hell yea. I like it rough too tho because yo ass be having me speaking in tongues.” I started laughing.

  “Ohhh.” I grabbed my stomach.

  “You ok?”

  “Yea. Just more pain. You know the doctor said the closer it gets to delivery, the more I’ll have.” He rubbed my stomach until I dosed off.

  I woke up the next day to Antoine shouting in his phone. I rolled over, got out the bed and went to bathroom to handle my hygiene. When I came out, he was sitting on the bed looking aggravated.

  “What happened?”

  “Sharika happened. Why can’t I just kill her?” I sat next to him.

  “Ant loves his mom; regardless of how crazy she is. What she do now?”

  “Nothing. You know Ant is at my parents and she claims he wants his favorite pajamas and some other stuff.”

  “Ok so go get it.” He looked at me.

  “I don’t know where the bitch stay and why can’t he wait til he go back there?” I laughed. He’s never been to her house that I’m aware of and refused to go anywhere near her.

  “Baby, we’re still learning Ant. Maybe he does want those things.”

  “He don’t ask when he here.”

  “True but maybe it’s because he knows the two of you don’t speak. Kids feel the tension when their parents aren’t getting along.”

  “Fuck that.” I stood and tied my robe around my waist the best I could.

  “I’ll go.”

  “He don’t need it Vanity.” He was adamant about not seeing her.

  “Okkkkk.” I said and grabbed my belly.

  “Shit. You wanna go to the hospital?” He ran over to me.

  “No. I’ll go get the stuff and come back home to lie down. I don’t want Ant thinking anything bad.” He blew his breath.

  “I’ll go but if she get smart, I’m murking her.” I couldn’t stop laughing. He helped me back in the bed and called Armonie to come sit with me until he returned.


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