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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

Page 14

by Juliet Anderson

  “Then perhaps I should try and win the Lady Katya instead,” Oskar’s interest was pricked. He had a score to settle with the girl. At least now he could understand why she was so outspoken, as a member of the royal household, she was used to speaking down to those beneath her. Although he wouldn’t mind being beneath her if she was naked.

  “Although,” Lief was thinking out aloud. “Perhaps we have no need to fight Ulrik for the throne.”

  “Dare I ask why not?” Oskar stood up and stretched. He was keen to visit his favourite hostelry for a drink. Several actually.

  “King Wilhelm mentioned he was announcing his eldest daughter as his heir. Were you to win her affections, you would become King of a much bigger and more powerful realm.”

  “For all we know, his daughter could look like a troll.” Oskar pulled a face

  “Who cares if marrying her will make you King one day.”

  “I do for one. And she is not betrothed?”


  “There is one small flaw in your logic, we do not have access to the Second Realm.”

  “We don’t need access. Just Wilhelm’s agreement to bind our two Realms.”

  “They would already be doing that if Ulrik marries Katya.”

  “Then you must make sure that doesn’t happen, at least not until we gain access to the Second Realm and you can win the heir over.” Lief’s brain was firing far quicker than usual. This new revelation had changed his plans dramatically. Now there was much more to aim for than just the throne of Mallenvaar. “Sigfried did offer to host a banquet for King Wilhelm and his wife. We must make sure that the invitation is issued to the whole royal family. Let’s bring this heir to us.”

  “Where I shall sweep the girl off her feet,” Oskar yawned. He really was in need of a good drinking session. Women he could win over without so much as a second thought, so this next plan of his father’s would not require much thought.


  Kat could not sleep, her parting words to her father kept resonating in her head. How could she have said something so cruel to him? He might not think much of her but she still loved him. Tossing the duvet aside, she got out of bed. Sleep would not come with this burden on her mind. The thought that if something happened to her father, her last words to him would have been in anger. Damn it, she had to see him tonight.

  Slipping on jeans and a thick fleece, she ran downstairs, stopping only to collect her cloak and sword. Balthazar lifted a weary head then flopped it down again; if she wasn’t heading into the kitchen, he wasn’t interested. She would ride to Lokranor right away. Sure it was gone midnight, but the moon was up. And she could ride the route to the Realms Gate in her sleep anyway.

  Saddling up her sleepy grey mare, Silver, Kat rode out across the estate, hoping she hadn’t woken everyone up. Ten minutes later she could see the flaming torches surrounding the main gateway into Lokranor.

  “This is a late visit, Katya,” Aidan, one of the gate keepers stepped out from the shadows.

  “Evening, Aidan,” she acknowledged. “I need to see my father urgently.”

  She rode through, surprising the Lokranor guards on the other side. It was not usual to have anyone come through so late at night. It took very little time to ride around to the side entrance to the Castle where a guard took her horse.

  “Hold on to her, I’ll be leaving again shortly.” All she had to do was apologise to her father then she could return to Muirhead and sleep.

  Arianna heard the sound of footsteps in her bedroom and instinctively reached for her sword. If it was Damon, she would castrate him.

  “I would advise you to drop your sword,” a harsh voice called out in the darkness.

  As if, Arianna thought. However, when she felt steel prick her skin, she thought maybe she should. “What the hell do you want?” she barked with authority.

  “Out of bed now,” the voice ordered.

  “I’m the heir to Lokranor. What gives you the authority to give me orders?” she retorted scathingly.

  “You’re not the heir yet. Now move it else your younger sister might be the new heir.”

  Snorting loudly, Arianna climbed out of bed.

  “The lady does follow orders, that is good. Out to the living quarters.” She felt the sword at her back. Right about now, she could do with Damon. Perhaps Timmo was within range.


  Nothing. Great. What was the point in having a telepathic link when the slug didn’t respond? Wake up, you lazy-assed Viking.

  What? Can’t a man sleep?

  No, not when we’ve got intruders in the Royal Quarters.

  How do you know that?

  Someone has me at knife point. Get over here and raise the guard. She hoped they would be in time. Timmo lived a short distance from the Castle.

  Arianna was glad the living quarters were lit, at least now she could see who she was dealing with. Her father was seated behind the ornate table, with one assailant holding a sword to his side. There were three others in the room, excluding the one behind her.

  “What is going on, Father?” she tried to keep her voice as steady as she could.

  “We are trying to save Lokranor from its King,” one man spoke up. Arianna recognised him from being a junior council member.

  “What you are doing is treason, Henrik,” Wilhelm glared.

  “You might see it as that but we act for the good of the Realm.”

  “What is it you want?” Arianna growled.

  “What we want is a different heir announced.”

  “That is never going happen,” Wilhelm barked.

  Arianna bristled. “I am the eldest child and the rightful heir. How can you object to me when you know not what I am capable of?”

  “It is not you that we object to, my lady. It is the fact you are a woman and whoever marries you will rule this realm.”

  “So you object to the man I might eventually marry even though at this time we have no idea who that might be?” she asked incredulously.

  “We already know it will be Damon of Vasmaar and there is no way we will let a Vasmaarian on the throne.”

  “Strangely enough I do have a say in the matter and he is the very last person I would choose.”

  Henrik snorted loudly. “Damon can be very persuasive when he wants a woman.”

  Arianna was irritated that he thought she could not resist Damon’s charms. “So you want my father to appoint a different heir?”


  “Did it not cross that limited brain of yours that Damon can legitimately challenge for the right to rule Lokranor? And it might have escaped your notice that he has sorcery at his fingertips? How would your precious appointed heir fare against him? He will have an easier route to the throne that way.”

  “How so?” Henrik’s brows knit together.

  “Damon would not challenge me even if I married another.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “It is called respect for our family; we have ties that are too strong to break.”

  “My daughter is right,” Wilhelm said coldly. “Your plan is set to fail from the start.”

  “Perhaps not. We have selected Jakob as the best choice for heir, so you will betroth him to your daughter at the time you announce her your successor. Damon will have no option but to accept your choice or risk breaking those ties.”

  “I will do no such thing. My daughter will choose her own husband,” Wilhelm said forcibly.

  She would remind her father of that declaration many times in the future if they survived this.

  “You will if you want your daughter to live,” Henrik announced, indicating to man behind her to add a bit of pain. “Now write out your agreement to this betrothal and sign it, King Wilhelm.”

  “Don’t you dare, Father,” Arianna hissed. “I would rather die than spend my life with that oaf Jakob.”

  “Brave words,” Henrik dealt her a backhand that sent her flying.

m jumped to his feet, ignoring the sword that slashed into his side. “I will not issue my daughter with such a life sentence. And you are forgetting that I am a Viking King and will not be intimidated. We do not fear death.”

  “No. But you might fear the death of your daughter.”

  “I would fear my daughter more if I signed that betrothal.”

  Her father’s last words almost made her laugh, well they would have done if her head was not still ringing.

  “Then you will both die.”

  Wilhelm laughed. “You are also forgetting that I have one other daughter almost of age. By killing us she becomes the rightful heir.”

  “A weak child who has no love for this Realm.”

  “But her mother does. Do you think Queen Erin would let your choice of heir take the throne after you killed her daughter?”

  “Your wife is from the First Realm. She has no understanding of Viking law.”

  “My wife’s mother is Lokranor’s High Priestess. I think she understand our laws only too well.”

  “Enough stalling. Sign the agreement now,” Henrik ordered.

  “No,” Wilhelm responded flatly.

  “Then prepare yourself for Valhalla. You too, Arianna.”

  Arianna thought she was going to be sick as Henrik raised his sword. You’re a Viking, she told herself sternly. You’ll damn well die like one.

  Kat thought it strange there were no guards outside the doors to the Royal Quarters. Perhaps they were dismissed late at night, she’d never visited at this hour before. Flinging the door open, she raced into the living quarters. Expecting to find everyone in bed, she was shocked to see the room full of people. Armed people. People with swords raised above her father’s head. People with swords aimed at her sister.

  “Get the hell out of here,” Wilhelm shouted at her.

  “The second daughter almost of age,” one man responded. “Maybe your second daughter might be more amenable to marrying Jakob in her sister’s place.”

  “I think not,” Kat responded slowly. She had to apologise to her father, to do that she needed him alive and well. She started to channel fire through her body. “I will ask you just the once to step away from my father and sister.”

  “Or what?” the man taunted.

  “I gave you your chance.” Kat’s first burst of fire hit the man closest to her father, then the one behind Arianna. The next second her sword was in her hand as she channelled her fire through it. The man in front of her dropped to the floor.

  She noticed her father had sprung into action and killed the fourth assailant, that just left the one who had done the talking. He looked positively terrified as she held the flaming sword to his throat.

  “Father, did you want one alive for interrogating?” she asked.

  “No,” Wilhelm responded and drove his sword through the man’s heart. He owed him that.

  Kat let the energy ebb out her body. “Damn, I really do need to get a sword made that can withstand white fire.” She tossed the molten remains away. “Now would someone explain what the hell was going on?”

  Arianna raced forward and wrapped her arms around her sister. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.”

  “That makes a change,” Kat hugged her.

  Arianna stepped away. “You were awesome.” She turned Kat’s palms over. “Does it hurt?”

  “No. It just tingles.” Kat looked up to see her father’s deep brown eyes appraising her. “I’m sorry, Dad,” she flung herself at him.

  “For what,” he held her tight.

  “For saying I wished you dead. I never meant it. I love you.”

  “I love you too, my darling daughter. You did me proud tonight. You both did.” He pulled Arianna over to them.

  “What the bloody hell is going on?” Erin’s voice made them all jump.

  “It’s all go in here tonight,” Arianna muttered to her sister.

  “We had a minor issue to deal with,” Wilhelm released his two daughters.

  “Define what you mean by minor,” Erin retorted scathingly as she stepped over the dead bodies. “And why is the guard missing from the door?”

  “We had some late night visitors who wanted me to rethink my choice of heir.” Wilhelm headed to the main doors and bellowed loud enough not only to wake any guards in the vicinity but the dead as well. “And what brought you back at this hour?”

  “I was informed Kat had ridden out alone in the middle of the night,” Erin glowered at her child.

  Kat thought momentarily of hiding behind her father but decided her eldest sister was the safest option. Her mum was scarier than five armed assailants when she was cross.

  “Luckily she did else you would be giving last rites to your husband and eldest child.” Wilhelm’s eyes rested on Kat, the warmth in them clearly evident. “She gave us all quite the display of her abilities.”

  Erin sat down on the sofa clearly shocked. “Who? How?”

  “Henrik and some other lower members of the Council. Although I am not sure how they dismissed the palace guards. That will be a question I want an answer to.”

  Erin pulled her children over to her. “You are not hurt?”

  “No, Mum,” they both said in unison.

  Wilhelm examined Arianna’s face, the bruising on one side was faint. “Not quite accurate, daughter.” He kissed her unbruised cheek. “Now get a cold compress on it.”

  “Yes, Dad,” she rolled her eyes and headed off towards her bedroom.

  “Arianna,” her father called after her. “I know you have doubts as to whether you are the right choice for heir. Your actions this evening highlighted that you are the perfect choice. One who is ready to die for her beliefs will rule the Kingdom well.”

  A noise at the main door made Arianna pause. Timmo rushed in with Erik and several others.

  “Luckily my sister is a little quicker,” she shook her head.

  Wilhelm looked every inch the irate King as ­­­­he descended on the small group. “If you want to keep the post as bodyguard, Timmo, I suggest you act a little swifter when called. Erik, I want the head of the Palace Guard before me in precisely five minutes.”

  “I should get to bed also,” Kat attempted to sneak off after Wilhelm had dismissed Timmo and Erik.

  “Not so fast, young lady,” her mother fixed her to the spot with a piercing stare. “You have not yet explained why you ran out the house in the middle of the night with no escort.”

  “I needed to see Dad,” she shrugged.

  “Could it not have waited to morning?”

  “No,” she smiled. “Impetuousness can sometimes be a virtue.”

  Wilhelm kissed her forehead. “We will talk more in the morning, Katya.”

  Erin opened her mouth to object but Wilhelm just raised his hand. It amazed Kat how such a small gesture could silence her mother.

  It proved to be a long night for Erin and Wilhelm. Erin found it painful listening to Wilhelm recant the evening’s activities. She should have been there to protect her family.

  “Our daughters did us proud,” Wilhelm acknowledged with feeling. “Arianna was every inch the fearless Viking daughter, and Kat reminded me of you, except she was channelling fire instead of blue energy. But awesome nonetheless.” He picked up the mangled mess of her sword. “We will have one specially made for her.”

  “Apparently there are elements that can be mixed with steel to give it strength to withstand fire.”

  “I will speak to the Armouries tomorrow.”

  The conversation with the head of the palace guard was not a pleasant one. Those guards that had left their post would be dealt with most severely. Then there were the traitors to round up. From what Wilhelm could fathom, it was just those five who had invaded his quarters. Erin would however be doing a little mind searching of her own just in case; she was not about to risk her family’s safety again.

  “It seems I can do nothing right at the moment,” Erin sighed wearily. “I am a bad mother, wife and prot

  “You are the very best of mothers.” Wilhelm pulled her up off the sofa and propelled her towards their quarters. “Dealing with teenagers who are raised across two realms was never going to be easy. However, what I saw tonight shows what strength of character each one has. And for the record, I am supposed to have an elite team to protect me. It is only you who has assigned yourself as my personal protector.”


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